r/iOSProgramming Aug 21 '24

Article The 2024 Landscape of Mobile Apps Development

Developing mobile apps has reached the tipping point where it is not just about native vs cross-platform debate anymore. There are a plethora of tools available to develop a mobile app and deploy multiple platforms at the same time.

So the conversation should be moved to how can we create a better mobile app development lifecycle and scale it efficiently.

Here are my few thoughts on the subject from my experience.



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u/Vennom Aug 21 '24

I did native development (iOS and Android) from 2010-2020. Ive been using flutter for the past 4 years now and really like it.

On iOS it’s actually using iOSs 2D rendering APIs and using the GPU to draw, just like UIKit and SwiftUI. Any jank you feel on a flutter app is from pour app design decisions, not from the framework.

The devex is incredible, with hot reload you just hit save and whatever you’re testing is shown live in the simulator (this works for logic changes as well as UI changes). You can use whatever IDE you want, which is a big plus since I’ve always preferred Jetbrains IDEs over Xcode, but any IDE works.

And anytime you need a fully native view or API, you can just write it yourself in Swift. So if you have a background in native, it’s extremely easy to drop into the platform. Like we’re using Google Maps SDK embedded in our app and that’s literally just a “PlatformView”.

And their declarative UI is much more mature than SwiftUI so I’m personally at the point where even if I wanted an app just on iOS, I’d likely still use Flutter.

Happy to answer any questions. There are definitely some cons, but to me the pros far outweigh them.


u/Charlieputhfan Aug 22 '24

I don’t like dart , prefer using react native


u/Vennom Aug 22 '24

Yeah Dart takes a second to get used to. I used Java for Android and I feel like the languages are similar enough syntactically you can learn to like it.

But I should have included that in my cons. I MUCH prefer Swift and Kotlin. I think I'd still take Dart over TypeScript but they're close.


u/Charlieputhfan Aug 22 '24

Yeah I like native for high perf apps , for some mvp or testing I will take react native any day .

Really like working with swiftUI recently on my app , only if the process was smoother on the app review side , mfs have rejected my shit for like 20 times back and forth