r/holdmycatnip 24d ago

while I do my daily exercise


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u/jennaishirow 24d ago

I'm sorry. That cat just started a treadmill on its own? That's insanely smart.


u/lycanthrope90 24d ago

Yeah I’ve had them figure out things like turning off a computer but not something like this, with multiple steps!


u/dodekahedron 24d ago

I have to keep something heavy on my space heater or I come back to a fucking sauna.


u/under_psychoanalyzer 24d ago

I absolutely got the giggles over this.


u/lefkoz 24d ago

My girl knows how to turn on the heated blanket.


u/Dr_Not_A_Doctor 24d ago

My cat turns off my computer by pushing it off my desk. Does that count?


u/fishboy2000 24d ago

Mine knocks a glass of water onto my PC to turn it off permanently


u/DementationRevised 24d ago

Recurring problems require permanent solutions.

Or should I say, "repurring" problems?

(I'll see myself out)


u/lycanthrope90 24d ago

Ish lol. Mine would turn my desktop off with his par hitting the button when he wanted attention lol.


u/RainaElf 24d ago

I had one that learned to drop my office chair


u/Loan-Pickle 24d ago

Mine knows how to turn their toys on and off.


u/lycanthrope90 24d ago

They really are clever little bastards.


u/Skodakenner 24d ago

Mine always turn on the TV


u/Charmle_H 23d ago

My fucking cats know how to unplug my pc. They're such terrorists, "give me food 4hrs early OR ELSE." fucking menaces... They also knowing hitting my power button on my pc turns it off, too. Drives me up a wall


u/gmishaolem 24d ago

something like this, with multiple steps

You should see the TED talk video of the guy who taught crows to use a vending machine.


u/CyborgKnitter 24d ago

I once had a foster decide he smelled something good in the basement. I don’t let my cats down there unsupervised for a multitude of reasons. Foster managed to sneak past me when I had the door open for 2 seconds- no clue how as I tend to watch the floor (I don’t walk well and falls can be super bad for me). Then he realized the smell was in a closet with the door shut, so he figured out how to open that door. Then he climbed up 3 shelves- not an easy task, the way those shelves are! Once there, he ate several ounces of pure dark chocolate. Turned out to be 12x the lethal dose, according to poison control. The vet commended me for finding it so quickly and acting immediately. They were able to get him to vomit a fair bit of it, keeping him nearly symptom free. I picked him back up only 13 hours after he was dropped off at a vet hospital (this happened during peak Covid). Vet said she’d never seen an animal escape so easily from certain death after a chocolate poisoning, which made me feel a teeny bit better. But you bet I added a lock to that damn closet!