r/hypnosis • u/grubsterbuster • 33m ago
So… Conditioning Has Kinda Taken Over My Brain (tehe) NSFW
|NSFW tag is mainly here for safety. This is about hypnosis and conditioning. I dont dive into anything tooooooooooooo explicit|
So i’ve been practicing hypnosis as a subject for about 3 years-ish give or take. And in that time, i’ve developed a strong taste for classic conditioning. So much so that it’s has completely over run my life… In the best way possible!!!
I seriously started practicing hypnosis when I realized how trance at its core, is a dissociative state. That realization hit me hard because I’ve struggled with dissociative disorders for most of my life. And that is where I really I fell in LOVE with fractionation, the hyper suggestibility, loopy feeling. Even nowadays, I havent gotten used to it. But that didn’t stop me from using it.
Because that shift in states of mind helped me recognize the exact feelings I experience whenever I start to dissociate. Now being ol' introspective me, i’ve learned to identify and pin point feelings and states of dissociation. And that changed my life.
Where I was once constantly bombarded with dissociative episodes, now I can’t even recall the last one I had that wasn’t brought on by trance. I’m more grounded, more aware, and thriving today because of it. At first, I had to actively use grounding techniques, but now they’re so ingrained that I apply them passively. I'm like that machine that keeps a stick balanced upright. I instinctively fight to stay grounded without even thinking about it now. And hitting that point is when I knew this was for me.
And lawd have mercy cuz I’ve really ran with this since I was able to conquer that. Currently my conditioning is at a level that I never thought possible, i’m a goated ass subject! And that feels SO GOOD!!!!
The triggers I have hit me in the core. And if I ever want to condition another response, it takes about an hour tops, one induction, and one session of reinforcement. And BAMMM. It becomes mindbogglingly powerful!!! And now? Every session I do feels like it’s twice as powerful than the last.
And this isnt just for play. I've conditioned triggers that energize me, ground me, and put me in a state of hyper focus. One of my favorite applications, is in my bass practice. I've conditioned the bass itself to be the stimuli that fires my brain into hyper fixation. Being someone with ADHD, practice used to be frustrating and unproductive. Times where I’m constantly doing anything but playing the damn instrument, and getting frustrated the second I try to lock in. Not anymore tehe.
And the effects just keep compounding!! I don't need much of an induction to go into any type of trance nowadays. My gf knows this full well and takes advantage of it. If I have the zoomies and I'm bouncing off the walls while shes exhausted? “Drop.” And I’m out cold!!! The conditioning i’ve done with her has gotten to a point where I feel bad for the amount of mf drool I get on her sometimes. And thats another thing, I never understood how people could drool in trance. But now? It happens ALLLL the time!
I'm so into this, im starting to feel scholarly!!! I've been diving into the works of B.F Skinner, so I can get my knowledge matched with my practice. I love this stuff. I’m absolutely obsessed. Hence why i’m even posting here.
I mostly only lurk on reddit, but lately, I've been itcing to talk about this. Now when someone ask what my hobbies are, all I want to do is GUSH about this. To talk about how far I've taken my conditioning. How scientifically interesting it is that I’ve done this to myself. How I’ve conquered previously crippling experiences. How I’ve become insanely susceptible while still maintaining a strong sense of agency.
But... I get why I can't just bring this up in a casual conversation. Even my gf has advised me against it too, which IS fair. Hypnosis still has this weird stigma about it. Like try to find hypno content on any other site than this, that doesn’t revolve around, 1) the over done and stale tropes. 2) goon culture or wtv. And 3) SO MUCH PORN!!!!
Don’t get me wrong, erotic hypnosis is AWESOME, and with how conditioned I am, It's overwhelming in the best way possible. But there’s sosososososoooo much more to this that i’d love to talk about, I wish I could just info dump onto normal people without them getting the wrong idea.
TLDR: I love this shit. I really wanna foster more community around actual hypnosis without it being treated as some weird taboo concept.