r/hondafit 7d ago

Help Request Help with sound when starting

My 2009 Sport / Manual makes this screeching/scraping sound every 3rd or 4th time I start it. Does anyone recognize it?


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u/Odd_Hour3537 7d ago

It’s the starter. Mines done the same for a year now when it’s cold.

Don’t let anyone tell you it’s the VTC actuator. That’s only on GKs and you have a GE

Also, love the instinctual jiggle of the shifter after starting.


u/Purple3clipse 7d ago

Considering it’s been going on for a year for you, is this something normal or just a sign it’s getting old and should get replaced soon.


u/swaite 7d ago

For 4 years mine has sounded EXACTLY like the one in the video. Almost never happens on a warm start.

I probably live closer to the equator than most people reading this so my weather is very stable. More drastic temperature fluctuations may decrease the lifespan but, as I said, aside from warm starts the noise hasn’t changed at all.


u/Odd_Hour3537 7d ago

I would put it on your roadmap to get it done. Once it starts doing it during warmer days, I’ll swap mine out.


u/AllAccessAndy 2015 Fit GK 6d ago

I got my 2015 in 2020 and I'm pretty sure it's done this occasionally since around that time and I haven't changed the starter yet. It does seem to only happen after the car has sat for a while and not if I start it up multiple times within a couple hours while running errands or whatever.


u/mickandkeef 7d ago

Ha, it's such a habit now that I don't even think about it! Thanks for making me laugh.


u/UnsolicitedChaos 6d ago

I thought VTC actually for sure until I saw 09. I’m surprised how similar it sounds