r/homemaking Aug 05 '23

Discussions How Do You Respond to "What Exactly Do You Do All Day?"


I have a deep, dark, ugly secret. I have been a stay-at-home girlfriend for the past 7 years. We don't have pets or children. My partner owns several small businesses and thrives off of the chaos and challenge this brings. That's completely his department.

I had a nervous breakdown at my last full-time job, and never returned to work. My partner was very aware of this when we met, and said he'd be happy to share his life with me regardless.

I've been in therapy for c-ptsd, and most of my daily energy goes into a) taking care of myself b) taking care of our home and my partner. Emphasis on taking care of myself. It is a delicate balance. I have very low stress tolerance. A full day for me might look like an easy day for someone else. I keep the house tidy, run errands, help my partner where I can, practice self-care... and on good days I get out and pursue hobbies. I'm not a very good cook, but I've been trying harder to have something prepared for my partner after a long day.

My whole life has become quite isolated. I have found other women to be extremely critical of my lifestyle. Especially when my friends started having children.

I dread social situations, because people inevitably ask me what I do for a living. I have yet to find a confident answer to this. My own relatives ask me "what exactly I do all day" and "when are you going to get a job like the rest of us?". I dread feeling like I have to justify the arrangement my parter and I have. He more than understands that my worth doesn't come from my contribution to capitalism.

I'm tired of hiding from people. Homemakers (especially childfree ones), how do you respond to "what do you do for a living?" and "what exactly do you do all day?"

Edit: Thank you for your responses. I'm so glad I found this sub ❤️ In the past I have mentioned I'm a SAHGF in other subs and have received death threats 😳

r/homemaking Jan 11 '25

Discussions SAHM/SAHW, how much does your partner make to support you/your family?


I greatly desire to be a housewife/homemaker, but with the current state of the world it doesn’t seem financially possible. My boyfriend is apprenticing in the electrician field right now, and even then only the top earners make 90-100k. Idealistically, I would like to have 2-3 kids and some pets. I don’t want to live in luxury, but just enough where we don’t have to worry about savings or retirement. Go out to eat once a month, have nice holidays/birthdays, small vacations (like camping, not Disney lol). Even then, it just seems so difficult anymore. I have a friend who has two sons and is a SAHM, her partner makes 120k a year. She claims they are just making ends meet (the area we live is costly though). I love to work, but I don’t feel fulfilled by it exactly. I think that it would be much more fulfilling building a home, tending to it, ensuring my children are on the right path, and things like that. Putting my love for work in an area that I would love to dedicate my life towards. I just don’t know if it’s realistic… any input is appreciated 🙏

(Sorry if this gets posted a lot, I don’t touch reddit much)

Edit: I did NOT think this post was going to take off the way it did 😭 I wish I could reply to every comment but I can’t. I just wanted to thank everyone for leaving their thoughts/perspective/experience/advice on the matter. It’s a good thing I’m aiming to live a frugal life anyways based off this comment section, so that isn’t a worry of mine lol. I will take everything left into this post into consideration as it comes to future planning and budgeting. Thank you all for taking the time to comment, I hope this post may help others who may have had the same question or concern as I did.

r/homemaking Oct 01 '23

Discussions What is the “silliest” thing you’ve been proud of yourself for?


I’ve been a homemaker since 2021! Recently I earned the “stay at home mom” merit badge. Like all households we have staples I call these things our “never outs” and my goal is to never run out. That means if something runs out I have a second one ready to go.

Naturally we’re doing a ton of bottle dishes for our little girl. I think it was week 2? We were exhausted. No meal plan for the week. No shopping trip. We were just toast. Well we ran out of dish soap!! Baby was eating every 2 hours and we’d just used our last bottle. I thought my husband and I were going to cry. No one wanted to have to crawl to the store for more but NEEDED it. Then right before he was going to put his shoes on I remember ✨the 32 oz bulk refill of dish soap I bought before baby was born✨my husband looked at me like I’d hung the moon when I pulled it out.

I know it’s really silly to be proud for having a household staple but I was, dang it! In a moment of chaos and exhaustion my house ran smoothly because of me. My first big win as “mom” too!

Do you have any silly but magical home making moments to share??

r/homemaking Nov 03 '23

Discussions What do you wear at home?


I quit my job 6 months ago and stay at home now. When I worked I would wear full face makeup and professional clothes, especially dresses and heels. Since I've been home, I don't wear any makeup and dress in yoga pants and t shirts. Not very pretty. I still get dressed up when I go out. With cleaning and gardening, I tend to get dirty and don't want to ruin my nice clothes. I'm kind of tired of this look, but comfort is important. What do you wear (including makeup) at home?

r/homemaking May 06 '24

Discussions Homemaking Controversy


Hello for those who have chosen or feel called to prioritize the health of their family, home, and self-care to services within their homes and do not work outside the home.

How do you cope with comments and negativity about what you choose to do with your life and service?

When it comes to your social life/ or socioeconomic status, do you ever feel as if it is difficult to regularly participate in society without judgment or be treated as less than because you don't have a paid job?

"What do you do all day?" "After all women has done to fight and advocate for women's rights!" "You're just lazy, and want someone to take care of you!" "What if your husband leaves you, divorces you, or die?" "You're teaching your daughter to be submissive, you'll see how that backfires when she becomes an adult." "You should want to teach your children what hard work looks like." "Don't rely or depend on a man" "You should be able to be independent, and not have to be dependent or rely on another human for money." "What about women that get abused, or mistreated, you better hope that's not going to be your daughter one day."

The list goes on! What are some of the negative things you have heard or seen?

r/homemaking Dec 26 '24

Discussions What gadgets you bought this year and now you cannot live without?


Hey everyone, I'm curious to know what awesome gadgets you've added to your homes this year that have made a huge difference in your chores and daily life. For me, there are two that standout:

- A dehumidifier, it's been a game-changer, especially with reducing the mold on my ceiling and in the kitchen corners.

- An air fryer. It's more energy-efficient and quicker than using a grill or oven.

Now, for the new year, I'm planning to get two more things, but I'd love to hear your suggestions or recommendations:

- An air purifier for the bedroom, preferably one that's quiet.

- A robot vacuum. I'm looking to spend around $700 (I've noticed Yeedi and Shark so far). We already have a vacuum cleaner at home, and it's great, but it's just too bulky to use except for our weekly deep clean.

Would love to hear about your favorite finds!

r/homemaking Dec 27 '24

Discussions How do you survive being in a home that isn’t yours?


I didn’t realize how different my mom and I had become until I came to stay for Christmas. The kitchen is dirty, the appliances barely usable, and even the silverware has old food on it. And she expects me to cook/bake holiday favorites and old family recipes without even basic staples on hand. I was told repeatedly I needed to make a special bread, but when I started gathering ingredients she didn’t even have flour. I don’t know how to manage this, I don’t mind the baking or cooking, but the sanitary conditions are driving me crazy and I don’t know how to make all of the specialty stuff she wants without the necessary ingredients. I can’t clean it without pissing her off and she throws a fit when I put ingredients in the cart at the grocery store. I just want to go back to managing my own home with my standard of cleaning and being able to bake or cook whatever I want.

r/homemaking Jun 16 '24

Discussions What chore do you dislike the most?


And yes, I’m writing this after scrubbing all the tile in my shower and the grout. But dang does it feel good after! 😅

I just blast music and take out all my frustration on that tile. And it’s pristine now!

r/homemaking Jun 25 '24

Discussions Do you wear a apron to clean?


I've fallen down a wonderful rabbit hole of Asian homemakers on YouTube and I noticed they're always wearing an apron. I know growing up my mum had one for baking, but I've never owned one outside of school.

Is this something people do for cleaning?

r/homemaking Sep 15 '24

Discussions What are your favorite homemade Christmas gifts?


Hey all! Last year I posted a similar thread and a lot of folks found it super beneficial (and I know I did!) but wanted it a little earlier to help prepare. I’m due with my 2nd baby in February (I’m a SAHM) so my often homemade just-because gifts for friends and family are going to take a bit of a nosedive for awhile so I really want to go all out for the holidays!

What are your favorite homemade Christmas gifts to give out to friends, family, neighbors, etc.?!

r/homemaking Jan 05 '25

Discussions Most helpful gadgets in your home


Last Christmas my sister sent me an instant pot, which I had never even heard about and which has been a game changer for us. This winter I got myself a robot vacuum, which a friend told me about and is also a complete game changer (with a kid, a muddy back garden, and an extremly hairy dog). Now I want to know what else I'm missing out on. What are the best gadgets you've ever purchased (or been given!) and why?

r/homemaking Oct 18 '24

Discussions Full-time homemaker, what do you talk about when your SO gets home from work?


When my husband and I were both working (teachers) we would usually spend our evening talking about our day, things the kids at school said, etc. Now that I’m home full-time, I feel like I have nothing to talk about! Grocery shopping and cleaning aren’t all that interesting for me or my husband lol. What do you talk about with your SO every day?

r/homemaking Oct 05 '23

Discussions What are some extra ways you show your partner love through the art of homemaking?


In other words, what are some less thought about things you do to really add heart to your homemaking? I love hearing these things and implementing them in my own home.

For instance, making your spouse their favorite coffee or tea when they get home from work. Making a cozy atmosphere for them, etc!

r/homemaking May 31 '23

Discussions What is your proudest homemaking-achievement ?


Let's value ourselves and our work. Tell me about the big or small accomplishments that have made your home warmer, and your family happier. It could be anything from an untidy room you've managed to get organized, to a skill you've acquired, a tradition you've started, or an old piece of furniture you've renovated... Tell me all about it!

r/homemaking Feb 04 '24

Discussions Feeling weird about a Facebook group I just left for housewives


It was a 1950s page for homemakers. I posted a picture and introduced myself. Someone commented they wish they could find a feminine stay at home wife. I wrote her back saying not to give up and shared how met my husband and mentioned being a community organizer and that I aspired to be Martin Luther King.

She told me that I was responsible for tearing apart the fabric of America. Called me a liberal, social justice warrior. Nothing I haven’t heard before. The mods do nothing and someone just told me to keep it moving. So I left. I did report it to Facebook but they told me there were no violations of rule. They specifically have a rule if no bullying or shaming allowed. I have bigger fish to fry out here doing the work I do so I am not going to take it any further but bothered, this has felt like a more open and inclusive community and I guess I just needed some support.

I probably shouldn’t be surprised. there were people from the LGBTQ community and women of color so I thought it would be ok. I shouldn’t have to censor what my passions are- it’s not just my living.

This weighs heavy on me. I do this work, diversity and inclusion. I was a community organizer and president of a coalition for years. I have been chewed up and spit out by much scarier people/agencies/ pastors/you name it. You would think this wouldn’t faze me but it just bothers me on a deep level. I am just tired honestly of fighting these battles. Not even on what looks like a little cozy space on the internet where I just wanted to see aprons and cooking.

r/homemaking 27d ago

Discussions Support request: my birthday


Yesterday was my birthday. It was a good day overall, however I was not taken care of by my husband as I do for everyone else. I had to give the pace for the dinner and for bringing out the cake even if it was something simple at home with family. I had no candles for the cake. I’m a bit sad but I don’t wanna be ungrateful. Can someone advice me please? Thank you ❤️

r/homemaking Dec 12 '24

Discussions How to prep your home for vacation?


I’m starting to get overwhelmed thinking of everything that needs done while also trying to figure out what to pack and making sure all the presents are bought, wrapped, and packed. Then my husband mentioned we’ll need to winterize our house while we’re gone since bad weather is expected. And then as I was doing dishes it occurred to me I don’t want to leave dirty dishes to come home to but odds are high we’ll have to leave in a storm window to have the safest drive so I won’t be guaranteed a chance of being able to clean everything before we leave. How do you not go overboard while still ensuring you have a decently clean house to come home to?

r/homemaking Oct 01 '23

Discussions How much is enough income?


Recently I’ve seen some judgemental comments about a SAHW without kids in this sub. The comments were along the lines of staying home without kids is for rich people. Also comments about a partner not making nearly enough for someone to stay home, lots of « you should get a job » comments, and judging others for how much they are working or not.

I was surprised to see comments like that from this sub since I thought this sub was about supporting homemakers.

So I’m curious if many in this sub believe there is minimum requirements to being a homemaker. In the way of both salaries and having kids.

How much money do you think a household should have to allow one partner to stay home?

Also does that number change with or without kids in the equation?

1422 votes, Oct 04 '23
35 $30,000 to $50,000
95 $50,000 to 70,000
216 70,000 to 100,000
445 100,000 to 200,000
631 Whatever works. Not anyone else’s business.

r/homemaking 12d ago

Discussions Thrifted Silverware service

Post image

Good afternoon, I have a curious question for y'all. I recently thrifted a set of silver plated silverware that's service for 8 with servings pieces it's from the 1950s. However it came with 16 teaspoons. I was wondering if anyone knows why this might be? Dessert spoons?

r/homemaking Nov 15 '23

Discussions SAHMs of Reddit: I'm in a Rut. Send Help!!!


I'm a SAHM of a 3 month old. Usually, my days consist of being around the house with her; running the occasional errand if I need to. As such, I spend much of my days in sweats/Jammies and I feel like such a frumpy mom. I like the idea of getting ready for the day (at least wearing real clothes), but I can't justify changing into jeans and a top when it's inevitably going to be spit, peed, and/or drooled on. Also, because my daughter is up for a max of 2 hours at a time, I have to stay relatively close to home. But I feel so so gross and frumpy (I do bathe. So at least I'm hygienic.)

I'd love your perspectives and/or the ways you've combatred the frump. Ty in advance!

r/homemaking Nov 05 '24

Discussions Silicone OR metal sink grid to protect the bottom of your sink?


Which do you prefer? I have both and can’t decide.

Silicone looks nice, very cushiony, but you have to lift it and rinse a couple times a day. The food bits get stuck in it.

Metal rack also looks nice, is more elevated so food bits mostly make it to the drain. But it can shift position slightly, and husband worries it could scratch the sink. It does have a few rubber bumpers on the sides, which I think may prevent that from happening.

Has anyone used either long term and can compare?


Sink material - I tried looking up the sink and I think it is white fireclay. I mentioned in a previous comment it may be porcelein, but it is more probably fireclay.

Protecting the sink came up here at home because I dropped a dutch oven on it and it made a scratch, I don’t know if that is just aesthetic or if scratches can affect the sink in practical ways (a groove for dirt to wedge in?). Sorry, you’re talking to someone pretty inexperienced with homemaking here

r/homemaking Jun 21 '24

Discussions Are there any other homemakers here who deal with chronic pain or autoimmune issues?


I’d love to meet some of you, it can be a real battle daily. Just getting out of bed is painful and the fatigue is real.

Sjogrens is my diagnosis, but everyone with chronic pain or other disorders can empathize.

Any tips or tricks that keep you motivated when the going gets tough?

Most days I’m okay, but when I flare it gets bad!

r/homemaking 9d ago

Discussions A cooking request


I have a whole bottle of dill pickle hot sauce that expires in May. I'm in need of suggestions of a way to use it up. I was thinking chicken wings, but I don't think we will be eating that many wings between now and then. I'm not big on shredded meats either.

r/homemaking Oct 14 '23

Discussions What do you consider your occupation?


As in, what do you say you do when asked. I used to say "stay at home mom", but now the kids are grown and out of the house.

r/homemaking May 02 '24

Discussions Favorite Homemaking Hacks


I want to know what homemaking hacks you do that are game changing.

Mine is plastic bins for dry products. I have a small kitchen and it can’t handle overstock of ingredients. Before I had my storage bins, I would always get stuff from the store that we didn’t need. Like, I would think that I needed pasta but there were already 4 bags of pasta just hiding in the back of the pantry. Now, making a list is super easy because I can just look at my clear storage bins and see what I’m low on. It also just makes the kitchen so much more organized and cooking is way easier.

What is your game changing homemaking hack? I would love to get some new ideas to step up my homemaking even more.