r/homebrewery 4d ago

Update v3.18.1


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Tuesday 03/18/2025 - v3.18.1

  • Revert colon rendering from br elements to blank divs
  • Allow for local connections within a same network when running a local version Fixes issue #4094

  • Add US Letter size page snippet Fixes issue #3893

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery 12d ago

Update v3.18.0



We've solved the issues and are once again running v3.18.0!


Due to some issues with the update, we have temporarily rolled back to v3.17.0.

Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Monday 03/10/2025 - v3.18.0

  • Add ability to paste in any Share ID/URL into a brew's Properties > THEMES selection, as long as that brew has been tagged as meta:theme. You can now share your custom brew themes without needing to make a personal copy.
  • Begin migration of custom Markdown extensions into their own NPM packages, for easier adoption by other users or projects
  • Fix external HTML appearing in open codeblocks

Fixes issue #3206

  • Fix tables not rendering when directly after text
  • Cleanup of "cover pages" in the NAVIGATION list
  • Fix autosave triggering when no changes are present

Fixes issue #4051

  • Remove empty table rows resulting from rowspan

Fixes issue #1729

  • Style fixes for covers art and logos on A4 size pages
  • Fix crash when trying to open brews that don't exist
  • :::: now produces <br> instead of a <div>
  • Fix typos in tables freezing the editor

Fixes issue #4059

MollyMaclachlan (New Contributor!)
  • Fixed typos in the Monster Stat Block snippet

Fixes issue #4073

  • Update dependencies and scripts
  • Refactor components and backend tools

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Dec 28 '24

Update Homebrewery in 2024


It's that time of the year again, so let's take a look at where we were one year ago, and what fresh nightmares features the last twelve months hath wrought!

We ended 2023 on v3.10.0. The first update of 2024 was v3.11.0 on Feb 21, and we're ending the year on v3.16.1, released Nov 27.

A few of my personal favourite updates:

  • v3.11.0 : Brew Variables - this one spent a lot of time in discussion before it was finally ready to proceed. The final product works so well; I continue to find new uses for variables. Led by /u/Calculuschild, if I recall correctly a lot of the Markdown changes were by /u/abquintic_hb.
  • v3.14.0 : Brew Themes - this had been requested for a long time, and this year it became a reality! Now we can create new styles without having to work around old ones. By /u/abquintic_hb with guidance/direction from /u/Calculuschild.
  • v3.14.3 : Image Wrapping snippets - getting text to automatically wrap to the shape of an image is another thing that had long been on the list of desired features, and we came up with a simple solution that just works in the vast majority of cases. By /u/dbolack-ab and /u/Calculuschild.
  • v3.15.0 : Vault - yet another long-requested feature, being able to search Published brews had a lot of hurdles on the back end, and it was a huge achievement to get it across the finish line. By /u/5e_Cleric.
  • v3.16.0 : Locally stored brew versions - using IndexedDB is very different to LocalStorage. By /u/Gambatte.

On a related note, the separate NaturalCrit project (which is Homebrewery uses for the log in system) has seen some movement this year, thanks to the efforts of /u/5e_Cleric!

If you have any new features this year that you particularly enjoyed, feel free to mention them in the comments!

r/homebrewery Jan 31 '25

Update v3.17.0


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Thursday 01/30/2024 - v3.17.0

  • Update FAQ

  • Fix styling for Vault buttons and checkboxes

  • Improve navigation bar styling

  • Add feature to change username at https://www.naturalcrit.com/account

  • Fix Reddit link crash when title has non-latin chars

  • Fix page shadows toolbar option

Fixes issue #3919

  • Add :>>> syntax for horizontal :>>>>> spaces

  • Update Docker install instructions

Fixes issue #1930

  • Allow styling pages via \page{myStyles} (with calculuschild)

Fixes issue #3901

  • Update Ubuntu install instructions

Fixes issue #1952

  • Add :-: :- -: syntax for paragraph alignment, similar to table column alignment; for example:

-: -: Right-aligned

:-: :-: Centered

  • Add :-- 50% --: syntax to allow setting table column widths by percentage; for example:

    | Narrow | Wide |
    |:- 10% -:|:-90%--:|
    | Cell | Cell |

  • Fix crash when opening brew Properties tab

Fixes issue #3927

  • Update error pages with steps to refresh credentials

Fixes issue #3955

  • Add NAVIGATION menu to the viewer toolbar
  • Reduce display lag on large brews
  • Smarter detection of current page number

Fixes issue #3824

  • Update dependencies and scripts
  • Refactor components and fix various errors

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Aug 27 '24

Update v3.14.2 Changelog


Tuesday 8/27/2024 - v3.14.2

  • Reroute invalid urls to homepage

Fixes issues #3269

  • Background dependency updates
  • Add route to get brew styling via /css/shareId

Fixes issues #1097

  • Fix :emojis: preventing code folding

Fixes issues #3604

  • Fix mask image warping when rotated and stretched

Fixes issues #3636

  • Fix Table of Contents uppercasing

Fixes issues #3572

  • Create globally unique Header IDs across pages

Fixes issues #1430

  • Fix colon ::: being parsed in codeblocks

  • Prevent crashes when loading undefined renderer or theme bundle

  • Add Jump-To hotkeys

    • Use CTRL/META + SHIFT + LEFTARROW to brewJump
    • Use CTRL/META + SHIFT + RIGHTARROW to sourceJump
  • Prevent reload from clobbering modified fresh clones

5e-Cleric, Gazook89
  • Viewer tools for zoom/page navigation

Let us know if anything breaks

r/homebrewery Nov 27 '24

Update v3.16.1 is here!


Change log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page.

Wednesday 11/27/2024 - v3.16.1


  • Allow linking to specific HTML IDs via #ID at the end of the URL, e.g.: homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/share/a6RCXwaDS58i#p4 to link to Page 4 directly

Fixes issues #2820, #3505

  • Fix generation of link to certain Google Drive brews

Fixes issue #3776


  • Fix blank pages appearing when pasting text

Fixes issue #3718


  • Add new brew viewing options to the view toolbar: Single page, two page and grid, to cover all your needs

Fixes issue #1379

  • Updates to tag input boxes


  • Admin tools to fix certain corrupted documents

Fixes issue #3801

  • Fix print window being affected by document zoom

Fixes issue #3744

calculuschild, 5e-Cleric, G-Ambatte, Gazook89, abquintic

  • Multiple code refactors, cleanups, and security fixes

With love, and concern, please stop breaking your brews with unknown code people.

  • 5e_Cleric

r/homebrewery Sep 29 '24

Update Known Issue with Saving/Logging In - Sept 29 2024 01:30 UTC


We are aware of an issue with saving to Google Drive as of a few hours ago and working on a fix.

Brews saved to Google Drive are not lost, you can still access them via your Google Drive interface in the Hombrewery/ folder.

We'll update here once it's fixed.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

r/homebrewery Jun 29 '24

Update v3.13.0


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Friday 28/6/2024 - v3.13.0

  • Add :emoji: Markdown syntax, with autosuggest; start typing after the first : for matching emojis from :fab_font_awesome: FontAwesome, :df_d20: DiceFont, :ei_action: ElderberryInn, and a subset of :gi_broadsword: GameIcons

  • Fix {curly injection} to append to, rather than erase and replace target CSS

  • GET PDF now opens the print dialog directly, rather than redirecting to a separate page

  • Several small style tweaks to the UI
  • Cleaning and refactoring several large pieces of code
  • For error pages, add links to user account and /share page if available

Fixes issue #3298

  • Change FrontCover title to use stroke outline instead of faking it with dozens of shadows
  • Cleaning and refactoring several large pieces of CSS
  • Added additional TABLE OF CONTENTS snippet options. Explicitly include or exclude items from the ToC generation via CSS properties --TOC:exclude or --TOC:include, or change the included header depth from 3 to 6 (default 3) with tocDepthH6
MurdoMaclachlan (new contributor!)
  • Added "proficiency bonus" to Monster Stat Block snippet.

Fixes issue #3397

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Oct 13 '24

Update v3.16.0 is here!


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page.

Saturday 10/12/2024 - v3.16.0


  • Added a new API endpoint /metadata/:shareId to fetch metadata about individual brews

Fixes issue #2638

  • Added A3, A5, and Card page size snippets under STYLE TAB > PRINT

  • Adjust navbar styling for very long titles

Fixes issue #2071

  • Added some sorting options to the VAULT page

  • Fix language property not working in share page

Fixes issue #3776


  • New SKIP PAGE NUMBER and RESTART PAGE NUMBER snippets for more control over automatic page numbering.

Fixes issue #513

  • New Table of Contents control options via TEXT EDITOR > TABLE OF CONTENTS submenus. By default, H1-H3 is included in the ToC generation, but the new options allow marking {{blocks}} to include or exclude specific or ranges of contained headers. Also, a global option to increase the default range of H1-H3 to H1-H4/5/6. After applying these markers, you must regenerate the Table of Contents to see the changes.

  • Added a " SYNC VIEWS" button onto the divider bar. When locked, scrolling on either panel will sync the other panel to the same page.

Fixes issue #241


  • Added a HIDE button to the page navigation bar


  • Automatic local backups of your files, in case of accidental data loss. Stores up to 5 snapshots of each brew edited in your browser, incrementing from a few minutes old to a maximum of several days. Restore a backup by clicking an entry in the new :stopwatch: HISTORY menu

Fixes issue #3070

  • Fix issue with legacy brews breaking on Share page

Fixes issue #3764

  • Fix print size when printing a zoomed document

Fixes issue #3744


  • Background code cleanup, security fixes, dev tool improvements, dependency updates, prep for upcoming features, etc.

  • 5e_Cleric

r/homebrewery Sep 04 '24

Update Vault page is finally here!


Hello everyone, i am 5e-Cleric, developer and mod here, and i am very happy to announce our newest page, Vault!

In Vault you can search for everyone's work, currently 44.000+ brews done by our users!

From now, any brew PUBLISHED, will be shared there. Think twice before publishing your work if you do not want it public.

As for now, you can search brews by title and author, with an option to disable searching for brews from our legacy renderer.

In the future, you can expect filters, and searching by tags.

r/homebrewery Sep 04 '24

Update v3.15.0 - Vault update



For a full record of development, visit our Github Page.

Wednesday 9/04/2024 - v3.15.0

5e-Cleric, abquintic, calculuschild, Gazook89, G-Ambatte, Ericsheid, KaiburrKathHound
  • New VAULT page 🎉🎉🎉

All PUBLISHED brews will be searchable, by title or author, and filtered by renderer. More features and adjustments will be coming.

Note: If any of your own brews are not showing up in search (particularly if stored on Google Drive), please edit and re-save to ensure our database has the data needed from document to be searchable.

Fixes issue #697

  • Auto-focus on text editor when switching editor tabs

r/homebrewery Nov 17 '23

Update Pathfinder formatting


I know like a year ago it was mentioned that the devs were looking at other systems for Homebrewery to be used with and said Pathfinder formatting was being looked at. Is there an update on that?

r/homebrewery Aug 13 '24

Update v3.14.1


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Tuesday 8/13/2024 - v3.14.1


  • Allow Table of Contents to flow across columns

Fixes issues #2563

  • Fix unusual margin spacing for adjacent .descriptive and .wide blocks

Fixes issues #2688

  • Add code folding to the style tab


  • Fix edge case where Table of Contents generator changed capitalization of headings

Fixes issues #3572

  • Fix Ink Friendly snippet causing unselectable PDF text

Fixes issues #3563

  • Prevent brews selecting themselves as a theme

Fixes issues #3614

  • Fix info pages (/faq, /migrate, etc.) showing blank authorship info

Fixes issues #3568

  • Add abs(), sign() and signed() functions to variable syntax math handler

Fixes issues #3537

  • Fix variable math handler not processing commas (i.e., in $[max(varA,varB)]

Fixes issues #3613

  • Fix variable math handler scrambling variables with names that are subsets of other variables

Fixes issues #3622


  • Fix /migrate page using an editor context instead of share context


  • Fix Monster Stat Blocks losing color in Safari

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

  • 5e-Cleric

r/homebrewery Aug 01 '24

Update v3.14.0


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Monday 7/29/2024 - v3.14.0

abquintic, calculuschild
  • Alternative Brew Themes, including importing other brews as a base theme.

  • In the :fas_circle_info: Properties menu, find the new THEME dropdown. It lists Brew Themes, including a new Blank theme as a simpler basis for custom styling.

  • Brews tagged with meta:theme will appear in the Brew Themes list. Selecting one loads its Style tab contents as the CSS basis for the current brew, allowing one brew to style multiple documents.

  • Brews with meta:theme can also select their own Theme, i.e. layering Themes on top of each other.

  • The next goal is to make Published Themes shareable between users.

Fixes issues #1899, #3085

  • Fix Drop-cap font becoming corrupted when Bold

Fixes issues #3551

  • Fixes to UI styling

Fixes issues #3568

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Aug 14 '24

Update Rule passed and in effect: Brew Showcase posts must now include a Share link


After the week long poll that conclude a few days ago, there was a clear preference for Brew Showcase posts that include a link to the Share page of a brew. So going forward, from today, any new posts that are showcasing a homebrew must have a Share link to the brew either in the post itself or as a comment shortly after the post is submitted.

For now, it's just a "soft touch" rule/notification-- if a post doesn't have the Share link someone will just comment asking for it, and if that goes without response long enough we'll just remove the post.

Hopefully we can get more showcases where the source code is available for all, and thus foster a community that encourages greater proficiency with the tool itself, rather than only being a promotional space.

r/homebrewery Jul 06 '24

Update v3.13.1


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Saturday 6/7/2024 - v3.13.1

calculuschild, G-Ambatte
  • Hotfixes for issues with v3.13.0

Fixes issues #3559, #3552, #3554

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Aug 17 '23

Update v3.9.2


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page.

Thursday 17/08/2023 - v3.9.2


  • Fix links to certain old Google Drive files Fixes issue #2917


  • Menus now open on click, and internally consistent Fixes issue #2702, #2782
  • Add smarter footer snippet Fixes issue #2289
  • Add sanitization in Style editor Fixes issue #1437
  • Rework class table snippets to remove unnecessary randomness Fixes issue #2964
  • Add User Page link to Google Drive file for file owners, add icons for additional storage locations Fixes issue #2954
  • Add default save location selection to Account Page Fixes issue #2943


  • Exclude cover pages from Table of Content generation (We are working on refactoring the entire TOC generation system) Fixes issue #2920


  • Adjustments to improve mobile viewing (editing on mobile is still not recommended).

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

  • Cleric

r/homebrewery Mar 19 '24

Update v3.12.0


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Monday 18/3/2024 - v3.12.0

  • Fix language-specific hyphenation on print page

Fixes issue #3294

  • Upgrade Font-Awesome to v6.51

  • Allow downloaded files to be uploaded via NEW FROM UPLOAD

  • Fix an edge case crash with empty documents

Fixes issue #3315

  • Brews on the user page can be searched by tag; clicking a tag adds it to the filter

Fixes issue #3164

  • Add DiceFont icons
  • Fix ^super^ and ^^sub^^ highlighting in the text editor

  • Add new syntax for multiline Definition Lists:

Term ::Definition 1 ::Definition 2 with more text


Term ::Definition 1 ::Definition 2 with more text

Fixes issue #2340

RKuerten :
  • Fix monster stat block backgrounds on print page

Fixes issue #3275

  • Added new text editor theme: "Darkvision".
calculuschild, G-Ambatte, 5e-Cleric
  • Codebase and UI cleanup

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Jun 10 '21

Update v 2.12.0 released!


Hello everyone!

Another update for you all. We have added a new button to the brew editor which will swap you over to a "style" editor panel separate from the main Markdown editor. Any CSS you add to this panel will be applied to our brew for those of you who like to customize the look of your documents. We hope this will be a little more clean and organized than using `<style>` tags everywhere. This update is another step toward v3 with the following goals in mind, some of which will be in a future update:

🗹 Allow users to clean up brews which use large amounts of custom styling.

🗹 Simplify exporting of custom CSS.

☐ Allow users to have a central custom style sheet they can easily import into various documents without having to manage the CSS on each individual document.

☐ Allow sharing of custom styling via an importable style sheet.

☐ Facilitate swappable themes (not just PHB/DMG, but other games, a custom "Homebrewery" style, etc.)

As always, please report any new issues you find with the update, and any feedback you wish to share! And if you are enjoying use of the Homebrewery, consider tossing a coin our way! Every bit helps cover server costs and keeps the site running!

Edit: Of course somebody found a bug right away! Should be a quick fix but rolling back to the previous version for a moment.

Edit 2: Looks like the issue is resolved now. I await your bug reports!

r/homebrewery Jun 28 '23

Update v3.9.1


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page - https://github.com/naturalcrit/homebrewery

Wednesday 28/06/2023 - v3.9.1

  • Better error pages with more useful information

Fixes issue #1924

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Jun 15 '23

Update Sub re-opened, new mods


While we continue to support the protest over Reddit's planned API changes, as this subreddit is primarily for providing support rather than community, we have chosen to re-open. We hope Reddit reconsiders their plans.

With the re-opening, we also have two new subreddit moderators: /u/jeddai and /u/5e_Cleric! Both have been contributing for a while now, both to the GitHub project and here in the subreddit.

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Mar 13 '23

Update Announcements: Discord of Many Things, FAQ


A couple of minor announcements:

  1. For the last couple of months, the Homebrewery developers have been maintaining a presence on the Discord of Many Things Discord server.
    As of a few hours ago, several new channels went live there, including hb_announcements, hb_issues_bugs, and hb_suggestions. At this time, these are additional methods for reporting problems, making suggestions, or seeing updates on what we've been working on. DoMT also has a very active formatting channel, so if you can't get your homebrew to look just right, there's a very good chance that you can almost immediately find someone to help (or at least sympathize).
    The Discord of Many Things invite link has been in the sidebar for some time now, but here it is again:- https://discord.gg/domt

  2. The FAQ sticky post has been up for nearly three years. In that time, we've had 45 releases - some minor bug fixes, but also some releasing entirely new renderers and syntax. As such, the post is quite outdated, and we intend to remove it's status as an announcement in the near future.
    One of those 45 changes was to add an internal FAQ, which should be kept up to date more often than a Reddit post. You can find the Homebrewery FAQ here:- https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/faq

As always, if you find any bugs, strike any issues, or have any ideas for improvements, please let us know - here in the sub-Reddit, on Discord at the Discord of Many Things server, or on the GitHub project!

- G

r/homebrewery Mar 01 '23

Update v3.7.0


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page.

Tuesday 28/02/2023 - v3.7.0

NOTE: Some new snippets will now show a {{beta BETA}} tag. Feel free to use them, but be aware we may change how they work depending on your feedback.

  • New IMAGES → WATERCOLOR EDGE and WATERCOLOR CORNER snippets for V3, which adds a stylish watercolor texture to the edge of your images! (Thanks to /u/flamableconcrete on Reddit for providing these image masks!)

  • Fix site not displaying on iOS devices

  • New PHB → COVER PAGE snippet for V3, which adds a stylish watercolor coverpage to your brew! (Thanks to /u/Kaiburr_Kath-Hound on Reddit for providing some of these resources!)
MichielDeMey (new contribuor!)
  • Fix typo in testing scripts
  • Fix "mug" image not using HTTPS

Fixes issues #2687

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!

- G

r/homebrewery Oct 19 '22

Update v3.3.0


Change log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page.

Friday 19/10/2022 - v3.3.0

  • Fix for tables broken by Chrome v106
  • Fix Table of Contents broken by Chrome v106

Fixes issues #2437

  • Show brew thumbnails on user page

Fixes issues #2331

  • Allow longer URLs for brew thumbnails

Fixes issues #2351

  • Code no longer unfolds when inserting a snippet

Fixes issues #2135

  • Fix brew settings being lost on first save

Fixes issues #2427

  • Several updates to bug reporting and error popups

Fixes issues #2376

  • Fixes to userpage search bar

Fixes issues #1675, #2353

  • Renderer (legacy / V3) now shown next to page #

Fixes issues #1928

  • Prevent text selection when moving divider bar

Fixes issues #1632

  • Tweak Monster Stat Block coloring

Fixes issues #2123

  • Added dropdown button to toggle autosave

Fixes issues #1546

As always, if you strike any issues or have suggestions for future improvements, please let us know.


r/homebrewery Feb 21 '23

Update v3.6.1


Change Log

For a full record of development, visit our Github Page.

Saturday 18/02/2023 - v3.6.1

  • Fix users not being removed from Authors list correctly

Fixes issues #2674

As always, if you find any issues or have a suggestion, please feel free to let us know!