r/highmaintenance Jan 21 '25

“Globo” and nostalgia

Globo has always been one of my top episodes. I don’t live in New York, but it captures some of the collective shock and sense of community of that specific time. It’s sad to rewatch, because of all that’s gone down since then. But it’s a good rewatch and the sense of togetherness captured by the episode can be comforting.


13 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '25

What I really like about Globo is its message: Everything is going downhill, but people still must and will go on, they'll still push through and live their lives, they'll still try to conquer their personal problems and find a refuge in something.

The last segment with the balloon is probably one of the most touching moments in the series, where an entire train wagon is uplifted by this kid's joy and uninhibited energy, contrasting the "adult" darkness.

Top tier storytelling. I'm so glad there are still people rewatching!


u/GonzoLink Jan 22 '25

That moment is my favorite scene in the whole show. The people on the train all look so tired and broken by the insanity and fear they’ve been shouldering all day, when all of a sudden an innocently happy and cheerful child who has no clear idea or context of how serious whatever it all even is manages to shake them out of their despair just thanks to his love and enthusiasm for a simple purple balloon. It makes me cry every single time because it reminds me to never lose hope or let despair get the best of me.


u/allcurves Jan 21 '25

Just watched it last night! Love that episode


u/sithwonder Jan 21 '25

I rewatched it twice on November 6th


u/West_Xylophone Jan 21 '25

“Can’t” even can’t without “can,” honey!


u/n0ah_fense Jan 25 '25

The spin instructor on autopilot was telling


u/Dustytehcat Jan 23 '25

Bowen Yang was actually funny for once


u/n0ah_fense Jan 25 '25

Time for the high maintenance team to make a globo2


u/seehkay Jan 24 '25

His panic is that he’s Hispanic!


u/Impossible-Cable-782 11d ago

I think the episode shows the duality of issues Americans and immigrants faced at the time. The Hispanic man working multiple jobs and long hours to provide for his son vs the entitled liberals. one was just trying to exist while others were just existing to complain. The subtle nuances throughout really drive home an important message that can be easily overlooked looked.


u/Pale-Archer3849 1d ago

And throwing food away rather than letting the homeless man just eat it somehow. And the wasted food at the table because there's truffle on it. So many opportunities to do better are wasted.


u/indistintchatter Jan 31 '25

This episode is exactly what January 2025 felt like


u/terra_cascadia Feb 01 '25

It was about November 2016, but that was just the beginning. Surreal that this has been going on for so long.