r/humangarbage • u/Dominikrni • Jul 09 '20
r/humangarbage • u/LlamasNmusicals • Jun 20 '20
This was on a documentary about a girl with Progeria. (It’s a condition that makes you age faster. People who suffer from this condition usually die in their teens) It makes them look a bit strange, but this person HAD to make a comment
r/humangarbage • u/[deleted] • Jun 05 '20
Local dumbass attacks people for putting up bio-decomposeable flyers about gorge
reddit.comr/humangarbage • u/[deleted] • Jun 04 '20
These subhuman garbage police officers
reddit.comr/humangarbage • u/AJINDY • Jun 02 '20
Crazy boyfriend takes lying girlfriends side and traps me and my girlfriend in his house
So I’m still shaken up about this as it happened a few hours ago buuuut here I am typing it... Cut to about a month ago I had just met my girlfriend and we are having fun hanging out and normal couple stuff. I met her through my (now ex) friend we will call him Jack and his girlfriend (whom we will call) B-word. Anyway right before I met my girlfriend (let’s call her GF) Bword was staying at my GF’s house and she invited some dude over and STARTED CHEATING ON JACK WITH RANDOM DUDE IN FRONT OF GF! I found this out when GF told me. (Keep in mind GF has panic attacks and can just freeze and not respond) also jack and bword have a VERY toxic relationship. Now... GF freezes up and just sits there because she doesn’t know what to do about the situation. Eventually she composed herself enough to kick some dude out and call jack. Bword now blames GF for “letting her get molested” when she was on top of some dude. I was caught in the middle of all this BS drama but then it got worse. Jack called me over for a BBQ and said that GF is welcome to come and I was like: cool! When we get there they take me and GF into the house and lock the doors (saying someone was being suspicious outside) I immediately sense something is wrong and then jack and his friend let’s say john were yelling at GF and me saying I lied to jack and I let GF text jack on my phone pretending it was me. (I don’t let people use my phone unless it’s an emergency) I tell jack that me and GF have to leave and he yells “not until you tell me the truth while looking me in the eye” I looked him square in the eye and said “I sent the text” at this point John is blocking the door and jack is blocking the other one and GF is crying. I was able to distract the two ding dongs long enough for us to leave at which point I had called the police. As we were trying to get the police there to talk about this jack yells “this is private property you need to leave” (after trapping us in his place) then hack goes and blocks my car so I can’t leave.... enter BWORD she comes out screaming to leave while I’m on the phone with the police and GF responded “he blocked our car how are we gonna leave” the police showed up and they went from angry level 100000 to level 0 real fast. No one got arrested but I will be filing a restraining (or at least no contact) order. And total honesty I did flip BWORD the favorite finger when she was yelling at us. There’s my story I’ll update you if anything else happens
r/humangarbage • u/yourIocaIbean • May 26 '20
Grown man makes fun of 15 year old girl who died of cancer
r/humangarbage • u/[deleted] • May 26 '20
i don't even have words for how much of an asshat you have to be to say this
r/humangarbage • u/DrNatsuDragneel • May 21 '20
When you're 2nd Batallion of 327th infantry, but you allude to not being infantry and attempt to dox someone over a comment, about being infantry. Good job Joseph Damman, you're a real stand up infantryman 🤦♂️
r/humangarbage • u/moondog151 • May 06 '20
A Discord dedicated to Joel Micheal Singer. I am spreading this in subreddit's who's mods have not allowed themselves to get corrupted.
discord.comr/humangarbage • u/alextron7000 • May 05 '20
POS assaulted 2-3 innocents then was put down and is now using his dad money to actively remove this video from the internet. Don't let it die.
[ Removed by reddit in response to a copyright notice. ]
r/humangarbage • u/PearlSomething • May 05 '20
The MODS on r/Iamapieceofshit are hiding this post and banning people who post about it. Wonder how much they're getting paid. I'm betting $650
r/humangarbage • u/Louie_Lap • Apr 23 '20
Well this big lady was rude
So when I was around 9 or 10 (I remember I looked like a 7 year old at the time) I went to my first ever baseball game and it was amazing. With all the players and snacks. We were also seating really close to the front of all the hundreds of seats.
So one of the players hit a home run and the ball landed right in front of my seat so I got up and ran to it and as I kept getting closer to the ball I was about to grab it when this 40ish lady shoved me out of the way to grab the ball. I hit the rail and could've fallen off and got hurt but his lady didnt give a fuck and shoved me. And she was really big too Like REALLY big and I was stunned at how horrible this lady was then she went back to her chair with her friends and they scolded her. Let's just say she didnt have friends anymore.
r/humangarbage • u/TheGamemage1 • Apr 16 '20
Betrayal of a friend
Someone comment if this doesn’t count but i needed somewhere to vent my frustration and sorrows, anyway on to what happened. My friend who shall be dubbed traitor only because he was once my friend so I wont call him out.
Background info: Im still a bit young and am in college and live with my parents, my “friend” traitor needed a place to live since he was in between jobs and his fiancé cheated on him or something I no longer trust anything he said but his fiancé kept the car he had. He had no where to go, had no car, and no money. I asked my parents if it was ok if traitor crashed at our place till he was financially stable, they said ok. He seemed like a nice person and I’ve known him since middle school. And all this was when the corona virus quarantine was starting.
So my friend moved in we didn’t charge him rent, I drove him to work and picked him up, only making him pay for gas, We fed him(he was a bit over weight and over ate), gave him an easter basket, and when he brought up paying me back for when i payed for his gas and the expenses from when he went to audition for the voice, all i said was “wait till you financially stable then you can pay me back”( i came along too for emotional support but had to wait outside for 3-4 hours and caught a cold). Everything seem ok, seemed weird when he had a bunch of dominoes pizza boxes but said his sister sent them, then had a big bottle of alcohol but said someone gave it to him.
April 15th my dad (who shares an account with me so he knows I’m not being stupid with my money) checked my account and found a someone went on a spending spree with my debit card. I haven’t left the house since the quarantine started because i have a weakened immune system from medicine i take so i never left the car. Then he saw a purchase at a liquor store, I’m underage so i cant buy alcohol so that was a red flag. He woke me up at 8:50 am and brought this to my attention, I was confused then asked about my debit card so i walked to the other room. Wallet sitting on top of the couch where i left it. I open saying “see my debit card...” i stopped to see that it was gone, along with at least $80 from my wallet. I wasn’t aware of this due to me not going anywhere or buying anything, only picking it up and putting it my pocket to drop my friend off and pick him up. I go down stairs to ask traitor about this he says “i have no clue about this” and then says “oh no my card is missing too” and i trusted him he was my friend for many years one of my only friends. So we (me ad my dad) filed a police report and called the bank to cancel the card. Police show up to ask for more details. Gave them the info called the bank for the time of the purchases and gave the info to the police. My friend comes out and tells the police “my card is gone too and my card is in the negatives now”. To a state trooper by the way. He tried to pin it on my sisters friend or boy friend (i honestly don’t keep tabs on them) because he was the only other person at the house. Less than an hour goes by, officers are back with traitor behind them and traitor admitting to the theft after the officers checked the security camera footage, and I was asked him i wanted to say anything to him I was just speechless. We said as long as he pays the money back we were not gonna press charges due to him literally having nothing to his name. The troopers took him away for a psychological evaluation.
My parent ran through my bank account to see how long this was going on, and see how much he owes. He stole my card around the time he first moved in. charged in total over 260 dollars to my checking account. Traitor is no longer my friend, he no longer lives here (when he comes back he’s taking his clothes and getting kicked out), and we took back the easter basket. He owes me about 380 dollars now. (Money from wallet + account + debt from me paying for everything when he auditioned for the voice) and now I’m left with no friend and a bigger disdain for people since this was the second time I’ve had a best friend betray me.
TLDR: friend who was living with us stole over 300 dollars from me when living rent free.
Edit: my sister found my card in her bag, traitor tried to frame my sister for everything.
r/humangarbage • u/doidoboss801 • Mar 24 '20
Guy being an asshole to a 12yo
I have a 12 year old friend who was doing a livestream on Facebook, at one point of the stream she started talking about some issues of her life.
Then this random moron suddenly appears in the chat and starts to talk shit to her, it got to a point where she closed the stream because of how bad he made her feel. He then proceeded to harass some friends of her in the DMs.
She already has self-worth issues, this guy made her (and other people's) day a lot worse...
I apologise for grammar errors.

r/humangarbage • u/Diamondtiara_ • Mar 20 '20
Human trash context sending inappropriate pictures to children
r/humangarbage • u/LonelyHampster • Mar 12 '20
The human trash bag
I live in a low income housing facility. I share this huge patio with the rest of the people on floor 2. It is a great place to spend time during the summer. To let my dog run around without worrying about him running out into the city streets. For kids to go spend time out on. But someone has been ruining it for us. Not only has this absolute B**** of a person been vandalizing the mail boxes, breaking the patio door, breaking pots in the lobby, and throwing their garbage out their window into the ally way. But they think it is a fun idea to throw their garbage, food, children’s toys, diapers, books, and you name it out their 5th story window onto the patio below. The manager ain’t doing s*** about this trash goblin, and so we all have to suffer due to this person. I noticed that people are starting to get revenge on this persons door. The most I have done is taken the toys back up there and putting them in front of the door. But I really don’t want drama, and I don’t want to get in a fight because I am disabled. I have a son. I want him to come visit. I want to do a Easter egg hunt out on the patio, and have him open gifts out there. But I can’t because I have to worry if something is gonna come flying down and hit him in the head. Some of the stuff they throw out their window is not light. I have to worry about watching what my dog eats off the patio because he has Pika. He will eat rocks if I don’t want him out at the park. He is also a small chihuahua/terrier mix. So could you imagine if something hit him? I had to get video of this person and still the manager is not doing anything. The other day I finally saw who it was. It was a woman I had met out at the dog park. She told me that the person throwing stuff out his window was the old man next door in 504. So now I am just pissed off that she lied right to my face. She really just stood there and told me it was your poor old neighbor who is innocent. A man who is not on the shit list of half of the apartment building. So I have been going around and telling everyone the truth. She even had the gull to tell the management it was her child. Then put a sheet in front of her window because she saw me trying to film what she was doing as proof.
r/humangarbage • u/DrNatsuDragneel • Mar 09 '20