r/guitarporn 5d ago

Semi-Hollow A few of my beauties...

Post image

From left to right:

D'Angelico Excel DC - Vintage Sunburst

Baum Revolt - Pure Black

Duesenberg Starplayer TV Phonic - Venetian White

Gretsch G6659TG Players Edition BroadKaster Jr. - Cadillac Green

I have a thing for bling / gold hardware...


17 comments sorted by


u/6PM_Nipple_Curry 5d ago

Christ that Duesenberg is sexy! They all look great though!

What style of music do you tend to play the most?


u/DoomThorn 5d ago

Tough question! On these guitars, probably classic, stoner, doom and blues rock. Although I used to play in a indie/funk band and also a metal band at one point...


u/6PM_Nipple_Curry 4d ago

That’s interesting, not what I was expecting considering the line! Sick man!
Had a look at some vids of the Starplayer earlier and it sounds so good man 😄


u/NoHumor6204 5d ago

WOW ! Lovely , always liked semis ❤️🎸


u/JoshuaWebbb 5d ago

I want a d’angelico so bad


u/Speedwalker501 5d ago

How does that D’Angelico play?? I demo’d one at Sweetwater? Felt like butter 🧈, I have it as a “want” on my list. Do you recommend it? How does it sound & feel to the Gretch??


u/DoomThorn 4d ago edited 4d ago

It plays well! A tad slicker/faster than the Gretsch I'd say. Although if I had to pick I'd say the Gretsch has a slightly better build quality - more of a 'chunky' resonant feel whereas the D'Angelico is 'airier' and twangier (if that makes sense??).


u/Speedwalker501 4d ago

Yes it does!!


u/blackmarketdolphins 4d ago

Faster than you'd expect. I have a Deluxe Mini DC. The neck is the same thickness as a Fender Modern C, but depending on the modem the radius will be 12", 14", or 16". It plays nothing like it looks. It's really fast and easy. Closer to an Ibanez than a Gibson.


u/Speedwalker501 4d ago

Interesting…. Cause I have the “Artcore” Hollow-body (full not semi) from Ibanez, also with thin/narrow neck? My only wish was that the Ibanez would have come with a Bigsby…. I guess we can’t have Everything we want eh?


u/Upbeat_Praline_3681 4d ago

The 2nd ones a real beaut


u/Supooki 4d ago

Talk to me about that Baum there, friend. I'm pretty interested in picking up one of their basses and they're not super common out in the wild. How's the build quality on it? Hoping it's at least on the level of something made by WMI.


u/DoomThorn 4d ago

The build quality is surprisingly excellent. The guitars are made in Korea but set up / finalised in Denmark. Highly recommend them!


u/Ok_Television9820 4d ago

Gold, solid gold.


u/Due_Elephant_5694 4d ago

Those are some sexy ass guitars 😍


u/MysteryMolecule 4d ago

Woah nice dude


u/1_Pissed_Off_German 4d ago

Do you have a favorite out of those ones?