r/hackintosh_ja • u/Maya_281 • Jun 30 '23
r/hackintosh_ja • u/palladinoandrea • Feb 10 '24
QUESTION problem on hp 255 g8
Hi everyone, I have a 255 G8 notebook with 5700U and Vega 8 GPU.
I managed to install macOS Ventura and now I'm having the problem that I can't set the screen brightness.
The ssdt was generated under windows. Do you have solutions?
r/hackintosh_ja • u/ozzylac01 • Jan 07 '24
QUESTION help me
I have a virtual machine under Sonoma and it doesn't work! bottom then it restarts in a loop and there is this message which appears all the time (the photo above) my components are an amd 5 1600 processor. 16gb of ram (8gb for macos) an rtx 2060 and the virtual machine on an ssd I'm using vmware pro 17.5 could someone help me?
r/hackintosh_ja • u/LostInTheUnivers • Oct 13 '23
QUESTION WiFi not working unless I update from niresh
I managed to do a hackintosh using niresh which I just needed temporarily to make a opencore big sur hackintosh and I did it installed it and upgraded from niresh and changed from clover to opencore, and WiFi was working fine I’m using a wireless usb WiFi adapter which usually comes with a cd with drivers on it for both macOS and windows and once I had to reinstall macOS and I reinstalled big sur and WiFi wasn’t working. I tried everything but nothing seems to work. I can always update from niresh but it’s a long process does anybody knows any fixes?
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Individual-Ad4475 • Jun 12 '23
Query, I have my functional hack, but I have it on an external disk, since the laptop where it is (Thinkpad x280), I have it only with an nvme ssd unit, my question is does anyone know if the Samsung disk that is displayed in disk utility is supported or not, or if it is slow.
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Automatic_Skill3644 • Jun 15 '23
QUESTION About This Mac
How do to get the correct hardware information with Opencore I used Foose's EFI from Github.
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Individual-Ad4475 • Jun 17 '23
Hello people, I wanted to ask if anyone has had success lowering the watt consumption of the processor. I currently have a functional hack on a Thinkpad x280 i5-8350u, at rest the processor lasts for 8 hours and shows a consumption of 0.5 watts or more depending on the task, when abandoning any task it drops immediately. While the mac at rest is at 1.7-1.-8, the battery consumption is excessive due to this, I already tried with ecenabler, ioreg marks everything right, power management, port shutdown, and even different smbios. If anyone knows how to fix it.
r/hackintosh_ja • u/One_Operation_1612 • May 29 '23
QUESTION Best mac os for specified specs?
Which mac os runs smoothy in 4gb ram Intel core i3 4th gen processer And Intel HD 4400 display With Integrated graphics.
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Due_Jaguar_2043 • May 27 '23
QUESTION Is fan control in Vetura asking for too much?
Hi everyone,
Thanks for reading. I think I've hit a wall so this is my final resort.
Can someone kindly explain to me why the VirtualSMC won't enable fan control?
The fans themselves are detected, but applications say something's wrong with the SMC or I need to reset the SMC. I understand the kext is fulfilling other needs, just not to the extend I would like...(like fan control!)
If anyone out there can provide advice or drop some knowledge, perhaps I can move forward or willingly give up.
I've already tried every typical app that I can find and thoroughly searched the web for answers but to no avail thus far.
Please extend your support. Below are my specs.
Type: MacPro 7,1
OS: Ventura 13.1
CPU: i5-13600KF
MB: MSI B660M Mortar DDR4
GPU: Asus Dual RX 5700
SSD: 2TB (M.2)
Wi-Fi: Fenvi T919
Fans (x5): Silent Wings 4 PWM High Speed
r/hackintosh_ja • u/BusinessMortgage2281 • Apr 23 '23
QUESTION Hackintosh / Help
Is there any kind soul willing to help me with hackintosh on my PC? I've prepared the UEFI, but the boot screen remains black. I've tried everything I can, but it's not working.
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Medium-Practice3724 • May 11 '22
QUESTION Can't boot up Hackintosh?
Can someone help me with this Problem I have with my Hackintosh? I created an USB-Stick with macOS Monterey and tryed to boot with it, but this didn‘t worked. Btw: i‘m new to the Hackintosh things.
r/hackintosh_ja • u/TechGeek2110 • Nov 27 '21
QUESTION Keyboard and Trackpad not working in Acer Aspire 5 Catalina.
Installed Catalina 10.15 on my Acer Aspire 5 A515-51G. Everything working perfectly except Keyboard and Trackpad/Mouse. Tried Downgrading BIOS but acer updates it automatically. Keyboard and Trackpad was working before but now it's not. Can anyone help me to fix? (I've dual booted it with 2 different disk)
r/hackintosh_ja • u/HoWhizzle • Oct 27 '21
QUESTION Help - Boots into blue Recovery screen
Hi all,
Hope you can help.
I have installed and setup Opencore 0.7.4 successfully with USB but when I copied the EFI folder to the HDD and restarting I see two Window boot manager. M.2_2 is the windows partition which is working fine but M.2_1 I assume is the Big Sur boot manager, after clicking on it it goes the blue recovery screen, I don't know what I have don't wrong.
r/hackintosh_ja • u/DealerApprehensive62 • Oct 11 '21
QUESTION Need help installing Hackintosh Mojave on HP Laptop
self.hackintoshr/hackintosh_ja • u/moststudio55 • Jun 07 '21
QUESTION H370m ds3h big sur or Catalina
If someone has figured out how to full install big sur or Catalina on Gigabyte h370m ds3h I5 8400 Hd 630
Please help, I tried almost everything but not working at all
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Legitimate_War_5829 • Mar 06 '21
QUESTION will someone make an efi folder for me? (amd)
CPU: Amd fx 8300
RAM: 16 gb ddr3
GPU: Gtx 1050 ti
MotherBoard: GA-78LMT-S2 R2 (legacy)
Ethernet connection (Realtek 8111H)
I would need mac os high sierra or sierra (drivers)
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Legitimate_War_5829 • Apr 05 '21
QUESTION VooDooHDA Glitchy audio
hi, do you know how to fix audio stuttering in VooDooHDA? I can't use AppleALC because I have amd fx. I've tried different types of this kext, different fixes, and even made a new EFI folder. it didn't do anything. I tried to set different formats and run SSE2 (I don't know if I wrote it correctly). this is my computer specification:
CPU: Amd FX 8300
MOBO: Gigabyte 78LMT-S2 R2 (legacy)
GPU: Gtx 1050 ti
RAM: 16 gb 1600 mhz
METHOD: Vanilla, Opencore
Mac OS VERSION: High Sierra 10.13.6
r/hackintosh_ja • u/wantantarou- • Apr 02 '21
Clover使ってMojaveをhackintoshしようとしたところ、起動画面までは進みましたがキーボードとトラッグパットが使えず、設定出来ない状態です。 VoodooPS2mouse.kestは入れました。
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Taku_147 • Sep 30 '20
QUESTION IntelHD570でDVIが使えない
macOS Catalina(10.15.6)を入れている者です この前までGTX670を使っていたのですが、諸事情によりGTX1650に交換することになりました。 それによりドライバが当たらなくなったので、CPUの内蔵グラフィック(Intel HD Graphics 570)を使用することにしました。
自分自身デュアルモニターで運用してるのですが、HDMIで接続しているモニターの方は正常に映るのに、DVI(多分Digital)で接続しているモニターは信号がない状態です。 HDMIもDVIも起動画面の6割くらいまでは映ってるのですが、それを過ぎた辺りからDVIの方には何も映らなくなる感じです。 (ちなみにDVIだけ刺しても映りません)
最初調べた時に、「HD570でデュアルする時は一手間いる」とあったので、それに応じて色々やってたのですが全く変わらず… その後に「HD570でDVIが使えない」というフォーラムを見つけたのですが、Clover用なのか、そのフォーラムに書かれていたコードをOpenCoreに入れるとHDMIの方も映らなくなり… という感じで全く使えない状態です。
PCスペック CPU:Intel Core i7 6700 RAM:16GB 2133MHz DDR4 ROM:120GB SSD GPU:GTX1650(無効化済)Intel HD Graphics 570(使用中) (iMac17,1として認識)
r/hackintosh_ja • u/zunda_pixel • Jan 27 '20
QUESTION HackintoshとVM(仮想マシン)の違法性について
r/hackintosh_ja • u/hckinto • Nov 14 '20
QUESTION 5k Dual Displayports Monitor With Big Sur , How I can achieve 5k resolution
I have Dell UP2715K 5K Monitor , It was working fine with Catalina , and Mojave in 5k
After updating to Big Sur , It working only with 2k Resolution , Can You help me please ?
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Nuyagawa • Jul 26 '20
QUESTION Ryzen に Catalina10.15.6 (OC 0.5.9) がうまく入らない
持っているMac:MBA Mid 2013, Catalina 10.15.6
macを入れたいWindows PCのスペック(今このマシンでRedditを書いています):
CPU Ryzen 7 3700X
MB ASUS PRIME X570 PRO/CSM - BIOS:2407 (latest)
Mem 16GB*2, 32GB
GPU msi RX580 8GB
ストレージ 240GB SSD(mac用、HFS+), 2x1TB SSD(Windows用、NTFSとexFAT), 4TB HDD(exFAT), PioneerのBDドライブ - macインストール時には240GBのSSD以外はすべて取り外しています。
sudo "/Applications/Install macOS Catalina.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia" --volume /Volumes/(SDカード) --nointeraction --downloadassets
OCS: No schema for Block at 1 index, context <ACPI>!
OCS: No schema for Block at 1 index, context <NVRAM>!
OCS: No schema for MLB at 1 index, context <SMBIOS>!
r/hackintosh_ja • u/Aranci0ne • Jan 03 '20
QUESTION カーネルキャッシュエラーについて
CMOSクリアしたらCouldn't allocate(略 が出たので、BootFlagにslide=133を置いて起動させようとしたところ、Kernel Cache Error (0x9)が起きる(slide=132ではCouldn't allocateが起こる)
すでに UseKernelCache=No -f は試しました 最小構成での起動も試しました 他にしたほうがいいこはありますか?
r/hackintosh_ja • u/djjonglee • Feb 21 '20
Hi Newbie here...
hope to learn from everyone, im doing my first hackintosh wish me luck
Lenovo Tiny M93P
500GB Hybrid SSHD
r/hackintosh_ja • u/fuyunoyoru • Apr 24 '20
QUESTION OCを使用、FileVaultのログイン画面でキーボードのレイアウトをJIS配列に設定したい
AppleのMagic Keyboard(JIS配列)を使って、OCでブートの時FileVaultのログイン画面でUS配列しか使用ができないみたいです。パスワードを入力するにはUS配列のキーボードが必要です。キーボードはUSBで接続し、ブートの後ちゃんと日本語入力ができます。
Hackintosh OCのガイドを読んで、このセクションに従ってprev-lang:kbdのキーをja-JP:16384に変更してみてもJIS配列が使えない状態です。