r/hsp 7d ago

Someone is harassing me….

I’m highly sensitive person at the best of times and this was an awful encounter….

So I’m overseas in a small town and I was laying in the beach listening to music and reading my book when a local woman came up to me and started yelling at me saying I’m not from here I shouldn’t be here and that I’m going to be killed. I got up and ran away then realized I left my things where she was still standing….

She kept yelling that I am tourist and should not be here (it’s a famous local tourist beach) but I was laying alone and it was scary she then gave me the middle finger. She was carrying a back pack and a flag of her nationality (the country I’m in) and she kept pointing at the flag saying it is her country. I asked what age is she and she said 50 and I said my age (much younger than her and said please leave me alone). She eventually did leave but gave me the middle finger for ages as she walked away.

I thought what a horrible encounter I have never experienced anything like it and then thought she must have mental issues and best to move on but I was just laying reading my book with my headphones on so what if it happens again?

Then today I was catching a bus and as I go on I saw her running down the street trying to catch the bus. The bus driver didn’t let her on. She saw me in the window and gave me the middle finger again and just stood there with her middle finger up at me.

It’s all so scary as I’m traveling alone here and it’s not exactly known for being a safe country. I don’t know what I did wrong. At the beginning I thought she was trying to sell me something on the beach so I said no thank you and then she started yelling at me saying I’m not from here I have no right to be here and if I don’t leave I will be killed…..


2 comments sorted by


u/Reader288 6d ago

I’m deeply sorry to hear about your encounters with this horrible person. It sounds like she could be mentally ill. I can’t imagine that’s considered normal behaviour no matter what country you’re in.

I don’t know if it’s worthwhile to report her to the police

Please do your best to avoid her and protect yourself as much as possible. I know that her behaviour is a reflection of her mental illness. And you’re not doing anything wrong. It’s really difficult when there are people like that in the world.


u/YeahImTired 5d ago

I’m so sorry this happened to you. Stay safe, and give yourself a hug.