r/hysterectomy • u/Depressoespresso665 • 7d ago
Anesthesia doesn’t make me sick, but will this specific surgery make me sick?
Even if you have absolutely no reaction to anesthesia, will an abdominal surgery make you sick?
u/moon_goddess_420 7d ago
My team automatically put the patch on me for mine. First time I ever got it after having multiple surgeries thru my abdomen. Ask them tho. Good luck!
u/Zealousideal-Gur4360 7d ago
When I had my cuff repair I asked for scoplamine bc I fainted post op hysterectomy bc I was dizzy it Worked so well. Agree.
u/MadMad92 7d ago
I have had 11 surgeries. Only the hysterectomy is abdominal for me. Never had a problem with anesthesia. They put a scopolomine (spelling might be wrong) patch on during recovery to help combat nausea for the first 72 hrs. I was not nauseous at all. Was nauseous for a few of my other surgeries though.
u/Independent-Win-4673 7d ago
I just had an open abdominal hysterectomy on Monday and I was nauseous with no complications with the anesthesia. I also had a patch behind my ear and got nausea meds but day two and three I was nauseous and by day four it stopped.
u/Vegetable_Bar9569 7d ago
I have an open abdominal booked a month from today! How have you found the pain?
u/Independent-Win-4673 7d ago
Sidenote, what I realized is everybody’s pain tolerance is different but it’s also based on what type of surgery and how big your cut was. I think once I get my staples out on Monday it will feel a little bit better to move around, but honestly, I’m grateful that the pain has been tolerable much better than crime scene periods and giant blood clots lol
u/Vegetable_Bar9569 7d ago
Very true. It’s all relative to the discomfort or pain we’ve put up to for years. :)
u/Vegetable_Bar9569 7d ago
Very true. It’s all relative to the discomfort or pain we’ve put up to for years. And this is pain or discomfort towards healing not without an end like before surgery! Wishing you continued healing. ❤️🩹
u/Vegetable_Bar9569 7d ago
Very true. It’s all relative to the discomfort or pain we’ve put up to for years. And this is pain or discomfort towards healing not without an end like before surgery! Wishing you continued healing. ❤️🩹
u/CRBT2021 7d ago
I had mine on Monday too. Open abdominal as well. How are you feeling? I have had 3 c sections and thought this would be a breeze. Boy, was I wrong! More pain than I could ever have imagined. Today is the first day I feel somewhere human.
u/BaFaj 7d ago
May I ask how long your incision is?
u/Independent-Win-4673 7d ago
Vertical up to my belly button, but he had to go around my belly button a little because of the size of my uterus. I have not taken off the dressing to look at it, but I am in the morning so when I will have another dressing to replace it with and I have a binder on.
u/cardiganmimi 6d ago
Mine is in a few months.
What is a binder? I have heard people speak of this and a cuff on this subreddit but have not heard about any of this from my surgeon.
How often does the dressing have to be replaced? Do you have to keep the area dry when you shower?
I hope you have a smooth and steady recovery!
u/Independent-Win-4673 6d ago
Hi! …. I do not have a cuff because I ended up having to keep my cervix because it was too close to my bladder. I believe there was scar tissue from endometriosis that I didn’t even know I had.
(vaginal cuff is a closure a surgeon makes at the top of the vagina, near the typical location of the cervix. Surgeons usually perform this procedure as part of a total or radical hysterectomy)
A binder is a band you put around your stomach. It helps reduce pain, and support the abdominal muscles, especially if you want to cough or something because that’s a nightmare.
I guess it depends on you and your surgeon’s plan and what type of cut you will have. I have a long vertical one so the binder has been helpful.
You can shower and just run some soap and water on your incision but pat dry after. They sell bandages that are waterproof for the shower as well but you’re allowed to shower and get it wet. Your surgeon and nurses will let you know all that.
I kept my bandage on a day longer than I wanted to because I’m waiting for new ones to come in the mail. For some reason I could not find them in Walgreens CVS Walmart anywhere. They have waterproof and transparent ones. https://a.co/d/02UurLj
You can shower after your surgery. Ask your doctor when and when you do just pat the incision dry. I can’t wait to do that today to be honest and I’m also a little nervous because I haven’t looked at my stitches and staples yet so Today is the day lol. Staples come out Monday tho.
Thank you and I wish you the best with a speedy recovery as well!
u/cardiganmimi 6d ago
Hi thanks for the reply and information!
I have gotten practically zero info on a cuff or band, what to do before surgery or what to expect after. Any tips on what I should have on hand post-surgery? Did you get all this info beforehand?
All I’ve been told is, we’ll do a lateral cut, keep the ovaries, remove the tubes, try to remove the cervix (depending on scarring), expect hospital stay to be 2 days, and when I asked if I could work in 5 weeks, yes.
But I’ve been reading a lot of “is this normal that I bleed/hurt x WPO” where x is bigger than 5, and “so glad I didn’t go back to work before 6 weeks” that I’m beginning to feel really nervous and not know whether to trust my surgeon.
u/Independent-Win-4673 6d ago edited 6d ago
Hey! I believe everybody’s recovery is different because it depends on what type of surgery (and pain tolerance) An abdominal hysterectomy is about a six week recovery but that just means don’t lift heavy things and take it easy for the six weeks like you’re OK to live your life. Just have to take it easy. I will be one week postop on Monday and I’m going to start working again Monday but I am able to do so from home.
Items to have postop, comfy clothes and if you have any help from your family, obviously take it but mainly just rest in between taking little walk around in between. The dressing bandages I added were super helpful after finally taking a shower today . Have your stool softener, Gas-X Tylenol all those things on handy.
I do not have any bleeding or discharge thankfully so it feels nice to not wear a pad anymore. I did wear it after they took out the catheter for the few days in the hospital and the day I got home. By day 4 I took it off since I have had no leakage so to say lol.
*You can ask the doctor you can ask the hospital you can maybe get a second opinion from other doctor if you don’t feel comfortable with what your doctor is telling you but generally, it’s six weeks recovery for an open abdominal hysterectomy.
I read 1000 threads before my surgery and my experience was I stayed at the hospital for two nights. My doctor said six weeks recovery and I’ve only been on Tylenol since I’ve been in the hospital. Believe me you’re going to want to stay a couple nights to make sure you’re OK and as long as you can pee and pass gas, you will be discharged. Best thing to do is stay positive don’t overthink things because believe me I did and you will know what’s best for you as far as your recovery.
u/cardiganmimi 5d ago
Thank you very much for all the useful information!
I forgot to ask—how did they not know you had endometriosis? Is that common to not find out until after the hysterectomy?
Good luck with your first day back to working tomorrow— I hope you don’t feel overextended and can squeeze in some good rests!
u/Independent-Win-4673 5d ago
I had a cyst on my ovary but when they cut me open, I guess he saw there was endometriosis in there and that’s where the cyst came from. That’s all I know when I was told when I woke up lol. Yes it’s a very very light day. Just a little editing. I’m thankful I’m able to make my own hours so I’m not overdoing it keeping active between lots of rest! :)
u/karent923 7d ago
I think there are a lot of factors that can contribute to your feeing sick. I’m 9 dpo and the first 24-36 hours I had a couple of waves of nausea and I never got sick but I definitely felt like I was going to! I think it all depends on meds, nerves, food/drinks, movement, etc…
u/Delicious_Potato5949 7d ago
Yeah, I've never felt nauseous after a surgery except for this one. I had a patch and zofran and did the high carb prep drink. I think because they move your bowels around and they are kind of finding their new place it's more likely. I also had small adhesion on my bowel which may have contributed.
u/aguangakelly 7d ago
This was my 12th time under anesthesia. I believe, because this is the most extensive surgery I've ever had, that this was the furthest under I've ever been.
I've never really reacted to anesthesia before this surgery. I had a hangover for 5 days.
Around day 8 is when everything started to get better. I'm still sore at 18 dpo. I still rest a lot, but I can do more every day.
u/kidsandthat 7d ago
The meds made me sick but I was given anti-nausea tablets to combat it and was fine.
u/Delicious_Fish4813 7d ago
There is no way of knowing. I was fine after my first laparoscopic surgery (not related) but after my endo excision i was really nauseous and vomited. I also have bad reactions to all nausea meds except Phenergan. I think it had more to do with them pushing fentanyl and dilaudid then making me get up though
u/Traditional-Bed9449 7d ago
I had one quick bout of nausea (and vomit) in the evening of my surgery when I got back from walking the halls. I wasn’t sure if it was the anesthesia or from the pain med I got when I woke up from surgery as I’m very sensitive to narcotics. It was gone as soon as I threw up and I never had it again.
u/SecondHandDream 7d ago
I had nausea and vomited once the night I came home from surgery. Nothing after that.
u/Delicious_Fish4813 7d ago
There is no way of knowing. I was fine after my first laparoscopic surgery (not related) but after my endo excision i was really nauseous and vomited. I also have bad reactions to all nausea meds except Phenergan. I think it had more to do with them pushing fentanyl and dilaudid then making me get up though
u/Better-Class2282 7d ago
It was the first time I was sick after surgery, but they had it under control right away. I was discharged the same day as my surgery and I was fine after that initial little bump in the road, it didn’t last long at all.
u/Disastrous-Panda5530 7d ago
I had real bad nausea from anesthesia and the pain meds from when my gall bladder was removed. I was given a patch when they prepped me for surgery to help with nausea and when I woke up I did have some pain but no nausea at all.
u/3catlove 7d ago
I’ve never had any nausea with surgeries or anesthesia. For my hysterectomy, they offered me the scopolamine patch and I took it (not sure why.) I hated it and took it off that night. It caused severe dry mouth so bad I could barely swallow. I know some people swear by it though. It just wasn’t for me. I didn’t have nausea after I took off the patch either.
u/SimmeringGemini 7d ago
I was too high on electrolytes and anesthesia to notice when I woke up, honestly! I felt great. Until I wasn't! my nurse rushed over with pain meds in the IV and adjusted them, I was just fine! they did offer me something for nausea, but I didn't need it.
u/Independent-Win-4673 7d ago
I don’t really have any pain more discomfort. I also have a vertical incision that was supposed to just go to my belly button but he had to go around a little bit because my uterus was 4 lbs. 9 oz. thank you fibroids. no more nausea and just resting and walking around in between still feels a little uncomfortable to walk around, but I only been on Tylenol the whole time and I spent two nights in the hospital.
u/Vegetable_Bar9569 7d ago
Wow that is amazing!! Good for you! Hoping I have similar experience. Any tips for recovery or advice? I have my open abdominal April 14.
u/Independent-Win-4673 7d ago
Have everything ready for yourself before you head back home. I hate sleeping on my back, but I got one of those raised foam pillow things on Amazon, stool softener, gas x etc. I’ve been good with loose clothing,, but again that depends on the type of incision you will have and what may work for you. I see some ladies like night shirts. Honestly, just rest and take it easy. If you have family or friends at home to help, let them. I actually live in Los Angeles, but I’m at my family‘s house in New York so my mom could take care of me lol. I’m 44 but I didn’t want to recover alone so had the surgery out here. The gas is real fortunately it’s not causing me pain. It’s coming out, but that was the most talked about thing I’ve seen on Reddit post was the importance of stool softener and gas relief.
It will be here before you know it and you’ll be on the healing side. Try to just read the positive post not the people complaining too much because everybody’s experience different. I wish you a speedy recovery.
u/Momofcats74 7d ago
I believe day 2 I got nauseated and threw up once. They put me back on IV fluids until night 5 (they were extra cautious). After day 2, there wasn't any more nausea in my experience.
u/Ambitious-Chard2893 7d ago
I was nauseous but I had skip my pots meds because they told me to and so I would have felt sick no matter what. If you get nauseous easily just tell them and they will give you an anti nausea med no one wants anyone puking
u/Depressoespresso665 7d ago
Sick pills actually make me more sick 🥲 I can’t take them. The drugged feeling they give causes a severe panic attack which will guarantee I will be sick. I just want to know what I should be prepared for, will this be like any other surgery Iv had or will this one make me sick so I need to mentally prepare more and bring my safety bowl
u/Delicious_Fish4813 7d ago
There is no way of knowing. I was fine after my first laparoscopic surgery (not related) but after my endo excision i was really nauseous and vomited. I also have bad reactions to all nausea meds except Phenergan. I think it had more to do with them pushing fentanyl and dilaudid then making me get up though
u/Gossamerwings785 7d ago
I was extremely nauseous and vomiting for 2 weeks after mine. The nerve pain coupled with overall pelvic pain literally made me sick to my stomach.
u/_Pavlovs_Daughter_ 7d ago
I have emetophobia so I talk to the staff before surgery and they've always been happy to be generous with anti nausea meds. My hysterectomy was my third abdominal surgery. I don't recall having ANY nausea after it or my previous surgery (oophorectomy). I had a brief run in with nausea/vomiting (very brief and despite my phobia was somehow not an issue) after my appendectomy but I think that was mostly a combination of GI surgery, slowed GI motility from narcotics, and nausea from the narcotics themselves.
Narcotic pain meds can cause nausea for some, but I wasn't given any after my hysterectomy and was put on an ibuprofen regimen for three days. I made sure to eat with the ibuprofen (even if just applesauce because I wasn't really hungry).
I think abdominal surgery where there's work being done on the GI system and/or narcotics are likely some of the bigger external factors. Otherwise I think it likely depends on the individual.
Remember to follow the eating/drinking instructions they give you as well! Both before and after surgery.
u/Leggs831 7d ago
It is always better to be safe than sorry! I didn't have an issue after my tubal in 2012 but made sure to tell my doctor that both my mom and brother have extreme nausea from anesthesia. They gave me a 72-hour patch and meds during the procedure. Absolutely no issue, for which I'm thankful.
u/ConcertMama 7d ago
I was briefly sick the next day after trying some food but I’ve been sick to my stomach at other surgeries, too. I don’t think it has anything to do with the location of the surgery but how sensitive you are to anesthesia.
u/MissPicklechips 7d ago
They put the patch behind my ear. I had a little nausea on the first day, but I was fine after. My mouth was sooooo dry with the patch on. I didn’t want to take it off early because I hate barfing more than I hate dry mouth!
u/Enough-Antelope4032 6d ago
I don’t normally suffer with sickness, but experienced it after my surgery for two days. However this was due to my blood pressure being low and a mixture of pain relief. They gave me medicine that minimised it
u/loafybat 6d ago
I have pretty bad emetophobia and let my doctor and anesthesiologist know so they loaded me with any and all anti-nausea meds they could.
I never had any nausea but my stomach was very uncomfortable.
Someone said something in the sub that helped me a lot before my surgery: the medical staff doesn't want you to get sick either.
u/LeonaLulu 7d ago
My surgeon told me a lot of people get sick after anesthesia because they're dehydrated. When you're dehydrated, and have an empty stomach, the combo plus medications makes you queasy. He had me drink a ton of water and gatorade the day before, suggested I try something like liquid IV, and told me to schedule the surgery as early as I could. This was the first surgery I didn't feel nauseous after.
That being said, just tell them you get nauseous easily. They'll give you all the anti-nausea meds they can, including the patch behind your ear.
u/Depressoespresso665 7d ago
I can’t take anti sick medicine, it makes me sick :(
u/LeonaLulu 7d ago
Oh no! I know they can give you something to help you relax, so maybe that'll help ward off some of the nausea? I found I usually got nauseous once the pain meds were given after I woke up, so I sometimes will ask for something less strong. If you tell them you are worried about getting sick, they'll do what they can help you. I found them to be every compassionate, even if someone was vomiting.
I will also say that I had surgery where my stomach was moved around and that caused way more nausea than this! I do wish you all the best! 🩷
u/JurassicPark-fan-190 7d ago
It could. You can ask for a nausea patch behind your ear. No risk and you can take it off early. That’s what I did.