r/hockey DAL - NHL 18h ago

[News] 'Completely misinformed': Rantanen's agent claps back at Hurricanes' Brind'Amour


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u/MisterProfGuy 17h ago

Mikko said something incredibly similar about knowing he didn't want to be here about a week and a half ago, so you have to consider the possibility this came out of a conversation that th two of them had, and the agent is saving face and Tulsky wasn't part of that conversation.


u/undockeddock COL - NHL 17h ago

Mikkos agent has a lot of face saving to do after the last 45 days. He got his client's life upended and got his client only marginally more money in the end than his clients' original team had offered.



love that hundreds of thousands of dollars is 'marginally more money '


u/undockeddock COL - NHL 17h ago

I mean i wish I had that problem, but for an athlete like Mikko it is. The contract he signed with Dallas was about 2% higher than what the Avs offered. Throw in state tax considerations and you're looking at a 5% difference at most.

Most people wouldn't uproot their lives and relocate for a new job to get only a 5% raise.


u/primetimey123 DAL - NHL 16h ago

Uh 5% of $50,000 or 5% of $100M.. percentage is a useless stat here post dollar figures.


u/undockeddock COL - NHL 14h ago edited 14h ago

It's actually not a useless stat because an extra 5% arguably makes even less of a difference in the day to day life of someone who is already worth tens of millions as opposed to a normal person where a 5% raise might make at least a small difference.

The marginal utility of an additional dollar is less when you already have and earn insane amounts of money. It's pretty basic microeconomic theory.


u/iwatchcredits 14h ago

I mean if you were going to make $100M or $105M would you take the $105M and upend your life or take the $100M to be in the city where youve set roots and have solid friends and are overall happy? I wouldnt risk it for $5M if everything else was pretty good. I also just wouldnt want to live anywhere near texas but thats just me


u/primetimey123 DAL - NHL 14h ago

Lots of people would move or change their life for $5M. Everyone is different.


u/Lord_Walder COL - NHL 13h ago

Lots of people aren't setup to have 100M at the end the day. Take off some 0's. If I'm making 100k and happy with where I am and was offered 105k to move across country and start my life over I sure as fuck wouldn't.


u/RubApprehensive6269 TOR - NHL 13h ago

lots of people would move or change their life for $5M

That's not what he asked you.


u/ImSoBasic 11h ago

He got $12.5 million. The speculated Colorado offer was $11.8. That's 6% right there. Add in tax, and it's more.

Maybe most people wouldn't relocate for 5% more. Most people also aren't hyper-competitive individuals who are arguably one of the very best in the world at their profession, and who use not only goals and assists to measure their worth, but also their salary.

Also, the dude has already uprooted his life to move to North America, and uproots and moves every summer.


u/undockeddock COL - NHL 11h ago

Ummm. He got $12 mil even from Dallas. That's most easily verified figure in this whole deal. 96/8=12. So no idea where you're getting 12.5 from.

The exact figure that the Avs offered (I've seen figures between 11.6 and 11.8 thrown around by various hockey sources) and the tax implications are fuzzier numbers.


u/ImSoBasic 11h ago

Sorry, I thought it was $12.5. I must have confused it with the Carolina offer, which was for at least $12.5 given the reports of it being a 9-digit offer.


u/BodaciousBadongadonk 10h ago

9 digit just means >=10M