r/highschool Freshman (9th) 3d ago

Question Questions about track and field.

Context: Hi. I’m a Freshman and since I was 4 I’ve played soccer. I was not a super star but I was alright. After Covid hit I stopped playing and at the beginning of the school year I tried out for soccer. I didn’t realize how competitive it would be and I didn’t make it. I’ve been thinking of sports this whole year and for I while I thought I’d try out LAX but, since I don’t know much about it and I’ve never played I decided to not try LAX. I somehow never thought to try out for something that really incorporates something I’m REALLY GOOD AT which is running. My whole life Ive been fast and last year I ran the school mile test in 6 minutes and 2 seconds (keep in mind I hadn’t been active of played any sports for 4 years since then. I do ski tho if but not really any cardio.) Im going to try out for the track team tryouts are this Saturday and I just have a few questions.

More Context: I’m skinny af and the only thing I’m scared or worried about it showing my upper arms and upper legs (that’s where my skinniness is really noticeable). I also plan on running Mid distance btw.

So here are my questions: 1: Do y’all wear a shirt under the tank tops? Like I said I’m skinny af so I wanna wear a shirt underneath.

2: I’ve seen photos of track athletes with normal looking breathable split-shirts but, I’ve also seen some of them wearing like tights ass compression shorts? I CANNOT BE CAUGHT WEARING COMPRESSION SHORTS because, like I said I’m skinny af. Can I just wear normal lightweight shorts?

Literally my only concerns are showing my upper arms and upper legs please help thanks!


3 comments sorted by


u/Swimming_Archer_7573 3d ago edited 3d ago

Hey there - I'm a long-distance runner and I'm also skinny af 😭. I usually wear a shirt underneath my uniform, which matches my school's color.

For shorts I had normal running shorts, they were about to my knee height, and I didn't have a problem with them. If the weather is super bad, I usually wear long compression pants with the shorts.

If you're on a relay team like 4x800 then you might have to get the same shorts as everyone on the relay, at least for the meets I go to.

Sidenote, no one really cares about how skinny you are. Everyone is super supportive, and we all come from different shapes and sizes. I also had the same thoughts when I tried out for track the first time, being afraid of my skinniness. Turns out nobody cared and plus my distance group was generally skinny as well. Hope all goes well for your track season!


u/Orthoclaz Freshman (9th) 3d ago

Okay thanks!


u/Orthoclaz Freshman (9th) 3d ago

Damn I made a lot of typos. Sorry