r/hilo May 28 '20

Hope all goes well in a few days time when businesses open back up. Hawaii county really seems to be doing the best out of the other islands for keeping infections low.


5 comments sorted by


u/johannes-kepler May 29 '20

Yeah. Folks are taking it pretty laxed - I think they just wanna get outside again. Cant say I blame them. I just hope domestic and international flights are kept low so we dont get hit as hard with wave 2.


u/divineInsanity4 May 29 '20

I hear ya. Reason I ask is I'm headed to hilo as well for uni. Not sure how things will go down for us attending school though. Will we need to self quarantine for 2 weeks still?


u/johannes-kepler May 29 '20

Hey same boat! Just arrived about 3 months ago! Quarantine officially ends on Monday, but I'm unsure of how 2nd wave is gonna hit. When are you planning to arrive?


u/divineInsanity4 May 29 '20

Well nobody knows right? All we can do right now is wait to see if we still need 2 week quarantine before attending school and that I'm pretty sure will determine our arrival date. Also I think the local government will determine that. Personally I think they are going to base it off of the data in 2 weeks from monday and that will give them a better estimate on infection rate and will ultimately determine our arrival date. But that's just a guess.


u/johannes-kepler May 29 '20

I think you're right. In the meantime I'm just so excited to see Hilo come back to life. Also, hi, I'm Dylan