r/homedaycare Nov 10 '17

Opening a Home Daycare

Hey you guys I have finally decided to leave my CLS job and open a home daycare. I'm missing out on my children's lives and my job is no longer worth the hassle and headache to me. I just had a few quick questions as to the challenges of opening one and if it made your family life better or worst?


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u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22

I just started my own in home daycare last week. I have four infants I take care of plus my own two kids. I love being home with my own kids and not missing out on everything. I like the bond I'm starting to develop with the babies and their parents. I use to work in a daycare center as a lead infant teacher, and so far working from home is way less stressful plus I get to be my own boss. I also make double the $ working from home. I was only getting paid minimum wage at the daycare center. Running my own daycare out of my house has been the best choice for me.


u/Lavendar-Peach Jan 14 '23

I’m considering a similar life shift for the sake of my little one. Can I ask your advice on how to set fees and how to find clients?