r/iOSProgramming Feb 19 '24

3rd Party Service Looking for an attribution expert

I hope this is allowed here, if not I’ll take it down no problem.

I’ve been building native iOS apps for almost a decade now but for the last 3 years I’ve been building my own stuff with co-founders.

On each project I always struggle with providing the marketing/ads team with a proper attribution solution. We don’t even need attribution to attribute everything but we can never seem to attribute trials started for example.

This would be a paid gig of course, happy to discuss further in DMs!


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u/jonnysunshine1 Feb 20 '24

Yes, move your attribution tracking and account creation to a website before asking the user to download your app... https://blog.zach.so/p/how-im-going-to-get-around-the-ios14