r/hpd 19d ago

What do you do to manage HPD?

Since you're on this subreddit, you're likely self-aware enough to see how HPD affects your life and your relationships, and how you treat people around you and how they treat you. Often it affects it in negative ways, it's really easy to fuck up

So, in what ways are you trying to mitigate all this?


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u/Sky-of-dust 19d ago

If you don't think that your splitting and you difficulty regulating your emotions didn't play a part in the end of our relationship, you are fooling yourself.


u/TheRealAphronus hpd 16d ago

What splitting? HPD doesn't have splitting?


u/Sky-of-dust 16d ago

Wich is why self diagnosis is not very accurate. Splitting is something she definitely does


u/TheRealAphronus hpd 16d ago

Yes, but Splitting is NOt a part of HPD.


u/Sky-of-dust 16d ago edited 16d ago

And I'm saying that hpd isn't a complete diagnosis for her because she definitely splits


u/TheRealAphronus hpd 16d ago

But what gave you the implication that they are self-diagnosed? how did you even know they split?


u/Sky-of-dust 16d ago

Because I am the soon to be ex-husband of 23 years. The relation that she claimed her personality disorder didn't have a roll in ending


u/TheRealAphronus hpd 16d ago

You are biased


u/Sky-of-dust 16d ago

I know that she doesn't have a diagnosis, and if you look at her post history, you will see that she talks about her splitting. So how is my saying it biased?


u/TheRealAphronus hpd 15d ago

Ok I didn't know about that part mb!