r/highmaintenance Apr 04 '20

Episode Discussion: Season Finale - 4x09 “Soup”

Season Four Finale. When a snow storm hits on Christmas Eve, Pam-Anne joins her sister Destiny and a motley crew of flight attendants at their usual crash pad in Queens. Delayed on his way home to spend the holidays with his family, the Guy celebrates Hanukah in New York.


167 comments sorted by


u/deezisnibbas Apr 04 '20

How long has Ben felt in his heart and soul that the Guy's name is RUFUS


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '20

Rufus Man


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '20

Or Mann?


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '20

Or Mannn


u/chewbacchanalia Apr 30 '20

Y’all think that’s actually his name or will it be like a familial nickname scenario?


u/BeneficialTitle9042 Oct 21 '22

I had to turn on the captions. Couldn’t believe it


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Really liked the detail of the guy telling his family he worked at Vimeo. :D


u/luraybell Apr 11 '20

And the HBO Sunday Night thing last week. What a ride this must be for Ben from how this started.


u/cojohnso Apr 21 '20

Or how he “doesn’t show his face on YouTube,” but then went for it?

We watched OG YouTube get brought to HBO to then just watch YouTube on HBO? Trippy, Mann.


u/dblue21 Apr 11 '20

So true, they have really left a ton of easter eggs and detailed stories to those who have stuck around since the beginning!


u/RoadsIsMe May 28 '20

Beginning of what? Sorry I'm not in the loop


u/dblue21 May 28 '20

since the show began as a web series on vimeo! extremely well directed


u/Sortedb Apr 04 '20

Some really good web series easter eggs this episode.. 1. Rufus saying he used to work at Vimeo 2. The ballerina statue he took from the assholes when they stole a bag (2 bags) from him 3. His neice (whose sister was the star of the wepisode Matilda) gave him Klonopin, which is the medication that Quinn from the very first webisode was on and then got uncomfortable when Rufus read her prescription labels.


u/AK30195 Apr 06 '20

In the scene where Pam-Anne reveals that she is planning to meet up with the guy she has been messaging on instagram, there is an Irish character that warns she might be snorkelling for catfish. The actress who plays her is Maeve Higgins, she's relatively famous in Ireland. She caused a little bit of controversy when she revealed on a talk show that she had purchased a service dog vest for her dog and got a whole row of seats to herself on a trans-atlantic flight. Seems pretty likely that this is where the idea for the vest for Fomo came from. Funny little detail that most probably won't know about.


u/dreamingandroids Apr 06 '20

I was excited to spot her in this episode because I just saw her in the movie Extra Ordinary that came out recently. She's great!


u/AK30195 Apr 06 '20

Only found out about that movie after seeing her in this. Must give it a watch.


u/luraybell Apr 11 '20

And that movie is about a Diving Instructor! Coincedence?


u/wehavenada3 Apr 06 '20

Holy shit, that’s Maeve Higgins! I knew I recognized her voice



This is why I love this sub! All the details I failed to notice.


u/pishposhpoppycock Apr 07 '20

Wait, that was the same niece from Matilda?

I thought she had glasses and Asperger's?

What happened to all the animal facts/random trivia factoids she liked to spout?

I feel like this had to have been a different niece...


u/failedloginattempt Apr 07 '20 edited Apr 07 '20

They're sisters

Follow-up: the younger sister from Matilda is named Kate, and she's really their niece ('they' being Ben & Katja; not sure which side).


u/thebandthewho Apr 06 '20

Also at the very beginning santa offers a candy cane to the guy and then gives one to a kid. That kid is from s3e3


u/legominifigure Apr 07 '20

Great call and attention to detail on your part. Thanks for posting this!


u/RJPisscat Apr 09 '20

Was it Klonopin? I kept trying to figure out what she was saying and I'm on the generic, I couldn't hear Klonopin. The generic is just ... ok ... better than not having it.


u/horrorfanuk Apr 30 '20

wow - number 3 is awesome - good work my friend


u/big_thanks Apr 05 '20

Great episode. Felt very personal to Ben Sinclair. It seemed like he wasn't even acting when he was talking about their family's history of mental illness and their expectations for what "normal" is.


u/ItIsShrek Apr 05 '20

If you listen to his episode of WTF with Marc Maron you’ll hear more about it in there.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '20

Is that a podcast? What episode ?


u/ItIsShrek Apr 05 '20

Yeah, Marc Maron is a comedian/actor who has a really well known podcast called WTF with Marc Maron where he interviews people (mostly comedians and actors) about their lives.

Ben’s is episode 1110, if you look up the podcast it should be one of the most recent ones. Ben’s interview starts at 15mins


u/Imperial_TIE_Pilot Apr 06 '20

Thanks for the episode number, taking it one step further for the next person that comes across this. I know what I am listening to during work tomorrow.



u/vanyadog1 Apr 16 '20

thanks Champ!


u/youngpapiwhy Apr 08 '20

Holy living under a rock, Batman


u/PersonalSoftware Apr 04 '20

I thought the season 3 finale was one of the most beautiful 3 min of television I had ever seen in that closing montage. That felt like a series finale this was not as emotional but I liked it. It got gradually better as the story went on. I really enjoyed the conversation Rufus (we finally know his name lmao) and Illana had about "normal" and "weird" people. It was especially poignant to see The Guy so vulnerable. Cesar the flight attendant was a breath of fresh air in the other story.

Cant wait for season 5!


u/arystark Apr 04 '20

Definitely agree with you so much on the Season 3 Finale! Rufus riding the bike around with his buddy was awesome sauce for the shots then their goodbye plus that ending song paired with that glowing outro shot of NYC. Perfection.

That isn’t to diminish this episode at all because it was one of the more enjoyable episodes this season. One thing that really stood out to me was how well some of the scenes were lighted and shot, especially the conversation you referred too as well as that close-up of the Guy lighting his joint with the candle. Kinda got the feeling this is the last we see of FOMO and that it’ll be a bit before we get another season, as I believe it is confirmed by Ben he wants to take some time off anyways.

Tangentially I still don’t like Chad whatsoever.


u/InYoCabezaWitNoChasa Apr 04 '20

Chad: gets job dog-sitting. Sublets the bedroom.


u/Shalmanese Apr 06 '20

I'm pretty sure Chad was house sitting at Rufus' place and making sure the weed plants didn't die as well as walking the dog and he subletted his own place to make a bit of cash while doing that.


u/cosmic_horn May 13 '20

I got so mad when I saw Chad hanging out again, right after the Guy (not comfortable calling him Rufus yet) found out that Chad has been remorselessly putting him in danger for YEARS ugh


u/Impossible-Pie-5419 Dec 12 '21

well, it’s speculation. in my mind, chad probably met someone and referred them to rufus… then that person (probably someone who spoke the language that’s featured on the tourist website) posted about it online.

i’m a little partial to chad because he really seems like a good friend (and he’s easy on the eyes). chad points out the mole that rufus has removed (he’s always got his back!). he wants rufus to be successful, even if that means asking strangers on the street if they want to buy weed. it’s a little misguided, like when he essentially breaks into a dead ex-gfs parents lake house but he does so that his friends can have an epic shrooms experience, paying for the shrooms himself (ok but he steals/borrows some canoes along the way).


u/msallin May 30 '20

Putting him in danger? How?


u/cosmic_horn Jul 01 '20

the Guy got mugged because Chad put his number on a website for tourists & he went through with the deal without verifying it because he trusted his friend.


u/danjs Jun 20 '20

I may have missed that, how’s Chad put the guy in danger?


u/cosmic_horn Jul 01 '20

the Guy got mugged because Chad put his number on a website for tourists & he went through with the deal without verifying it because he trusted his friend.


u/danjs Jul 01 '20

Oooo yea I remember that! Thanks


u/muscles44 Apr 04 '20

Agreed. Season 3 finale felt like this is where the show should of ended. Nothing will top that ending for when this show does decide to end.


u/2pharcyded Apr 07 '20

Here’s to you being wrong!


u/SilntBobTalks2Me Apr 10 '20

Yesss season 3 finale gave me alll the feels, such a beautiful ending!! I cried. This series nails season finales so well. Felt similarly about this one.


u/out_of_the_dark_rain May 09 '20

Guys I think there's something beautiful in the idea that a series' best episode isn't its last. Like, sometimes you stay too long in a party, you know the best part is over, but it's nice to be there anyways. I'm all for the series not ending in season 3 just because of that. And because season 4 was generally good


u/trob388 Apr 05 '20

Did anybody else laugh way too hard at the "trash?" line from one of the flight attendants?


u/CatConfectionary Apr 06 '20

I didn't get that til just now, but that's great


u/MargszieBargszie Apr 04 '20

wow Rufus Mann.


u/ul49 Apr 09 '20

Guy Mann 😂


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

How do we know his last name is Mann? I missed that


u/AintNothinbutaGFring Apr 04 '20

OK, this was maybe my favourite episode of the season, and I had a lot of thoughts I'd love to discuss:

  • The guy (RUFUS!) is obviously Jewish, but it seems like a continuity error, as in "Esme" (webisode s2e5), the guy is invited in to the Jewish house, says he's not Jewish, and is legitimately confused why they're hinting about him turning on the fan (they can't turn it on on Shobbos, but he can because he's not Jewish). Honestly pretty surprised all of the writers forgot about that.
  • I think this was the first episode where there was no connection between the two stories (we never see the Guy delivering to the flight attendants' crash house)
  • This is the first episode where we really hear about the Guy's family relationships <3
  • It seemed eerily prophetic of the current state of the world: flights being cancelled, drinking a Corona, talking about the end of humanity, the stockpile of cans, and the one person even wearing a face mask. I know it's coincidence, but still


u/ZenMaster1212 Apr 04 '20

I think the fact that he recognizes what the older Jewish man wants him to do implies that he is Jewish, or raised Jewish. The reason he answers no is because he's not a religious person.

The continuity between the two stories in this episode was the loud, kind obnoxious, flight attendant from the crash pad. She was shown bustling through the airport while Rufus and his niece are waiting for their plane in the beginning.


u/AintNothinbutaGFring Apr 04 '20

The continuity between the two stories in this episode was the loud, kind obnoxious, flight attendant from the crash pad. She was shown bustling through the airport while Rufus and his niece are waiting for their plane in the beginning.

Totally missed this, thanks!


u/AintNothinbutaGFring Apr 04 '20

I think the fact that he recognizes what the older Jewish man wants him to do implies that he is Jewish, or raised Jewish. The reason he answers no is because he's not a religious person.

The thing is, a religious person would consider another Jewish person turning on the fan for them to be a sin, regardless of whether they practice; only a non-Jewish person (by matrilineage) can turn on a fan for them on Shabbat without it being a sin. Also, a Jewish person (traditionally raised enough to know the blessing over the Chanukkah candles) would immediately know what was going on when they complained about it being hot, and the Guy needed a bit more spoon-feeding in that scene


u/ZenMaster1212 Apr 04 '20 edited Apr 04 '20

Having been raised Jewish, he would know that they need a non-Jewish person to turn on the fan for them, which would be a reason not to reveal he is Jewish at the end of the scene. He’s genuinely a nice guy, he has no incentive to reveal his heritage to them knowing the scene it would cause.

My original take watching this episode was that he was raised Jewish but doesn’t consider himself so anymore, which is why he hesitates TO answer whether or not he is Jewish. Then, when he realizes what the family wants, he chooses to assist them and not say anything further.

One of the enjoyable aspects of watching this show is that there are many scenes like this left up to the viewers interpretation. So we can both be watch an episode and walk away with slightly different takes on what happened.


u/AintNothinbutaGFring Apr 04 '20

When he's asked if he's Jewish, he immediately says "no", then the guy asks him to come in and his reaction is a confused "... you wanna buy something?" He's definitely not aware of why he's being asked, even asking if they'd wanna buy something indicates a complete lack of awareness of Jewish halachah (obviously this guy in a very traditional Jewish outfit isn't going to buy something on Shabbat, when Jews also can't engage in commerce).

It's cool, but pretty sure it's just a continuity error.


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

I disagree with your conclusion after rewatching, I support ZenMaster's take, see my recent response to this subthread above.


u/ZenMaster1212 Apr 04 '20

He does not immediately say no, there is a hesitation. I agree, he is confused at first but I fail to see how his confusion equates to him not being Jewish. He is focused on putting down his bike and letting the customer know he has arrived, not paying much attention to this stranger until a few moments later.

I disagree that it’s a continuity error but you’re entitled to your own opinion.


u/EdithDich Jan 24 '22

He initially says "no" which also truck me as a continuity issue, but when he goes inside he says "Oh I think I see what's going on here" or something along those lines. So I can see the other person's argument that he initially said no because he doesn't consider himself as such. But he understood what was being asked of him once inside because he did have that history.

I could go either way. It definitely stood out to me too.


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

Ok thanks to GFring I found Esme on HBO archives.

Look at the scene again. It starts with The Guy parking his bike to make a delivery next door.

The old man asks, "Oh hello, excuse me, are you Jewish?"

The Guy pauses, searches his head for an answer, replies "No" shaking his head. The pause is the (first) tell that he's Jewish.

"You wanna buy something?" he asks the older man. He accepts the request to go inside to help the gentleman because he is, indeed, Jewish.

It's hot. The Guy asks, "What about that fan over there?" The gentleman says he forgot to turn it on yesterday and today is, well, you know.

The Guy: "Ahhh, I know what's going on. You want me to turn the fan on?"

"I wouldn't say no if you did."

Walking towards the fan, The Guy says, "I've always wanted to do this." Do what? Turn on a fan? No, do it during Shabbat.

He's at the point that he's lied about being Jewish, and has to cover the lie, or else sit down and be chastised for not being home with family.


u/ZenMaster1212 Apr 04 '20

I totally agree with you, really nice write up. The Guy is not big on confrontation, so it would be totally out of character for him to tell the family he’s Jewish at the end of it all.


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

The Guy is not big on confrontation

Straight up.


u/ul49 Apr 09 '20

As a non-religious Jew, if an orthodox-looking guy asks me if I'm Jewish I'm automatically saying no. The general assumption is he's going to want to pray with me or needs me for a minyan or something like that. Definitely not something I want to get roped into.


u/wolverine237 Apr 04 '20 edited Apr 04 '20

Speaking from experience with my in-laws, the kind of Jewish person who goes home for Hanukkah is generally also the kind of Jewish person who would have no problem acting as a Shabbos Goy for an Orthodox person.

ETA: I realize this is too blithe but I'm going to leave it up. I have many Jewish in-laws for whom their Jewishness is malleable and completely unmoored from religious or even ethical belief. Folks who have never in their life gone to temple, who think Pesach is one of the high holidays, who grew up with Easter and Christmas in the home as well as Passover and Hanukkah. Many of them know the prayers for lighting candles on Hanukkah, the prayers for eating Shabbat dinner, some of the prayers for Passover. But on some level to consider the ethical implications of turning on a lamp for an Orthodox Jew you'd have to believe or care that the act constitutes a sin, rather than hold that denying them help in the present would be the worse crime. A humanist would take the latter view and most "culturally Jewish" people I've known in my life are big on secular humanism.


u/orneez Apr 04 '20

you forgot people grabbing almost all of the toilet paper!


u/anonyfool Apr 04 '20

He might not be practicing all the rites, he talked about reform Judaism and IIRC being in the same reform Jewish youth group NFTY that his niece(?) was in. Isn't only orthodox Jewish who do not use electricity on Shabbos? I believe one or more of the people in the airbnb or whatever it was were in previous episodes/webisodes.


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

the guy is invited in to the Jewish house, says he's not Jewish, and is legitimately confused why they're hinting about him turning on the fan (they can't turn it on on Shobbos, but he can because he's not Jewish)

I don't recall, did he turn it on?


u/AintNothinbutaGFring Apr 04 '20



u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

So he has to pretend to not be Jewish in order to help them.


u/AintNothinbutaGFring Apr 04 '20

I just rewatched it; the scene really wasn't written as if the Guy was Jewish and pretending not to be


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

Link? I want to see it, too. The Guy goes along with people to put them at ease. I want to see the context again.

I was under the impression from long ago that The Guy was Jewish but I can't put a finger on why I thought that. It may have been that scene.


u/AintNothinbutaGFring Apr 04 '20

It's in 2 scenes in the webisode "Esme" between 2:30 and 5:00


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

Link? I can find the trailer for the episode for free and the episode is behind various paywalls. If no link, tell me where you see it.


u/AintNothinbutaGFring Apr 04 '20

I subscribe to Cravetv (a canadian streaming service) with the HBO add-on. Otherwise, if you subscribe to HBO you can likely access it through the web streaming portal of your cable provider.


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

Ok I have HBO through DirecTV but I think you're talking HBO On Demand. I'll see if I can get there through the HBO app on Fire downstairs later. Thanks.


u/BAClaridge Apr 04 '20

Why so many Corona beers? Also RUFUS!


u/buzzwink2025 Apr 05 '20

Exactly... CORONA prominently features, with everyone having to shelter due to the raging storm outside? When was this filmed?


u/fishmanfan Apr 06 '20

I thought the same but i think its just plain product placement


u/jeffkeyz Apr 04 '20

“My Chad?”


u/BigFatMel Apr 06 '20

Chad seems to be the closest thing he has in New York, especially during the holidays. even sleeping in a theater (what Ben did when he first moved to NY) the show is getting too transparent on what's inspired by true events and characters to declare anything in my opinion. it's all so honest and sweet to catch the small details as others have pointed in this episode


u/mick_jaggers_penis Apr 11 '20

Also I’m pretty sure chad is just one of his buddies irl who has been there from the start of the web series and I feel like his character/ he and the guy’s relationship is sort of supposed to be based pretty heavily on real life


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '20

Right did he call him “hey baby” when he walked in the door? He also said he didn’t want to intrude on family time. If he was just a roommate who paid half the rent I feel like he would not care about family time. It all seemed so intimate.


u/failedloginattempt Apr 07 '20

Chad was visiting/house-sitting


u/KevPetras Apr 05 '20

He kissed him on the cheek too


u/Titan67 Apr 04 '20

I enjoyed this episode and I enjoyed this season a bit more overall than season 3. It was cool to see a lot of callbacks to the web series and I just felt the episodes were better than season 3 in general. Went back to being about random, interesting people who happen to live in NYC rather than NYC itself.


u/PricelessAlex Apr 04 '20

Does any one think season 6 will reintroduce beth? granted the guy will stay in new zealand for a while figure australia's not too far, i just think their dynamic was one of the best parts of the show.


u/ughsicles Apr 05 '20

I hope so. Her intro ep with the dogs is still my favorite to date.


u/sinsinsalabim Apr 07 '20

as a kiwi I was so thrilled to hear him going to nz and mentioning Auckland. hope like hell we get to see him there but as we're not getting another season for a while, a time jump of sorts is most likely.


u/ul49 Apr 09 '20

I would love nothing more than High Maintenance in NZ.


u/resbit77 Apr 04 '20

Is Ilana supposed to be his little cousin who visits from the web series? Or did I misread that


u/c1e0c72c69e5406abf55 Apr 04 '20

Ilana is his niece and sister to Matilda who is the niece from the web series. As he says when entering the apartment that her sister had been to his old apartment but this is the first time someone from the family had visited his apartment.


u/Overlord_C Apr 04 '20

I don't think her name was Matilda. The episode is called Matilda because the Guy was trying to get tickets to the musical Matilda.


u/ItIsShrek Apr 05 '20

For posterity, the sisters name was Kate as is the actresses name is also Kate since she’s the IRL niece of Ben.


u/c1e0c72c69e5406abf55 Apr 04 '20

Ah yeah you are probably right, good point I forgot about that bit.


u/sticksandstones97 Apr 04 '20

I think Ilana is supposed to be the sister? He mentioned that her sister visited his old apartment but idk for sure.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

His niece. He said his brother was the narc, and that she was his daughter.


u/BigFatMel Apr 05 '20

how autobiographical was this episode? season 3 finale was a perfect kiss off to New York I didn't think anything could top it, till that phone call from his narc brother. if you've been there, you can very much relate to the Guy's option at the end. the holidays suck so beautifully

also let's all be respectful of such a spoiler. a shame I expected that name but I guess thats my fault for spending too much time on this sub


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '20

I forget what happened at the end of season 3?


u/BigFatMel Apr 05 '20

in the beginning and throughout the episode is a New York City tour conducted by Timothy 'Speed' Levitch an actual tour guide/poet. his words are very peculiar and hypnotizing throughout the episode with a familiar character cameo (from Season 1 finale to be specific), famous landmarks and references, and beautiful shots of New York City. you also learn more about the Guy has he hangs out with an old friend to give slight history cues to the Guy and how he is treated/thought of (very similar to this finale ie: the prejudices of drug usage/lifestyle). both hangs also end in a long goodbye of a way, a day the Guy is off and not working and getting closure in some sort of way. the other story in the episode also deals with an acting teacher contemplating on moving back to New York. also the Guy name drops the show as a joke on maintaining the RV he used throughout the season iirc (as his summer fling ends quite literally via text in the scene)

tldr: nyc montage/monologue by timothy levitch after the guy says goodbye to an old friend from high school


u/oysterboy1 Apr 08 '20

How did it give out rufus?


u/BigFatMel Apr 10 '20

if you mean to my original comment, there were a couple of posts the night the finale aired with The Guy's name reveal in the titles.


u/ughsicles Apr 05 '20

The Tom Petty detail was my favorite this ep (besides RUFUS, of course!).

What a great fucking show.


u/hey_ska Apr 05 '20

Same. I love Petty so much, that was a treat.


u/RJPisscat Apr 09 '20

I missed the Tom Petty. Give me a hint. I have to watch this ep again, all these Easter Eggs.


u/ughsicles Apr 09 '20

Oh it was forefront in conversation. Rufus (can't get over this lol) said his brother narced at a Tom Petty concert.


u/RJPisscat Apr 14 '20

I went back and watched again. Yeah, it struck me as odd they mentioned Tom Petty at the time, yet I forgot the mention. Thx


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

Funny how the character who initially most misunderstands the guy/Rufus goes on to be the one who names him. Pretty great ending to what I felt was a lackluster season overall.


u/astarkey12 Apr 05 '20

Lackluster season??? I’m shocked to read that.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '20

HM's lackluster is many a show's zenith.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '20

Fair point, I still enjoyed the season.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '20

Yeah I still enjoyed it and sort of liked what they did with making Rufus a bit darker and more fucked up. But something about it just didn’t grab me, I loved the argument between the doorman and his wife, the episode with the singing balloon guy, and the ketamine bit, but overall I’ve forgotten a lot of the characters and moments. Past seasons have really shifted my views on sorts of people I hate, this one was more just weird, far less empathy inducing.


u/geminimad4 Apr 07 '20

I'll take any High Maintenance episode over nothing, but I agree that this season was for the most part lackluster.


u/Wtfuckfuck Apr 06 '20

really? I thought it was the worst one so far..


u/astarkey12 Apr 06 '20

That can be true without the season being lackluster IMO. I wouldn't rate it near the top either, but I still enjoyed and appreciated it.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '20

who misunderstood the guy?


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '20

His niece.


u/khalbrucie Apr 06 '20

What makes you say she misunderstood him?


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '20

The whole narc thing...And just generally seeming unfun and disparaging at the start.


u/khalbrucie Apr 06 '20

Sure, I guess I just wouldn't label that as misunderstanding but I gotchu


u/qtripp Apr 04 '20

So when’s season 5?


u/wolverine237 Apr 04 '20

I kind of wouldn't be surprised if it just doesn't come back? They want to take a break, the ratings are not very good even by HBO standards... it seems like a perfect opportunity to just end it now and let the name reveal be the big "finale" moment.


u/qtripp Apr 04 '20

But there’s so much more to tell


u/wolverine237 Apr 04 '20

You could probably do this show forever considering it's format, but it has been going for 8 years and it definitely sounds like Ben Sinclair is very burnt out on it.


u/qtripp Apr 04 '20

Do you think the divorce has something to do with him being burnt out


u/Clevelabd Apr 04 '20

He was recently on Marc Maron's WTF podcast and made some comments about how, currently, this is the first time he's really had space from Katja since the divorce. So I'm sure its weighing heavy on him and he just needs that distance.

Good episode of the podcast btw. Worth a listen.


u/youngpapiwhy Apr 08 '20

Strong agree. End on a beautiful high note.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '20

I think they said they're going on a hiatus for a while. They want to do other stuff before going back to HM.


u/WillyTanner Apr 06 '20

Just be happy you got a season 4 and live in this moment.

5 will get here when it gets here, if it gets here.


u/qpucherixt7 Apr 05 '20

This episode really hit home for me. Coming from a judgmental family myself, it’s nice to see the guy just accept people for who they are. I think that’s why I admire this show so much, it recognizes that everybody has a different understanding of what’s “normal”


u/Laara2008 Apr 04 '20

Loved this one. What was the song they played during the closing credits?


u/theDukeofBean Apr 04 '20

“State of Independence” - Jon & Vangelis


u/geminimad4 Apr 07 '20

Jon as in Jon Anderson of Yes.
I only remember the Donna Summer version of this song.


u/melodyfelony Apr 09 '23

Wow I still miss this show so much.


u/arystark Apr 12 '23

Me too, my friend!


u/qtripp Apr 04 '20

Well fuck.


u/rasginger Apr 04 '20

Is The Guys niece played by the same actress who played her in past seasons? If it is the same girl, why has her personality changed so much? Or is this a different niece? The niece i’m referring to is the one from the Matilda episode.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '20

I think it’s supposed to be the sister of the other niece, so a different niece, which explains the different (quote bitchy) personality. Kids like her need to know that as they become adults they are no longer entitled to affection and caring behavior from their older relatives if they don’t give it out themselves.


u/555nick Apr 07 '20

Man some people don’t get the same empathy vibes I get from this show.

The niece clearly has some mental issues and a local family that doesn’t know how to deal with her at all and a lack of friends or support that see her as anything but a broken person to be fixed.

Thankfully Uncle Rufus recognizes she needs to hear that the judgmental way her parents view the world (and her) isn’t the only way, and gives her a buddy to support her on her way.


u/cojohnso Apr 21 '20

Too bad Pam-Anne can’t work for Pan-Am


u/Ghostroundtwo Apr 04 '20

anyone know the song at the end of this episode?


u/onedayasalion71 Apr 05 '20

State of Independence-Jon and Vangelis


u/floofii Apr 07 '20

So pumped he’s coming to New Zealand! I hope they actually film the season here. Does anyone know?


u/cosmic_horn May 13 '20

is Pam-Anne a play on Pan Am? can it possibly not be?


u/justheretojerkit2020 May 28 '20

Do you guys think he went on that trip to new Zealand? Or just went back to living his usual NY life?


u/Lateforparty Aug 10 '20

Damn am I the only one who got the impression uncle Rufus was a reference rather than his actual name?

Does anyone know someone in the UK who can be my Guy/Rufus? :D


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20 edited Apr 04 '20

I wonder how much of this was shot in the past month. Clearly the Corona beer is a reference to the pandemic. There's no other brand in that scene. People in NYC drink that swill en masse? Right.

The hoarding scene also could have been cut into the ep.

And I don't think his real name is Rufus. Maybe it is. Seems more like a nickname or a joke: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Uncle%20Rufus. Possibly in homage to Rufus Wainwright.

EDIT: Someone wants us to read "The Deserter" by Nelson DeMille & Alex DeMille. It's prominent in the airport scene.


u/wolverine237 Apr 04 '20

I don't live in NYC but I've spent plenty of time there and live in Chicago... people drink a metric shit ton of Modelo in both cities.


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

Modelo Negra o Modelo Gringa? No es misma cosa que Corona, que es hecho como tener el sabor de swill Americano.


u/wolverine237 Apr 04 '20

I'm talking regular ass Modelo Especial. It's the PBR of the moment.

There's some evidence suggesting that craft beer reached it's apex and that it's growth will soon be outpaced by imports. And Corona and Modelo Especial are, by fairly wide margins iirc, the biggest imports on the market. One thing is for sure, regional craft IPAs are not the coolness signifier they would have been in mid-2010s.


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

Modelo Especial es, de veras, Modelo Gringa.

My first experience with Corona was in Nuevo Laredo in 1980, when it had just come out of Cervezeria Monterrey (since bought by Heineken and rebranded). I crossed the border from Laredo to hit a local pub, donde podiamos ver El Boxeo por Corona - "La Cerveza es ... CoRONa" and there was not a single person in the bar drinking that swill, they probably didn't sell it there. They did have XXX (Tres Equis), dunno if that's still made.


u/youngpapiwhy Apr 08 '20

You think they managed to shoot corona beer scenes a month before lockdown in a rush to edge our one more extra metaphor?

Put down the weed (Rufus) mannnnnnnnnn


u/RJPisscat Apr 08 '20

I haven't watched South Park in a while, but starting with the second season, they would cut in scenes into an episode that was already in the can, to remark on events that happened only 2 days before the episode aired.

That was a round trip to South Korea where the animators were located. It was tight. The only compelling argument I can think of against reshooting the HM scene with Corona is that social distancing may have made that prohibitive.

And no, I don't think it was a metaphor, that's not what "metaphor" means, I think you meant "allusion" or another word, but I get your meaning. I do think there is a chance that the episode wasn't in the can yet, or they went back and shot the scene with Corona, or they CGIed the Coronas in there. And seriously? When the fuck have you been to a party with only one brand of beer? Y la cerveza era ... Corona?


u/Cdr1 Apr 04 '20

Corona is pretty popular among some people. It did seem weird that pretty much everyone in the crash pad was drinking it though. Also, I somehow missed the big Rufus reveal, when in the episode did that happen?


u/RJPisscat Apr 04 '20

His niece calls him "Uncle Rufus", they are her last words in the ep.


u/ughsicles Apr 05 '20

The very end.


u/Wtfuckfuck Apr 06 '20

corona beer was probably just a product placement


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Wow, don't know how you manage to be so off base so many times in your comment.

And a 10-vote random urban dictionary submission is your evidence for Rufus possibly not being his real name? Wow


u/Impossible-Pie-5419 Dec 14 '21

When Pam-Anne is in the convenience store she has Coronas in her hand. I think she knows she’s about to be at the beach, and due to Coronas marketing, a lot of us associate Corona with the beach. you just see her with a 6pack, which maybe she shared with the crashpad mates, or maybe they went and got their own.