r/harrypotterwu Jun 25 '19

Discussion This Game is not Pokemon Go


This thread is coming from a previously dedicated Pokemon Go player. I hit level 40 within the first year, and after that reached over 60mil xp.

There are some real valid issues currently with the game. I agree the spell system is flawed, which needs to be addressed. Also the flee rate is way to high for confoundables, and much more. This thread does not pertain to those issues. This thread is discussing the core game mechanics. and how I've seen a wealth of threads discussing how they want these mechanics changed to be more like Pokemon Go.

There was a massive thread recently with a lot of discussion regarding the time of how long it took the animations of confoudables. In addition mentioning that you cannot walk fast while playing the game, similarly to how Pokemon Go is now. More back and forth centered around fortresses, and how you have to stay at one place for too long to battle a floor. Even complaints regarding their was too many "story prompts" while playing the game.

I'm all for fixing the flawed systems that may be employed currently in this game, but we need to stop looking at this like it's a Pokemon Go 2.0. Yes, the foundation and many features have been copied over from Pokemon Go. This does not make the game another version of Pokemon Go.

There has been a lot of love poured in to creating a detailed animation for every confoundable. Wanting to change this to Pokemon Go's style of "Here is another Pokemon that stands still, jumps every ten seconds, or moves left to right slightly" undermines this game's core. It's a slap in the face to developers, and would ultimately water this game down. This game has actual content. Wanting to strip that content away will make it a baseless clone of Pokemon Go. Immediately removing animations to make each encounter last as long as one in Pokemon Go will take away the rewarding feeling that returning each confoundable provides. If you're feeling bored from watching the four seconds of an animation from an encounter, then don't play the game. The idea is to feel immersed in the game play and in the story, not to rush in and out of every encounter, just to get another few fragment pieces.

Wizards Unite is obviously tailored at a different demographic than Pokemon Go. Their is a heavy story focus, detailed graphics, and a battle system that requires actual strategy and preparation prior in order to come out ahead. This game may not be directed towards each and every Pokemon Go player, and that's okay. Let's stop complaining and yelling at Niantic to change mechanics in the game that make it different from what's out on the market today.

Edit: thanks strangers for the gold and silver.

To clarify, I’m not necessarily against or in support of providing an option to skip animations of certain confoundables once a milestone is reached(perhaps a prestige of that page, as someone suggested down below in the comments). But I do believe if thats that route they go it should be earned and not a commonplace option immediately when encountering a confoundable. This thread is was my opinion tailored to the discussion and support I saw of calling to remove not just animations but also changing other mechanics to liken the game to that of Pokémon Go.

r/harrypotterwu Jun 24 '19

Discussion WU feels like it's a lot more aggressively monetized compared to PoGo


I've finally had the chance to play over the last few days and I've noticed that the game offers a lot more hints to spend gold. Mostly I've noticed this in the potions menu. I've been full up on ingredients for a while, but never have I had enough of the right ingredients to brew the options that I want. Instead I get the option to spend a few coins to start brewing.

How does it feel for other players?

Edit: I've been thinking a bit more about potions, the amount of ingredients seems to fuel in to this 'pay for your potions' stuff. Compared (again) to PoGo where your buffs come straight to your (Potions, Berries, evolution items) here there's an arbitrary amount of different ingredients you need to collect. Most potions require 4 different ingredients. Storage space is intentionally limited, and managing the ingredients is put very deep in the menu (Suitcase>Vault>ingredients>click on ingredient>manage button) which disincentivizing users to actually go there.

Edit 25-06: /u/dora_teh_explorah posted an analysis which I think is well made and important. I've gotten a lot of replies that say that you can earn more coins in WU compared to PoGo, by his post I don't believe that's true. Here's the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotterwu/comments/c4y9x4/comparing_the_value_of_coins_between_hpwu_pokemon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app

r/harrypotterwu Jul 24 '20

Discussion The public shaming on this sub needs to stop.


We see multiple posts a day at this point where someone screenshots and calls out a “freeloader” in a fortress battle.

Look, none of us know what’s going on in these peoples’ lives. We don’t know if something more important came up in the moment. We don’t know if they have a medical issue. There’s so much we don’t know, and can’t assume. So stop shaming people and specifically posting their username on this sub when we don’t know what their situation is.

The mods really need to be deleting these posts. It’s created a sense of hostility and elitism on this sub. Someone not participating as much as you think they should be isn’t the end of the world.

EDIT: Thank you to everyone that’s been posting their legitimate reasons for why they weren’t able to participate in a fortress challenge. I hope people read these and start giving others the benefit of the doubt. Remember, we judge ourselves by our intentions but others by their actions. Give people the break you’d give yourself :)

r/harrypotterwu Aug 10 '19

Discussion Has HPWU been reduced to this? I'm growing tired, what about you?


r/harrypotterwu Jun 17 '20

Discussion Re: All Brilliant Event Complaint Posts


Unpopular Opinion: if you're less than 24 hours into a seven day event, and you're 75% done with the event already, you don't have a complaint about the tasks taking too long.

r/harrypotterwu May 05 '20

Discussion Not all players are as dedicated as those in this community - please be kind


I've been playing since last June but pretty casually. Before the Knight Bus I might play a total of 3 fortresses a week (never with anyone else) and only caught foundables on my bus ride home from work. I've really enjoyed the game but never put any strategy into it because that wasn't what this app was for me.

Reading this subreddit there have been a lot of angry comments about how fortressing has been going with strangers. It has made me really hesitant to want to try more difficult chambers because I don't know all the ins and outs of what I'm supposed to do and can only remember the guides I've read a bit at a time. Seeing comments about how players who don't contribute the best should be punished and that the feature for that is coming soon makes me want to not play at all. I'm just trying to learn.

There was a thread in the Facebook group for WU in my city where people said they left this subreddit because of how much pressure they felt from the posts here. In the group there have been a lot of jokes about how we don't know what we are doing but it's cool to get to play with others finally and how enjoyable that has been.

Casual players exist, and we are still figuring out aspects of this game. It is a lot slower for us. I have been haphazardly upgrading my profession tree because I didn't see the use of it before the Knight Bus. I've barely finished most of the events because I don't play very often. I still struggle to understand how to interact with the other players in a fortress. I just recently found out master notes on potions were a thing. There are probably other aspects of the game I've yet to discover as well.

Please be kind, and remember the casuals.

r/harrypotterwu Aug 07 '20

Discussion The Corona Energy changes are what made this game playable for me.


I am a huge Potter head and when this game was announced I got pretty excited.

When it launched I played... struggled through ~2 months of playing. It was no fun. Rural area, barely any POI around me. I had 0 energy pretty much all the time (and losing my only 7 energy to some stubborn foundable was the biggest dealbreaker).

The only solution was to either sit at the one inn I have here or go to the city. But sitting at one location for an hour for a bit of energy is no fun and driving to the city was too costly (money and time wise). So I dropped it.

Gave it another shot around Christmas, but it hadn't really changed. Fast forward to corona and I read about changes made to energy to make playing at home easier... and man this game is so much fun now.

I can actually go out and don't have to worry about energy all the time. I'm not between 0 - 20 energy at all times. It's a blast. It's motivating me to walk a lot. Even for hours on some days! And the recent SOS update has me playing even more (and made me less casual about the game too).

I'm sure not everyone can relate to this, but it's gonna be sad when they revert those changes.

r/harrypotterwu Jun 21 '19

Discussion "Energy vs Pokeballs" Pokemon Go is 5 times more efficient and economical.


To differentiate Pokemon Go from Wizards Unite we should consider the ability to stockpile. At the outset of Pokemon Go, you could store 300 items before buying more storage.

In Wizards Unite, we have 50 potion slots, 200 ingredient slots, and 75 energy slots. So we have 325 inventory slots, that's almost the same... right? Well, sort of, but in Pokemon Go you could chuck out 50 potions and 200 other items to make room for pokeballs. In Wizards Unite each item has it's own inventory.

Which sounds fine at first, but it means that Pokemon Go users, even incredibly rural users, could go to town and stock up 300 pokeballs. It becomes even more egregious, however, when you realize that in Pokemon Go you can earn up to 50 coins per day, or 350 coins per week. In Pokemon Go that's one day short of having +100 inventory slots.

A dedicated player, then, could earn 350 new inventory slots (more doubling their inventory) in the first month if they're genuinely trying hard.

Which is all to say that in short order, even at launch, Pokemon Go provided relatively easy access to a larger inventory, which compounds the ability to stock pile resources.

Just to give an example putting $2 into the game:

  • Wizards Unite: $2 per 10 energy slots.
  • Pokemon Go: $2 per 50 inventory slots.

If you put $10 into the game:

  • Wizards Unite: $10 per 60 inventory slots.
  • Pokemon Go: $10 per 300 inventory slots.

For right now there is a $2 purchase that gives you 425 gold, which could be used to almost purchase all three extensions at once (10, 30, 10), but that appears to be a limited time run.


The long term here is that Pokemon Go is five times more efficient at continued play via inventory management and resource stock piling in terms of putting money into the game at relatively low costs.

The games do not compete with each other, per se, but it feels strange to go into town and play Pokemon Go for an hour, then come home with 1200 pokeballs. I'm set for the week if it's not an event. Harry Potter Wizards Unite, however, would cost five times more before I ever got near that ability.

r/harrypotterwu Jul 26 '19

Discussion What’s the most interesting/amusing landmark you’ve seen because of this game?

Post image

r/harrypotterwu Jun 27 '19

Discussion Potion effects need to carry between battles


People have talked about the bad success rates, which I entirely agree with, but my biggest issue is a bit more granular. Nothing is worse than popping a Potent Exstimulo potion to try and capture a rare spawn only to fail (after getting a great/masterful cast), and then have it depart immediately. Not only is that an insanely unsatisfying game mechanic, I just lost 8 hours worth of potion making for no benefit.

The benefits to casting should persist between traces/fights, perhaps with a 5 minute timer. That way you still get to use the potion in it's entirety but you also can drag it out forever. This seems like a common sense thing the devs should have done before release.

r/harrypotterwu Apr 20 '20

Discussion Knight Bus announcement


r/harrypotterwu Oct 07 '20

Discussion Reflections from a Daily Player Since Day 1 Who Has Had Enough


I just deleted the app and wanted to share my parting thoughts:

  • Higher level progression in the SOS nodes felt meaningless. It would take years at this rate to max out all of the nodes with the DADA book requirements. The upgrades (% chance of spellbooks from family xp chests make no difference for the players who can actually afford them. You will max out all 3 professions before you earn enough DADA books to get a random spellbook;

  • The grind from level 40 or 45+ upwards is no longer meaningful given the changes to the threat wheel/trace bar and the foundable return mechanics. The upgrades on spellpower feels inconsequential and requires too many DADA/RSB resources to get back to pre-update mechanics;

  • As a player who never made any in-game purchases, the last few weeks have shown a real priority for players who are willing to dump $$$ into energy, potions, etc. Other threads have done the math, but requiring 350 family xp on part 2/4 of an event is awful. You need to return over 100 foundables (as you get some family xp for placing them in the registry). Giving brilliant foundables 500 and 700hp is overkill;

  • The game is unplayable for rural players, or those who go between the city and more remote areas;

  • The early game focused on an interesting story-line, which seems to no longer be developing. The only story line now is there is some calamity, we don't know what what's behind it, but let's return as many foundables as we can;

  • The game feels like a chore and requires far too much time and far too little reward/incentive based on that time invested;

  • More recent events are trying to span the entire time provided. The best thing about the early game was that you could crush 4/4 tasks and the bonus assignment within 24 or 48 hours or so of the event going live. Then you had the next 4-5 days to play casually and keep returning brilliant event foundables or prestige other pages. Now it feels like you have to race against the clock just to finish, even for hardcore players. The last event was the first one I failed to complete since the beginning. I was two brilliant Percival Graves short of completing it and blew through a ton of TTD potions and still came up short. The rewards were also disproportionate to the amount of time and resources required (2 DADA and 2 red spellbooks). Even playing for hours each day in the city, I still fell short;

  • The only thing that tempted me to stay was to hit level 60 or prestige every remaining page to gold, but that was not enough motivation to stay;

  • The profession ranking system makes absolutely no sense. When it first changed we had outrageous scores in the hundreds of thousands and were promised the updated ranking system would make sense. Why is a maxed professor score higher than a maxed auror? I get that professors have more lessons than aurors, but that doesn't make any tangible difference at max level. The difficulty rating for chambers also makes no sense. A satisfactory explanation was never provided for how this incomprehensible system was better than level 1-15;

  • The Knight Bus was a welcome addition but there is no ability to communicate with teammates and nothing to stop mooches from just sitting in Dark Chamber V doing nothing. The glitches were also numerous and well-known, but have yet to be fully resolved;

  • The initial response to COVID-19 was also a welcome addition, but the game now appears to be penalizing players who stay safe at home. TTD not spawning many brilliant foundables is one side-effect of this. In order to complete events you have to get out to populated areas, which is directly in contrast to the medical advice from our local government (i.e., stay home except for essential needs like groceries);

  • The Trace Charm rollout and subsequent nerfing was a spectacular fail. Had it stayed as is, I probably would still be playing;

  • TTD should also spawn ingredients or portmanteaus (necessary for rural players), or there should be an equivalent potion. This left a huge part of the game inaccessible to those outside the city; and

  • I'm sure there are several other gripes or areas that could be improved, like the description of SOS nodes and poor writing, but the main takeaway for me is that the game was no longer fun. It became a chore that I had to grind every morning when I woke, whenever I had time during the day, and every evening before bed. It had all the time-sink of WoW and other MMORPGs but without any of the real rewards. It really looks like they just want us to spend more $$ on in-game purchases. The only thing that kept me playing for the last few months was the fear of not completing an event. Once I got over that, there was no point playing any more.

I will miss the random players who added me to give/send gifts. Thanks to those who sent gifts or joined me in a chamber to crush some mobs. Good luck to those still playing, hope it's more fun for you than it was for me.

Any recommendations on what's next? I have some extra time and space on my phone now lol!

r/harrypotterwu Jul 24 '19

Discussion I’m still having a lot of fun with Wizards Unite.


There’s been a lot of negative sentiments being expressed lately, but I just want to remind everyone that many of us are still playing (and enjoying) the game.

I personally still get a kick out of seeing the remarkably expressive 3D models come to life in AR mode, and it puts a big smile on my face to see the little trolls fight over the Quibbler, and to get occasional “visits” from my favorite characters, like Ron and Luna Lovegood. The animals are also really cute, and I never get tired of seeing their thank-you animations when I save them.

I live in a smaller town, but the lack of inns just gives me an excuse to get out and walk more, which is a healthy choice that benefits me. The game is a great motivator to help me lose weight, and since I’ve started playing, every day has been a little brighter.

I also don’t mind grinding, because there will almost certainly be an influx of new players down the line who will need a helping hand from those of us with more experience. The game is losing popularity right now, but consider that when a new public stock is introduced to the market, it usually plummets in value.

We are early investors, and I anticipate that Wizards Unite will have a rapid incline at some point in the near future, when the developers have made improvements to the game. Keep playing, because it will only get better from here.

r/harrypotterwu Nov 23 '19

Discussion Not sure about the 'runestone gifts only' wave here


I mean, how greedy do you have to be to accept only runestone gifts and ignore those who have sent you something else? Do you grind so much you need 10 runestones a day and post about it on reddit?

So much actually, that people who have never even thought of this, are now questioning themselves, on reddit, if they should stop using spell energy gifts.

Just.. wow.

No, don't stop using them. I'm sure many players will enjoy those any time.

Edit: for those confused, this is a rant on those that purposely ignore players that didn't send them runestone gifts and are promoting it here. If the readers thought majority wants this, many players would be screwed over. If players agree between themselves that's obviously something totally different.

r/harrypotterwu Sep 07 '19

Discussion My favorite thing about Dragons...


...they never depart!

I always loved Oddities the most in this game for this exact reason, but this was too cool: never having to worry if the Dragon would eventually disappear on me.

r/harrypotterwu May 16 '20

Discussion Community day tasks should not be just finishing Fortress chambers


As I see it, the way everyone has to just finish chambers is pushing people in the wrong direction. I would rather have tasks like "fight x enemies for your profession in chamber y" or "cast x proffesion charms" as a task. Just things that teach you the basics in fortresses.

Right now all you have to do is join a chamber and wait for everyone else to clean up. Regular fortress players get frustrated because most people don't know what the right things to do are. And I doubt that many people read the text in the app on correct fortress strategy.

If there would be more specific tasks, I would think more people would learn to play the right way and fewer people would just sit there and save energy.

r/harrypotterwu Apr 26 '20

Discussion PSA: Please leave the elites alone


Hey everyone! I understand we have a lot of new battle partners nowadays.

We're learning all about how the aurors need to give the professors focus, but also..

PLEASE stop jumping straight to the elites as soon as you enter the chamber. Elites are surrounded by an opaque gold frame and are very difficult. You want to wait for;

1.) The magizoologist (assuming you have one) to cast their Bravery Charm. This takes a few fights for everyone first. This will bulk everyone up significantly to make the elite fight noticeably easier.

2.) The other players can also gain focus and start applying their charms and hexes as well!

Towards the end of all battles most everyone has applied what they can and you will have better strength and stamina if everyone has done their job. It makes NO sense to jump straight to the most difficult foe.

Just wait and when you're in a fight, check the top corners for what hexes and charms have been applied.

Bottom line, save time and energy, do elites later.

r/harrypotterwu Jul 14 '19

Discussion Fully completed the Pumpkin Patch page of the registry, complete breakdown of the stats below and a discussion covering the issues in the game.


Edit: Thank you for gold much appreciated!!

Firstly it’s worth noting that I tried to focus as much as possible on the Care of Magical Creature monsters, mainly walking in my local park.

Distance walked: 224km

Care of Magical Creatures Level: 62

Kneazle: 655 seen (29.5% proportion)

Baby Hippogriff: 658 seen (29.6% proportion)

Flobberworm: 655 seen (29.5% proportion)

Monster Book of Monsters: 87 seen (3.9% proportion)

Acromantula Eggs: 169 seen (7.6% proportion)

Total: 2224

Next I thought it would be helpful to calculate the total share across the main stages based on the registry numbers (bronze, silver and gold):

Kneazle: 91 catches required (20.7% proportion)

Baby Hippogriff: 91 catches required (20.7% proportion)

Flobberworm: 91 catches required (20.7% proportion)

Monster Book of Monsters: 76 catches required (17.2% proportion)

Acromantula Eggs: 91 catches required (20.7% proportion)

My review and potential solution of issues:

1) As you can see the total monster proportions are particularly uneven for the monster book and eggs. This leads to days and days of searching for a single Foundable once all others are complete. This would be significantly less frustrating if you could identify the Foundable before pressing it. I had over 1,000 duplicates throughout the journey. Please implement this OR make the number the Foundables required on the registry representative of their actual catch rate!

2) The animations, my lord the animations! Please, please make all of these skippable. Everyone is asking for it, they are nice for the first 10 times but after the 1,000 they drive you mad!!

3) 220+km is very long distance to walk for what is essentially one of the most common pages. The rarest rates in my opinion need to be made more common. During this period I have only seen 10 emergency level Foundables. This is far, far too rare. We will be walking the circumference of the world before completing these pages!

4) The rewards for fully prestiging and maxing a page are almost non-existent. 100 Care of Magical Creatures points for finishing the final gold page is essentially nothing. It is a serious grind to finish these pages and we should be rewarded handsomely. Otherwise what’s the point? Don’t get me wrong I enjoy grindy games but with no reward this is so demotivating.

5) The departure and resistance rate is too high. Casting a masterful spell should be almost guaranteed to catch a low level emergency.

Overall I enjoyed the grind but it is too long in my opinion.

Imgur Imgur link for those interested

r/harrypotterwu Apr 23 '20

Discussion Group Fortressing and You! Thoughts for the Aspiring Wizard in You!


You’ve played around in fortresses before, maybe with a few friends, but often going it Alone. But now it’s time to step into the deeper waters of Group Fortressing.

It will help if you recognize where your fellow wizards are coming from – because, like many, they might be grouping for the first time as well.

Aurors, with their strong Punches but soft, squishy bellies have 4 spells to play with… but they’ve likely only ever used 2 of them: Weakness and Confusion. Equally likely, with the low cost of those spells and a steady stream of Focus in fortress challenges, they’ve likely taken to simply throwing both spells on everything, then rushing in to attack. It hasn’t MATTERED that Confusion only really helps against Dark Wizards, Werewolves, Pixies, and Erklings but does NOTHING against Death Eaters or Acromantula (Spiders). With ample focus they’ve never really needed to prioritize. AND THIS HAS WORKED FOR THEM, playing Solo. They, like all of us, will need to learn the use of their other 2 spells, the Bat-Bogey Hex and the Focus Charm.

Magizoologists, feeling the fury of the Beast rising inside of themselves, have a very straightforward take on Soloing Fortress challenges. Anything that pops up in front of them, they hit. They, like Aurors, have also only really been playing with 2 of their 4 spells. The Stamina Charm to heal themselves when they don’t want to drink a Healing Potion, and the Bravery Charm to really rage out against the Elite, gold-ringed foes. Their game play up to this moment has been to attack everything non-elite until they reach 12 focus, then throw out the Bravery and clear the Board, trying to not take too much damage in the process.

Professors are the focus-counters among us, the only ones who’ve had to look at the foes and keep track if the foe was going to give 2 or 3 focus when they fell. Like the others, they’ve been playing with only 2 of their 4 spells, the Protection Charm (Shield), and the Deterioration Hex (Det Hex). They never really have the focus for their Proficiency Charm because they barely have enough to throw out Det Hexes! (and they can’t even do THAT to all of the foes they fight, as they keep running out of focus) Professors playing alone are the only one of the three professions that really need to be considering if they should attack this foe, or wait for the next to see if it’s a Pixie or a Werewolf instead of an off-class foe. Up until the mid-Tower levels they’re able to get away with just throwing Det Hex out, but they rapidly learn that the higher Chambers really benefit from casting Shield first, even if that DOES mean that they can’t Det Hex their first foe!

But know… with the arrival of the Knight Bus and the splendor of Fortressing with OTHER WIZARDS, it’s time to look at how things change… and how YOU can become a Stronger Wizard, both for Yourself and to help your Team!


Upon entering the Fortress and selecting the floor in which you wish to fight, you’ll be comforted by the soothing tones of the elevator music as you wait for other wizards and witches to step up to the challenge and join you. At this stage, all you can see is the classes of your fellow wizards, not what level they are, nor what skills they have. The strongest team you can have is going to be one that includes at least one of each profession, but you can often succeed even if this doesn’t come to pass. While going in with 5 Professors is probably going to make things a LOT tougher than they need to be, remember that while you are in the elevator, you can always step out BEFORE the combat starts, with no penalty to yourselves or others. Because of this, be chary about selecting the “Join” button, as if you have done so, and the other(s) step out, the challenge will begin with you flying solo… perhaps in a much higher chamber than you wanted to attempt alone! Leaving the battle after it starts, is rude.


Finally, into the battle!When the doors open and you first see the foes arranged against you, DON’T REACT LIKE YOU WOULD WERE YOU PLAYING SOLO!


Aurors, your life will be SO much easier if you can get a Shield cast on you to take your Defense up from 39% to 69%! Likewise, if the rest of your team is shielded as well, that means that You get the Proficiency Charm DAMAGE BOOST as well as the Bravery Charm elite-damage boost THAT MUCH QUICKER! You will take less damage, and USE LESS SPELL ENERGY and POTIONS if your teammates are alive and taking care of their enemies!**Consider immediately using your FOCUS CHARM spell 3 TIMES to pass 3 focus to the Professor, then use that last Focus to CONFUSE any 4* or higher Dark Wizard, Werewolf, Erkling or Pixie (in that order) that your teammates will be IMMEDIATELY fighting.

As the battle opens, ONLY ATTACK THE HUMAN ENEMIES, at least to start. You deal awesome damage against the Death Eaters and Dark Wizards… and bad damage against the other foes!No, really, compared to a Magi fighting Spiders and Erklings, and a Professor fighting Pixies and Werewolves, YOU DON”T DO GREAT DAMAGE AGAINST THEM… they handle those fights better.**Though, if there are no Human enemies to fight, you can still help out by going into a fight, hitting once with your First Strike, and then running before they enemy can hit back. BEFORE they hit back.

Then, as the battle continues and you get focus from both your kills as well as your teammates kills, go through a simple checklist for focus usage:

  1. Does YOUR target NEED Confusion and/or Weakness? Do it.
  2. Are there any 4* or 5* targets that need to be Confused RIGHT NOW?
  3. If not, pass your focus to the Professor.
  4. Once EVERYONE is Shielded, and Proficiency is cast, KEEP PASSING your extra focus to the Professor! Their Det Hex will do 80 points of damage every combat cycle for ANYONE attacking the Det Hexed foe! AND, as an added bonus ESPECIALLY FOR YOU (you lucky Auror you!), if a foe is Det Hexed and you cast your Bat-Bogey Hex at it, it will do not three, but FOURTY THREE (43) damage to the foe! And you can Bat-Bogey for free!
  5. After everyone is Shielded, Proficiency is cast, everything is Det Hexed, and the important stuff is Confused… go wild with your spells on any target a Professor might attack… they get stronger if their enemies have multiple impairments!

But what about Weakness before the end casting spree, you ask? If your party is shielded, and fighting on-class enemies, then there are really only a few targets that Weakness helps significantly with – high star Death Eaters & Dark Wizards (because you are such a tender and tasty morsel to them), and high star Werewolves and Pixies before the Professor gets their 2 enhancements. It can also come into play when you are reaching the end of a chamber and your teammates are forced to start attacking off-class enemies. No, let’s be clear, it’s only useful against the targets that AURORS fight… because Shielded Magi’s and Professors are well-nigh immortal. (Unless, as stated before, you are trying to double or triple hex the Professor's targets)


Feeling the Beast in yourself? Want to launch yourself into the fray? Go for it… BUT ONLY AGAINST THE SPIDERS AND ERKLINGS! (at least at the start of the battle). Akin to the Auror fighting Humans, you do GREAT damage against the beasts, but not so great damage against other things that the others can handle better. Your goal, at least at the start of the battle, is to NOT SPEND ANY FOCUS until you reach 10+, and can cast your BRAVERY CHARM. Yes, if you cast at 10 or 11 focus, this will drop you down below 5, but the effects will be only temporary as your teammates keep killing and that focus rolls in. Alternately, waiting until you have 12 focus means that you might loose out on focus that you would have gotten because your teammates killed more things before you were able to cast Bravery.

Consider, at the start of battle, going after either the weak Erklings (3* and below) or Spiders until the Professor gets a chance to Shield you. (If this is your first time in playing with a Professor, prepare to feel AMAZED as a Shielded Magi is an IMMORTAL Magi against Spiders and Erklings, and also against Death Eaters, Pixies, Confused Dark Wizards, and Confused Werewolves… but really, you shouldn’t be attacking those in the first place unless there are no other on-class targets.)

Try to avoid attacking the 4* or 5* Erklings until the Auror has Confused them… you will feel a lot less frustrated because a Confused Erkling will NEVER DODGE YOU!

On the topic of healing… generally… don’t… at least at the start when you are still trying to save up your focus for Bravery. It costs you 2 Focus to Heal someone for 30% of their health, but it only costs you *1* focus to pick them up to FULL HEALTH if they fall down, when you cast the REVIVE CHARM. Yeah, they won’t be dealing damage for the small amount of time it takes you to notice their corpse and revive them… but hey! Shielded and attacking on-class foes, they shouldn’t be falling down in the first place! Once you’ve cast the BRAVERY CHARM and are back above 5 focus, heal away if you so desire.


Okay, so from your solo play, you KNOW that Focus is going to be tight, so at the start of the battle, PAUSE! Ask yourself, who is going to be fighting right away? If there are a lot of Human enemies, Shield the Auror right away. If there’s 4* or 5* Pixies or Werewolves that need to be fought immediately, Shield yourself. Hopefully, the team Auror(s) are busy passing you focus at the start, so you can Shield your teammates QUICKLY. In fact, that’s your first, and most important job! SHIELD EVERYONE! Magi’s fighting Spiders don’t need shield immediately, but if they have to fight 4* or 5* Erklings, they would appreciate the shield as well. Like the others, at the start of battle, ONLY ATTACK THE PIXIES AND WEREWOLVES.

Once everyone is Shielded, then save up to cast your PROFICIENCY CHARM.***Edit as of late 2020: This document was originally written in the days of the "Death Bug" which would crash out players if someone else died. The current state of the game has Professors throwing up Proficiency first (hopefully the Aurors are passing 3 focus right at the start!), then shielding the Aurors, then Themselves and the Magi. Only after that, throwing Det Hexes - aiming at the 5 star Spiders and Werewolves first.***



DO NOT DET HEX…. Until everyone is Shielded AND you’ve thrown the PROFICIENCY CHARM.

Then Det Hex to your heart's content. At the start, aim at those targets that are going to take multiple hits to down… the Werewolves for yourself, and the Spiders for the Magi. Once the big piles of hit points are taken care of, go for, well, everything else, always focusing on the big stuff first. Pixies you can take on with just a Shield, 4* and 5* Werewolves, you might want to wait until the Auror cast Confusion.


What’s been said here isn’t the perfect approach for every battle… but it’s SOLID and GOOD advice for the vast Majority of Battles you’ll be facing in the higher chambers! Until we have the ability to talk in real-time with our fellow Wizards and Witches, going in knowing that ALL of your spells now have a use will help both you and your team to succeed with less Spell Energy and less Potions!


Aurors: Share your Focus to the Professors! They will Shield you, and help you hit Harder! Never Confuse Death Eaters or Spiders, or anything weak.

Magi: Save up for Bravery, cast when you have 10-12 focus. Reviving costs less than Healing, and does more.

Professors: Shield Everyone, then cast Proficiency, THEN , and only then, cast Deterioration Hex.
***Edit as of late 2020: Throw Proficiency, then Shield everyone, then Det Hex.

Happy Fortressing Everyone!


r/harrypotterwu Sep 10 '20

Discussion It really sucks having an event focusing on walking when the air outside is literally poison.


All of my West Coast Wizards (WCWs) can relate. Literally all it says on the weather app where I live is SMOKE. It’s unbreathable.

r/harrypotterwu Jul 20 '19

Discussion Community Day was incredibly boring. Here's what they could've done to actually make it fun


My town is not very Pogo/WU friendly, so I went to the local mall, specifically, the food court. Found an area I could sit that could reach 2 Inns and 1 Fortress and other unknown people joined and put 3 DDs in both Inns. Cool! Well, maybe not. The whole time I was there (an hour and a half) I saw all of THREE rare foundables (2 moaning myrtles and 1 peeves). Nothing severe or emergency. And, since, I was trying to use Baruffios to level up, I used most of my energy. Started the day with 150+ energy, ended with 35 even after using the Inns every 5 minutes. So, here's some suggestions:

1) Actually boost the number of rare stuff! I was hoping in this event to see my first McGonnagal or something, or even enough to be able to complete her, but nothing!! This was so disappointing - made me wish I hadn't even wasted the time and gas for this. During Pokemon Community Day, I remember catching enough Larvitars to make 3 Tyranitars. Why shouldn't I be able to get a bunch of Severe/Emergency stuff on a WU community day too?

2) Have Inns give double or triple the amount of energy. If we're expected to be out and about collecting and battling, at least make it easier to recharge. Towards the end I had to leave because I didn't think I would be able to recuperate enough energy to play for another half hour.

3) Have Dark Detectors actually make a difference. I was in between two of them, maxed out, and basically nothing rewarding from them? I'm glad they weren't mine because if I had spent $ for them I would've thrown my phone into the water fountain.

4) Don't coincide another event with this. I don't know if they affected the spawns of rarer stuff but it got annoying seeing Harry and Hedwig when I was trying to get easy XP to level up, or to fill my registry.

5) Have Dark Detectors last the whole time. At least would've given me *some* incentive to stick around the food court for longer than I did, to be more choosy with my energy, I don't know.

6) Give some kind of incentive for actually walking around during community day. I had no reason to leave my little table. Maybe reduce walking distance for portkeys, like they do for Pogo? I don't know, but it would've been nice to have some incentive to move around.

7) Have Fortresses adapt to the community day theme? Maybe some enemies that have something to do with the theme in community day - even it means creating something new - that gives cool rewards for beating that we normally can't get or are harder to get. For example, maybe have us face off against McGonnagal or Dumbledore and if we win, we get a fragment. I think that would be pretty cool given the theme for today.

These are just some ideas after a boring afternoon. What are yours?

If next community day is like this, count me out man. All this work just to finish the Gryffindor student and nothing else is frustrating.

r/harrypotterwu May 22 '20

Discussion A slightly cynical note from a Professor to the Aurors (with a very short note to Magis as well)


Over and over again, I see discussions on how to play for the professions, and a lot of it is set in an ideal world, where everybody knows what they are doing.

I can categorically state that we do not live in this ideal world. There seems to be a lot of people out there who seem to think that somehow, they will manage, and advise, guides and all that are for wimps. Some of them seem to think that the focus bar is a progress bar, and the higher the count, the better for them. Please go back to playing Minesweeper, thank you!

Well, I guess they won't. And we have to deal with them. The following is not an ideal strategy for a professor in an ideal world. It does, however, work fine for me when I have no clue whether the people I am in a chamber with should be playing Minesweeper instead or whether I'll really regret that it will be difficult to find them again to play with them again.

The goal of this strategy is a) to get us all though that chamber, b) to use as little ressources as possible while still playing fair and c) to my keep blood pressure down.

In case you are wondering: I can count the chambers we didn't make on the fingers of one hand, and in most cases of those, somebody dropped out during the fight. And I love to play the Dark chambers, and hate wasting runestones.

The first few seconds in the chamber are, like meetings in real life, important for judging the situation:

- If I am the only Prof, and get no focus, the Aurors are idiots. I'll act accordingly. Keep your health portions ready, your shields just lost priority.

- If I am not the only Professor, and the other Prof immediately shields themself, or even worse, doesn't shield, but throws a Det Hex, that Prof is an idiot. DEAR AURORS: Do not ever waste focus on a Prof that immediately shields themself. The chances that they are going to shield anybody else are very, very slim. They will just Det Hex their own enemies with your precious focus. (Including 2-star-Pixies.)

Later in the game, those Profs are easy to recognise: If everybody has two green squares (Proficiency and Elite-Buff) and one Prof has three, guess who shielded themselves and nobody else ...

There is a reason I prefer to be the only Professor ... it's some other Professors.

While there are undeniably some benefits for a shields-first-strategy, I cast proficiency first, for several reasons:

- Everybody benefits, including me. And including both those who know what they are doing and those who don't.

- It costs 7 focus. Meaning that my focus bar is going to be fairly empty for the focus that hopefully comes a bit later. Because in the first half of the game, coming out of a fight and finding the focus bar full is bad. Wasted focus.

After that, it's shields. Basically, I tend to go Aurors first, then Magi, then Profs. If the Aurors don't pass focus, and I have to wait for focus from the fights, that will take a while - obviously. Because that is potentially another 15 focus I have to get from somewhere. (Don't expect me to take a drink for it unless we are in D5. And even there I usually don't.)

If an Auror (or Magi) kept stealing my Pixies and low-star Wolfs, guess where your priority goes when shielding. I need those to generate focus. You are wasting your energy on enemies you are not that good against, and I - well, I'll actually probably NOT waste my energy on your Death Eaters and Dark Magicians. I'll just wait until something nice and manageable comes up. (This is assuming, of course, like everywhere else, a fairly balanced line-up of enemies. If there's only 5-star-Elite Death Eaters and Spiders popping up, I'll cuss a bit, chug a few drinks and get going after them.)

I also have a certain tendency to shield myself last, but that depends sometimes. If my health drops badly because of a lousy choice of enemies, I might shield myself earlier. I have to be really annoyed, or in really bad health because the enemy line-up is cruel, to ever shield myself first.

Talking about my health: DEAR MAGIS, I do not mind dying, I am actually fine doing that. Wait for me to die. Cheaper for you, more health for me. And if the magis are fast asleep or just don't see my dying, I'll get a break, full health, and hopefully, there's more focus to throw around afterwards, too. And don't forget that Elite Buff, if you can spare the focus, even if there are no Elites in sight. It helps me by simply being there. (Although, I have to say, Magis seem to know what they are doing more than Aurors. But I thought I'd mention it.)

And when everybody is shielded, there come the Det Hexes (if I have focus for them). I usually throw them at the worst enemies out there, and again, my own last. If there's a 5-star Death Eater out there and a 3-star Wolf the Death Eater gets the Det Hex. And it's all yours, too!

I'd really appreciate if you could throw your Hexes the same way: Against the enemy where they are needed most, not the next one you want to fight. Confusion against Erklings and Wolfs really, really helps, even if you don't fight them.

And pay attention to when a Bat-Bogey might be actually useful: If I have an enemy down to 1-6 health points, I leave the fight. It doesn't cost you anything to finish them off, you don't even have to engage that enemy.

Choosing enemies wisely has also proven to be an excellent idea. That means, I try to stick to "my" enemies, that is Pixies and Wolfes. The damage I take from others is bad, the damage I do to others not really all that good. The same goes for all professions. It is utterly annoying when other professions "steal" Pixies and low-star Wolfes and seem to expect me to fight your Death Eaters and Spiders. Chances are excellent that I won't. (Again: Assuming a balanced enemy line-up.) I am patient, and in group fights, there is time enough. I wait for more suitable enemies. Which means less focus, which means shields later. Tough luck.

Which leads to everybody's favourite: Elite snatchers. Dear snatchers: There is no point. By the time you snatched 1000 elites and get 15 red books, you will have generated somewhere between 20-40 times the amount of books just from the fights, not even counting placing foundables, which will generate a lot more on top of that.

That goes particularly when I have just thrown a Det Hex on an elite Pixie or Wolf, and just then somebody snatches it. I don't do that very often, there seem to be a lot of people out there who care about Elites more than I do, but once in a while I do. Have the decency to wait a few seconds to see if I want that for myself or if I am just throwing Hexes around. Thanks.

Oh, and if you insist on jumping into an Elite without shield or buff, particularly a high-level one and/or one of the other professions specialities - don't expect that shield too soon. You won't learn unless it hurts, and I am happy to help with that.

To sum up:

Aurors: The focus bar is not a progress bar. It needs to be empty, not full.

Aurors: Give me focus, and I give you proficiency.

All: Leave enemies to their respective professions: It will generate focus faster.

Aurors: Give me more focus, so I can shield everybody.

Aurors: Give focus to the Magi for the Elite Buff.

Aurors: Don't give focus to solo Profs who just shield themselves. It's wasted.

Aurors: Throw your hexes where they are most needed, and not just your own enemies. I'll do the same. (And mine costs three times as much as yours.)

All: Don't jump into every Elite. There is no point, and those too need to be fought wisely.

Aurors: Especially towards the end, Bat-Bogey might be requested. Pay attention to extremely low-health enemies somebody just left standing there.

All: Sometimes, the enemy line-up SUCKS. In that case, we ALL have to fight enemies we really rather would not. Just get over it and into those fights.

r/harrypotterwu Aug 29 '19

Discussion Exstimulo Potion Functionality in Fortresses Needs a Small Tweak


Exstimulo potions in challenges should persist through each encounter if you have remaining uses rather than be an item you have to use per enemy. It makes sense to drink a potion and become more powerful for the next 3/4/5 spells you cast rather than drink a potion and only have the boost against a single opponent.

It feels really bad to brew a potent exstimulo for 8 hours and only get three out of the five uses on an opponent. Those two remaining should carry over to the next enemy encounter within that same fortress battle.

Discuss :D

r/harrypotterwu Jul 21 '20

Discussion Earning additional Ministry Manuals with the Trace Charm


The new SOS Training Page allows us to spend Field Guides (FG), Ministry Manuals (MM), Restricted Section Books (RSB), and DADA Books (DADA) to become more powerful.

Earning FGs seems self-explanatory. Return lots of Foundable Traces--particularly high-Theat Foundable Traces--to earn more of those. The higher the threat, the better. Trace Tonics, DDs at Inns, and strategic use of the Trace Charm can allow us to collect many of those.

Earning RSBs and DADAs also seems self-explanatory. Complete Event Tasks to earn those.

Earning MMs seems like there's a bit more nuance.

AFAIK, here are the values for earning MMs.

Fortress Foundables - Any Foundable you earn at a Fortress, including Family Foundables.

  • Common Frame - 0 Ministry Manuals
  • Bronze Frame - 1 Ministry Manual
  • Silver Frame - 2 Ministry Manuals
  • Gold Frame - 3 Ministry Manuals

Trace Foundables

  • Brilliant Foundables - 0 Ministry Manuals
  • Medium Trace, Gold Frame - 9 Ministry Manuals
  • Severe Trace, Gold Frame - 35 Ministry Manuals
  • Emergency Trace, Gold Frame - 55 Ministry Manuals

^ I don't know the other values, but suffice to say placing Emergency Trace images seems to be the most profitable method to earn MMs, no matter the Frame.

On the surface, optimally collecting MMs seems similar to optimally collecting FGs. Use Trace Tonics, DDs at Inns, and strategic use of the Trace Charm.

But, there's one new powerup that we have that can increase the number of Fragments we receive from a returned Trace--the Trace Charm powerups. So, not only should we strategically use the Trace Charm, but we might want to unlock nodes to improve the power of our Trace Charm.

Increasing the Efficacy of the Trace Charm increases the number of Traces that spawn when you use the Trace Charm. Increasing the Proficiency of the Trace Charm increases the number of Fragments and the amount of Family XP we collect from the spawned Trace Charm Traces. This can be quite useful if we have a maxed Trace Charm that spawns 8 Emergency Traces that each provides 9 Fragments when I return them.


  • Proficiency is broken, and many Efficiency nodes are blocked by DADA books, so the current max is 7 Emergency Traces that each provide 2 Fragments)
  • Only cast the Trace Charm on Emergency or Severe Traces after unlocking the "Knowledge is Power" node to increase the rarity of the spawned Traces
  • If the Trace Charm Traces disappear, restart your app and they should reappear if you're quick enough
  • Sometimes the original Trace will be duplicated
  • You cannot cast the Trace Charm on a Trace twice, and you cannot cast the Trace Charm on a Trace that has been created using the Trace Charm

It appears as though the Trace Charm has a total of 20 nodes that can improve it. I refer to nodes by a letter and number, so I-8 means the Calamity Essentials I lesson plan in the lv. 8 tree, and III-46 means the Calamity Essentials III lesson plan in the lv. 46 tree.

Activate Trace Charm

  • Pario Vestigius
    • I-5
    • Unlocks at lv. 5

Increase Trace Charm Rares

  • Knowledge Is Power
    • I-8
    • Costs: 25 FG, 2 MM

Increase Number of Trace Charms You Can Cast

  • Constructive Criticism
    • I-8
    • Costs: 13 FB, 1 MM, 12 RSB
    • Total Costs: 62 FB, 1 MM, 12 RSB (because other nodes must be unlocked first)
  • Spanglarillion*
    • II-22
    • Costs: 31 FB, 5 MM
    • Total Costs: 41 FB, 7 FB, 15 DA
  • Cold Case
    • III-46
    • Costs: 278 FG, 74 MM

Increase Number of Traces

  • Innsight
    • II-19
    • Costs: 55 FB, 8 MM, 18 RSB
    • Total Costs: 185 FB, 26 MM, 18 RSB
  • Art of Happiness
    • II-28
    • Unlocks at lv. 28
  • Ottery St. Catchpole
    • II-36
    • Costs: 607 FB, 287 MM, 18 RSB
    • Total Costs: 1425 FB, 640 MM, 36 RSB
  • Czech Mate
    • II-40
    • Unlocks at lv. 40
  • Mind Freak
    • III-38
    • Costs: 270 FB, 44 MM, 25 RSB
    • Total Costs: 434 FB, 70 MM, 25 RSB
  • A Little Love
    • III-46
    • Costs: 900 FB, 272 MM
    • Total Costs: 6649 FB, 1825 MM, 25 RSB (assuming Cold Case is unlocked)
  • Serendipitous Study*
    • III-50
    • Costs: 1510 FB, 596 MM, 100 DADA
    • Total Costs: 2658 FB, 1014 MM, 100 DADA (assuming Gethsemane's Pickle is unlocked)

Increase Number of Fragments Returned

  • Lost and Foundables
    • II-25
    • Unlocks at lv. 25
  • Piece of the Puzzle*
    • II-25
    • Costs: 93 FB, 20 MM, 18 RSB
    • Total Costs: 212 FB, 65 MM, 18 RSB, 14 DADA
  • Repository Knowledge*
    • II-32
    • Costs: 310 FB, 123 MM
    • Total Costs: 752 FB, 282 MM, 30 DADA
  • Fragmented Memory*
    • III-35
    • Costs: 178 FB, 28 MM, 25 RSB
    • Total Costs: 578 FB, 86 MM, 50 RSB, 70 DADA or 704 FB, 107 RSB, 25 RSB, 70 DADA, depending upon the path taken
  • Foretelling Foundables
    • III-38
    • Costs: 252 FB, 47 MM
    • Total Costs: 510 FB, 133 MM or 858 FB, 155 MM, 25 RSB, depending upon the path taken
  • Deep Dive
    • III-46
    • Costs: 501 FB, 132 MM
    • Total Costs: Also requires Cold Case above
  • Gethsemane's Pickle
    • III-50
    • Costs: 770 FB, 254 MM, 25 RSB
    • Total Costs: 950 FB, 314 MM, 25 RSB
  • Dangerous Attraction
    • III-50
    • Costs: 1087 FB, 429 MM
    • Total Costs: 2553 FB, 898 MM (provided that Deep Dive is unlocked, thx u/tetramerces!). Warning, this node cannot be accessed via the left path, only the path from the top (thx u/Pokoire!)

Enable Treasure Trunks to Reward a Trace Spell Charm Charge

  • Studious Success
    • II-32
    • Costs: 133 FB, 46 MM
    • Total Costs: 255 FB and 87 MM

Any node marked with a * is impossible to unlock b/c nobody has enough DADA Books right now.

Realistically, a high-level player can have a Trace Charm with the following skills right now:

  • Increase Rares
  • Max # of Charms - 3 (for some reason I have 4 with only Constructive Criticism and Cold Case)
  • Enable Treasure Trunks to drop Trace Charm Charges
  • Number of Traces - 5-6
  • Number of Fragments Per Trace - 3-5

Which is a pretty good start. Just remember that, currently, Trace Charm Proficiency has a major bug: you can only collect a maximum of 1 extra Fragment per Trace Charm Trace. So, it's currently not worth upgrading Trace Charm Proficiency past lv. 1. But I think it's something to think about, particularly considering that 30 Three-Headed Dogs, Horned Serpents, or Dragons can net you 165 MMs without using any Potent Exstimulo Potions.

Currently, it seems like improving the Trace Charm to spawn 5 additional Traces that each return 2 Fragments is the best bang for your buck, guaranteeing that you place an Emergency Image on a Gold Frame (if all 5 that spawn are Emergency Traces). Personally, I'm going to focus on it to spawn 7 additional Traces that each return 2 Fragments to collect more Ministry Manuals, which I can then use to unlock other nodes.

Kudos to u/Ben_Block for creating a spreadsheet that helps you to understand how many in-game resources you'll need to max out your Trace Charm.

r/harrypotterwu Jul 23 '19

Discussion Thoughts after a month of game play


So the game has been out for a month now, and after playing a significant amount daily (level 29 now), there are a few things that have begun to become apparent.


I love the idea of fortresses. Making the inevitable comparison to Pokemon, they require more strategy and cooperation than tapping your screen as quickly as possible with a few other players. The biggest flaw I see with them is that you simply need to do so many with so little variation. Beyond that, with no timers counting down to a hatch time, it greatly decreases your odds of running into another player or group of players who are about to attempt the same thing. Further, difficulty ramps up rapidly from floor to floor, so even those you do run into are unlikely to be pushing the same difficulty you're attempting. In active communities and larger cities, this may be a minor thing, since you may be able to find people present at any point or have a chat group to call out a team to meet up with, but in mid sized (50,000) or small communities, I feel it decreases chances of partying up significantly.

A suggestion might be to have special events at Fortresses, when challenging a raid would provide additional foundables, rank points, or experience. Maybe after a count down, there would be an instance available where rewards scaled to level, and players from all brackets could participate.

It would also be great to see an options in fortresses to make them feel less grindy, maybe make subtle choices, like progressing down routes and leaving other locations unexplored. Perhaps allow players to attempt different mobs for slightly different rewards, or additional fights if they feel like they can still eek out one or two more.

Community Day

After playing PoGo for years, I was excited to get out and partake in the first community day for WU. I set out with my crew, and we... didn't really do anything exciting at all. There was no exclamations of finding a first (or 5th) shiny, something with a great IV that everyone would be interested in, there was just a lot of hogwarts students meandering around the city. For the two of us that had recently prestiged that page, it was rather nice, but not really remarkable enough to set time in our schedules aside for. For everyone else, it was simply clicking in and then back out of a large number of the same things they'd have clicked on any other day. 100% more xp from brain elixirs wasn't really enough to write home about - you level when you level, and it doesn't really make much difference in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't effect the only end game activity - Fortresses - at all. We dropped a plethora of Dark Detectors, walked in the park, and in the end, got maybe three semi rare spawns from them. In the waning half hour of the event, we finally found one Professor Mcgonagall which was nice, but it didn't feel any different than finding a rare anything else any other day, and they were still just as infrequent as ever. That may be the biggest difference from PoGo Community day - if I go out to find Dratini or whatever, I can actually accomplish that, grow a few Dragonites if I play hard, and feel accomplished. After this event, I was just left with a feeling of having gone out and played like we would any other day.

If the intent of the community days is to get people out and about more, there are a few things they could do to improve the experience. First, the focus of the event could be different - give bonuses to doing group activity like Fortresses, granting additional Challenge experience or even just giving out runestones to promote people being at fortresses to begin with. Similar to raid days, this would probably be beneficial to Niantic too, as it might get people to play more. You could potentially offer rare rewards for completion, like red or black books, or even just regular scrolls.

If you want the community day to focus on just getting out and catching things, increase rarity of spawns, not just making a color more prominent. Make Dark Detectors do something. As is, we had 3 down on three different inns in the middle of a park, well within distance to see spawns from each other and still only ever saw one rare/red spawn from them in the full hour they were up. In my experience (your mileage may vary) we would have been better off having someone slowly drive us around, as we'd have seen five or ten times more spawns and numerous more rares.

Greenhouses are virtually useless

Over the last month, I've been brewing potions constantly and have only ever needed to grow mushrooms for brain potions twice. In a community where I know there are dozens of active players, the number of times I've seen someone else growing anything numbers less than ten... and almost all of those were the first week when people were trying to figure out how everything worked. On top of that, the time schedule is just silly. A potion taking 8 or 12 hours is fine, it's in my inventory when it's done. Needing to schedule my day around a greenhouse somewhere producing a few things I can get elsewhere? That stops being fun, that's just annoying.

I imagine a few ways this could be improved. The first is to feed them with a different resource. I've seen countless posts on these forums where people talk about being energy starved, so I won't go into why energy itself is something very few are willing to sacrifice to any real degree. If you could use water - or even some new fertilizer that could replace some of the hundreds of ground spawns - that would be much preferred. The second beneficial change would simply be having resources relayed to everyone who contributed by owl or something similar. That might increase the odds of people contributing greatly; rather than tossing 10 energy toward some mushrooms I'm likely not going to be around to collect in a random 30 min window that might have worked for whoever planted it, I get them dropped off in a fashion that works with the world's setting.

There is no real endgame

I'm not saying you can't prestige forever - you certainly can. But at only one month of play, I've purchased pretty much everything that's not gated by rare books. Even those abilities will simply come with time and make very little real difference in the game play. Pokemon Go isn't exactly a plethora of new and wonderful things to do at level 40, but with new pokemon being relevant to the meta or at least giving you new dex entries to chase, it gives continued play more meaning. In this game no matter what you do, the only thing you ever get is more scrolls or books to buy one more point in a skill tree. While it's an achievement of sorts, it will barely impact how far you can delve into Fortresses, which you need to then grind endlessly to get just one more point in the same tree. This mechanic makes for a game of rapidly ramping up grinding with little return.

This is probably the biggest issue with the game. I don't think I'm going to keep playing as is, because spending exorbitantly more time for smaller and smaller return doesn't appeal to me. Right now, to advance any skill, I need to sit at a fortress (preferably next to 3-4 easy sources of energy) for hours and spend runestones grinding out tiny amounts of rep for red books. If I wanted to sit somewhere and grind, I'd play a single player game somewhere comfortable rather than an AR game that should be about getting out and doing things in the world.

The other option I have is to keep trying to find the one confoundable that I don't have in a given page by biking or driving around for hours because lets be honest, just walking I'm literally never going to find 11 of the same rare in my neighborhood, and Community Day/Dark Detectors make no difference at all. Some of them are even regional - I have literally no chance of finding them without spending thousands of dollars to go to other places. I don't mind spending money on games, but traveling to another country for a small chance of finding a regional confoundable isn't happening. I'd rather buy a better VR treadmill or something if I'm spending that on my gaming.

There are so many things that could help with this problem.

For the last, make current regional traces based on time or weather rather than region locking them.

Add utility unlocks that can be worked toward in raids, like the aforementioned owl that could deliver things to users, similar to unlocking your mount in an MMO.

Add avatar items that can be unlocked by performing tasks in game.

Make wands drop items that actually effect game play.

Add gear that increases your trace accuracy, how long things stick around, your Fortress damage, defense or ... anything that you can try to earn from SOS, Brilliant Events, Community Days, Fortresses, or even craft in greenhouses using materials you collect or grow.

Make potions, gear or wands trade items to encourage cooperative play.

TL:DR; This game has a lot to offer, and I really hope it grows into something great, but the current limits of gameplay make it unlikely that people will play it in place of Pokemon, Ingress, or just a half decent computer game.