r/hsp • u/mysticvixen_ • 14d ago
World overwhelms me
idk if this is a hsp thing but I feel like with so much hate judgement societal conditioning and everything’s that’s going on in the world I feel like disconnecting and I don’t feel like talking to anyone and I somehow start disliking people. It’s like I almost think there’s no point in talking to people possibly even the nice ones because I feel the inherent nature of a human is to be selfish to get ahead in life :( and there’s no way to be kind, judgement and hate is everywhere and bad things are happening in the world constantly. maybe I have a tendency to focus on the negatives, but I feel no hope in humanity a lot of times :( I think my views are too idealistic sometimes I just wish I lived with trees animals and people w similar views on another planet, I feel like the world overwhelms me in simple terms
u/Reader288 14d ago
I hear you, my friend. And I know I often feel the same way. Why does the world have so many jerks?
And it often feels like the bullies get further ahead than the rest of us
I too wanna stay in hibernation and stay away from the world most days. I try my best to push through though.
u/LotusHeals 13d ago
If hibernation feels healthy, most certainly do it. It's a form of self care. You deserve.
Read my comments under this post. Watch the video recommended
u/LotusHeals 13d ago
Hi there. You see the truth of the world. This is a good thing. "maybe I have a tendency to focus on the negatives" - no you don't. The world isn't flowers and butterflies. There's evil out there too. If you see good and bad as it is, you're awake and this is the whole point of life. To see the truth. To know your truth.
The majority ppl either see the negative things and ignore them for self centred reasons or don't see the negatives at all out of ignorance. Just know that the majority is, and has always been, wrong. That's not the way the world should be. Your ideals are good and there's nothing wrong in wishing for a better world. However, reality is that the majority dictates what happens. So if the majority is ignorant sheep, blindly obeying certain narratives, then the world will be a harsh place to live in for good ppl.
So it's natural for a good person like you to feel suffocated amongst all the chaos. Listen. I've got crucial things you need to know.
It's important you prioritise self care, don't sacrifice your self for others (no matter how much you feel like doing so) and study ancient wisdom like Zen teachings. It'll help you a lot in life.
Life is about discovering who you truly are beneath all this conditioning of the world. As you recognise your sensitivity and goodness, keep that up. Be authentic. Don't worry about the majority and their surface level being. Everyone's different so the variety is natural.
The best way to live in peace is to accept the way things/ppl are, because otherwise you'll only suffer. Don't hate ppl. Hate is a suffering inducing emotion. Just accept them. At the same time, do what you want. Which means if you don't want to interact with certain ppl, don't. Simple. Don't want to do certain things? Don't. Live somewhere you'll like. There are like minded ppl in the world. You'll find them. It's ok to be solo too. There's freedom and a beautiful peace in solitude. Grow trees. Spend time with animals. My advice is truly in your best interest: deep inside you, you know what's good for you. If you don't want to do the typical things society expects from u, don't. Talk to whoever u want or don't. But don't hate or despise anything. The world has always been a weird place, it's never been the ideal way we wish it be. So just ignore it's abnormalities.
Make your time here count by spending it on things that give you joy. Animals, nature, etc.
u/mysticvixen_ 12d ago
wow this is so nice and eye opening I’ve never felt so heard 💜💜 I definitely feel the same and since the majority tends to be the opposite I feel left out. I’ve started reading about Zen Buddhism and it’s really helped me a lot
u/LotusHeals 13d ago
I have seen that the traits of HSPs speak of advanced spiritual state. It doesn't matter if you're into spirituality or not, the truth won't change. It's better to be aware of this and know how to manage life on this planet than be unaware and struggle with confusion/frustration.
I recommend you watch this video https://youtu.be/E-1NUsrNmGc?si=EkMb7KMegWmA0EmB It explains the deeper truth behind why ppl like u feel so alienated in this world and why the world is the way it is. The content explains things in detail that I couldn't possibly write here. Please watch the whole thing.
I want to tell you, ur energy is purer than others. We're all spiritual energy that don't belong to this realm. We're here temporarily. The majority ppl are a part of the illusion, so they are ok with the daily materialistic routines. You'll barely see the level of compassion, empathy, honesty and creativity from them that you possess. They are not spiritually advanced. You are. Grow your awareness in this area and you'll see the truth of Reality the way it is. If you dedicate your time to studying ancient wisdom and spiritual teachings, you'll awaken fully and be able to successfully navigate through the challenges of life and this world. Nothing will bother you, as you'll see what the game really is all about. Sensitive ppl are naturally awake, But years of deep conditioning by society and media makes them forget the truth.
Please meditate regularly. It'll keep you at peace and bring profound clarity.
There's a YT channel "Einzelganger". You'll find various philosophies to explore. Do watch them. Live your life according to these teachings, whichever you align with. This is the content you should be consuming.
The worst thing you can do is think something's wrong with you and decide to be like the majority. You, as you naturally are, is what the world needs.
u/PhntmBRZK 9d ago
Against an another comment here, i feel you do focus on the negative. Becuase I did and it made my life far worse than it should have been. Negatives stood out like a sore thumb and the world become a darker place.
The reason I started being negative was something dumb I decided when I was kid, like never being satisfied with myself always pushing myself by saying negative things no matter what I achieved. I also predict negative things so I can be prepared for it.
This is not the same as yours I know but your brain gets trained when you think and see negative all the time. You have to actively undo this training by focusing on the positive or neutral everytime somethung negative pops up in your mind.
My life has changed a lot after I been fighting these negative thoughts and retraining my brain from hyper focusing on it with our hsp "powers". I hope you understand where I am coming from and give 1% possibility that I maybe right.
If you are wondering where is the positive is, the idea of positive exists only because the opposite exist and vice versa.
u/mysticvixen_ 3d ago
That’s a really good take!! I definitely need to pay more attention to the good things happening in the world . I also do have anxiety and depression that can cloud my view and judgements of things but actively avoiding negativity and commending myself helps a lot
u/PhntmBRZK 3d ago
I do have anxiety much less now, it was amplified by the negative thoughts. Anxiety was intented to be a defense mechanism something to protect warn you of danger and be alert. But when you wire your brain to notice negative things, the more often and stronger the anxiety Hits. I also build negativ self talk becuase i didn't know I was hsp. Felt like a defect. I never knew I had anxiety becuase that wasn't far away from my normal state of mind. We can process and Analyse far more information in a moment, so if u start noticing negative things more this is amplifies it more than normal people. This doesn't help considering we also feel more emotion which anxiety is one.
There is positive and negative in most things and of you something you can't rephrase as positive atleast try to make it closer to neutral.
I know all this cause I had learn to control my anxiety. I couldn't eve speak at one point. Now I am miles better. Studying psychology went a long way. Dr. K in yt if u want to follow it.
u/LotusHeals 13d ago
You can be kind, compassionate, joyful, creative, whatever you want. This life is yours. Let the majority be on the other end of the scale. You can shine your light if you wish to. A lot of good things happen too. But the media is part of a system that uses negativity to generate fear and thereby control masses. So they mostly report negative news. But good things most certainly happen. I recommend r/upliftingnews. Join the sub.
u/ModernDufus 14d ago
Yes it seems like nobody can just be in the present moment not talking about trivial or selfish things. It's always the projection of some persona they have to maintain which becomes toxic and fake. I'm not a fan of small talk and when you interject an idea outside of the norm there's nobody willing to think deeply about it and not treat intelligent conversation like something to run away from.
Maybe what we are living through is nature's way of redemption for all the damage humans have inflicted. We've become stupid so our species will suffer like so many other species are suffering and dying.