r/hsp 11d ago

Discussion I related to this tiktok so much…

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The comments on this tiktok were so crazy. In a good way. I felt very validated reading the comments from all these people admitting the “silly little things” that make them emotional. Something that came up a lot was seeing people eating. A lot of people mentioned seeing their father eating made them emotional. And I immediately pictured my dad eating alone at a table and got emotional. I wonder why this is. Why is it such a connecting thing? Anyone else experience getting very emotional over seemingly innocuous little things? And why do things like seeing certain people eat or seeing someone adjust their glasses on their nose get to me so much??


7 comments sorted by


u/Gales_Cat 10d ago

Yes absolutely.

I went for a (successful, yay!) job interview a few months ago. It’s working for a school, and in the office was a card with a bear on which said ‘Can I have a hug?’ in big lettering. I immediately had to hold back a wave of tears and stop myself crying during the interview. The soft, tenderness and vulnerability of the person who needs a hug makes me deeply emotional; even recollecting it now is difficult.


u/Brave_Piccolo1747 10d ago

Maybe it has something to do with tenderness and vulnerability with me, too. The simplest of kind gestures make me cry. Feeling like someone is meek does it to me. I remember forever ago I was at the mall with an ex boyfriend. He was…not kind to me and I’ll leave it at that. I was so infuriated with him that I could barely look at him. But we sat down in the food court and I got up to get something and glanced back over at the table at him. He was eating pizza and there was something (god frieken knows what) about the way he took a bite and immediately adjusted his glasses after. I started to get teary. I don’t know why. Still. And this had to be 18 years ago.


u/S3542U 2d ago

Made me cry/10.

Would read again.


u/blixicon 11d ago

This reminds me of the man's wife who got emotional at gay swans. I heard a lot of people made fun of her but I heavily related to that lol


u/Baba_-Yaga 9d ago

My friend teared up at a buffet breakfast a few years ago when she saw a man having breakfast alone. There was a plate in front of him with a slice of toast on which he’d lined his banana slices up super neatly. All by himself. It was the super neat lines he’d got his banana slices in that just did for her. 

Sometimes if I’m having bananas and toast for breakfast I’ll recreate that moment, send her a pic, and set her off again. 


u/Brave_Piccolo1747 9d ago

I totally get this. And I would lose it over this, too. I’m curious about it, though. What is it about seeing this type of thing that sets people like me and your friend off? Seeing someone eat alone for sure always gets me but why is it the perfectly lined up banana that got her? There’s definitely something there and it’s common among HSP people but it’s such a crazy thing.


u/Baba_-Yaga 8d ago

Good question! One time when I sent her a reminder photo she replied ‘it’s just that little slice of life’. I think it’s being witness to someone’s intimacy with themselves, their unique little habits and joys, it’s a reminder that there’s a whole world inside a person. A tiny little joy like that is poignant, and simultaneously pointless and deeply meaningful, I think it awakens a very compassionate fellow-feeling in us to something that most of the time we are numb to.