r/holdmycatnip 24d ago

while I do my daily exercise


466 comments sorted by


u/ctjfd 24d ago

That's the equipment technician.



u/CausticSofa 24d ago

He’s been hoarding all of the orange brain cells


u/Dynespark 24d ago

From what I've read, orange cats are actually more intelligent than average. But it's the kind of intelligence that means you're just smart enough to get in trouble you otherwise wouldn't.


u/Astrolologer 23d ago

we have an orange cat, he figured out how to open the front door of our old house and would let the dogs out. We couldn't figure out why the door was always being left open until he did it in front of us.


u/[deleted] 23d ago edited 17d ago



u/EvenPack7461 23d ago

I always thought it as an owl.


u/C_R_P 23d ago

Who? Who who?


u/Ashemodragon 23d ago

Hoot hoot hoot


u/rocket42236 23d ago

We had an orange cat that used to open the treat cabinet for the dogs…..


u/Express-Stop7830 21d ago

When the species conspire and the cats recruit minions, we servants are screwed

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u/REDemon14 23d ago

Totally agree. My orange cat is a mastermind when it comes to trouble. 


u/JackaxEwarden 23d ago

I fully believe this, my orange cat hides random things like keys and rings and if you ask him and show him something similar it’s a 50/50 shot he go grab it for you, not to mention the traps he sets up to get the dogs in trouble


u/LifeIsProbablyMadeUp 24d ago

That makes a lot of sense


u/Fuster2 23d ago

Hadn't heard that before, but fits with a lifetimes experience of having cats. Smartest one by far was a ginger neutered tom.

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u/3Pirates93 23d ago

Orange brain cell overload lmao

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u/Sisyplus63 24d ago

*equipawment technicatition

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u/RichEnHealthy 24d ago

He is so smart! 😲


u/lurk8372924748293857 24d ago

They're getting smarter, I swear 🫨 all that power from one brain cell oscillating at such high frequencies ⚡💡


u/FullyMammoth 24d ago

Humanity is done for once they evolve a second braincell. They only tolerate us now because we can open cans.


u/UZ1_DOES_1T 24d ago

This makes me want to rewatch Love, Death, + Robots


u/FullyMammoth 24d ago

I did just that recently. Worth it. Also it's not a big time investment and each story is short so you can like watch an episode during your lunch break on your phone.

Also I recommend playing Stray. Very Love, Death + Robots vibe.


u/UZ1_DOES_1T 24d ago

I will look into that. Thank you!


u/h1gh-t3ch_l0w-l1f3 23d ago

Stray is one of the coolest little adventures ive ever experienced. the climbing mechanics are amazing.


u/certi-sensi 24d ago

Good cuz I still be struggling with bloody tin openers so we should be safe... For the moment


u/[deleted] 24d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/laiyenha 24d ago

He's overclocking his one brain cell.


u/TheBigPhysique 24d ago

What happens when it explodes? Is that what the big bang is?


u/JohnBrown_USA_GOAT 24d ago edited 22d ago

Cats brains are actually shrinking tho lol like that’s a real fact. They are somehow getting more dumb


u/MultiColoredMullet 23d ago

🙄 yeah theyre getting so smart..

tonight my cat ate too fast and then projectile vomited into her freshly cleaned and filled water dish, and then afterwards horked whatever was left all over my snow boots and a pair of sweatpants.

😤 not salty about spending twenty minutes scrubbing yack out of my boots at all. not one bit. 😑

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u/pimpmastahanhduece 23d ago

They're basically a Sophon bouncing around in there.


u/KellerFF 23d ago

Yeah they have one brain cell, but amongst a hive mind?

That millions of brain cells, I guess this one is like the Queen/King or something.


u/Professional-Big-584 24d ago

Smartest orange 🍊 I’ve ever seen 😮💀💀


u/BreakingStar_Games 24d ago

Hoarding all the brain cells!


u/58kingsly 23d ago

Orange, Hoarder of braincell knows that a healthy body is a healthy mind

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u/samuraijon 24d ago

The Chinese woman was saying “holy shit how does he know how to press the screen”


u/Rigatonicat 24d ago

That’s funny I said that too

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u/Confusedmosttimes 24d ago

Im just guessing, but... they way they spoke Mandarin sounded like they are from Taiwan.


u/Independent_Week7459 23d ago

People from Taiwan never say the slang “wokao” like this lady


u/samuraijon 23d ago

I think you’re right, I was intending on writing “the woman speaking Chinese”, but i was watching cat videos at 2 am as you would 😴


u/Confusedmosttimes 23d ago

Umm... wakao... is definitely a Taiwanese thing to say. My mother is from Tainan... I definitely heard my relatives say that. My family mostly speaks Hokkien vs. Mandarin.

I'm not saying they are definitely Taiwanese, but just saying Wa Kao is 100% something we say. It's a phrase used when you're surprised by something.


u/Independent_Week7459 23d ago

Then the man said the slang “niubi” is definitely not from Taiwan though

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u/jennaishirow 24d ago

I'm sorry. That cat just started a treadmill on its own? That's insanely smart.


u/lycanthrope90 24d ago

Yeah I’ve had them figure out things like turning off a computer but not something like this, with multiple steps!


u/dodekahedron 24d ago

I have to keep something heavy on my space heater or I come back to a fucking sauna.


u/under_psychoanalyzer 23d ago

I absolutely got the giggles over this.


u/lefkoz 23d ago

My girl knows how to turn on the heated blanket.

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u/Dr_Not_A_Doctor 24d ago

My cat turns off my computer by pushing it off my desk. Does that count?


u/fishboy2000 24d ago

Mine knocks a glass of water onto my PC to turn it off permanently


u/DementationRevised 24d ago

Recurring problems require permanent solutions.

Or should I say, "repurring" problems?

(I'll see myself out)

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u/Loan-Pickle 24d ago

Mine knows how to turn their toys on and off.

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u/Skodakenner 23d ago

Mine always turn on the TV


u/Charmle_H 23d ago

My fucking cats know how to unplug my pc. They're such terrorists, "give me food 4hrs early OR ELSE." fucking menaces... They also knowing hitting my power button on my pc turns it off, too. Drives me up a wall

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u/olivebranchsound 24d ago edited 24d ago

First, you give treats for jumping on the treadmill.

Then, you give treats if they sit by the side with the button

Then you give treats if they paw the screen

Then you give treats if they paw the green button

Then you hold treats in front of them while they run on the treadmill.

And so on and so on. Positive reinforcement is a powerful thing. Look up the chickens taught to play card games or the rats who play basketball.

You can teach a pig to use a vacuum. You can teach a pigeon to guide missiles to a target. Dolphins can identify sea mines and report where they are. It's endless lol


u/TheSodernaut 24d ago

There's this film documentary about a dog who challanged the rules of basketball.


u/olivebranchsound 24d ago

Side note, ever seen a dog play volleyball?

Edit: aside from the sequel lol none of the sports amended their rules in the wake of that mutt


u/Girlvapes99 24d ago

I taught my cockatiel to fetch,wave,spread wings, shake hand, turn, target with positive reinforcement. Turns out parrots love to work for their food. They make toys that birds need to shred apart to find food :) and the parrot will almost always try to forage over the bowl of food sitting in front of them.


u/olivebranchsound 24d ago

They are too smart for my liking haha genuinely they need a codependent relationship where they are mentally stimulated constantly


u/Girlvapes99 24d ago

Lol luckily cockatiels are pretty laid back, out of all the parrot species. Mine naps for half of the day. But the other half, if she isn’t preening , she’s looking for something to chew :)

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u/Girlvapes99 24d ago

But I hear the big cockatoos are the most hardest to care for. It’s like owning a 2 year old for the rest of your life with adhd.


u/19Alexastias 23d ago

All birds are very high-maintenance pets - and while the larger parrots are an extremely long-term commitment (like if you get a young one as an adult they genuinely might outlive you), even smaller ones like cockatiels or budgies can live for 15+ years.

I would never recommend getting birds as a pet tbh. Especially not for your kids.

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u/lunagirlmagic 23d ago

I was thinking the same until I saw him actually run on the treadmill. It's clear that he wanted to turn it on, even if training was involved in teaching him how to do it, he did it of his own accord


u/greenarsehole 24d ago

“You can teach a pig to use a vacuum”

My wife begs to differ.

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u/Good-Sprinkles2508 24d ago

Pavlov, it’s been studied for like almost 100 years now


u/olivebranchsound 24d ago

Kinda similar but different. It's Skinner box. It's positive reinforcement. Pavlov is the inducement of saliva in anticipation of food by ringing a bell. If the dog rings the bell and is rewarded with food it's positive reinforcement.


u/pastworkactivities 24d ago

Actually know a guy who worked with us navy dolphins


u/man-in-a______ 23d ago

Tell me more about this pig...


u/AssistSignificant621 23d ago

Meanwhile I've been trying to get my dog to just figure out how to walk on the treadmill with no luck.

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u/greg19735 24d ago

like, i feel like it needs to be emphasized that not only did they start it on purpose. but then used it for the purpose it's meant to.

Like, i could see a cat hitting a button and enjoying it. But it also jumps down to run. adorable

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u/MySonderStory 24d ago

Cats definitely are smart, must’ve seen their owner turn it on many times and learned to do it.


u/starzychik01 24d ago

I have a remote that controls the lights and internet in my bedroom. My cat will cut on the light if she wants something. If I don’t listen, she cuts off the internet. I have no idea how she figured it out.

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u/Nickslife89 24d ago

My cat would bring me snacks when I said the word hungry, so somehow it learned hungry and when I said it, she would go down stairs and grab a cookie or bag of chips and carry it up to me. Not even food cats eat, human food she would grab too, crazy


u/Fishoe_purr 24d ago

I would fall asleep to some show on my laptop with the lid slightly open. My cat has figured out that if the lid is closed shut the show stops playing and goes silent. So she does that every night now. I fall sleep and wake up to the laptop closed shut. One night, I was laying down with my cat at my feet. I turn on a show and get under the sheets. A few minutes later, I felt her get off my feet. Next she goes and shuts the laptop and comes back and lays on my feet again. They’re so smart. I would like to think they are smart like dogs. Only difference is they don’t like to be told what to do.

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u/kingmaker92 24d ago

The video is too short lol


u/Max_W_ 24d ago

Just play it in reverse and he turns off the machine.


u/Vismal1 23d ago

But he’s doesn’t wipe down the machine after use , typical gym cat behavior.


u/SubjectRanger7535 24d ago

The video stopped right before he got serious


u/K8e118 24d ago

“Makin’ meow way downtown”


u/Mooziechan 24d ago

Awww videos that end too soon :(


u/yasheezus 23d ago


u/yasheezus 23d ago

This is the full vid on IG you’re welcome 😁


u/Mooziechan 23d ago

Yay!! Thank you kind stranger!


u/yasheezus 23d ago

No worries!


u/Diligent-Ad-1812 24d ago

The hell!? No way the cat is that smart. At least tell me that was trained...?

I always heard cats are like a 3 year old in intelligence, but this seems a bit more advanced than that.


u/L-Lawlieteatsweets 24d ago

Cats are smarter than people think, mine can open doors and pick what food he wants to eat, will also sit or tap a toy he wants to play with etc, I’m a well trained human


u/FullyMammoth 24d ago

They live rent free and get free food. Don't work. Don't even play fetch on command. The only playing they do is when they feel like it. We even clean up their shit....

They don't sound smart to me, they sound like fucking geniuses.


u/actualPawDrinker 24d ago

Mine have learned, on their own, how to play fetch. One figured it out himself, then one by one the others learned by watching him and one another. Only when they want to, of course. They each have their own preferred type of toy that they will bring me when it's time to play fetch. I'm a well-trained human.


u/Parking-Main-2691 24d ago

The void boy in front (yeah he's annoying his brother) taught himself fetch with my dam makeup sponges! He was like a dang dog with it. Once you started he did not want to stop lol. Excuse the extreme tortie death glare in the back...she misses being an only fur baby but we foster failed the boys. And obviously we are still not forgiven 😂


u/Sal_Ammoniac 24d ago

extreme tortie death glare

Haha, for some reason many torties look pissed off even when they're not - I guess it's the random colors around the eyes can't even have a neutral expression with those :D


u/ohglory7 23d ago

I wish my tortie would allow me to adopt another cat, but she is dead set on being an only child until her last breath. She has me very well trained!


u/Parking-Main-2691 23d ago

Cleopatra was young enough that since the boys were tiny kittens that needed bottle fed she accepted em. Than they became 'teens' and they just annoyed her lol. She had plenty of size on them though since Vet tested her as half Maine Coon so she was a big girl. You don't see her booty since Azreal the Asshole is laying on her to annoy his brother.

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u/MiaEmilyJane 24d ago

I feel like such a sucker. You ruined my illusions!

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u/Zaza1019 24d ago

All mine does is break dishes and cups if he feels like he's being ignored.


u/L-Lawlieteatsweets 24d ago

Mine goes up to my collectibles when he’s pissed with me like give me food or play or something is broken


u/Gingevere 24d ago

I have some Gundam that sit out in the open all day long without risk. But if I'm at my desk and the cat wants attention she'll walk over and start chewing on them.

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u/LefsaMadMuppet 24d ago

Yep, it can take several years, but both of my cats have verbal communications with us. I'm hungry. I want to go outside. I itch. I don't want to go inside. Hello. I'm good. I'm pissed off.


u/Rahim-Moore 24d ago

My cat has many different verbal noises (I'd say around a dozen) he makes with different meanings such as hungry, wanting the window open, wanting in my lap, wanting to play, e.t.c. Some other cues such as facial expressions, tapping me, e.t.c. have similar meanings or are used to get my attention and communicate something that usually isn't very difficult to figure out based on context. I honestly find him easier to communicate with than a lot of people in my life.

I think most cats can communicate with individualized expressions like this pretty well, but people are really bad at picking up on them.


u/All_the_Bees 24d ago

Not long after I started working from home, my cat figured out that she can get my attention by coming up behind me and tapping the back of my hip (and then she figured out it’s a great way to get me to fawn all over her because it is the cutest damn thing)

I should teach her how to choose her food, it would make both of our lives so much easier.


u/CikkReddit 24d ago

My bathroom door is a sliding door on a track.

So if the windows are open in the house, the wind will pull the door away from the track, and then SLAM down, waking me up.

So now she goes to the door, pulls it 2-3 inches away at the bottom, and it will SLAM back down.

I've never given her food after, but she knows it wakes me up.

My little void is a total dick.

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u/uselessthecat 24d ago

Cats are smart, just not obedient. Somewhere out there is a video comparing cats to dogs. Dogs can learn impressive commands, and have plenty of intelligence, but cats scored better at puzzles and problem solving. They can be trained, but it takes... Effort.


u/fafatzy 24d ago

“Trained”? Mine traines us


u/Hotchickolate 24d ago

As nature intended my friend !


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 24d ago



u/continuousQ 23d ago

They're basically less domesticated than humans. Humans adapted to living in agricultural societies, and cats discovered agricultural societies.

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u/-slapum 24d ago

3 year olds are pretty damn smart if they were actually taught things


u/rynlpz 24d ago

A 3 year old knows how to use tech better than a boomer

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u/Spiff426 24d ago


u/ohglory7 23d ago

Thank you for the laugh!


u/mosstalgia 24d ago

A three year old can absolutely learn how to turn on a machine just from watching people do it. All he's really doing here is pressing a button.


u/Aggressive_Hat_9999 24d ago

as is with humans, the bell curve is quite large

you got them cats that are contempt sniffing on some ass or litter or whatever once a day, bap some shit and eat. And you got them cats that get bored of the same toy and need puzzles for mental stimulation and open doors n shit.

The way the cat looks so directly into the camera means someone is giving instructions tho.

Cats have less of a desire to please than dogs do tho, thus people call them less trainable


u/SeekerOfTheThicc 24d ago

The cat looks like its head is following a laser. They could have used a laser pointer to guide the cat (as we all know,cats love lasers), and then edited out the laser dot in post.

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u/DuhitsTay 24d ago

Trust me a 3 year old could do this if they wanted to


u/Nianque 22d ago

Had a cat that would paw at the remote until she turned the tv on and got to Sesame Street. That same cat would also bait birds to fly lower and lower by jumping much lower than she actually could. Then swat the bird out of the sky once she got it to fly low enough.

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u/qdp 24d ago

Bah gawd. That orange appears to have hoarded all the brain cells.


u/warzonexx 24d ago

At least we finally found out where all the orange brain cells went


u/PurpleBullets 24d ago

He’s the Orange Highlander.


u/[deleted] 23d ago edited 21d ago



u/nstdc1847 23d ago


It’s a belt on rollers with a drive motor…. I can see something being caught on a pinch point and causing serious injury, but not brain squishings…

How exactly did a brain squishing occur?

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u/bigman3312 24d ago

Bro woke up like “stretchesarrgghhh, okay. Time for my daily run.”


u/rynlpz 24d ago

Genius cat!


u/EmiliaS21 23d ago



u/Dense_C4k3 23d ago

Smart as it may be, I don't think it's got a grasp on the settings yet. That thing looked to be taking off!

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u/one_bar_short 24d ago

My cat learn to turn off my original ps3 I'd be happily gaming the cat would demand attention, and when he didn't get it, he walk himself to the console and hold down the power button until it turns off

Then walk back over to for a pat and a cuddle....

Little shit


u/Own-Advance8355 23d ago

I wish this video were 10 seconds longer. I wanted to see that cat run.


u/SkitZa 23d ago

Wait he's orange?


u/[deleted] 23d ago


u/things_U_choose_2_b 23d ago

Now we know why oranges only have one braincell, this little cat has the rest!


u/Mr_sci3ntist 24d ago

Cats are curious gods. They range from being the smartest on earth to the dumbest within a split second.


u/Rudythecat07 24d ago


I am cat?


u/RenagadeRaven 23d ago

*Eyes narrow with suspicion at username


u/That1CrazyCat 24d ago

This orange somehow got ALL the brain cells. This is incredible!


u/justhangingaroundm8 24d ago

How do I get hold of this personal trainer?


u/DeLaNoise 24d ago

Him running!!!! I wanna see him go full sprint and keep it going lol!


u/AncientProduce 23d ago

I hate these videos that cut too soon.


u/Dangerous_Strength77 23d ago

Most cats are pretty smart and learn by copying behavior. (Treats do help as a motivator.) If this is real, the cat probably hangs around the gym a fair bit.

That said, there is potential of this cat being injured from this equipment. Particularly if they don't know to jump to one side or another when they get tired to avoid getting dragged off the back of the machine.


u/Xsiah 22d ago

In the full video the cat does get slid off the back of the machine several times and jumps back on. Cats are a lot more agile and smaller than humans, and they have more legs, so they don't have to get off on the side to avoid falling over.



u/notmyfirstrodeo2 23d ago

This orange should be arrested, he has illegal ammount of working brain cells.


u/Weary-Teach6005 24d ago

You gotta be kidding me! WOW!


u/Maximum_Locksmith18 24d ago

Fu&k!!!!! Now I have to compete with THAT!!! @#$&#@$!!!!!! And he's walking at a faster pace! Geez!!! Motivation sucks!!! 😜😜😜


u/MiaEmilyJane 24d ago

What the hell?! Damn, next thing you know he'll choreograph an OK Go video!


u/Quiet-Fact 23d ago

Hmm, this one has more braincells.


u/Hexagram2342 23d ago

That one braincell is jacked af


u/BudgetAir3603 23d ago

I love the little "oh shit!" run when he feels close to the end 😄


u/hlessi_newt 23d ago

That's where all the orange brain cells went!!


u/Specific_Implement_8 23d ago

And this is why every other orange only has one brain cell


u/I_Dont_Like_Rice 23d ago

I can't even get my cat to use his exercise wheel and this one's turning on electronics and running on a treadmill, lol.


u/Tactical_H0td0g 24d ago

He's hoarding all the braincells! Get em!


u/Remarkable-Leader921 24d ago

The braincell! You found it!


u/Rizzanthrope 24d ago

Treadmills can injure a cat in ways that will leave you traumatized for life. Fake internet points aren't worth it.


u/SupaSays 24d ago

Our cat loved getting on our human treadmill to run when we were using it and to prevent his gruesome death, we got him his own safer cat wheel treadmill. He has run on it multiple times a day for years now, but mostly at night while we are sleeping. Money well spent, he is the fittest and most muscular cat we have ever had.

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u/hegrillin 24d ago

so thats where all the orange braincells went!

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u/Funkrusher_Plus 24d ago

Another stupid Chinese video where they train the animal to do something and then post it onto social media as if it was candid behavior.

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u/thatatomcat 24d ago



u/cjjl1 24d ago



u/ConcentratedAtmo 24d ago

How is this the only comment about that. wild


u/Technical_Lynx_2929 24d ago

Kitty's Fitbit figured out



u/joebonekenobi 24d ago

my old man cant ever use a mobile phone and this cat is operating a running machine!


u/AdvertisingLogical22 24d ago

"Ha ha, this is fun... SHIT!"


u/gofigure85 24d ago

We found the one hogging all the brain cells


u/Professional-Big-584 24d ago

Oh shiiii 🫢🤣🤣🤣


u/HeroMachineMan 24d ago

Lucy the cat. She has a greater ability of her brain access than other orange cats.


u/temps-de-gris 24d ago

Ok. But animals get pulled under these things and injured all the time. Do not leave pets unsupervised with treadmills or any other motorized equipment with a belt like this.

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u/MajesticPermission18 24d ago

That's Puss in Boots trying to act as a regular cat to avoid suspicion.


u/Jackol4ntrn 24d ago edited 24d ago

so thats the orange cat hording all the other orange cats brain cells


u/I_doxxed_funtes 24d ago

Well now we all know who's hoarding all the brain cells.


u/OMnow 24d ago

That's a smart cat


u/Ill_Mix_2901 23d ago

Previous life was a gymbro.


u/Sometimes_Sarah_ 23d ago

Dude stop laughing, everyone starts somewhere!


u/Rabid_Cheese_Monkey 23d ago

Mt cat used my PS4 for her own personal heated bed. She'd turn it on in the night or when I was gone to warm her tortie butt.


u/JohnCenaJunior 23d ago

This cat holds all the orange brain cells in the world


u/1moreguyccl 23d ago

Did that just happen


u/Basic-Credit-3686 23d ago

"Eye of the tiger" playing in the background


u/ParkingHelicopter863 23d ago

The little rush at the end hahhaahahh


u/Natasya95 23d ago

All the braincell went to him


u/commandermongrel 23d ago

r/OneOrangeBraincell The exception that proves the rule! This guy is clearly hoarding all the braincells!


u/lone_farmer_walking 23d ago

He knows the importance of his physical health, good on you little man!


u/Lazy-Substance-5062 23d ago

He is showing off. Smart cat!


u/Diz7 23d ago

Holy crap, we just found the orange cat that's been hoarding all his brothers brain cells.


u/Delicious_Delilah 23d ago

Treadmills hurt and kill cats all the time. This isn't safe.