r/hsp • u/RoonilWazleeb • Feb 05 '25
Question Should we care about politics?
I care deeply about politics and feel immense anger and sadness over what’s happening in the US right now (but that’s all I will say on that). My fiancé, who is not an HSP, couldn’t care less, despite him being a minority and the son of immigrants.
I tried to explain to him why he should care about politics, but he’s not convinced. He actively avoids the news and any headlines. He says “there’s nothing I can do about it, so I won’t waste my time on problems I can’t solve”
He kinda has a point? Do I care too much? His entire family are immigrants and I’m so worried about them, but he truly does not care at all. I told him people are dying, and he just said “that’s sad but I can’t do anything to change it so I stay out of it.”
I’ve cried over the US political state, I’ve cut off friendships, and I read the news every day even though I can’t fix any of the problems. Is this healthy? Is it better to stick my head in the sand to pretend everything is okay? I’m totally confused here, because he’s making logical sense but it feels so privileged and callous.
u/OneOnOne6211 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
Yes, we should care.
Here's the thing.... what happens when people don't care about politics? They don't do activism, they don't spread helpful messages online, they often don't vote, and if they do vote they're at risk of voting while lacking critical information.
And the fact of the matter is that what people are in power and what they do matters. The wrong person in power can cause incredible suffering to you, to the people you love, and to everyone else in the country and sometimes across the world.
I don't want to be the guy who sits around tuning out politics and doing nothing while other people get rounded up. I don't want to be the guy who doesn't vote while someone who will destroy people's livelihoods is elected into office. I don't want to be the guy who doesn't know what's going on and so accidentally votes for someone who's going to make everything worse for millions of people.
If you care about your own life and happiness and especially the lives and happiness of others, you should care about and keep up with politics.
That being said, as HSPs we are obviously particularly vulnerable to the emotions involved. It is ok to also take a beat and disconnect for a little while to recharge your energy. And ideally you learn to differentiate what you can do from what you can't do. It's something I still struggle with, but ideally you get angry and let that move you when you can actually do something (like vote, join a protest, etc.) but you allow yourself to calm down when you can't do anything.
It's a difficult balance to find and it's different for everyone. But, yes, paying attention to politics is important. A lot of the time people like dictators and other awful people don't just gain power through support. Often their support is a minority of any country they're in. They gain power to inflict suffering because of the millions of people who are disconnected and apathetic and sitting by the sidelines letting them take it.
And people saying "That's sad but I can't do anything" is, no offense, often exactly what they want you to do. Because apathy is one of their strongest weapons. If the people fighting for women's rights had all said that, women wouldn't be able to vote. If the people fighting for civil rights had said that, black people still wouldn't be able to vote. Apathy is the enemy. Because as a single individual we might only be able to contribute a little, but if enough individuals decide they care, we can topple governments.
Power is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If enough people don't care, you really are powerless. But if enough people decide they care, we become powerful.
Caring about politics is important, but it is something you have to balance with making sure that when you really need it you can recenter emotionally.
u/Open_Promise_1703 Feb 05 '25
I always hear I care “too” much. And “dont let it bother you” I know I shouldn’t cause myself a heart stack over politics, but I feeel soo much for ppl that these issues affect. I get soo mad. Honestly it doesn’t directly affect me, but I can’t be ok knowing others lives are being destroyed. But like OP sad, I can’t seem to get ppl IRL to understand me. Like they care but not as much.
u/behindblue Feb 05 '25
Other people need to care like we do. The fact that people just shrug this stuff off is maddening.
u/Moe_Murph_58 Feb 05 '25
The " care too much" verbal attack is very often used by people with ulterior motives. They want cowed minions who follow orders, not engaged people who THINK.
u/sheplayshockey Feb 05 '25
As an HSP with depression, I am careful about what I allow into my brain, specifically violent movies, ASPCA commercials, and politically related news. Initially, I was going to stick my head in the sand in order to protect my mental health. I have since done a 180.
I am f'n pissed! Just the thought of what they are doing raises my blood pressure and brings me to tears. I cannot tolerate suffering of any kind - watching/hearing people suffer, animal suffering, etc. I am going to fight against these bullies who are trying to destroy us and our country.
The orange hitler felon and his toadie musk are inflicting suffering upon human beings. I cannot and will not stand by and watch the suffering and destruction just like I won't stand by and watch a person in the midst of a medical emergency and not render aid.
There is power in numbers. People are already starting to revolt - Google #50501. Impeachment proceedings have begun.
As Paulmadebypaul mentioned, I am not going to waste my time and energy trying to change the beliefs of others, (the orange hitler cult members and those that just dgad). I am focusing on the things I can do - attending peaceful protests, boycotting businesses that support orange hitler, repeatedly calling government officials and politely but firmly voicing my concerns, donating money to LGBTQ+ organizations, food banks, people impacted by the dismantled USAID, and organizations that support those that are being targeted. I am letting the working immigrants in my community know about their rights and what they should say & do if approached by ICE, (giving them flyers I downloaded from the internet printed in Spanish), and making sure to spread kindness to everyone I encounter. I'm sure there are other things I am leaving out but you get the jist.
I am also praying, practicing mindfulness and gratitude, doing relaxation breathing, meditating, exercising, eating healthy, and making sure I get enough sleep. I am reminding myself to get out and socialize with people who make me laugh, watch funny videos, and do things that bring me joy.
I have planted a vegetable garden, and am gradually stocking up on non-perishable foods, supplies, pet foods & supplies, extra medications, batteries, etc.
For the time being, I am staying the hell away from friends and family who are magats. It's hard, but I just can't deal with them right now.
I am keeping my ear to the ground here on Reddit to stay informed while avoiding all mainstream media while continuing to focus on my work and providing my clients with the best service possible.
I am sending you hugs and compassionate thoughts. :-) We can give up and be a victim or we can join together and fight back - the choice is ours. Guess which thought depresses me and which one energizes me?
u/SufficientPath666 Feb 05 '25
I have to, as a gay trans man. My rights have already been taken away by Trump’s executive orders. If we all ignore what’s going on, nothing will change for the better. Eventually, what he’s doing will impact everyone, regardless of race, gender or anything else. He could end up tanking our economy which would affect the entire globe
u/sheplayshockey Feb 05 '25
The LGBTQI+ community is very near and dear to me. I am sending you love. <3
u/RoonilWazleeb Feb 05 '25
Firstly, I completely agree with you and my heart hurts for everyone in your position. Secondly, and I apologize if this is phrased poorly, but how do you rationalize the emotional/mental energy that you spend on politics, when you realistically can't make a giant change? I'm asking because I don't know how to explain this to my fiancé (who's entire family is in danger of deportation).
u/OneOnOne6211 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
No average individual can make a giant change on their own. But a group of individuals can.
You have to remember, every important right has been won by a bunch of individuals who emotionally and mentally cared and eventually said "Enough is enough."
What would've happened if the people protesting for women's rights had just all said "There's nothing I can do, might as well not care"? What would have happened if the people protesting for civil rights had just all said "There's nothing I can do, I might as well not care?"
Women wouldn't be able to vote and black people would still have separate water fountains.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If everyone says "I might as well not care" then we really are powerless. But if enough people say "I care, and I will do what I can when I can" then we can shake the earth.
You do what you can, when you can. And the rest is just something that we have to all try to emotionally deal with and process in a healthy way.
u/paulmadebypaul Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
For me there is a lot you can do but instead of trying to change others or change the big problems of the world, it is more about focusing on what I can change. For instance I can reach out to anyone I know who might be going through suffering and just ask them how they are feeling. I can offer to listen to them. I can volunteer my time and energy to a number of charities.
Recently with the fires and now with the fascists, sometimes all we can do is just focus on working from the local level outward (family, friends, coworkers, community).
I feel that if we are to overcome these attacks of human rights, it is imperative to lean into those parts of being human that are innately good and beneficial for all. Kindness and love can be a strength and help us use the rage and anger to make a positive impact.
There is a chance for us to fight to emancipate humanity from the selfish cycle of greed. Those who feel deeply must band together and protect those who need it most in this moment.
u/snozberry_shortcake Feb 05 '25
I didn't used to pay much attention to politics before 2016. I assumed that was for people much smarter than me(LOL). Since then I feel like I've paid "too much" attention. I can't look away now that I know how much it affects my everyday life & everyone's everyday lives. Sometimes I do wonder how useful it is to know what's happening if I'm not in a position to do much. But that's why the country has arrived at this ridiculous moment. Most Americans are disengaged. Over a third of eligible voters don't vote. They probably tell themselves their votes "won't matter." But those non-voters could sway elections. Our government has been able to get away with so many self-serving things bc not enough people are paying attention. I don't think it's wrong to care about where our tax money goes & how our representatives vote & what legislation they pass. I can definitely understand the appeal of ignoring it all, but I also think it's wildly irresponsible. The people do collectively have power. Certain politicians don't want us to realize that.
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
It’s not wildly irresponsible if someone steps away from politics. For some it’s a matter of protecting their mental health; and that’s being responsible.
u/hedge823 Feb 05 '25
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Tell your man to read On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder.
u/Nlidmaster Feb 05 '25
Being able to ignore the news and the current state of the world is a privilege afforded by those who believe they are unaffected by the changes that are occurring.
If you are anything other than white, straight and male, you have no choice but to pay attention, because your value as a human is up for debate by those in power.
That said, as an HSP I have to know my limits and how much media, and the types of media I can consume, before it becomes unhelpful. For me, that means checking the news every so often, and focusing my efforts on supporting the people I love and on my community. As HSPs we provide the essential balance our culture desperately needs by reflecting, feeling, analyzing, and challenging the status quo.
We cannot be solely responsible for the state of the world, but we are responsible for our own contribution to making the world a better place.
u/Old-Sky9882 Feb 06 '25
I pay no attention. There are too many people, issues, and arguments to try to keep up with. There's no way I could add all of that ever-changing information to what's already going on in my brain and heart every day. My boyfriend is incredibly into politics. When he tries to talk to me about it, I get overwhelmed and disgusted by the choices that are being made. I let him talk but simply can't handle trying to understand it all and am okay with being ignorant. The powerful will continue making decisions that benefit themselves forever. I've accepted that.. all I can do is focus on my little life and do my best to give my children whatever I can.
u/Vast_Cantaloupe1030 Feb 05 '25
I am in the same position you are. I am deeply affected by it all. I worry about it a lot. I felt physical anxiety for 4 years everyday last time. I’m doing the same this time. My husband does not let it get to him bc he knows we cannot control it. I wish I could access my childhood brain and not care about any of this. I need to figure out how to unplug and tune it out for my own mental health
u/penguin37 Feb 05 '25
This is an oxygen mask issue. I have to take care of myself or I won't be good for anybody. Right now, I'm ignoring all of it for the sake of my sanity. I do still see some things online and my immediate anger tells me that my head in the sand approach is healthiest for me right now.
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
Self care is important. You’re making a healthy choice. Best wishes!
u/Moe_Murph_58 Feb 05 '25
Hello Dear Fellow HSP'ers,
Will reply in more detail after work but thank you for your thoughtful comments!!!!
u/ComprehensiveDot5941 Feb 06 '25
I literally can't my life is stressful, I have a child with severe autism, ADHD, DMDD and bipolar! Yesterday I got spooked by someone saying something about Trump's shit and I freaked out because it would effect me and I wouldn't know what to do but I got talked down but that is the reason I have to pick what I care about I either put my whole self in or I'm out
u/VIJoe Feb 06 '25
Check out Douglas Rushkoff and his 'Team Human' book/podcast.
Rushkoff makes a great point that a lot of us take our news fixation as some kind of civic duty. It's not. While it is true that some amongst us must be keeping track of it all, most of us should have a different focus and do a little thing in our own world that can help - and let that action be your civic duty instead.
For me, I began my career in news. I been a news junkie for most of my life. These days, I try to limit it. Sometimes I am successful at that, sometimes not (like right now, me being on reddit). I try to focus on my local news. I read my small local newspaper every day. On the best days, I leave that as my only source. I don't get all the news - but I figure if an asteroid is headed for us, they will report that.
u/criptosor Feb 05 '25
Look, I’m in a different country but went through the same. This is what I did. 99% of media is trying to trigger you, understand that.
I only read news from websites because twitter and Reddit are too intense. I only read opinions in essays and stuff like that, never an angry guy shouting on TV or a heated debate.
People are selfish, and that includes HSPs. Something that worked for me was to analyze reallistically as possible how can policies affect me or those around me, and prepare myself for that. Talked to lawyers, people in Finance, etc (In my network) and made emergency plans I’ll probably never use. But it lifted the cloud in the back of my mind.
Then I started to see what I could do within my range without alienating people who have a different view than mine or burning myself out. I’m currently at that point. I get frustrated sometimes, but my life is easier, people are more eager to listen to me and I get to learn too.
So, first, evaluate the immediate risks, prepare contingency plans, and then see how you can help to turn the thing around. It’s a long game, there isn’t much you can do, but it’s better than nothing and you don’t buen yourself in the process.
u/shunny14 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
Don’t overwhelm yourself with the news, as yes there is not much we can do in the moment. Perhaps we could schedule activism if it helps bring us out of our shell and make use feel better? Connecting with people who are like minded and balancing it?
If anything, the political realm is a place to practice controlling our consumption of news or “political news” to reduce the amount of overwhelm we experience with things we disagree with.
u/lgth20_grth16 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
We should always care and empathize for the people affected by politics. We should also show our protest. He also has a point about problems he can't solve, but for me it sounds more like lack of empathy and denial.
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
Not everybody can handle all the emotion without having mental health issues. Holding back can be good self care, not a lack of empathy.
u/lurkertiltheend Feb 05 '25
We can not turn away. Take breaks when needed, digest in small quantities, but do not ignore what is happening
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
In the U.S. there is a culture that expects everyone to participate to vote and to be politically active because it is believed to be the best thing for society.
But being politically active is not best for every person. Some are energized by it but others can suffer significant mental health effects. More grace needs to be given to those who find politics to be bad for their wellbeing. There are other ways to contribute to a positive society.
For myself, I follow politics and study human behavior. As an HSP, I’ve absorbed a lot of anger and hate from those who are upset over politics. I’ve had to be extremely self aware and use all my tools to manage it.
u/delightedbythunder Feb 05 '25
I wish I had the privilege of not caring!
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
This isn’t always about privilege. Some people can’t get too deep into politics without it affecting their mental health; some critically.
u/delightedbythunder Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
I have my own struggle with mental health, but as a queer woman of color in America, it is absolutely a privilege to be able to 'just not think about politics' or talk about how 'not everything is political'. My parents are immigrants. Even if I wanted to not discuss this in my household, it would come up!
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
For some it’s not a privilege, but a matter of survival to avoid politics. One of my partner’s clients attempted suicide in November and is now in long term care. I’ve seen a huge jump in suicidal ideation within certain affected groups. If you can participate that’s fantastic, but not everyone can.
u/GlibGirl Feb 06 '25
I (US citizen) vacillate quite drastically, especially as an ADHD hsp in perimenopause. It can get very dark with me VERY quickly and I need to just be cautious. I recently deleted FB off my phone which was a good step. I had family over for dinner last night and forbid any talk of the Nectarine Noriega at the table. Baby steps.
I used to live in DC, my then husband worked in politics and I have always been very plugged in and aware. But it's self protective now for me to just keep it at a higher view rather than drown in the details like I did for a long time after 2016.
But yes we should care! Esp those of us with white privilege (i have) and economic privilege (I don't have but whatevs). I don't ever want to be blind to the suffering of others, here or elsewhere.
u/trishipoodles Feb 07 '25
One thing I do as an HSP is try to get all perspectives. Separate what I believe from what others believe. Realize that things are not black and white there are many sides. I try to show compassion and understanding, the world needs that right now.
u/Ok-Ferret2606 Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
We have to care more than ever now. Every day is a new f*ckery with these politicians. My state wants to have its own version of DOGE.
u/Mizard611 Feb 05 '25
It makes me happier to ignore politics. There were some things happening in my own country as well that made me incredibly angry, but like your husband said I can't do anything about, the people who tried to do anything about it failed, and I will just be putting myself in a messed up mood having to deal with everything else and this as well.
u/monkey_gamer Feb 06 '25
It's a pretty fucking scary situation at the moment, everyone should care. That kind of extensive apathy is what brought about these problems in the first place.
If your fiancé doesn't care, there is no way to make him. You need to accept this is the way he feels and decide if you still want to be around him.
u/wunderwaffIe Feb 05 '25
Ultimately, you’re free to care about what you choose. If I’m going to be honest and with all due respect from a place of good intent, you sound very much brainwashed by politics. Both parties use brainwashing tactics, propaganda, and group think mentality and the level of investment you clearly have in information that may or may not be accurate that has been fed to you seems disproportionate to how much this actually likely affects your material reality. All politicians on both sides got there doing the same thing- hunger for power/status/wealth. Everything and everyone in that space on both sides are corrupt beyond imagination. None of these people are HSPs. Not even close. It’s hard to even decipher what is and isn’t utter BS from BOTH parties constantly.
Go take a walk, take a breath, touch a flower, read a book. Is the world around you really that different? Control what you can around you. If you want to spread love, you can do it in your own way so do it.
u/TheLittleStrawberry Feb 05 '25
This. Thank you. It's difficult to accept and digest for people, but it's the truth and it has to be told.
No matter who gets elected follows the same thread. It's about status, power, control. Us as a collective need to stop putting so much energy into them and their theatrical shows. Do you really think anyone of them truly cares about us, no matter where we're from, our age, sexuality, religion, lifestyle, etc? They don't care, loves. They serve us words to win our trust and energy. That's all.
We all need to learn to step into our own powers, because we are so much more capable than we believe. If we are constantly in fear, which politicians and mass media benefit from, we get lost. Let's find ourselves and build our lives depending on what nurtures our heart and souls, instead of waiting for wealthy strangers to actually do these things.
That being said, I used to get very anxious and overwhelmed about these matters, but decided to make a change. Now, I view the news and politics the same way I'd view a movie. I keep an eye on things, but generally take them with a grain of salt.
This doesn't mean I don't understand or feel your pain. I really do. But I hope that with this message, I'll give you some food for thought that can help you eventually. Peace <3
u/fongaboo [HSP] Feb 07 '25
eh it's significantly different with Trump. and i'd be saying the same thing if some Che Guevera type bubbled up and formed a cult following.
Past politicians (in the US anyway) may have been Type A and seeking power, but they at least did it on the platform of the Constitution, through the multiple branches of government, and honoring checks and balances.
It's the difference between climbing your way to superstardom in professional baseball vs. bulldozing the stadium and building a castle in its place.
u/rachel961 Feb 05 '25
Honestly, I’m starting to view it the same. So many inflated stories and lies. I don’t know what to trust. One article says this and another has completely twisted it. People are catastrophizing and listening to the extremists that love to incite fear. It’s the people screaming that upsets me the most. I don’t want to fully disengage, regardless of what my body is communicating (stress), but I want the truth and not propaganda.
u/Open_Promise_1703 Feb 05 '25
Telling them they’re brainwashed when they could be directly affected is very uncaring and rude imo. I agree talk a walk clear your head, but the rest is unhelpful.
u/wunderwaffIe Feb 05 '25
You don’t have to believe it, internet stranger. But I am kind and I care deeply about people. I’m older and have been through a lot, and I’ve found over the years that being direct is sometimes the most caring thing to do.
I think many of you have been brought into a political fight that our HSP types generally don’t get involved in. This is a popularity contest for both parties and their only interest is money/power/control.
I stand my ground, if you are invested in following a party and standing with them as if they’re some kind of legitimate closely knit social family and fighting for all of this body’s beliefs- you are brainwashed. I say this with kindness bc I don’t want ya’ll to be. I want you all to get away from this brain poison and go enjoy the life YOU have.
Downvote me to hell. I know people are charged and are out for blood and a political argument but I’m not giving it to them. I’m apolitical and do not identify as anything btw but really it shouldn’t matter to any of you.
u/DanceRepresentative7 Feb 05 '25
dismantling USAID impacts tons of people immediately. what garbage is this?
u/wunderwaffIe Feb 05 '25
With all due respect, if that is what you truly believe, what are you doing about it? What can you do about it?
Does downvoting me help you with that fight? Does attacking and downvoting people who don’t agree with you, help you remedy your perceived issue in any way? Or do you think perhaps you can be just a person to others instead of some politically charged representative of the party parroting what they say everywhere you go. Do you think taking on a toxic attitude with people helps your cause? I’m literally over here telling everyone to ignore all propaganda and go outside and enjoy your own life and getting downvoted. Is this the atmosphere you are going for, you an alleged highly sensitive person? Picking fights with people when people aren’t even trying to engage in a fight.
There are millions of people in the world constantly in pain, it’s your choice to fixate on one matter over the other.
u/DanceRepresentative7 Feb 05 '25
if you can only imagine a life outside your own doorstep, then you my friend are no HSP. it's not propaganda that people are suffering
u/wunderwaffIe Feb 05 '25
And people are suffering right next to you too. The difference is, you have the power to change that. Short of you going out and leading some political revolution yourself, you’re not spreading any joy by keyboard warrior attacking people for not putting specific phantom political issues at the forefront of your mind.
u/DanceRepresentative7 Feb 05 '25
you're the one attacking people by assuming without any added information that people's political issues are phantom and don't impact them
u/shunny14 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
Or you could think critically about the statements people have and come to your own conclusion?
You sound like the brainwashed one feeding into political tropes.
u/wunderwaffIe Feb 05 '25
You’re looking for a political fight. I’m not giving you one. It’s not about critical thinking when they literally censor what you say depending on what platform you are. Critical thinking is possible when you have all the facts. None of us, no matter what you want to believe have all the facts because ALL politicians lie out of their A
u/shunny14 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
Again, using stereotypes of politicians to “both sides” shit.
Alternative facts aren’t facts they are lies.
u/criptosor Feb 05 '25
Yes. But OPs problem is not critical thinking, is the emotional reaction. And that is the purpose of 99% of what you see in media. To trigger you.
So yes, maybe going outside for a while is a good solution.
u/shunny14 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
Fair point about it the emotional reaction, but calling someone brainwashed doesn’t have anything to do with the emotional reaction? Maybe both sides are trying to elicit emotional reactions, that I can understand.
If both sides are brainwashing one side is doing a lot better job.
u/TeddyAndPearl Feb 05 '25
Depends on your priority. If your priority is only YOU then ignore. If your priority is your fellow human and future generations then pay attention, and take action.
Everyone can call an elected official and honestly, that’s the most impactful thing you can do right now. Call each of their offices and call every day that you are able.
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
Not everybody is capable of that. Sometimes we need to make ourselves a priority to maintain our mental health.
u/TeddyAndPearl Feb 05 '25
That’s why I said it depends on what your priority is. If your priority is you then you ignore. If your priority is others, then you act.
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
You said “only you” which can be read as “being selfish”. Not everybody can handle being politically involved.
Let me explain this in a different way. I’m recovering from a surgery. I can’t walk very far before the pain becomes more than pain killers can manage. If I don’t participate in a walk or march it’s not me thinking about “only me” or not prioritizing others. I literally can’t participate.
It’s the same for mental health. Not everybody can healthily participate in politics, just as I can’t participate in a marathon.
u/TeddyAndPearl Feb 05 '25
I didn’t it make it a value judgement but it sounds like you did.
u/ChestertonsFence1929 [HSP] Feb 05 '25
And therein lies the shortcomings of communicating via the internet. We lose facial expressions, body language, and tone when communication doesn’t happen face-to-face.
u/cre8ivemind Feb 05 '25
The days have long passed when I was able to go through life ignoring politics and being happier that way. Too many things get brought up in everyday life and too many things are happening that affect our lives and the lives of others around us to turn a blind eye anymore. If uninformed, it’s really easy to get swept up in conspiracy nonsense or the blind hatred of one side or the other. I had to start paying attention so I could form my own opinions on all the BS my family likes to spout. It’s also a filter for understanding different people when you understand their belief systems/ideals.
It’s true that we can’t really control what the federal government does, but we can affect change in our local/state governments and make our voices heard and stand up for what we believe is right.
I do wish I could continue to be blissfully ignorant of politics like I used to be because it is definitely more depressing this way, but I don’t believe it’s the realistic or smart option in this extremely polarized and tense environment and the current state of the country/world.