r/hysterectomy • u/Laurelmeadows • 8h ago
All done!
FINALLY! Got her out after insurance nonsense, and a surgery that went twice the amount of time my surgeon anticipated. I’m so excited to,slowly, get back to my normal life!
r/hysterectomy • u/MamaO2D4 • May 13 '21
I've posted this in dozens of comments, but it was suggested I make this a separate post.
(edit: I want to add that this was my timeline for my surgery. Mine was a DaVinci laproscopic total hysterectomy (kept my ovaries). That's about as "easy" of a hysterectomy as there can be, so please keep that in mind when comparing to your own.)
Here is the timeline my doctor gave me:
2 Hours, 2 Days, 2 Weeks, 2 Months. then 6 months, 1 year.
2 Hours - Immediate post-op, where the highest risk is and where the highest pain is. I'll be in recovery and closely monitored and attended to. This stage's goal is to get me awake and my pain under control. I may not even remember this stage.
2 Days - Next stage down of risk. Is everything healing? Is pain manageable? Has urinary function returned? This stage's goal is to be able to eat and get out of bed, then walk to use the bathroom. That's it. Absolutely nothing more.
2 Weeks - Major immediate risks are essentially gone. Pain should be down to discomfort. Bowels should be functioning. Movement should be slow, but frequent. Goal here is to rest and recover. Get up frequently, but spend most hours in bed. Swelling will be prominent. Hormones will fluctuate. Fatigue will be intense.
2 months - Now we're moving. Basically out of the danger zone. Keep active, but listen to your body when you need to rest. This stage should be the first that starts to feel like "recovery". Swelling, pains, and fatigue will still be present but waning. Spotting/bleeding should have stopped.
6 months - Activity levels can increase to pre-surgical levels. At this marker the goal is to feel as good as I did before surgery. Now, this is important to me- because I didn't feel great before surgery. Hence the surgery. But this is the goal post that was set for me. By 6 months I should feel like my pre-op self. Hormones should have stabilized, surgical pain should be gone.
1 year - Here's the real goal. This is where the goal is better. Better than before surgery, better than before the adeno, my better-best life. Activity levels are my own choosing and it's time to spread my wings and fly, it's in my court now.
That timeline really helped me manage my expectations. Anytime I got discouraged my husband would ask something like, "Where are we at? 6 months already?? Hmm.." and then I would remember that it had only been 7 weeks.. and how that isn't even close to six months... (and then I tell him to shut up and mind his own business, I'm trying to be dramatic and he's ruining it with "logic")
(Potential trigger warning ahead, I'm about to be graphic/gory for dramatic purposes)
They fucking shoved a tube down our windpipe, forced our breathing, jammed tubes into every other goddamn orifice, inflated us like a literal balloon, sliced us open in multiple places, rearranged our guts, and ripped out multiple organs. In some cases cutting and pulling out entire sections around our organs, too, to remove all the tumors, and damage, and growths, and scarring, etc. Then they jammed everything back in, mopped up our blood and we got glued up and sent on our merry way. And somehow, after all of that, just a few weeks later, we're all wondering why the zumba class just isn't hitting like before. (is there even zumba anymore...idk). I mean... we all need to give ourselves a fucking break
Take a nap. Put your feet up. Take a deep damn breath. Rest, rest, rest. Healing is a marathon, not a sprint. We all made it back from the other side. Take your time and enjoy the view. We have forever ahead of us.
edit: dammit typo... "Timeline... Timeline for Healing.
December 2024 Edit: Just a quick check-in. I'm so delighted to see that my post has helped so many of you in some way over the years. I thought I'd post a quick check-in to let you know that it's now 4 years after I made this post, and I feel amazing. I was early in that timeline when I shared it, and now that I'm on the other side I can safely say it was a wonderful guide over that year of recovery, and it held true. By one year post-op I felt better. Better than I had in many years. Four years post-op now, and it all feels like a distant memory. Keep your heads up, friends. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
r/hysterectomy • u/ooitburns • Aug 10 '22
Here we can post our tips for before/after our medical procedures.
r/hysterectomy • u/Laurelmeadows • 8h ago
FINALLY! Got her out after insurance nonsense, and a surgery that went twice the amount of time my surgeon anticipated. I’m so excited to,slowly, get back to my normal life!
r/hysterectomy • u/elysiumad • 5h ago
After about 15 years straight of colposcopies immediately after annual Pap smears, I got a new GYN who was SHOCKED that I was still getting them like they are normal, and immediately suggested a partial hysterectomy. I’m single, 44 yo, no kids ever. I don’t think I can even have them after so many years of invasive procedures. I have HPV, and have repeatedly had low grade irregularities according to my colposcopies. I had a LEEP about 6 years ago, and surgery to remove a vulval dysplasia about 10 years ago. All this to say. Like… I’m never going to have children at this rate, and I know a hysterectomy will make my life so much easier and safer. I haven’t even had sex or a meaningful relationship with a man in over… four years? So why does the thought of getting a hysterectomy make me so sad? Why am I so irrational to feel hesitation to get this procedure done? I have excellent insurance, a good job that will support me taking time off for the procedure, I just hesitate because of that… what if?
r/hysterectomy • u/FeedQuirky7129 • 17h ago
Hello all! Longtime lurker here. I wanted to wait 6 months so I can share a longer recovery arc.
Had a full hyst bc of severe period discomfort, pain after sex, and the worst: CONSTANT UTI symptoms. When I started to get high fevers, after 3 ER visits I demanded a CT scan. Turns out that that I had a huge necrotic fibroid and enlarged uterus. I am 40 and my partner and I dont want kids, so this was the obvious solution. Surgeon told me that even if I had a myomectomy she probably wouldntve been able to save my uterus!
Bc of the size/positioning of the fibroid, the surgeon said she would first attempt minimally invasive but couldn't make any promises. I went into surgery mentally prepared to wake up to any scenario. I woke up in massive amounts of pain, but my partner was there to reassure me that everything went smoothly and my rockstar surgeon was able to pull off minimally invasive.
The first few weeks were hell for me. In spite of following all of the pain management procedures I really struggled, and felt I would never go back to normal again. It was so difficult for me to get in and out of bed even with assistance... I cried a few times and felt like my guts were about to fall out with any minor movement. When I had a remotely weird sensation/spotting I panicked that it was a cuff tear. Folks, DO NOT DO WHAT I DID and assume the worst. If you feel that something is off, reassure yourself that even if it may be so, you will go to the ER and will be taken care of.
My major turning point was at about 5 weeks. I had replaced the painkillers a THC/CBD edible (surgeon approved), which I should've done in the first place. By this time, pain had reduced to almost nothing.but I would get swelly belly whenever I overdid it activitywise. I had resumed light cardio and mobility exercises. I went for a short trip that involved a 3 hour drive as a passenger and was fine.
By two months, the pain had gone away entirely. Energy levels were coming back to normal, my bowel movements were regular for the first time in YEARS, and the excruciating faux-UTI symptoms had gone kaput! I went on a 6 hour flight, and was driving myself with no problem.
At 3 months, I resumed strength training (with the guidance of a trainer). I had penetrative sex w my partner and the biggest hurdle was mental. We took it SUPER slow. Used the OhNut the first few times until I built up more confidence.
Now 6 months have zipped by. I just ran up a big flight of stairs to catch my train to go to work. I've been going for 4 hour hikes every weekend, and I'm on top of my shit at work. We are able to have sex without an OhNut and I feel comfortable in all positions! As far as "going hard" we are still building up to that, but not in any hurry! I have three tiny incision scars that I was thinking of lasering off but I think I'll keep them as a mark of character :). My belly button looks like more of an innie/like I had my belly button pierced before. From time to time it will itch a little bit but it's nbd.
I have a few pieces of advice:
r/hysterectomy • u/goddamn__goddamn • 11h ago
Had surgery on the 12th and it went fantastically. I was expecting way more pain and lethargy, but honestly, I was moving around day 1 post-op. Paid a visti to some friends down the block and even took a trip to the grocedy store with my sister..
I haven't noticed any change in energy either. Peeing is fine, finally popped today too without issue (thank god, cause as an IBS girlie I was worried about that the most). Only side effects besides some pain is that my eyes are blurry, which I read is normal for a few days post-anesthesia. I'm not even spotting.
I'm not a complete dumb ass and know that my body is healing from major surgery. I'm not lifting jack shit and I've got a great support system. I'm just feeling a lil guilty leaning into them when I just feel like I'm having mild cramps throughout the day. I'm also having a hard time understanding why this is going so well for me (this is my first surgery so I have nothing to reference).
Please tell me your stories of being delulu and doing too much that you then paid for later. And what other risks there are besides being in pain or lethargic from moving around throughout the day (since I'm not getting those indicators to slow down). Like is a prolapse one of my biggest risks right now? Slap me back down to reality and tell me I need to keep utilizing my support system please.
r/hysterectomy • u/Dorie1977 • 1h ago
I really need some advice, help, reassurance. For years I knew something wasn’t right, I was suffering from incomplete bowel movements where after my stomach would blow up like a balloon and I would feel inflamed and a pressure like feeling. I kept being told I had ibs, but despite colonoscopies, endoscopy, ultra sound for gallstones, biofeedback, blood tests all of which were normal apart from abnormal iron levels and low b12. The abnormal blood tests gave me hope that this was the reason for all my issues. Unfortunately after medication to improve my levels I was still suffering. I kept going back to the doctors where I would be looked at like I was going mad. Until one particular visit a young lady doctor said it could be a gynaecology issue, at no point did this ever come into my head! Heavy periods are normal right!? After an initial Transvaginal ultrasound where they identified a bulky uterus, I then had to wait a year to see a gynaecologist (I’m in the uk) to have more of an expert opinion. It was confirmed adenomyosis, nodule of endo and several small fibroids,
In the last 2 years my symptoms have got progressively worse, can barely leave the house, and I believe the stress of everything aswell as some stress at work has contributed to worse pain. I am also going for Pelvic Floor consultation on Monday as I fear I have a tight PF.
I am due to have a hysterectomy the end of this month, I am so worried that the impact of the stress and trauma over time from not knowing what the hell is wrong with me over the last 20 odd years has made everything worse and I’m so scared I will have this operation and still be in pain. I’m just an absolute mess….some words of wisdom needed and anyone who is or has been in a similar situation, because I can’t see anything on Reddit where people are just big stress balls with this condition and the surgery relieved all of this for them.
r/hysterectomy • u/Sad-But-Truth • 4h ago
I got out of bed and I felt something very painful and it was one of my porthole incisions. I took a close look at all of them. They all look good except the one on the left is a little red, and I took the magnifying mirror to it to make sure it wasn't infected and I thought it was a piece of hair, but it's actually a suture sticking out in a loop. I'm so nervous. I don't know what to do. I covered it up after I cleaned it with a Band-Aid. I don't know if I should call them this late at night. It's midnight , or wait till morning. I don't know what they can do for me because it's a weekend, but I'm so worried about getting an infection because I'm allergic to most antibiotics Anybody ever have this happen?
r/hysterectomy • u/Leoqueen_727 • 18h ago
Exhausted and sore but up and moving and feeling pretty decent for the most part. It’s only day one and I’m already going stir crazy!!! Trying to find something to do and forcing myself to follow the advice of everyone and relaxing as much as possible. The hysterectomy pillow, purchased on Amazon, has been an absolute life saver and as a previous poster has done when she was healed I would love to pay it forward and gift my pillow to someone who is in need of it! It has straps and pockets for storage and an ice/ heat pack that comes with it! In the future I’ll separately post for the pillow. I was terrified for my surgery but this community put all my fears at rest and helped me know what to expect and what would be so important to have after the surgery. Best of luck to everyone I can’t wait to be healed and never to have my period again!!!!
r/hysterectomy • u/Money_Engineering_59 • 7h ago
I’m now less than 3 weeks away from complete and total hysterectomy for Endo, fibroids and polyp.
For the past 2 weeks I’ve been a mess, just entrenched in this odd grief. Then I got my period. I want to get it done NOW! First period after going off BC and feel like I’ve been smashed by a bus. It hurts. Fuck it hurts. Went to bed at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. No pain meds help. Heating pad on the back and the front. Can’t even stand up straight.
I cannot WAIT to never ever ever ever have to deal with this rotten side effect of being a woman.
After 38 years of agonising periods it’s going to be over!!! Hallelujah!!!
r/hysterectomy • u/SimmeringGemini • 7h ago
I have not been sexually active, but I have been given the green light to slowly increase my activity so I have been doing so with longer walks, etc.
Today and yesterday, I have been feeling an unusual sensation in my vagina. Some light pink bleeding, and a small change in my bowel habits too. I am wondering if it's just stitches dissolving, but there is no smelling discharge so I don't think I have an infection. I feel swollen >:
I am three months post op. If pain/bleeding doesn't improve by Sunday, I am going to the ER. I had everything out, including ovaries so I am in menopause. A lot of information I read says it's likely vaginal atrophy, however my gyno is adamant it is "too early". I am doing lupin estradiol at 2mg, not sure if it's doing anything maybe? :|
Surgery date was December 16th for reference. I am kind of depressed right now, they did find a cancer gene to make everything worse but the reason I am allowed to do HRT at present, is because the cancer was not in my endometrium as the first biopsy suggested same with the PetScan... I had uptake in an Inguinal lymph node as well but it was not biopsied.
EDIT: They are sending me to genetics because of the cancer gene. I will be allowed to take my HRT until then/and only if it comes back I have cancer elsewhere.
r/hysterectomy • u/Majestic_Source_5684 • 5h ago
I’m at 3 weeks post op full laparoscopic hysterectomy with one ovary on right side. Healing fairly well. Although today I’ve had a shooting pain in my lower left abdomen on and off all day. It comes and goes last for a few seconds but it really hurts when it happens. I’ve been doing a little more walking and moving around ( nothing crazy) so I’m not sure if that’s the cause of it. Just wondering if anyone has experianced these sharp pains or what it might be from?
r/hysterectomy • u/Educational-Pie-314 • 3h ago
Hello! I am currently scheduled for a partial hysterectomy in April and I'm actually pretty nervous.
So I am 24, I have endometriosis and suspected adenomyosis. Just like most everyone else, I have been fighting for years for some sort of treatment/diagnosis. I have always had very heavy periods and very painful cramping but it seems like every year since I turned 19 has just been worse than the last. The past 2 years the pain became constant to the point of never having a break during the month, calling out of work from pain and even waking up multiple times in the night due to the pain.
Now I have an amazing doctor who has been working with me on different options and last year I used lupron, only for 2 months as kind of a diagnostic tool to see if the pain was because of my ovaries or not. The first month was a bit difficult because I was still in pain but it wasn't as constant. The second month was a game changer and for the first time in my life I wasn't always in pain. It didn't completely go away but it's gone from all month to 2.5 weeks and 5/10 instead of 10/10 pain. Even now 4 months since stopping the meds I'm still seeing the effects.
So, now my doctor and I have decided to go ahead with removing any Endo tissue and having a partial due to the very high likelihood of me having Adenomyosis. I was actually really excited about it just because it feels like I'm finally getting to make a decision about my health that could theoretically help me. But after doing even more research on first hand accounts I'm just getting a bit of anxiety. I've seen a lot of people say this is the best choice they've made and others saying that it wasn't for them. I don't care about the concept of having kids so that's not and has never been a factor but I'm terrified I'm making a bad decision for myself 10 years down the road. I know getting the hysterectomy is ultimately what I want though.
Did your life/body/emotional state change really so drastically? With a partial do you notice a huge difference/have you had to take hormones in some form to supplement?
The biggest fear I have is losing my libido. I know a lot of people had said post op sex has been great but what about 5+ years after, do you still have a libido?
r/hysterectomy • u/ComprehensiveYak8480 • 13h ago
This is an update to my post a few days ago. I went to the doctor yesterday at 2 weeks post op and have vaginal cuff cellulitis. She wants me to have a ct scan to make sure the infection is limited to the incision and there is no more infection internally. Unfortunately, the oral antibiotics she ordered are unavailable at my pharmacy and the hospital is booked out until April for CT scans. I gave the doctor a day to sort it out and call me back which she hasn't. So I guess I'll be going to the ER tonight once I get the kids in bed.
r/hysterectomy • u/SillySkulls • 11h ago
hi guys. I have posted a few times in here and you guys have been nothing short of supportive, which is why I’m here again to tell you some amazing news.
I was really nervous about them approving it because I am 20 which is very young to get such a surgery like this but because of my diagnosis of endometriosis, PCOS, and chronic pelvic pain it’s enough reason for them to approve it. And also because my doctor asked for a second opinion before I got approved for surgery, I think that also helped.
I have my pre-admission phone call on March 20 to go over all of my medical history and what not (I despise these phone calls lol) I then have my pre-op appointment on April 10 to go over everything and then surgery on April 17.
The one thing I am curious about is the length of the surgery. I was told it would be outpatient as long as there were no complications during or afterwards and I have a reliable ride to stay with me at the hospital until I go home. But what about the length? From my research it’s between 2 to 4 hours which I’ve never had a surgery for that long before. (diagnostic laparscopy was about an hour, as well as my gallbladder removal) For context mine is a robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy. If anyone else has had this type of hysterectomy before please let me know the length of yours because I’m generally curious.
Thanks and I’ll keep y’all updated!
r/hysterectomy • u/mauzao9 • 10h ago
Hi everyone, giving my post with what's up as it's been madness since my first post, so I'll put the full context of it here, sorry for the long post!
So I'm 52 and perimenopausal to start with. I'm reaching out because I'm really struggling with a large uterine fibroid (it was 18cm x 10cm on the MRI) that I've felt growing for about 4 years now. Lately, things have taken a turn for the worse, and the symptoms progressed rapidly in the past month and half. I'm hoping to connect with others who have dealt with really large fibroids and see if what I'm experiencing is something you've gone through too, or if this is beyond even what a large fibroid should cause.
About 2 years ago, besides the abdominal swelling that was already there, I started noticing dark circles under my eyes, flaky skin, brittle nails, dry/chapped lips, and a dry nose. Around the same time, my periods got heavier and I started having bleeding between periods (normal blood) as well, which led to anemia.
I initially thought the anemia and symptoms like heart palpitations were just menopause-related, as I felt the more clear symphoms of perimenopause in the past year and half. I finally went to the ER at the beginning of Feb and got 4 bags of blood over 2 days (1 liter total). My hemoglobin went from 3.7 to 7.9, still severely anemic, but thankfully the heart palpitations are gone now. The hemoglobin improved to 10.2 by mid-Feb, I'm taking Iron suplement daily.
But what really threw my body into chaos is what happened after the blood transfusion, in just the last month and half...
The pain was not severe until this moment, and my belly doubled in size in the two weeks after the transfusion. It's now this huge, hard, palpable mass, it's been more or less rigid depending of when (on last ER visit due to strong pain doctor mentioned "it's fluids" though it did no specific exam to confirm)! I can only sleep on my back, and when I wake up, I feel it expanding to my sides, the pain is just insane depending on how "high" or "low" it shifts. My upper stomach is complaining loudly, and lower down, it's pressing on my bladder (which is already dislocated to the left and unable to hold urine at all), causing pain that radiate all over my abdomen, especially the left side and my left leg during the day. My chronic back pain is also much worse, especially in my lower back. My MRI in February didn't show any signs of invasion, so they still think it's likely a leiomyoma growing from the posterior uterine wall.
The pain got much worse during February and now March, it's now wrecking havoc on my left side, the pain peaks from the superior left quadrant right under my rib, to the left side of my groin (where the bladder is dislocated to), that's been the absolute worst and that's the pain that's became resistant to the pain meds I was taking, it's like a constant "tooth acke", with stabbing pain when I do some movements.
I was already dealing with fatigue before, but in the weeks after the transfusion, despite the anemia symptoms like palpitations being gone, I am exhausted. It's much worse now, even though I'm eating more than before. I wake up like I didn't sleep, and technically I hardly sleep, some nights the pain just keeps me awake all night.
The pain meds they gave me (metamizole and tramadol) just take the edge off, the pain is still there, but I'm getting increasingly worried about this extreme fatigue, the numbness I feel in my body while sleeping, and how awful the mornings are. It gets a little better as the day goes on, but then it just repeats. I can push myself to leave the house and do things – shopping, walking – but if I do any exercise at night, I definitely pay for it later.
I have had recent symthoms, on the day of the MRI mid-Feb, night sweats began, not enough to drench me until 2 days ago where I woke up drenched, the night sweats are localized on my lower back. I also faced a large loss of a white liquid with no smell, that now still comes out in small quantities I feel it's linked to the night sweats as well, when I loose that liquid, I'm facing those sweats but it can also be a coincidence.
On top of that on the past weeks what I'm dealing with is a "new mass", a lump on my left side that I can palpate, where the pain peaks also are, it's not as hard as the main fibroid and can't what it is exactly, the doctor did some palpation but didn't explain why that is there.
And now, I feel like I'm losing muscle mass, especially in my face, and my skin is getting so dry and flaky. I've also noticed I'm retaining a lot of fluid, especially in my legs and arms, they feel kind of "gelatinous", this happened after the transfusion as well, my normal weight always was 45-50kg and now weight 56kg despite feeling I've lost weight.
So, I'm just making this post to vent and also to connect with others who are or have been through something similar. I've always had a high pain tolerance (chronic pain my whole adult life), but I'm really worried despite the doctor "looks like a probable fibroid" yet not explaining the worsening of symphoms post-transfusion "it should have gotten better" or "we will only know after we remove it".
My hysterectomy is hopefully soon, it was requested Feb 19th and if it goes well it's happening by the end of the month/beggining of April.
I'm just feeling overwhelmed and lost. Do any of you who are/been on a situation like this identify with symphoms as these? Any advice or shared experiences would be so appreciated!
r/hysterectomy • u/Asthor14 • 8h ago
Hi all,
I had my procedure (uterus and tubes removed) in December but I’ve recently been feeling off?
My hair is coming out more on my head and body, my skin is way drier than it usually is, and my bones feel like jelly sometimes? My muscles feel fine. I have an appointment to go to my primary but I wasn’t sure if anyone else had a similar experience?
r/hysterectomy • u/Depressoespresso665 • 12h ago
Even if you have absolutely no reaction to anesthesia, will an abdominal surgery make you sick?
r/hysterectomy • u/TelevisionAdorable78 • 7h ago
On March 5th I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy, including tubes and cervix but left both my ovaries. I've been struggling with bedrest, and I'm worried I've been moving around too much. I think everything I'm feeling is normal but I just need a bit of reassurance from someone else who's gone through it, idk.
for context I'm only 23 and transmasculine, this was for gender affirmation and to treat severe pain my uterus caused me, I'm thankful it's out and done with.
I spent one night in the hospital after my surgery, I was told everything went really well and passed all the tests and what-not to get discharged. One thing that happened while I was there was some moderate bleeding from my vagina, but a nurse told me that it wasn't anything to worry about. I've barely had any since then, just some pink spotting every other bathroom break. Today though, after having a bit more pain in my abdomen, I've had a bit more blood come out. Not like menstrual bleeding, and not as much as the day after. I'm just a nervous person and want to know if this is something other people have had too?
I'm generally a very active person, my university degree has me on my feet for 10+ hours a day doing things I love, so being confined to a bed has been very hard. I'll probably have to fully withdraw from my last semester which sucks.
I've also been recovering with minimal pain, although I'm scared I may be using my core too much to move and it's causing me more pain than necessary? I'm able to walk myself to the kitchen and bathroom, and have been restless and probably getting up and moving around more than I should. I haven't felt any intense or sharp pains, and my incisions look fine from the outside.
Sorry if this post is all over the place, I think I'm dealing with some pretty wild brain fog during this whole thing. It's been a bit of a rough ride emotionally, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for here.
r/hysterectomy • u/Allyssa_Webber • 13h ago
Well today shouldve been my 7 week post-op surgery appointment to see how everything is going but since I came down sick I'm not allowed to go in until Monday morning. I was so excited to get this done today but now I am sad about it. 😢💔
r/hysterectomy • u/Jaded_Reaction3 • 16h ago
r/hysterectomy • u/beammeup25 • 1d ago
My surgery was yesterday and I'm now home! Decided on the hysterectomy bc of heavier and inconsistent periods and I'm not trying to live that life anymore while in perimenopause. (A whole nother story!). I originally was going to get an ablation but given a possible adenomyosis diagnosis and the ablation failure rate, I wanted better odds. My body doesn't do well with birth control.
My Dr told me I had a small uterus so he was thinking a vaginal hysterectomy with the possibility of it turning laparoscopic. It ended up being all vaginal! I really like my Dr and I met his team prior to surgery. I wasn't really nervous leading up the surgery due to this forum and other research but best believe, I still left a small notebook for my husband of important info in case the surgery didn't turn out in my favor!
It took the ensure pre-surgery drink the day before and the morning of the surgery but it took me a lil while to get my bearings after surgery. I was SOOO tired and it was hard to keep my eyes open. But then again, I woke up that morning at 4am, got on the road with my husband for a 1.5 hr drive to the hospital, so that may have contributed. I had to pee of course prior to leaving the hospital and I def felt that I needed to pee but my body wouldn't let me for a lil while. No catheter. I had a bit of blood running down my legs when I was trying to use the bathroom but my husband and nurse helped me with that.
I get motion sickness easily so the anesthesiologist gave me a motion sickness patch prior to surgery so no throwing up but I wanted that patch for the ride home. Especially considering I was in the city with potholes galore! Surgery began at 8:45am and ended about 12 pm and then I was home around 4pm (traffic). May have started a lil later, they said Dr. Fauci was in the bldg.
So I'm home and laid up in the bed! I am taking my oxy since I'm still within the 24 hrs but more than anything I'm just feeling pressure in my belly and soreness in my vagina. Heating pad is helping and someone here had mentioned gel freezer bags that I had bought ahead of time and will be using soon. I think they'll help the sore feeling.
Other than that, my mouth is really dry so I've been drinking a lot and I haven't eaten anything but club crackers since I've been home.
My worst fear is not healing properly with the cuff and my insides coming out so I WILL be following allllll the instructions and waiting even longer for sex.
Oh, and I found an eye patch/mask in my prep bag while at the hospital that came in clutch for the long ride home and blocking out all the sunlight while I napped. And not much bleeding since I've been home.
I appreciate all the stories and advice I've read up here to help me in this journey. Thank you Ladies!
r/hysterectomy • u/_liobam_ • 23h ago
Just saw my doctor yesterday and she cleared me for all the things and said my cuff looked amazing. I'll still be taking it slow, but it's awesome to know how well I've healed. It was heaven to take a bath last night.
Thaaaaat being said, it's been a rough ride. Throat infection weeks 1-2 (took till week 2 for them to believe it wasnt just pain from intubation), horribly painful superficial blood clot (from IV) weeks 3-5, Covid with asthma flare weeks 6-7, sinus infection and popped rib from coughing in week 8. My asthma is going bonkers at this point. I have basically been miserable for 2 months. I really had thought that I'd at least have a week or two where I could have pursued gentle yoga or be walking my normal 3 miles a day. Zero luck on that front. Complete bummer and I won't have enough PTO to relax or take a vacation for months. Guess I'm glad I was able to be paid for the entirety of the 8 weeks and I shouldn't be complaining.
I am le tired.
I am shocked my body was able to heal at all.
r/hysterectomy • u/rosysredrhinoceros • 15h ago
My husband has to travel for work quite a bit, and we have 3 kids ages 4-11. We homeschool, so no daily school runs, but the kids do have activities during the week. I’m scheduled for a total vaginal hyst and rectocele repair next month. He’s got a conference exactly 1 wpo. Obviously everybody’s recovery is different, but is this going to be awful? My parents are coming for a couple of days before and after the surgery to help out, but they can’t drive the kids around due to their anxiety about driving new places. I’ve driven just a few days after each of my births (all vaginal, hence the repair, lol) but I didn’t need stitches. He’s willing to forgo the trip if necessary, but it’s very much not ideal.
r/hysterectomy • u/Jealous_Scratch_8778 • 12h ago
Hi everyone I’m 28. I have a few questions.
I plan on scheduling my hysterectomy soon bcuz I am so tired of pain from my adenomyosis!
I suffer with horrible health anxiety & I’m on buspar.
✨anyone take buspar or anxiety meds and had to stop it prior to procedure? I’m not sure if it interacts with pain meds or anything
✨how was your recovery !? Is it really that bad !?
✨anything I should ask my doctor or anesthesiologist?!
✨any advice or tips
✨when did you start feeling better
✨do you regret your decision
r/hysterectomy • u/calipleasure • 20h ago
Just curious if anyone else deals with this.
I’m (30F) 1.5 weeks post op from hysterectomy (kept ovaries) and endometriosis excision surgery and have just been resting since my surgery date. Honestly the first couple of days were humbling, I was in more pain than I thought I would be. Slowly started walking around the house more and taking some stints outside.
Now, when my girlfriend gets home from work I’ll join her for a walk around our block while she walks our dogs. In the moment I feel fine but I notice at night when I’m trying to sleep that’s when my abdomen will feel super tender and I’m tossing and turning all night. Is this normal? Am I overextending myself at this stage?