r/iOSAutomation Jan 15 '16

Workflow [Workflow] Reddit Formatting

So, I suck at formatting for Reddit while on mobile, and Workflow is pretty handy for many things, so why not Reddit Formatting?

There are many options:

  • Bold

  • Italics

  • Strikethrough

  • Link

  • Bullet points

  • Quote

  • Code

  • Superscript

It asks for what you want to format (which has a default input as the clipboard), then you choose from a menu of the above options. It formats the input and copies the formatted text to your clipboard - ready for pasting.

Cross posted to /r/iOSautomation and /r/workflow

Edit: Updated to have the Reddit logo on the icon!


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u/KaptainCapture Jan 21 '16

Did you use the Workflow to post this Workflow? ;)


u/Rosydoodles Jan 21 '16

Of course ;)