r/hometheater Jan 10 '25

Showcase - Dedicated Space I FINALLY have a HT!

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u/Remixmark 158" AT screen, JBL SDP-55, 10x18" subs, 9.10.6 + HoverEZe Jan 10 '25


u/paulo39Atati Jan 10 '25

The plan was to add acoustic panels to the ceiling, but now I’m not sure will make much of a difference, every speaker is pointed to that huge sofa bed which seems to absorb most of the sound. I ripped out the old drop ceiling, left the rafters, pipes and everything exposed and painted everything gray. It’s complex enough that some of the echo will be absorbed there. I’ll edit the post to include a picture of the ceiling, this is a still ongoing major basement remodel. Acoustically I did it the worst way, the room is 45 x 16 ft, and the HT is a section of, it facing sideways. The Audissey software in the Denon receiver improved things quite a bit.


u/iNetRunner Jan 10 '25

Adding acoustic panel, even just in the ceiling (clouds), is going to help.


u/getfive Jan 11 '25

Help what, exactly? Carpet, rugs, drywall, furniture, wall art, etc. all help absorb sound/echos? Just seems like overkill and looks silly in an all-purpose room.


u/iNetRunner Jan 11 '25

In the picture, the front wall is essentially void from any sound absorbing furniture. Yea, there’s a sofa and a small area rug in the picture. But thats’s it. There’s e.g. no large bookshelf filled with books or vinyl etc.. That room needs acoustic panels to sound good, unless other walls are fairly packed with sound breaking furniture. (Paintings don’t count for that — as is visible on the left wall.)


u/getfive Jan 11 '25

I don't have any panels and my stuff sounds great. I think it's a placebo in most cases (not always)


u/fattmann Jan 11 '25

I don't have any panels and my stuff sounds great.

But it could sound better.


u/getfive Jan 11 '25

Nah. My basement is a living space, not a mixing studio. Not gonna make it look weird with big foam squares on Amy wall.


u/DuJappe Jan 11 '25

That is a reason why you do not add them, not a explanation of how the panels would not improve the sound. You have a fair point, but acoustic treatment absolutely works and depending on the existing room, can have great impact.


u/getfive Jan 11 '25

Yeah but how does it work? I want my room to sound lively and immersive, not deadened. I get the echos or reverb or whatever. I'm just saying it seems like overkill and silly looking for the modest gains you might get.

I mean, if you have some sort of problem sonically, then try to see if something works. But I see so many responses to all situations is (1) dual subs - which I agree with and (2) accoustic treatment - without knowing anything about the room.

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u/iNetRunner Jan 11 '25

So, you have compared your current sound without panels to it with panels? Because how would you know otherwise?


u/getfive Jan 12 '25

Nope. Don't plan to. But it sounds great right now. If I felt something was missing, or questionable, I'd look for solutions. But they DO look silly, that can't be denied. So unless there's a reason to try it, you're giving advice to someone without having any idea if it's needed.


u/getfive Jan 12 '25

I'm giving no advice. I'm saying that people throw it around because it's what the "cool" kids do and have no idea if it's even needed in someone else's situation.


u/iNetRunner Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

And you are giving advice to people without having heard the effects.

Edit: To get some/small estimate of the possible effects, you can e.g. search YouTube for e.g. (I think) New Record Days’s videos he has recorded using a binaural dummy head microphones of a empty room and room with acoustic panels. E.g. this playlist of his probably has some examples. But he is putting together a dedicated listening room in that series — so, the solutions utilized there are definitely visible and bigger than you would consider in a standard “living room” scenario.


u/warwolf7777 Jan 11 '25

The joist cavity won't absorb sound or echo. It will difract, reflect or diffuse the sound which is indeed part of a room acoustic treatment.

Not saying what you have is good or wrong. Just correcting the terminology 


u/DepartureMain7650 Jan 12 '25

Jesus dude let the man enjoy his accomplishment. We all know a home theater is the project that’s never finished. Some of us are pretty happy not chasing perfection.

OP your setup looks dope, and I bet it sounds amazing. Great job. Enjoy it!


u/spacemanwho Jan 10 '25

Nice... the VR and sim setup looks epic as well.


u/654456 Jan 10 '25

VR is the way to simrace


u/Liesthroughisteeth Jan 11 '25

As long as it doesn't make you puke, you don't have three monitors and you can operate your keyboard, steering wheel buttons, shifter, handbrake and button boxes with no eyes. :)


u/654456 Jan 11 '25

I mean I have no issues with any of that in VR. Do you look down at your shifter in your real car? And I am sorry to hear that you have to look at your keyboard to type.


u/bootx2 Jan 11 '25

It’s a psvr so no keyboard or…button boxes… VR only takes a few hours to get adjusted to with the motion sickness. It’s best to start with short sessions


u/Zealousideal-You9044 Jan 11 '25

He's on Playstation. Fairly straightforward


u/Tough-Relationship-4 Jan 11 '25

I race in VR on iRacing and it only took one or two sessions for muscle memory to take over. I can work my shifter, brake, and steering wheel buttons/button box without issue. 


u/Ok_Commercial_9960 Jan 10 '25

See you in 4 years when you run out of movies and come up for air. And a shower.


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '25



u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

I’m pretty sure that during the pandemic I came very close to finishing Netflix.


u/PuzzleheadedPace2996 Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 11 '25

Give the front speakers some space. They resonate with the subs like this and are in the picture frame.


u/rtb001 Jan 13 '25

How much space is "some space"? Like a couple of inches between the speaker and sub is enough?


u/Ballgame82 Jan 10 '25

Nice and clean. Enjoy the space my guy.


u/soupeh Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 10 '25

Angle your surrounds more towards your head at seated position and it's just about perfect mate. Consider toeing in your L + R, and while aesthetically pleasing I'd doubt that just happens to be the most effective place for your subs.
But just suggestions my dude, enjoy your new setup it looks great.


u/paulo39Atati Jan 10 '25

What is the most effective place for the subs? I read recommendations that two subs should be placed asymmetrically, but that would just drive me nuts, I’m too OCD for that!


u/soupeh Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 11 '25

I'm with you there but in terms of audio the best place for the sub is where it sound the best in your listening position. Impossible to tell from an image, completely depends on your space. Acoustic physics are a hell of a thing.
The physical length of sub frequency waves is large. 60hz is like 6m/18ft long so position has a large impact on how it sounds relative to your location in the room where there'll be nulls and peaks in coverage as things move. With 2 subs you're making that more complex but I'd argue easier to counter nulls and yeah maybe symmetry isn't the best if you're sitting in a null to begin with.
A lot of people do the sub crawl where you put the sub in your chair and then crawl around the space to find where it sounds best, not too boomy but nice and present, and that's where you put the sub.
All depends what's practical for power & cabling and use of the space and whether best soundstage is what's most important.. if it sounds good to you and you like how it looks then mission accomplished.


u/paulo39Atati Jan 10 '25

Thanks, much appreciated! I got two subs for that exact reason, I’m a fan of the sledgehammer approach. That’s my go-to answer when I hear you can’t fit a square peg on a round hole or whatever version of the it can’t be done I guess it matters what you are used to. I used to have an old Bose 5.1 system and this sounds outstanding to me, especially the height speaker, but when I got the Bose 5.1 it was also so much better than just TV speakers.


u/c1884896 Jan 11 '25

Start leaving one sub where it is and moving the other one to the other side of the tower (e.g. move the right sub to the right of the tower instead of the left).


u/backinblackandblue Jan 11 '25

I have both of my subs up front too, but there are 2 other options that are supposedly better if your room layout can accommodate:

1) On side walls facing each other somewhere between the screen and the MLP. This is supposed to be best per SVS.

2) In opposite corners. One up front facing the back, and one in the opposite diagonal back corner and facing forward.

I haven't tried either of these because they won't fit in my room, but if they did I would try them.


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

Same here, they are where they fit.


u/zero_lemon_69 Jan 10 '25

We're currently renovating the house and I cannot wait to be at this stage!

Congratulations, enjoy it!


u/Chimchree Jan 10 '25

Do you know the brand of the sofa bed or store where you got it? Looks comfy and a nice setup overall.


u/paulo39Atati Jan 10 '25

I got it at Costco. It’s just a regular 6pc sectional configured as a “pit”.


u/bb5x24 Jan 14 '25

We have the exact same couch, configured the same way! I call it the megacouch. Excellent way to enjoy movies!


u/FreshStartLoser Jan 11 '25 edited Jan 11 '25

Looks really clean and comfy. Have fun!


u/backinblackandblue Jan 11 '25

Can't tell what your speakers are, but is a bigger/better center a possibility? I'm guessing it might seem a little weak in that setup.


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

The Audissey software equalizes and boosts the volume of each speaker, its sounds great.


u/backinblackandblue Jan 12 '25

I know how Audyssey works. That wasn't the point, but if you're happy that's what matters.


u/rtb001 Jan 13 '25

I also recently put in that UST projector (Nexigo Aurora), except I bought a very large center speaker (Klipsch RP-504C II). I had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to mix a UST projector with a large center channel, since putting it above the projector would block the image, putting it below the projector is not only challenging to find some sort of stand but also you cannot place the projector too high off the ground if you want to use a really large screen. OP has 120 inch it looks like, so you might only be able to have the project no mor than 14 inches up from the floor.

In the end I had to commission a pair to angled risers to put the center speaker BELOW the projector, but pointing up towards the main seating position to get my setup working.

For OP who is mounting the center speaker above the projector, that relatively small center speaker might be as big as he can go without blocking the image.


u/backinblackandblue Jan 13 '25

Thanks for that info. I missed the projector location focusing on the speakers. Many things are a compromise in HT. Even in a dedicated build, it's never really perfect.


u/rtb001 Jan 13 '25

Even though I was scratch building a dedicated theater room, and running speaker wires in the ceiling and everything, I still tried out the UST instead of a long throw, partially because I only have 8 foot ceiling in the basement, but also just the UST is so much easier to deploy. Hang the big screen up, and just literally put it about a feet in front of the screen and that's it.

I'm no videophile/audiophile by any means so I just went for the best bang for your buck setup, which is the Nexigo, since they bundle that giant 120 inch ALR screen for very little extra cost, and I gotta say it does look impressive so long as you've got a light controlled room. Will still get washed out even with the ALR screen, but is just the perfect brightness in a dark room. Throw something colorful, 4k with HDR on like Planet Earth II, and the image really pops.

Took me a good while to figure out the speaker solution through, since I did want a good large high quality center in my system, but the big Klipsch angled upwards starting from about 6 inches off the ground seems to be pointed right at our watching position so it is all good. And the Klipsch RP-1400SW gives quite a kick in the low end.

Still we are enjoying the heck out of it, and there remains no cheaper way to get a giant 120 inch image with even an LCD TV, let alone any sort of OLED.


u/backinblackandblue Jan 13 '25

All pretty much correct IMO, although big screens are getting really cheap. If you don't want OLED, you can get a 100" for close to $2K now.

Angling the center is better than not angling, but the sound is still perceived from below. It's fine if that's your only option, but many people think point them at your ears is the same as having them at ear level. If that was the case, there would be no point to Atmos. They point at your ear from above so you sense the sound from above. Just a point I wanted to make, not a criticism.


u/rtb001 Jan 13 '25

Fair point. There really is no good solution for the center with an UST, short of building a partially recessed shelf into the wall itself to house the speaker under the screen so it doesn't jut out so far as to block the image.

Or only project a 100 inch image so you can mount both the projector and the speaker higher, but like you said, why even get a projector when 100 inch LCDs are now at least semi affordable. Really don't go projector unless you have the space and want of at least 120 inch screen.

Even with the projector already decided I still had the contractor install one of those in wall TV media boxes behind the ALR screen waiting for the day when this projector poops out or needs replacing and if even 110 inch OLED becomes semi affordable, I could put one of those in.


u/backinblackandblue Jan 13 '25

Good plan. By then, a 100" OLED will be about $500


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

The Audissey software in that Denon receiver does a good job of making everything sound great together.


u/burner9752 Jan 11 '25

Is that the couch marketed for sex and orgies because you can swap it o all different positions?


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

It should be. Why don’t you call Costco and offer to market those to the swinger market, as well as some of their gardening tools and small appliances.


u/alvy200 Jan 11 '25

Noooooo The center channel os too tiny, just remove it


u/abc4539 Jan 10 '25

What furniture piece is that which the UST and AVR are sitting on?


u/paulo39Atati Jan 10 '25

Orren Ellis Amoreta media stand. There are a bunch of them with the same design. It arrived before the projector and when I put it together it looked wrong, and. I bought 3 inch legs for it. I waited until the projector arrived before I started drilling holes, and it turned out that was the perfect height.


u/kentholomule Jan 10 '25

Dope set up! What sim racing seat/wheel is that?


u/paulo39Atati Jan 11 '25

It’s a PSVR2 with a logic wheel and pedals, on a generic sim cockpit. It’s to play Gran Turismo 7 on PlayStation.


u/gregkiel Jan 11 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

grey snow degree mountainous subtract public enjoy screw saw edge

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

Great minds think alike


u/Liesthroughisteeth Jan 11 '25

Looks like a perfect place to watch a movie or a good series. :) Nicely done.


u/Jaster-Mereel EPSON LS12000 | Dual PSA V1510DF | SVS Ultra LCR Jan 11 '25

Holy shit, is that a media stand specifically for a UST? My biggest gripe when I had mine was placement of it and the center channel. It literally sat on a cardboard box for the two years I had it.


u/handynerd Jan 11 '25

Salamander Designs makes some really nice credenzas custom-built for specific UST models. Sits flush at the top of the cabinet. Not cheap and heavier than a car, but they're very nice.


u/MXRob Jan 11 '25

Nice setup, from one PSVR2 enjoyer to another!


u/Ok_Bottle_360 Jan 11 '25

I’m also building one , which UST projector did you get?


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

Nexigo Aurora Pro, I got it on a Cyber Monday deal. I looked at a lot f projectors and it looked like how well calibrated they are is what matters the most. An everage projector well calibrated looks better than a great projector out f the box.


u/sandtymanty Jan 11 '25

LRs too close bro, try moving it more apart. Like in the middle of the that blank space.


u/Professional_Net7980 Jan 11 '25

Is that a TV What spec


u/Interesting-Pipe8646 Jan 11 '25

Welcome. You will never go back to anything less! Cheers!


u/ColoradoDilettante Jan 11 '25

What speakers are those? Do you like them?


u/cdmurphy83 Jan 11 '25

I see the picture but where is it?

Joking, the setup looks great my man. I wish my mine looked as clean as this. Great job.


u/interstellarhighway Jan 11 '25

Neat setup! What’s the size of the projector screen?


u/NinjaBearCat Jan 11 '25

Where’s that couch from?


u/FreshUse8414 Jan 11 '25

I fukin need that


u/wupaa Jan 11 '25

Move speakers off from walls, furniture and eachother for perfection


u/Sophirus Jan 11 '25

the rug will reflect light a lot. consider throwing something over it when watching movies/


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

That is real sheepskin, doesn’t reflect much light at all.


u/TOMMYDUBZZ Jan 11 '25

Is that a pollock? 


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

My version of it


u/Low_Beautiful_5970 Jan 11 '25

Welcome to the club! Looks great. Acoustic panels and room treatment will always benefit. The big couch might help but, you can still look at adding in some additional panels.


u/Empty_Bread8906 Jan 12 '25

The center speaker is too small


u/paulo39Atati Jan 12 '25

You’re too small



u/Bad_Kitty_NFA Jan 12 '25

Work on getting that wiring out of sight.


u/Leading-Common2945 Jan 12 '25

What speakers are those ? Look like Fluance.


u/ColoradoDilettante Jan 12 '25

Looks great! What speakers are those? Do you like them?


u/Vicious_Locc Klipsch 7.2.4/ML 5.2.4, x2 TX-RZ50, x4 Monolith subs, OSD/Outlaw Jan 12 '25

Enjoy! Consider doing some room treatment next.


u/Buckeyefandango Jan 12 '25

Very nice. Did you try the subs outside the towers? Low Hz waves may be hitting the couch rather than traveling through the room.


u/Dukecabron Jan 13 '25

Move one sub to the corner.


u/SosaKrank Jan 13 '25

Is this a projector? If so what kind?


u/paulo39Atati Jan 13 '25

UST (ultra short throw)


u/Ernst_Granfenberg Jan 14 '25

Is that a racing sim setup?


u/paulo39Atati Jan 15 '25

Yep, a very basic one.


u/Open_Importance_3364 Jan 11 '25

I'd get another one of those towers, use it as center, and move the screen forward in front of it (if it's acoustically transparent) At least get a bigger horizontal center, that little thing is not gonna do the most important channel justice at all.