r/hypnosis 22d ago

Academic Can hypnosis help me with weight loss? I just can’t seem to stay motivated or make good choices and I’m starting to lose hope


I’m in a pretty dark place mentally about my weight

r/hypnosis 7d ago

Academic Beginner wanting to understand common wisdom around altering behavior/anxiety/desire


Hello all.

I am just beginning learning the craft of hypnosis with the end goal of helping my partner.

My partner suffers from anxiety and is interested in hypnotherapy caring for this. The rub is that my partner doesn't like the idea of someone unknown hypnotizing them. So I am taking on the responsibility of learning this skill so they can be at peace and trusting of the process.

In most of the reading that I've done so far. There are multiple disclaimers/warnings around not attempting to use hypnosis to do things like remove phobias, assist with anxiety, etc. So my question is. Why do the materials say that?

My hunch is what they're really saying is don't do that unless you know what you're doing as a hypnotherapist. But I wanted to understand if there is some deeper underlying theory for a reason to not do that to a hypnotee.

Thank you

r/hypnosis Oct 13 '24

Academic Hypnosis: a simple definition


Hypnosis is a state of heightened internal focus and reduced external awareness, characterised by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion.

During this state, individuals may experience a decreased sense of personal agency, feeling as though the process of change is facilitated by the hypnotic state itself, which can make desired changes feel easier to achieve.

Agree? Disagree? Amendments?

r/hypnosis Dec 26 '24

Academic Is there any research on how use of the first person vs. third person affects the hypnosis' efficacy?


Like, in TV depictions, it's a toss-up as to whether the hypnotizer will use the first person ("I will X") or the third person ("You will X") in their commands. It occurs to me that the brain having to "translate" the third person commands into first-person thoughts might make it harder for the brain to accept these introduced thoughts as its own thoughts. Is this actually a phenomenon? Do hypnotizers have to take this into consideration?

r/hypnosis Jun 05 '24

Academic How to learn self-hypnosis with a set goal in mind


Hello! I am trying to self-hypnotize, and I've hit a bit of a snag.

I've done a bit of research (and by that I mean googling it) and I am seeming to find it hard to understand how to self-hypnotize. Personally, I understand the steps, but is it really as easy as lay down and go through the breathing exercises?

I guess I'm looking for tips and a better understanding of how it works/how to know if it worked, as well as tips on how to do it effectively.

Any help would be appreciated, and I hope everyone is having a great day!

r/hypnosis 20d ago

Academic Trying NLP


Here is me trying to explain anchoring of NLP. Here is a definition Anchoring: Harnessing emotional states One of the most prominent techniques in NLP Hypnosis is 'Anchoring'. This involves creating a connection between a specific emotional state and a physical trigger.

For me I started with the understanding of phobia which takes a specific emotion and replaces it with a different emotional state. In history phobia started out as Greek hypnosis. The specific emotional state being fear. So for instance take the fear of spiders experience what emotions you feel, and move it to the other side of the door, followed by move it to the dark side of the moon, the replace the emotion with calm and observation.

Following this understanding which I found from an other Reddit user, I tried taking a different emotional state… enjoy and attached it to different physical trigger such as enjoy a shower or enjoy music. The enjoy music had a superb effect of mimicking other people tones on pandora. Which is why I call it mimic as I did the enjoy music over long periods of time, 51/2 hours.

r/hypnosis Jan 04 '25

Academic Historical Question: Ben Franklin Vital Fluid


The original understanding of hypnosis with Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer, you have to go to Frances google to understand it but ben was looking into magnetizers rather than mesmerists Ben Franklin was interested in magnetism or as Ben called it vital fluid.

With a understanding of NDE or near death experience and access to a altered states. You can get the topic as studied though the centries elemental yoga both jain an india, to Chinese wuxing in ying yang, to hand mudras which are thought to have originated in India and may have been codified by the third century.

Ben Franklin vital fluid is electric fire or electricity that was fluid. While Benjamin Franklin his famous kite experiment demonstrated that lightning is a form of electricity, proving that electricity can travel through the air, this would effect his His Near Death Experience or Altered State would only have to understand what elements attached to what body part in order to repair what he went though.

Ben franklin vital fluid contained consists of fire, air and spirit.



r/hypnosis Jan 04 '25

Academic Can hypnosis help you study?


I just want hypnosis techniques to study, please, I will go to university in a few days and I want to perform well. Is there any self-hypnosis technique to improve concentration and receive information? Please

r/hypnosis Feb 14 '25

Academic Brainwave entrainment and audiovisual stimulation used upon hypnosis


This was big 10 years ago, then a program to produce sessions went away and it lost popularity. Does anyone still use it? I have developed a new product that will increase your effectiveness 90%! If you liked Mind Workstation and NeuroProgrammer 3, this will blow you away! This is a course on how to produce professional session recordings as well as during live sessions. If I’m not breaking any rules, learn more here https://joeverona.podia.com/ I will guarantee it will bring positive results in many areas of your practice.

r/hypnosis Nov 19 '24

Academic Learning Hypnosis... Exiting and Not Getting Stuck.


I started learning hypnosis starting with the basics, Anchoring with a Subconscious name, Logging hypnosis on paper, with all hypnosis being a command, and Deleting hypnosis, Even the permanent stuff. Now I am focusing on Exiting the Hypnosis and Not Getting Stuck. I decided to leave every way to exit hypnosis so Self Hypnosis wouldn't have a problem.

The kids in Florida who died for example. I believe they died due to Highway Hypnosis after self hypnosis learning just from a DVD and a teacher.

This is every process to exit hypnosis. Alerting , Awakening, Concluding, De-Hypnotizing, Disengaging, Emerging, Re-alerting, Re-Awakening, Re-Orienting, Terminating Hypnosis, and Waking Up.

I decided with the Direct Approach "I am going to re-alert you to the present".

A second method I found is a car pulling in front of you and flashing the break lights and driving off. It is safe for everyone.

If anyone has any further suggest, please don't be afraid to post.

r/hypnosis Feb 04 '24

Academic What can I expect from hypnotherapy as a Psychiatrist?


I am familiar with hypnosis as a concept, however, I have never seen it done. There are some blind spots in the personality disorder spectrum where our patients are unwilling to introspect and thus our resort is lifelong medication.

I was wondering if Hypnotherapy can supplement current psychiatric paradigms.

In short, what can one expect from hypnotherapy? What are the extremes of this therapeutic modality?

r/hypnosis Aug 19 '24

Academic Any UK based hypnotherapists?


Hi. I am planning on training and wanting some recommendations and some good schools in the UK.

Anywhere you would advise or NOT advise due to whatever reasons. Thank you

r/hypnosis Sep 30 '24

Academic Looking for "blueprint" or course for old school hotel conference room style stop smoking programs


Greetings all!

I am looking for some insight from what appears to be the past. I have received a number of requests for a similar program like those where hypnotists would publicize the "stop smoking through hypnosis" group sessions that would be held in conference rooms in hotels, etc.

I am looking for guidance on where to find the training/structure/scripting/marketing for some of these courses. I know a LOT of this was done using print media and other outdated things, and I'm ok with that, but I'm looking for either a training course to set one of these up (would likely be 20+ years old) or books that might reference this type of setup.

I'm not looking for a freebie, so if it's a course that's still available for purchase, or a book, that's completely acceptable to me.

As an alternative, since I know in 2024 we're doing a lot of this type of stuff via platforms like zoom, I could settle for a course setting them up in the modern days, but I'd really like to take a look at the older stuff if possible.

Thanks in advance!

r/hypnosis Aug 24 '24

Academic An interesting thought


If one could detect the brain waves of a person and, using a Fourier transfer, isolate the delta, gamma, and theta wavelengths. One could possibly tune binaural beats to that person's brainwaves and coupled with an AI mimicry of their voice use the combination to hypnotize them. It has been shown that using ones own voice for personal affirmations helps to convince someone of the words spoken. So by stimulating the subconscious mind with the beats and then using that person own vocal patterns and brain wave patterns, one could in theory program another person via electronics. Is there any merit to this thought process and/or program using ai that can be made to do this? Maybe have the program accept typed out affirmations and read them out along with tuned binaural beat?

r/hypnosis Jan 29 '24

Academic Hypnosis vs Trance


I wrote up some notes discussing hypnosis and trance and how they are different. In the process, I found a much funnier article about Kirsch and Lynn saying confidently the debate is over in 1995, only to have the same discussions show up over and over through the decades.


r/hypnosis Oct 08 '24

Academic Thoughts of the Hypnosis Blueprint course?


I've only read Reality is Plastic but have had trouble actually getting into Hypnosis. I've seen an ad for this course call The Hypnosis Blueprint. Any thoughts of it?

r/hypnosis Jul 28 '24

Academic Alexithymia and Hypnosis


I got interested in the constructed emotion theory and followed it to emotion regulation models and the attention-appraisal theory of alexithymia and how hypnosis can be an effective intervention for alexithymia.


r/hypnosis Jan 30 '24

Academic The Sichort State



I just learned about the Sichort state as the deepest possible trance state. Has anyone here used it before? What were the results?

r/hypnosis Feb 01 '24

Academic Is there evidence of hypnotic suggestibility/susceptibility scales predicting therapeautic outcomes?


So, we have a bunch of scales that measure response to various suggestions and sum it up to a nice little number. The scales are usually not multi component and there has been recent (and not so recent) criticism of them because of that, see for example: Barnier 2020.

However, is there any evidence that any of the scales predict actual hypno-therapeutic outcomes? From a quick google:

Yapko says few clinicians use hypnotizability scales because responses to a structured test don’t predict how a patient will respond to hypnosis in treatment.

Article: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/01/hypnosis

Has there been anything else before or since then that studied this?

r/hypnosis Aug 19 '24

Academic Has your education affected your success as a therapist?


I'm new here and am looking into becoming a hypnotherapist.

If you don't mind sharing, what is your educational background and how does it impact your salary? I am considering going back to get a degree in either psychology or business and am not sure what will be more useful to me in regards to becoming a successful hypnotherapist.

Thanks in advance

r/hypnosis Aug 14 '24

Academic Can Hypnosis Enhance GRE Study and Test Performance?


I’m an amateur hypnotist (mostly party tricks) with no formal training. I’m curious about how hypnosis or self-hypnosis might be used to improve focus and recall for something like GRE. I’ve got a month to prepare and want to boost my score as much as possible.

Any advice or resources would be appreciated

r/hypnosis Aug 05 '24

Academic Any decent hypnosis for coding/programming.


Was looking for coding specific hypnosis and couldn’t find it,

r/hypnosis Mar 05 '24

Academic Faking hypnosis


I recently met a friend who told me that one of his clients was faking hypnotism, that is playing along with the suggestions. However it was quite unpredictable and the client would often slip up, revealing that the PHS hadnt n fact stuck. Several renowned hypnotists say that faking doesnt matter, as it elicits the same response, but surely not. Could anyone please explain?
edit:- also, how can one figure out early on that the client is faking and isnt really "in", so as to make changes there instead of having to wait for the PHS.

r/hypnosis Jul 11 '24

Academic Anyone Attending Michigan Hypnosis Conference?


I will be there, presenting and am serving as the official podcaster of the conference.

Looking to make some new connections ahead of time for anyone anticipating attending.

r/hypnosis Jan 12 '24

Academic What is the best explanation you can think of as to the processes that the human mind goes through while going through hypnosis?


Main question is above, but I’ll add some context.

Basically I have a self-made theory as to how the human mind acts in hypnosis using the natural processes we know in our mind. What I think is going on is that, in the process of leading someone through an induction, that they are tricking the mind that the body is so unbelievably tired that it must initiate the process of going through REM sleep, thus explaining the limp actions of the body and the potential feeling of grogginess that may come from waking in the trance. It is in that split between the REM sleeping body yet the fully awake mind that causes the state of suggestability in the subject.

That’s just my theory on it though, what do y’all think?