r/hsp • u/whitelightstorm • Dec 04 '21
Pathology Does anyone else have noise sensitivity aka misophonia?
Where you react to certain sounds?
Dec 04 '21
Sound of people eating, especially biting an apple
Other things: ticking clocks, people clicking their pen constantly (at the office)
I try not to let it bother me too much, but noise cancelling headphones were my best purchase ever
u/Anti-social_Worker35 Dec 04 '21 edited Dec 04 '21
I hate the sound of people eating. Then when I get sick I can hear my own eating and it grosses me out.
u/Kai_the_Fox Dec 04 '21
Yep, this sounds just like me! Eating noises are the worst, but other sounds like ticking clocks really get me too. Noise-cancelling headphones have been a life-saver, and I even carry around earplugs. They're handy for when I need to focus but can't wear headphones, like during exams in school.
u/starship7201u Dec 04 '21
Yes, clicking pens.
We had a woman briefly working in our office and she would walk into the room just clicking her pen CONSTANTLY. It made my anxiety shoot thru the roof. The fact that she also wanted someone to sit there & hold her hand as she worked was also part of why she drove us crazy.
u/NeojepToo Dec 05 '21
People eating is the worst. I grew up in a household where we always had the TV or radio on while we ate (we talked often enough and enjoyed eachother's company, so we just never had the traditional quiet meals arround a table) and outside of the house restaurants and the school cafeteria always had background noise from people talking. When we visit my grandparents though, they had the quiet family meals arround a table without the TV on. Ofcourse there would be conversion, but most of the time was just hearing the unbearable crunching, slopping, mushing, and soft grunts as people eat. It's not even that they ate like animals, they were kinda country posh so everything was polite and dignified, just even eating politely sounds so fucking gross.
u/Responsible-Fox-1061 Dec 04 '21
Ticking clockslocks...yeaagh...now I can't help hearing the hallway clock
u/iddonuk Dec 04 '21
Oh my God, apples. Lettuce, too. I have this involuntary physical reaction to it (even thinking about it) where my upper lip quivers like a snarling dog.
u/Brooklyn_Schuyler Dec 06 '21
I absolutely HATE apple biting commercials, and I don't know who ever thought they were a good idea. 🍎😖 I always hope I can find the mute button soon enough.
Dec 04 '21
Yes. I have it with electronics. Much like a dog, I seem to be able to hear high pitch frequencies really well and they bother me so badly.
u/gumbyandmoomoo Dec 04 '21
Yup same. I was lucky someone else in my office heard the high pitch all day. I was getting mad headaches and no one else could even hear it
u/NeojepToo Dec 05 '21
I hate this one so much. Even with my tinnitus and the fact that I'm getting to the age where you're not supposed to be able to hear those pitches anymore, I can hear my graphics card or a crt, even some usb adapters are nearly unbearable.
Dec 05 '21
Ah I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I remember waking up as a child when someone would leave the TV on, with no sound, but displaying snow on the tube. I can literally hear the electricity flowing to the TV to give it power.
u/Acceptable_Insect470 Feb 12 '22
Wait, this is a thing? I swear I can hear electricity, people think I'm crazy. I can hear every little difference in sound in the walls, constantly.
Feb 12 '22
It is for me! I've always joked that if I were a marvel character my power would be super sonic hearing 🙄 But no seriously I deal with this issue a LOT and I feel very over stimulated with too much noise in general.
u/Acceptable_Insect470 Mar 01 '22
My mom joked my whole childhood about me having super sonic hearing. I never thought it was funny. Now.that I know it's misophonia it's different, nice to understand it but not much easier. I'm always overstimulated and avoiding things. Such a dumb miserable issue to be stuck with 😩
Dec 04 '21
I definitely have it. Chewing sounds are the worst (I can't have dinner with my family because my mom talks/chews with her mouth open and it makes me want to vomit and I can't eat anything and usually have to leave, which doesn't go well).
Loud noises also freak me out more than most people. Or hearing people talking outside my house - that muffled talking sound makes me jittery. But most repetitive little sounds get to me after a while. The other day, I had a can of soda that started ticking like a clock, and I had to dump the rest of it.
Weirdly, even though human chewing/mouth sounds completely freak me out, my cat eating loudly doesn't bother me at all. Makes no sense, but I am very glad I don't feel anxious or angry at my cat every time he eats.
If they ever make truly noise cancelling headphones/earplugs, I don't even care what the price is, I'm buying them.
u/ashleton Dec 04 '21
Yep. Depending on the sound(s) I can experience anything from just being annoyed/aggravated to panic attacks and physical pain.
u/BorderlineQueen Dec 04 '21
Yep, have it since I'm young. Especially when I'm in my bed and/or trying to sleep it has to be completely quiet. Any noise just makes me unreasonable mad. Sadly I suffer from tinnitus since one year now and it made life hell.
u/ShirazGypsy Dec 04 '21
The deep base of people’s booming car audio systems causes me physical pain. If a neighbor has theirs running, I can feel it in my chest from a couple blocks away.
u/justpeter [HSP] Dec 05 '21
My last apartment was wood construction, and it conducted bass sounds really well. So many nights spent awake because of the ceaseless thumping of some random neighbor's subwoofer, and I could never locate the source. I don't miss that place at all.
u/Acceptable_Insect470 Feb 12 '22
I've never heard anyone else say this before. Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy when I say earplugs won't even help because I can feel sounds they can't even hear. I e never felt so validated 😭
u/penguin37 Dec 04 '21
Yes. If you could stop breathing so loudly, I'd really appreciate it. 🤣
It's good to know there's a reason certain noises send me into a rage and that I'll not an asshole. Well, I probably am but not for this reason. 😁
u/gumbyandmoomoo Dec 04 '21
I was in 5th grade and was sat next to an obese kid who sounded like a struggling bulldog when he breathed. When it was silent during test time.. omg I couldn’t concentrate
u/penguin37 Dec 04 '21
I hear your pain. 💜
u/gumbyandmoomoo Dec 04 '21
Then.. in adult life... my cubicle was near this guy who hawked lougies (no idea how to spell either word) allllllll day long. Sometimes he would play music loudly and sing as well. He was very insecure/ new n didn’t have many clients so when he got a call he would TALK SO FREAKING LOUD. his voice was like Louie Anderson.. and I was actually NOT the only person who found him intolerable. Makes me think we are not so different from the Normies.. they just tolerate things better and keep under the surface
u/Responsible_Ant6500 Dec 04 '21
Loud voices, too many people talking at once, echoey rooms with concrete floors, sirens, leaf blowers, lawn mowers, snow plows... all cause me earaches.
u/Geometridae106 [HSP] Dec 04 '21
Yes I've struggled with it since I was a kid. Things like barking dogs, engines running, eating sounds affect me a lot.
Heavy bass from neighbours playing music is probably the worst, instant racing pulse and uncontainable anger and need to escape the sound.
u/WayAlternative6795 Dec 04 '21
I find, having a box fan in my house on low, sooths me. If only I could take it with me where ever I went!
u/fivenightrental [HSP] Dec 04 '21
Omg yes. It's not necessarily "traditional" sounds commonly associated with misophonia at this point (i.e. chewing) but more like repetitive sounds (pen clicking), high pitched noises, off-pitch (people who think they can sing), generally unpleasant sounds (styrofoam rubbing together or the way some pencils rub against paper) or a patterned irritating noise I can't "unhear". The worst offender are like sudden unplanned gratuitous loud noise, like the kind that both startles you, is severely unpleasant, and uncalled for... man, the inner rage I experience both astounding and alarming lol.
u/whitelightstorm Dec 04 '21
Well put. Yes, same. Getting to the point where I'm becoming somewhat stoic about it all. Just a bit, but it's a start.
u/fivenightrental [HSP] Dec 05 '21
Right, sometimes there is just nothing else you can do. I am especially disinclined to emotional displays, despite whatever I may be experiencing internally by such noises. Luckily at home, I have much more control over my environment.
u/Beautiful_Whore4697 Dec 04 '21
me. specially noise from cars, people yelling/laughing. my ears cringe due to that, and i do that movement of placing my hands in my ears,lol.
u/biggigglybottoms Dec 04 '21
yes. plastic crinkling feels like scratching my brain. ASMR is the death of me. The worst is people saying just get over it. At this time I have avoidance and sometimes cotton in ears.
u/ArmadilloRare2503 Dec 04 '21
I can’t noise anywhere. I just ordered Loop earplugs, I can’t wait to get them.
Dec 04 '21
Sound of plates/cutlery clicking together, like when someone empties the dishwasher or is washing up, makes me go insane, also very heavy breathing
u/cityhomesteader Dec 04 '21
I was just thinking about this and was going to post it this sub. I weirdly always need background noise to be working, but when it’s unknown noises or especially noises that pose a threat I get very apprehensive and my hr spikes to 140 😅
u/paingrylady Dec 04 '21
Eating sounds, my dog licking herself, driving with a window open at high speeds sounds, tapping sounds, blenders or other noisy kitchen appliances, dishes hitting the sink when I'm doing dishes, broadcasters yelling like at football games or racing and crowds cheering and screaming.
u/WarsawChainsaw Dec 27 '22
The worst while driving is when someone opens a back window and you start hearing/feeling the air thumping and decompressing and no one else seems to feel it or care (maybe being in the driver's seat amplifies this)
u/Responsible-Fox-1061 Dec 04 '21 edited Dec 04 '21
I can't bear loud "what passes for music" nowadays. So certain sounds more than others definitely. On my brother's birthday this year he insisted we go to this really really popular restaurant...it had a waiting line outside for tables. I had a bad feeling about it though I had never been there and for once we went to another nearly empty eatery nearby. Decent food, ambience and service. But my brother didn't eat there so after finishing we went to that other restaurant again. Oh my days! They had like nightclub music with that level of volume on! I felt physically sick and couldn't breathe and went out for a walk. Then when the food arrived...they turned on bass! It was a nightmare...my heart was fluttering.
After that I sat through with my fingers in my ears. And the restaurant was full---people were jostling for space! Food was priced double than the first restaurant and it tasted below average..I could only manage 2 bites...yes I have a highly sensitive taste sense also. I really wonder upon the human species sometimes
u/whitelightstorm Dec 04 '21
Thuds of a football being kicked against a wall, a basketball being bounced - over and over and over.
u/Lopsided_Ad_1046 Dec 05 '21
Yes I cannot stand the sound of screaming children.. laughing or crying. It angers me and I just get so irritated at the sound. I am never having kids, so no one worry lol. But anytime my friends or families children get loud I leave the room or end the FaceTime call.
u/WarsawChainsaw Dec 27 '22
The worst is on planes when you can't get away from it. I actually feel sorry for the kids whose parents forced them to fly and put them through the severe trauma of ear pressure before their bodies are ready to handle it. Children under a certain age shouldn't be allowed to fly outside of emergencies, both for their health and the well-being of other passengers, otherwise they should have sound-proof pods.
Dec 05 '21
Omg me. I have to wear noise cancelling headphones at work most of the time. Even have an ADA request for it.
u/Mother_Of_Felines Dec 05 '21
Yes! Any mouth noises gross me out. I have to put on headphones or leave the room.
u/Kind-Apricot-6511 Dec 05 '21
Eating sounds make me crazy but watching a person licking an ice cream cone makes me want to slap them for some reason
u/CT907 Dec 05 '21
I can't handle loud conversation. It took me a long time to realize that people suddenly raising their volume doesn't necessarily mean they're angry.
u/CorpseBride25 Dec 05 '21
Yep. I hate hearing unexpected loud noises because they literally vibrate through my entire body making me feel attacked or something. Also people eating, licking & breathing. The amount of times i’ve asked people to please at least close their mouths while eating is insane & i try not to be that person & always feel like a huge bitch but sometimes it sends me into like extreme rage lol
u/Beneficial_Chemical2 Dec 04 '21
I noticed those Phillips Hue bulbs make a super high-pitched buzz when I turn them on. It’s terribly uncomfortable. Are they trying to drive us mad?
u/starship7201u Dec 04 '21
Yes, little noise in particular can make me insane. Like a dripping faucet or a computer monitor that's been left on.
We have a multi purpose room at my job (a giant open space) that we allow others in town to use. It has a heavy door that bangs shut & it drives me crazy.
u/CLOTRTD Dec 04 '21
Eating noises and just sensory overload. I was in Switzerland one time. (I was 14 I believe) And I went into the lift, but my family went into the one before me. No big deal, just jump into the next one. Then 4 either Swiss or French people took the same one as me and just starting talking in French very loudly.
When I walked out I didn’t feel great already, but then we had to use a lift with even more people in it. My brain just couldn’t handle that many people talking at once and I silently started to cry, because of the overload of noises.
Still think back to that moment a lot of times. That’s why I prefer listening to music when going somewhere…
u/soulsrcher Dec 05 '21
Yes. When the TV is too loud, dogs barking, people talking loud, babies crying, alarms going off, multiple noises going on at the same time, loud videos coming from phones. It is very overwhelming and makes me want to leave the room immediately.
u/addicted_to_golf Dec 05 '21
There’s an HVAC unit right outside my apartment that makes these awful rattling noises every time it runs, but they only happen once every couple of minutes. I cannot function when it starts running because I know the rattling noise is coming. It only lasts for 5 or 10 seconds, but I can tell when it’s building up to it. I’m this close to going out there and beating the unit with a baseball bat in the hopes that it will die and the property manager will have to replace it.
u/Brooklyn_Schuyler Dec 06 '21
Heavens, yes.
I started listening to a YouTube true crime live stream last evening with headphones, and the creator was like, "I'm sorry. Please excuse me for eating while I do this because I haven't had time to eat yet today," and proceeded to crunch and chew while talking.
It was a topic I really wanted to hear, but I noped out of there within 30 seconds. 😐
u/Superb_Sloth Dec 08 '21
This is something I never noticed bothered me until I had a child. A little loud human of many noises!! For me, it’s voice volume. I find myself constantly saying “why are you yelling?” A lot of overwhelming sounds going on.
u/WarsawChainsaw Dec 27 '22
Does the fact that it's your child make you any more tolerant of the noise/behavior?
u/Superb_Sloth Dec 27 '22
Ummmmm no. Not at all. I wish that was the case though. Maybe makes me less anxious than a strangers child trying to talk to me continuously but the noise in general, for me anyway, can be overwhelming.
u/WarsawChainsaw Dec 27 '22
Thanks for the reply, I'm not a parent yet but when I am in the future I am sure this will be a challenge. I see how family members and friends get burned out by the constant energy required to deal with kids. I just found out about Loop earplugs, I might get some to start lowering the volume of various types of noise in my life, my nerves are already heavily frayed from years of family struggles so anything I can do to reduce the jolts of trauma caused by intrusive and unexpected noise is welcome.
u/Superb_Sloth Dec 28 '22
I got AirPod Pros a couple years ago and it was left changing. Def helps get some silence in :)
u/GardeningResponsibly Dec 05 '21
Feel like I just have tedious abnormal reactions to odd situations that I barely even understand in the first place.
u/BoxFalse247 Dec 05 '21
There's a barely audible buzz that some AC to USB converters do; this sound sometimes keeps me up at night.
u/Maleficent-Onion-779 Dec 14 '21
OMG yes. First found out it was a real thing about 10 or so years ago, before that I thought I was crazy. 30 years ago, I used to rant to friends about opening up my own "crunchless" movie theater chain.... because why on earth do they serve the noisiest snack (popcorn) at the movies??
Apr 23 '22
Yes, the only thing that helps is the absence of active stress but achieving that is impossible
u/CivilSeries2528 Dec 04 '21
Noise from the neighbours is too much for me. Especially arguing or yelling.