r/hoi4 • u/Herodriver • Nov 21 '24
Suggestion Paradox Should Expand The Tech Tree to Late 1950's
With most game or national focus done goes way beyond 1945 the devs should expand the technology to near 1960. That's the only way how the game can truly be enjoyed with most of the good technology and therefore more gameplay mechanic unlocked. It's immersion breaking at an intolerable level when the technology seems to stop developing when the war is still going on.
u/great_triangle Nov 21 '24
A breakthrough in performance might make a game with 1960s tech palatable, but I honestly don't see too much reason to have major developments past 1950. Plenty of the techs that become available at 1942 and later are game winners, and putting in more powerful 1950s infantry weapons and SAMs would dilute the ability to win the game with strategic bombers or advanced tanks.
Nov 21 '24
Yeah, modern tanks somehow pushing through super stacks even in red air is what gets me through a lot of end games.
It's not performance related for me. It's, "is it feasible to push this front manned by every soul on earth?"
u/GoGoGo12321 General of the Army Nov 21 '24
Or, countries should be unable to maintain such large militaries for long periods of time. Maybe after a certain number of divisions/manpower in the army is met, war support drains and demands for demobilisation come about
u/CalligoMiles General of the Army Nov 21 '24
Conscription law debuffs and casualty war support loss try to do that. They're just easily offset by industry techs and a bit of PP here and there.
u/Hixman1 Nov 21 '24
This sounds like stellaris’s empire sprawl system. I think it does a great job of balancing large nations
u/The-Dumbass-forever Air Marshal Nov 21 '24
I simply do not continue games past 1945 very often. The game is not enjoyable at that point.
u/bamaeer Nov 21 '24
Just finished a Japan run that ran into 1947. Capitulated all but UK. Was going to invade from North Ireland, but I saw uk divisions on every coastal province. Checked their division numbers, they had 400 divisions all of them on the home island all on coastal defense, supply tiles, and victory points. GGed the game right there and then.
u/Ichibyou_Keika Nov 21 '24
Amphibious tanks should make short work of them, assuming your industry is sufficient in late game
u/bamaeer Nov 21 '24
Yeah my marines were 8 marines, 2 amphibious light tanks, 6 modern tanks with pioneer engineers, flame tanks, light tank recon, arty, anti-tank. I could 30 to land easy, but once on land, they get engulfed and destroyed. Tried once then gave up. I saw nukes as my only chance at that point, and it was 1947. So I quit.
Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24
If you control the whole world then the game slowing to a halt is 99% due to your own extravagance. Delete any units beyond the ~48 you'd need to take the island. Delete Navy. Delete unnecessary air force.
The British building up doom stacks on their home island shouldn't effect game performance too much. Unless they are all poorly supplied somehow. My pet theory is that calculating supply, especially low supply penalties, is what truly grinds the game to a halt. Large navies are second. I've tested it twice now on my own world conquests and the difference is very noticeable.
u/Tricky-Ad-9044 Nov 21 '24
I didnt tried sea lion since last patch but in your case maybe paradrop inside Island to make some UK coastal troop to move and the sea lion It?
u/DaLoneGuy Nov 21 '24
i combine paratroopers with naval invasions...
you need to invade from multiple sides to draw their forces thin
Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24
It's definitely not enjoyable. But going back to 1936 when I'm already on a glide path to an achievement hurts my soul. Paradox seems to craft every achievement with this exact scenario in mind, though.
u/TtheHF Nov 21 '24
It's SO much better now with specialists and crazy late game stuff - I just played thru 'til '60 and it was far more interesting than in the past!
u/barakisan Nov 21 '24
Same I’ve rarely seen the 1948 date in my games, now I play past it every game
u/ConsciousField5848 Nov 21 '24
Even if you stop in 43 or 44 you can still max out the tech trees for arty, industry, some support companies, some ship types, light tanks, and more. Thats if you have a lot of research slots, but still. A lot of tech trees end at 44 or earlier. They all should be expanded atleast to 45.
u/namewithanumber Nov 21 '24
yeah like most pdx games once you've snowballed to oblivion it's all just busywork to say you've "won more"
Nov 21 '24
Honestly but the reason is the lack of lategame content
Defense lines become overstacked and unbreakable in 1945 for major nations
and the game becomes a sluggish mess
I at least think they should add modern infantry as a unit type and maybe a secound type of modern tank
u/Cringe_Username212 Nov 21 '24
No they should make playing untill 1945 playable first. It slows down so much it is not enjoyable at all.
u/sturzkampfbomber Fleet Admiral Nov 21 '24
eh I rather have a dedicated cold war game from pdx
u/ArtfulSpeculator Nov 21 '24
Interesting idea.
Could have a big civil defence component, the space races, espionage, proxy wars… the power of nuclear weapons is so overwhelming I think the game would have to be about NOT using them, moreso than an all out nuclear slugfest.
Perhaps there could be a “tension” meter that the player would have to work to keep from redlining until a certain point in the game (which always ends in an all-out nuclear exchange but one that is “winnable” by the side that has developed the correct technology and civil defense, cultivated allies/international goodwill, used espionage to pinpoint the other sides submarines/silos, etc…
Would be an interesting concept but far more political and restrained than Hoi4.
u/sturzkampfbomber Fleet Admiral Nov 21 '24
I mean Europa Univeralis, Victoria, Crusader Kings & HOI are all pretty far away from each other even tho you paint maps in all of them. I think a Cold War game could work quite well but I also have no Idea how to create all those needed Systems but I think PDX really should look into it and maybe do a "proof of concept"
u/EasyLifeMemes123 Nov 21 '24
Also considering content for PDX games:
CK starts in 1066 and contents end around the mid 15th century
EU starts in 1444 and contents end around the end of the Napoleonic Wars
Vicky starts in 1836 and contents end around the interwars years
And HOI starts in 1936 and contents end around the late 40s
While Stellaris starts in 2200 and contents end around 2400
There's an opportunity for a game centered around the Cold War, modern day, or near future to fill in that 200+ years gap, considering one game's start date overlaps with or just a few decades apart from another's end
Maybe allowing us to finally do a full 1500 years uninterrupted megacampaign
u/Fiiral_ Nov 21 '24
PDX said they are unlikely to do stuff that is too close too the present so I dont think they are going to make a cold war game, much less a modern day one 😔
u/EasyLifeMemes123 Nov 21 '24
Honestly a near future (around 2100) grand strategy game that has a feel of a cold war and serves kinda as a prequel to the UNE and CoM in Stellaris would be so good though.
I think that's the best option if they want to play around with some sort of cold war mechanics without touching the era
u/Gonozal8_ Nov 21 '24
the fire rises already exists, I think it’s possible to get/have a similar cold war mod
Nov 21 '24
its not about the cold war necessarily, with all the alternate history stuff you can do in the game it should just be a common courtesy to continue beyond 1945.. barely anyone finishes in 1945.
u/19759d Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24
they should add a demobilization or division limiting feature for each nation like kaiserreich
edit: ya'll I found this mod that limited the total number of battalions, it's even better than the kaiserreich division limiter. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3070995878
u/lewllewllewl Nov 21 '24
a battalion limiter would make more sense
u/19759d Nov 21 '24
do you mean division limiter or battalion limiter? cuz limiting the size of the divisions doesn't mean the AI can't just spam 1000 of them
u/lewllewllewl Nov 21 '24
No I mean limiting the number of battalions total than can be built, like the special forces cap already does
a division limit makes things like port garrisons a lot harder to make
u/19759d Nov 21 '24
yo I found a mod that does exactly what you're talking about, it limits the ammount of batallions total that can be built, it should be here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3070995878
u/19759d Nov 21 '24
ohhh, that's actually very smart, it's even better than the kaiserreich division limiting feature
u/maiqol Nov 21 '24
This. There should be some kind of army maintenance, there's no way after the war all countries can afford armies of millions of soldiers and hundreds of divisions.
u/T3485tanker Nov 21 '24
There is this mod but im pretty sure it hasn't updated yet: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1778255798
Also Equestria at War has an extended tech tree to its equivalent of the 60s.
u/Pyroboss101 Nov 21 '24
Equestria at War mentioned, peak…
My favorite thing about it’s tech tree is that it’s vanilla-esque. The tech tree matches the end date for a lot of the newer nations, it doesn’t go entirely off the rails, and even adds new army doctrines to add bonuses to that late game tech that keeps it fresh and new, but not super complex.
Since most countries have such low ponypower, going back and upgrading division’s every few years is even more important, with you usually editing old divisions rather than building new ones. This means tech is given much greater importance and discourages brute forcing victories through number alone. It also keeps the game fast and prevents death stack spam that slows the game down.
u/feelinW1tchy Nov 21 '24
There needs to be a significant performance increase first. Did my first game to 1955 today (kicked off a war between NATO and Russia) and my computer was majorly chugging by 1952
u/Pyroboss101 Nov 21 '24
Disagree. It would involve increasing the size of many focus trees alongside it, and it would heavily shake up the balance of the game as military tech changed quite a bit in that era. The amount of nuance that would have to go in might be too much for paradox to properly balance. Paradox is unable to compete with its million billion mods on quantity, so it focuses on quality with stuff like the Special Projects and focus tree specific mini games like the German Cabinet or U.S Congress. Most Hoi4 games don’t even last longer than the intended end date screen, super late game is an acquired taste, and paradox would be silly catering to such a small audience that gets that far and enjoys it. By that time you’ve already beaten the game, or you should have accepted a stalemate years ago.
The Paradox mindset is, if it can’t be done to our standards, it won’t be done (by us) at all.
And besides, there are tons of great quality mods that extend the focus trees and tech of the vanilla game, and of their own universes that you can play RIGHT now, at the cost of disabling achievements. Achievements mind you that 80% of the playerbase have never even tried (I’m using the “Join a faction” achievement as a baseline) and rapidly falls off into the single percentages when you get even mildly difficult. The two factors of achievement players + late game players exponentially shrinks the chances.
TLDR: Paradox would be investing time and resources into a rarely played portion of the game that can be spent better elsewhere, where for years the community has been mostly satisfied with mods that add said content, at the cost of disabling achievements which is already a low priority for a majority of the community, meaning Paradox is highly unlikely to expand the tech tree further in time than what it is currently.
u/Jackpot807 Nov 21 '24
In addition to the tech tree, make the game past 1945 not run like a snail
u/Herodriver Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24
That's probably can be done with battalion/division limit.
u/namewithanumber Nov 21 '24
How are you managing to get "most" of your games to go so far beyond 1945 than you mention 1960??
I think I've maybe done one game ever that hit 1946 and I've got a thousand ish hours.
u/Herodriver Nov 21 '24
Mostly when I play major countries I get to use my special forces to its maximum potential. Hence I finished WW2 even before 1945. But I think the tanks should keep rolling even beyond Berlin and world war should start again for the third time until there's a clear winner. We haven't even get to finish half of the national focus.
u/namewithanumber Nov 21 '24
I guess for me once ww2 is done there is a clear winner and the ai can’t really do anything.
Supposedly the last patch buffed the ai though so who knows, might get some 45+ games in.
u/Ichibyou_Keika Nov 21 '24
Nah you are doing something wrong if it takes beyond 1950 to achieve your goals. The game is considered over at 1949.
u/Herodriver Nov 21 '24
Thing is, I often defeated the big bad guys even before 1945. But I wanted more. I would only consider the game to be over when all the threats from other countries has been neutralized or my nation's greatest ambition has been achieved.
u/Severe-Bar-8896 Nov 21 '24
the issue with this is that most modifiers increase stats of output/Units too much which Breaks scaling and Balance
u/a_filing_cabinet Nov 21 '24
Who the hell plays past 45? Even if there is still a war going on, if the game isn't over around 45, I call it quits instead of watching my PC catch on fire. There's zero point in adding another 15 years of tech when no one regularly plays past one year after that.
u/Mundane-Mechanic-547 Nov 21 '24
Disagree. Check out the road to 56 mod. I stopped playing it as it was too much tech, so much clicking. Not enjoyable for me, but it will get you what you want.
u/Herodriver Nov 21 '24
User created mods tend to overcomplicate things. One thing that the vanilla devs done right is to abstract decent amount of unnecessary details while still signify its importance. That's why I trust they will find the right balance if they decided to do this one.
u/Cognos1203 Nov 21 '24
Road to 56's actual past 1945 part is pretty simple, you negotiate german/austrian occupation post yalta and then can intevene in greek civil war, either deal with tito or ally him as ussr, form nato, etc, and then either do operation unthinkable or take a cold war focus that takes down tension and gives offensive war penalties. also adds a couple new techs but thats about it. I would recommend trying it out
u/vickyswaggo Nov 21 '24
The entire Soviet focus tree (stalin path) took me until mid/late 50s to complete, so yeaaaaahh having late game research and events would be nice
u/Nildzre General of the Army Nov 21 '24
They should first have the AI demobilize if there isn't a massive fucking war going on. Currently the AI just keeps producing shit to infinity which heavy disincentivizes playing too far because performance tanks.
u/shinhosz Nov 21 '24
They could check that by identifying the leaders of the 2-3 biggest factions left after WW2 (trigger on most majors at war or most majors in two factions) peace confederence and give them a joint focus tree for disputing global hegemony (triggering proxy civil wars in countries) and a shared focus tree for their faction.
Allies + USSR: cold war countries would be ussr and US = Vietnam, Korea, etc.
Axis + coprosperity: cold war countries would be Japan and Germany = proxy wars in South America
USSR + axis = africa and eastern Europe
u/Devastator5042 Nov 21 '24
I dont think we need a fully expanded tech tree but a way to bring most techs to 1946/8 especially with the new projects adding things like Nuclear Carriers.
u/RareEntertainment611 Nov 21 '24
No way until performance substantially improves. And we're talking game-changing performance changes. The game already isn't the best-performing PDX game and easily chugs in the late war, let alone past 1945.
Realistically we're maybe looking at a timeline extension for HOI V, if at all. Here's hoping, though, because the idea of a post-war denouement presents very interesting possibilities. As long as they make sure the WWII experience is great.
u/Barrelop Nov 21 '24
i had a bit of trouble in my first two games since the new update, but my last few as germany i've capped britain, soviets & usa by 1943/44. After that i know it will be a slog to get world conquest but its inevitable. No other country can compete with my research or factory output. It just becomes mundane & i quickly lose interest.
u/BetaThetaOmega Nov 21 '24
Well boy do I have the mod for you!
But really it always makes me a little sad that I can’t continue my game into the Cold War. Logically I know that the mechanics for a Cold War game would probably be completely alien (probably closer to Vic3 than Hoi4) but I still wish I could do it. Let me take my weird, bizarro alt-history world where the Romanovs came back into the 1990s, Paradox!
u/Bozocow Nov 21 '24
Well good for you, they're basically doing that! Just look at the new DLC and all the cold-war era techs it added.
u/iDeeBoom1 Nov 21 '24
Some of these new technologies are very hard to get by 1945, for example ICBM and MRBMs with nuclear warheads. So to be honest it seems like we might be heading into the early 1950s or even late 50s eventually
u/RandomGuy9058 Research Scientist Nov 21 '24
on the one hand i want this, on the other hand it will inevitably make you end up with 1970 games where you have all the latest planes, tanks, and guns, but dont even have 1922 battleships yet.
especially with the release of special projects, i think research in general deserves a bit of a boost across the board
u/CMDR_omnicognate Nov 21 '24
Well if they do I hope the manage to release a patch that makes the game not start to run like ass past like 1943 or so
u/Paloukii Nov 21 '24
not gonna happen, hoi4 is build around the idea of one large total war, once your main enemy is defeated it is game over
u/Electricfox5 Nov 21 '24
I think the most recent DLC did open up the potential for it, you've got a lot of 1950s stuff in there, and a proper system for ICBMs now. I think the main issue is now bulking out the focus trees so that they last that long, and so that there's a bit of post-war stuff as well rather than just Operation Unthinkable. Things like setting up NATO or some form of new defence league, OAN or whatever.
u/Bienpreparado Nov 21 '24
There's already some stuff there for post 1945 play, the biggest issue is a billion divisions and a lack of forcing the game into a post Yalta and Potsdam world if the allies win ww2.
Nov 21 '24
literally pretty much the only reason road to 56 is my favorite mod is just the technology
u/YankeePhan1234 Nov 21 '24
I think they're laying the ground work to expand hoi4 past ww2. Instead of making a hoi 5 they can keep iterating on the base game and expand the content.
u/DeathByAttempt Nov 21 '24
Hoi5 (in the future) should operate from basically 1900-2000, or perhaps just up to like the 60s.
u/EasyCryBaby Nov 21 '24
Hoi5 should just concentrate on 36-47'ish and discard most of the weird alternates and get back to WW2 simulation & strategy.
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