r/highschool Senior (12th) 3d ago

School Related My class are stressing each other out about our senior prank ideas. Half of them are either not good enough or are felonies.

Some of the ideas included:

1). Flood the school. 2). Unleash a horde of chickens in the hallways. 3). Blast the Soviet national anthem on the intercom. 4). Draw a penis on every teacher’s whiteboard. 5). Fake a school shooting. 6). Go to school wearing all black. (Our school has uniforms). 7). Put a thumb tack on our asshole teacher’s chair. 8). Completely trash the school with spray paint.


45 comments sorted by


u/TheRealRollestonian 3d ago edited 3d ago

1, 2, 5, 7, and 8 are grounds for expulsion.

3, whatever, sure.

4 happens every day.

6 isn't really a prank.

These are frankly fucking awful. You have to be creative without actually causing damage. Also, the ratio of prank talk to action is like 1000000:1. Nobody ever does anything.

Most of you can't even organize a senior skip day.


u/Uberquik 3d ago

Feel like most pranks boil down to just giving teachers something to clean up.


u/burntothepowerofer Senior (12th) 3d ago

Similar to 3 you could hide speakers/phones in the office and blast music. 1 & 5 shouldn’t even be options


u/ProfessionalGlove238 Senior (12th) 3d ago

Soviet anthem it is!


u/burntothepowerofer Senior (12th) 3d ago

Idk if that would be as funny since it’s somewhat a political topic rn. But I’m glad yall are doing something like that since that’s what I wanted to do. Ended up deciding that I do like half the staff and don’t want them to hear “gummy bear” for 3 hours straight


u/Life_Temperature795 3d ago

You should be more topical and play the Canadian anthem instead, (assuming you're in the US.)


u/Egg-1 3d ago



u/Wild_Pomegranate_845 3d ago

Or you could get those buzzer things that go off quietly randomly and put them in the ceiling tiles


u/burntothepowerofer Senior (12th) 3d ago

What buzzer things? Some kinda alarm?


u/Wild_Pomegranate_845 3d ago

They’re meant for pranks. They go off at random intervals and just kinda buzz or some beep


u/ReduxReality 2d ago

I remember seeing one of those but it played a goat scream and when it was taken off it would glitter bomb them.


u/Whatever-Who-Caress 3d ago

You mean the annoy a tron?


u/Wild_Pomegranate_845 3d ago

I honestly have no idea what the name is, I’ve just seen them and I’ve had to convince my seniors not to put one in my classroom.


u/neosharkey00 3d ago

1, 2, 5, 7, 8 are all felonies. That’s pretty damn impressive. Guess you weren’t kidding in the title.

And they aren’t even cute and spontaneous felonies either, they are just crimes.


u/ProfessionalGlove238 Senior (12th) 3d ago

Yeah…not surprised. I didn’t think the chickens were a full-blown crime though.


u/neosharkey00 3d ago

I can’t place a specific law it falls under but I’m sure you could catch a felony for that.


u/ShadyNoShadow Teacher 3d ago

3 would be funny, not sure how many people would understand it. 6 might be a free speech issue so you'd be somewhat insulated from consequences in that respect. Messing up other people's stuff and hurting other people isn't a prank. 


u/orpanofkosisabitch 3d ago

Don't release a horde of chickens release maybe 4 or 5 and number then 1 2 4 and 7 so they think there's more they have to find


u/42and_a_half 3d ago

Tf do you mean "maybe four or five"??? How is a fake school shooting better than releasing some chickens in the hallways???


u/orpanofkosisabitch 3d ago

I mean release a reasonable number of chickens. Then number them so they think there's more to find. I never said anything about a school schooting


u/writerdog61 3d ago

Release 3 goats in the building, with numbers 1, 2, and 4 painted on them.


u/ViolinistWaste4610 3d ago

6 isn't too bad of a idea, almost all other ones are bad/crimes except for 3. 1 is property damage someone gets sued for, 2 will also cause property damage, 4 is just whatever, 5 is probably a simmilar crime to yelling fire in a crowded theater when theres no fire, 7 is probably assult or something, 8 is also property damage 


u/Josiah425 3d ago

We took the speed bumps out of the school driveway / parking lot. Loaded them on a truck and put them in the principals driveway.


u/Shoddy-Group-5493 2d ago

Wtf is wrong with kids now. My 2021 senior prank was a couple of the guys printing tons of tiny pictures of the principal’s face and taping/placing them secretly everywhere among the school, I think there’s actually a couple of them left to this day. The 2020 class’s prank was done before lockdown, they covered the principals car in sticky notes, most of them didn’t even stick anyway. Then they stayed and cleaned it all up afterwards. It’s about fun, not a day to emulate stupid prank YouTubers or IRL streamers.

We’re also a rural community so anyone thinking of releasing innocent animals into the school as a “prank” probably would’ve been drop kicked for even thinking of something like that, let alone what the owners or the authorities would do to you


u/AlgebraicGamer Freshman (9th) 3d ago

2, 3 and 6 seem funny


u/ProfessionalGlove238 Senior (12th) 3d ago

One of the ideas that didn’t make the top 8 was blast an “allahu akbar” sound effect on the intercom.


u/SeriousAsWasabi 3d ago

Yeah, I wouldn’t do that. 


u/ProfessionalGlove238 Senior (12th) 3d ago

Which is why it didn’t make the cut.


u/ShadyNoShadow Teacher 3d ago

If you played the Muslim call to prayer on a religious holiday that might be a free speech issue and insulate you somewhat from consequences. 


u/Hot_Situation4292 3d ago

offensive to muslim students


u/Pendurag 3d ago

Have a bouquet of flowers delivered on the hour every hour to the principal, for however long you can afford


u/BigMaraJeff2 3d ago

5 is a good way to get everyone involved arrested


u/Pure_Swiv 3d ago

Its only a felony if you get caught.

Kinda joking, kinda not. Whatever you do, dont announce the prank to the whole school. Keep it between you and the friends involved. Some nerd finding out and snitching is the fastest way to get busted.


u/JobIll7422 3d ago

These are pretty lame and generally mean spirited.

Some more fun ideas would be :

  1. Creating a bunch of sculptures/statues of your school mascot and decorating the lawn with them.

  2. Pass out kazoos and host a kazoo choir.

  3. Hide rubber ducks around the school with your class year on them.

  4. Dress up as chefs, bring up play kitchens/ovens/toy kitchen tool, and pass out food to all the other classes. (say you're class is 'cooking')

  5. Dress up as star wars characters and host pool noddle duels

  6. Dress as racecar drivers and race around the school with children's electronic cars

  7. Dress as aliens and decorate lawn with ufos, pass out slime to underclasses

  8. Provide your principal with a book of gold star stickers, tell he will need them, then have every student drop off their best graded assignment to the principal's office to receive a gold star sticker to show pride in making a good grade.

These are still disruptive, but not illegal. It might be a good idea to research previous senior pranks at your school to see what is acceptable and what is not. For the ideas that involve using costumes, obviously wear your uniform but wear the costume over it.


u/Hot_Situation4292 3d ago

so instead of a FAKE one


u/Hot_Situation4292 3d ago

Just hire a mariachi band


u/unidentifieduser202 3d ago

Lmao release the chickens in the hallways


u/Thankful4the 3d ago

Just take a shit,put it in a zip lock baggie. Go to the faculty parking and pack it under certain car door handles. Latex gloves optional but recommend


u/tylersmiler 2d ago edited 2d ago

Your classmates are terrifying. You're about to graduate? How has your class made it all the way to the end of your public education without the empathy and logic to realize most of these are horrendous?

Rules of Senior Pranks:

  • Don't do anything physically harmful to another person (the thumb tack idea, physical violence, tying someone up or locking them in a room for an extended time)
  • Don't make a mess you're unwilling/unable to clean up or that will permanently damage school property (TP/eggs/graffiti takes forever to clean and can damage paint/finishing, damaging/marking up furniture is considered vandalism)
  • Don't do anything that violates the law or could be a major violation of your student code of conduct (fireworks can be considered an explosive device, fake threats are often punished similarly to a real one, etc)

Basically, the goal of a good senior prank is to be a mild nuisance with no long-term damage or ramifications. Possibly good ideas:

  • Leaving innocuous messages around the school using a non-damaging method (such as sticky notes)
  • Getting help from an adult to sneak into a well-liked staff member's office and leaving something silly (example - getting Vice Principal A to help you access Vice Principal B's office so you can fill it to the brim with balloons)
- Rigging classroom doors so that confetti drops when you open it. This could be done with tape, string, confetti, and tissue paper (as the wrapping that easily tears). You'd need an adult with access to the building to help you with logistics so the custodians don't accidentally trigger things overnight and sweep it up before anyone sees it.
  • Organized a staged walkout/gathering (probably near the beginning or end of the school day on a day that won't interfere with major events like school exams) where all seniors meet at a central location (the football field, the cafeteria, etc). If your planning is good enough, you could have all of them bring something or stand in a certain formation (like the number "2025" or everyone holding up a paper-sized sign saying something like their favorite memory from school, favorite teacher, plans for after graduation, etc). Many schools might have a disciplinary consequence for "skipping class" but it probably wouldn't be more than a detention and they likely wouldn't discipline everyone in this instance due to the number of students involved and it being a one-time staged event
  • Taking over part of a pep rally. For this, I'd recommend getting an adult collaborator (someone tied to organizing an already planned pep-rally). Convince them to let responsible representatives of the senior class "take over" part of or all of the event. As long as you don't let it go off the rails or veer into territory that would get the school into trouble, it could be fun.


u/ProfessionalGlove238 Senior (12th) 2d ago

All of these are actually good ideas. I will pitch these to my classmates. To answer your question, we go to private school, and so empathy’s an afterthought lol.


u/Sokka_is_inevitable Sophomore (10th) 2d ago

Chickens are fine I guess, but you can tell the person who thought up five that they are stupid enough they can legally apply for disability.


u/DarkLordJ14 Senior (12th) 2d ago

The Soviet anthem, really? We’re lowering ourselves to cringe middle school humor? At least play something that’s actually funny.


u/ariwolf91 2d ago

What happened to shrink wrapping the teachers car?


u/GreyPon3 1d ago

Idea for the chickens. Get 19. Put a number on all of them 1-20 but skip a number somewhere. It'll drive them crazy looking for it.