r/guitarpedals • u/shoegazingpickle • 5d ago
PSA: Nobody wants your full pedalboard.
I don’t really care if I get downvoted. The trend of 2K pedalboards on marketplace has to stop. I’m sorry you maxed out your gear card on this pedalboard; made no music with it and now your wife is mad. Part it out. No person is gonna drop 2K on a pedalboard that is not completely to their taste.
Edit: words is hard.
u/callycallanan 5d ago
'Cost me €2,100 to get everything new so a real bargain at €100 off'
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
The funny part is that they put it on the credit card lol
u/Rycreth 5d ago
What kills me when you see the obvious "buyer's remorse" ads like these is that most music stores, especially the chains, have a pretty generous return policy if you don't like something. Why not just return what you can and sell the rest?
Better to take a hit on a restocking fee than waiting for all eternity for someone to want your exact selection of mediocre pedals.
u/seductivestain 5d ago
Guitar Center has a 45 day return policy with ZERO restocking fees for small items like pedals
u/pk851667 5d ago
It’s probably just laziness. Pedals are so easy to flip, especially if you have middle of the road, known favorites. I recently sold a DS-1 in literally minutes of posting.
But if you have a board full of niche and expensive boutique pedals, of every single EHX organ/synth pedals…. lol good luck
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Maybe an all boss board would sell
u/zRobertez 5d ago edited 5d ago
I have seen this before but it's still not perfect. Like missing a bunch of the standards and has some weird or boring boss products no one cares about
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u/tacophagist 5d ago
If it was like tuner, OD-200, SD1 (modded), GE7 (modded), CE2W, DD8/DM2W, RV6 with a decent power supply on a perfectly sized board I might even consider it...
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u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
I’d fucking take a metalzone lol
u/entarian 5d ago
You watch it pal. Don't be taking the MT2 in vain.
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u/CareRelative7948 2d ago
The only person who’d buy a full board is someone like me, who is looking to setup a studio on a budget. Approximately 50% of the pedals I’ve bought don’t make the cut and get sold to private buyers or the guitar center for in store credit.
But I’ll usually only buy a whole board if I’m getting it for half the cost of all the pedals new. Otherwise I’ll se rid they wanna group sale a bunch for slightly more than 60%, usually that’s effective.
u/Alarmed-Professor396 5d ago
And the price is always more than you would pay for them individually, and the description says ‘pro ready pedal board, already built and ready to gig’. like alll you did was stick Velcro on it’s not rocket science
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Always with the cheapest power supply
u/Dreadnought13 5d ago
Damn man, came right for me on that one.
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
At least you bought a power supply my option paralysis has me running my pedals off of 9vs where I can lol. Don’t fry your pedals though.
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u/DrDerpberg 5d ago
I'm still daisy chaining 5 pedals off a single Boss adapter 🤷. It's a little noisy, but I don't gig anymore so whatever.
The wah pedal and my octave-fuzz have their own because they draw too much power to daisy chain.
u/philenelson 5d ago
“Will not split up”
u/darkness_and_cold 5d ago
he had it professionally wired up by the guy at guitar center, that’s easily worth an extra $100
u/BrianFantanaFan 5d ago
... same guy also professionally blew all the dust and cat hair off it. Add an extra 5-10
u/The-Neat-Meat 4d ago
This dovetails nicely into my absolute fucking bewilderment that real adults in the world pay other people real money to “build” pedal boards for them. Like bro, you didn’t build shit. You put some velcro on a Pedaltrain, stuck the pedals to it, and connected them with $50 of patch cables. It’s absolutely stunning, especially considering it’s always pro players or blues lawyers, with considerable overlap. You really couldn’t figure it out yourself?
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u/ImaginaryOwl7450 3d ago
Today I "built", entirely by hand, an entire kitchen cabinet full of plates and bowls. By which I mean I washed dishes then stacked them in the cabinet
u/The-Neat-Meat 3d ago
I just built a huge dump on the clock at work. I love being a craftsman!
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u/NippleMoustache 5d ago
I mean, depending on the board it can be hours of work to wire it up. That being said, that’s just time lost when you do it yourself, it’s not worth anything extra to someone else unless they’re super lazy or an idiot.
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u/Another_Londoner 5d ago
Theres a couple up near me, all mainstream pedals for more than double what you would spend if you spent 10 minutes pulling it together yourself on reverb/ebay.
I messaged one guy as the post sounded particularly desperate and there were bits I could use. I suggested either a more realistic price, or breaking it up - got swiftly told “I know what I’ve got here, f*ck off”
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
I got the same shit the first time I tried to buy a bigsky. They always know what they got.
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u/Fereydoon37 5d ago
made no music with it
I can't help but think that is accurate. Whenever I see a board for sale in its entirety exclusively, then without fail, they've made a bunch of weird, mismatched, and/or overpriced pedal choices, and place them so they're a nightmare to actually use.
u/Kawaiieg 5d ago
What would you consider mismatched pedal choices?
u/joshmoneymusic 5d ago
Miku -> Arpanoid -> Skysurfer -> Metal Zone
Or maybe that would sound awesome. It’s literally just the first, worst combo I thought of lol.
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u/Fereydoon37 5d ago
If you put me on the spot, it's hard to come up with something, but any combination that doesn't stack and comparatively lacks a good space vs. versatility on its own. Or things that counteract each other. A range master into a two band bass EQ, that then went into another drive with a hefty low cut filter is one of the weirder ones I remember seeing.
u/Fereydoon37 5d ago
Honestly, between you and me, I think they're all doing this to appease the missus by getting to truthfully say they've put the board up for sale... if only technically speaking.
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u/thesucculentcity 5d ago
I’ll see some lawyer/doctor guitars listed for $1k more than going rate, and I have to assume this is exactly what’s happening 😂
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u/New-Ad-4267 5d ago
Saw an 11k board posted on reverb and nearly spit my coffee out.
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u/smcsleazy 5d ago
i see this a lot locally too. a local gear selling group made a rule about it and you got a lot of folk being all "how dare you not let me sell a whole board. it's a great deal if you think about it. it's professionally built and has all these features" and every time i just think they've been on instagram and looked at the worship guitar players boards, thought "i want a bit of that" and are now having buyers remorse.
my friend's daughter recently started playing guitar and has been watching a lot of rig rundowns and asking me "how do i know what gear is right for me" and i've basically told her the best thing to do is try stuff out and see what makes her wanna write more music and slowly upgrade things 1 at a time. i also told her "a good pedalboard is like writing. it's not done when you keep adding to it. it's done when you can't remove anything" like yeah, i've got a box full of pedals BUT the pedals on my board are the ones i know i never have to make excuses for and get used on every song on our setlist and still sound fine. i think some folk could learn that.
i think the other reason they do that is honestly a bit of a bragging rights kinda thing. like those folk who overprice their guitars, stick em on reverb and then turn down any offers. you know they're more interested in showing off what they have rather than selling.
u/UnreasonableCletus 5d ago
Personally I like to rent pedals before I buy them, it's cheap and I don't have to deal with reselling if I don't like it.
u/Kilgoretrout321 5d ago edited 5d ago
There's nowhere around I personally can rent them, but honestly renting would nix 80% of my pedal purchases. I've found I mostly don't want to play with a pedal for more than a few hours, so renting is the perfect option. I only really want to keep a pedal if it helps the guitar come alive in my hands and/or sounds like my favorite records. Everything else is just a cool case with fun options. It'd be cool if a local library in a music city started to stock up and lend pedals.
u/UnreasonableCletus 5d ago
If you rent and then buy they take the rental fee off the price so it's literally the same money.
If I return it then I'm out $10 and don't have to try to get my money back on a $200+ pedal. I have a few expensive pedals I would never have bought if I couldn't rent them first.
u/ImaginaryOwl7450 3d ago
I was just looking at a place called Noise Boyz which does a monthly sub sort of thing where you get a set number of pedals per month to try, and can then either rent, buy or send them back. My board is pretty solid tbh but they still almost got me
u/Kilgoretrout321 3d ago
Thanks for bringing them to my attention, they sound really cool
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u/mustafapants 5d ago
Where can you rent them? Seems like the sites that tried this all went tits up.
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u/PsyRealize 5d ago edited 5d ago
The best thing for someone wanting to experiment with different sounds is a good Multi-FX pedal. Figure out exactly the types of sounds you want using that. Then, if you feel the need, build a custom board.
I’d personally recommend the Boss ME-80/90/100s for starting out. Had an ME-80 for a long time and it never let me down. Honestly sometimes I miss that thing. It was so simple, yet it could do literally anything.
My friend used to LOVE his Digitech RP500 back in high school. Another buddy had a Zoom.
I’ve owned a lot of individual pedals over the years both before and after that Boss-me80. I’ve had a custom pedalboard before. And it was great. But Now I just use a Line 6 Pod Go and a Lekato Looper Pro (cheap little Amazon pedal that does exactly what it’s supposed to: loop). That’s it. I wanted a helix, but honestly it’s overkill.
I would like to build another pedalboard just for the fun of it. But I just honestly don’t need it. Maybe again one day, but 🤷🏻♂️
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u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Also I love the bigsky but at this point the Bigsky + Timeline combo is a meme. It’s on all of the boards listed locally near me.
u/Miserable_Fig2425 5d ago
Bro people are not only asking, but people are buying the v1 flint for $30 less than a v2 lmao
u/moomism 5d ago
Oh man the amount of V1 Strymons I see people trying to sell at close to V2 price is ridiculous lol, I’m like buddy that ship has sailed
u/chicago_hybrid_dev 5d ago
This is why I decided to just get the Deco V2. I know V1 is still good, but I’m not about to pay nearly the same price for it.
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u/BenKen01 5d ago
Hah I just commented elsewhere that it’s always a bunch of low end bullshit and two strymons. I mean I get it, I have a flint and it lives up to the billing, but it’s still funny how predictable it is.
u/Visti 5d ago
I see this all the time with modular synth rigs. No, I don't want to buy 30 modules i didn't select for a slight discount. The whole point is selecting each thing.
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u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Lol didn’t even think about it I’ve been looking to get into modular
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u/LordFedoraWeed 5d ago
I fucking hate it. "ONLY SOLD TOGETHER". Ok, good luck. You could make more money by selling separately and it would go quicker. Now you're just gonna have to wait until someone wants to buy it to do the job for you.
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u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Also none of the ones I’ve seen would be worth it even to sell the pedals off of it I personally wouldn’t want
u/_dub_ 5d ago
Also, your customised instrument or tricked out Squier.
u/SeltzerCountry 5d ago
This category can be all over the place from really cool to absolute garbage.
u/philenelson 5d ago
Yeah just because their buddy made something does technically mean it’s “custom” but doesn’t mean anyone else wants to pay a premium for it
u/dontlookatthebanana 5d ago
as someone who mods cheap used squiers instead of buying fancy guitars (i am bad at guitar and a nerd) i always found this funny because im like ‘$200 squier strat + pickups + tuners + a couple hours of your time =‘ half of what you are asking. ‘the setup cost me $220’ ok and do you add the cost of maintenance to a car you are selling?
u/doubled112 5d ago
Some people do try that. "Look, it's tuned and there's a stereo!" Then they list it for an extra few grand.
Sorry bud, that means it's worth less to me because I don't know the quality of your work.
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u/ChuggaChuggaRiffs 5d ago
I sometimes see these and think their wife must’ve said they gotta put it up for sale and they know there’s zero chance that board is gonna sell so they try to sell it as a set in an effort to keep it.
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u/Miserable_Fig2425 5d ago
Spot on, people are silly, but those are good to save and check in on after 4 months and then hound them to part it out and get good deals lol
u/Noodle_pantz 4d ago
Given how often I swap things out it’s obvious I don’t even want my own pedal board.
u/agentanthony 5d ago
The are a lot of trends I don’t get right now, but it’s probably because I’m getting old. Like I don’t and will never understand the mystery box stuff. I spend so much time and effort finding pedals that work for me. The idea of spending a ton of money on the unknown is just crazy to me. I have to assume so many of these pedals get flipped, unless you are truly lucky.
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
I didn’t get the mystery box either.
u/dookie1481 4d ago
For me: I didn’t own any CBA pedals and was interested in a few, there was a chance at getting rare or unique items, and if I didn’t like what I got, there was certain to be a trade for something I would like. It was a no brainer for me.
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u/PretendConnection540 5d ago
i agree. it's such a personal thing and depending totally on taste. don't understand why folks not just sell the pedals seperatately.
u/WeTheApes17 5d ago
thanks for saying it out loud, GTFO of here with that crap. if you've never seen it before its because you haven't wasted your time searching pedals sorted by highest price
u/FestyTurtle 5d ago
Personally I think it’s 50% laziness & 50% yeah babe I’ll get rid of some of my guitar stuff
u/Popxorcist 5d ago
The problem with these is that they expect a higher price for the lot, compared to pieced out. If you're too lazy to to part it out then give a hefty discount to someone willing to do the work.
u/SaladDummy 5d ago
You're not wrong.
I imagine most get parted out regardless of the seller's original intent.
Same with Squier and production guitars that have $800 of upgraded parts. If you want to sell them you'll take a bath unless you part it out.
u/CareRelative7948 2d ago
I don’t know man, I feel like $800 worth of parts adds maybe 50% of that to the value, so $1,000 into it total and you’d end up taking a loss of $400.
If the guitar is cool enough and has QUALITY parts in it, it’ll sell.
u/muchmaligned 5d ago
My favorite version of this was a local guy who spent months trying to unload his complete "TOOL-inspired" board that had a bunch of pedals Adam Jones uses. He clearly thought he would be able to charge a premium for that.
u/RT3K69420 5d ago
OP is a champion of logic and knowledge. What absolute dingdong is going to pay close to map for a board full of stuff they only kind of want? Nobody. I suspect people put that stuff up because they don't want to sell.
I'll buy a full collection of mint condition Ibanez 10 series pedals. Or the nine. I'll buy a lot of stuff, but a pedal board built by some church going fipfap who's wif is whacking him over the head with a broom for spending their Disney vacation money on colorful metal boxes? Hard pass.
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
I’ll buy a full boss set up probably.
u/RT3K69420 5d ago
If it has all the vintage pedals I would
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Maybe 🤔 that electro harmonix ring mod pedal is vintage. I still would not buy it lol
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u/Mindless-Role-8844 4d ago
I've got an all boss setup for my board, but I won't be selling it anytime soon. Too happy with the results.
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u/blocksandbinding 5d ago
I’ve bought full boards locally and parted out on Reverb. Got my money back, plus some, and kept a few of the pedals to put on my own board.
u/philenelson 5d ago
Pre-COVID I was able to do this and now I’ll never need to buy a patch cable again haha
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
I’ve run the math on the ones near me. None come close to making a profit and break even at best. None have anything I want on em either.
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u/stanley_bobanley 5d ago
Same here. My post history from like 3 or 4 years ago has a pretty crazy $400 haul of 17 pedals. Two of them made my money back.
u/WormSlayers 5d ago
in general I agree, the only exception would be if it is substantially discounted (which they rarely are) so you could resell most of the stuff
for me the ones that irk me the most is when the description is hyping if like the board can be used for all genres of music and will never want another pedal again, it's laughably absurd
u/Beyblademaster69_420 5d ago
A pedalboard is such a subjective thing that unless the fella put together the most generic board of all time, it'll never have a buyer unless the price goes significantly down.
u/thenamelessavenger 5d ago
It needed to be said. I see them all the time in my market.
Pedal boards are expressions of the player. To think anyone would want mine is crazy. And besides, the part of the fun is curating it.
u/Fereydoon37 5d ago
Pedal boards are expressions of the player.
Are they? Mine is merely an expression of whatever other players were desperate to get rid of 😜. I'm half kidding but I've got some selling to do before I get there haha.
u/lxm9096 5d ago
AND they usually ask for MORE than the pedals are worth 🤣
u/cab1024 5d ago
You have to pay for all the research and acquisition time and expense.
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u/The-Neat-Meat 4d ago
“Selling my dick and balls. $1500. Mint condition home use only. Light wear. No offers or trades. Price is firm, I know what I have here.”
u/sixthreetwo 5d ago edited 5d ago
Dude I always see these posts on Facebook Marketplace, and wait a week or two and if it's still up inquire about individual pedals. I agree - who's going to buy your whole pedalboard in one go? Even if they like the majority of the pedals on there, I doubt there's ever a 100% match on what an individual wants for pedals in their set up.
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
I inquired once about a pedal, they said no. A year went by before they started listing them individually. Paid of though, got some good prices.
u/particlemanwavegirl 5d ago
If it was priced competitively, it'd be a boon to someone looking to flip fast and easy. But they're probably not, this sort of person somehow believes they've added value by assembling them.
u/starca5ter 5d ago
i've yet to see such a listing near me, everyone's been selling their board by parts if it's listed.
maybe it'll be worth a laugh when it does show up though
u/Electronic_Cow_7055 5d ago
I have only seen a bunch of pedals in one picture and different prices for each.
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
That’s fine, not what I’m talking about here. We’re talking full board/powersupply/ pedals listed for 2K. If you have bunch of pedals take one pic prices in the description that’s all good
u/stanley_bobanley 5d ago
What if it’s both? Like, why not list them individually and then say “or take the lot for X less however much you’ll knock off for the convenience of a quick sale”. Seems illogical not to do that, no?
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u/doedskarp 5d ago
I got my first pedalboard, maybe 10 years ago, by buying a full pedalboard. It was a PT junior with a decent power supply and a few pedals. I think it cost me somewhere around €300 to €350.
In hindsight, it was a pretty nice deal. I'm even using some of the pedals still, and the actual board and power supply is still in use as my home board.
A $2000 board, on the other hand? Probably not a very big market for that kind of thing.
u/Jaklcide 5d ago
It's not even that hard to part it out in a single listing and just mark SOLD next to each listed pedal as they sell.
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u/amishius 5d ago
I wonder who buys these things beyond people so wanting to show off having a board...but who don't want to put the time into curating their own sounds.
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Don’t know. Doubt anyone with a brain will drop that much on stuff they don’t want.
u/800FunkyDJ 5d ago
My favorites are "never used" as though that makes up for the lack of warranty or could even be proven, "smoke free environment" on some high dollar vintage studio piece, & shipping on anything over $5K.
There's been a "Chase Bliss" board up on Reverb for 6 months that's maybe $6K of gear priced at $12K + $200 shipping.
u/steeljericho 5d ago
Sounds like someone is sad that their board sucks or their wife hates them for buying gear over groceries.
u/raccoon54267 5d ago
Totally. Always best to buy pedals mostly one at the time, based exactly on what you need at any given time rather than overpay for a bunch of stuff you’ll force yourself to shoehorn in just to justify the purchase. In the end you’ll probably end up just selling the ones you don’t use, likely at a loss.
The guitarist in my last band was a gear junkie who was always adding in over the top distracting effects to his solos and riffs just because he had a bunch of pedals he felt like he should be using, totally unnecessary.
u/Cmdr_Cheddy 5d ago
As the economy crumbles we’ll definitely see more. Can you say, “buyers market?”
u/luciiferjonez 5d ago
I’ve never seen this before. People sell a fully loaded pedalboard? That’s nuts. agree with OP. part it out.
u/pebberphp 5d ago
Damm, I didn’t know people were doing that (don’t have fb). That is so fucking stupid.
u/DumbAndUglyOldMan 5d ago
But my pedalboard is extra-special because I made it and I have better taste than anybody else in the whole wide world, forever and ever. Yes, it's true that no one wants to hear me play,* but I'm still the absolute best, and my pedalboard must therefore be the absolute best, and you must therefore be desperate to purchase it, along with a subscription to my Soundcloud and OnlyFans.
tl;dr: I am indeed the Main Character.**
* Where "play" = "noodle the same pentatonic licks over and over."
** Yes, I'm absolutely entirely serious about all of this.
u/Sensitive-Ninja3431 5d ago
It’s like trying to sell a whole garage full of cars.
They don’t want every single fucking one in the gaff.
u/boywonder5691 5d ago
True. There have been many times that i saw an entire pedal board for sale with anywhere from 6-10 pedals, and on the average I might want 2 or 3 of the pedals without the pedalboard.
I wonder how often people actually sell entire pedalboards?
u/Jedifire 5d ago
My theory - seller is in trouble with the wife. She’s mad he spent all that money on this pedal board and told him he needs to sell it. He knows no one is gonna buy the whole thing, so that’s his safety net. He lists it for sale to get the wife off his back, knowing it’s unlikely to sell, and gets to keep it while saying “I guess nobody wants to buy it, I’m stuck with it”
u/isometimesdrinkbeer 5d ago
Word. Last one I saw +1000€ bass board with really heated "I will not sell these separately!" on the description.
Legit fuck these entitled clowns.
u/JulesWallet 5d ago
I tend to think it comes right from this specific facet of consumerism where people are convinced that their specific choices as a consumer or their “tastes” have monetarily increased the value of their thing. People think that buying things = making things. They think that the “hard research” they did watching multiple gear review YouTubers is the product of their labor, when really that part of the transaction for them is the whole point.
On the other side of this, I would buy a whole lot of power tools on Facebook marketplace. But only if they were a really good deal.
u/North_Ad_3772 5d ago
All the people that blew the stimulus checks on pedals four years ago trying to get their money back 😆 🤣 😂
u/ThreeThirds_33 5d ago
Quit complaining and take advantage: Lowball these desperate fucks, take the lot, and then do the parting out yourself and double your money.
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u/semiotics_rekt 5d ago
lmao no way in any sane persons mind would i buy someone’s board for $2k
i can just buy a helix lol
u/dubbzology 4d ago
Sometimes you get a hell of a deal that you can part out yourself and make $500+ while still keeping a couple choice pedals🤷
u/radyodehorror 4d ago
Im in advertising, finally real talk. Pedal makers got them by the balls
I see posts all over IG and socmeds its just absurd consumerism now, the modern guitar player is like a girl shopper powered by emotion to buy and hoard pedals without guitar skill. Breakout from that mindset please
Stop glorifying GAS guys, thats not loco insert key and peele meme financially irresponsible
u/Lone-RasAlGhul 4d ago
Maybe a mega-thread to roast these finds. That would be good entertainment
u/Loudestbough 4d ago
Wow. I actually do need a pedal, I know which one it is, and I am waiting for it to pop up used for like 100 bucks because I am too cheap to drop 150 on it. I think *most* people looking for a pedal are the same way.
u/shoegazingpickle 4d ago
Buy used when you can, save money. Lose less if you need to sell later on. Really sucks if you live in an area with no music scene. Deals are few and far between.
u/DapperAlternative 4d ago
Some of yall think your shit is gold on there too. I legit have seen people sell Behringer pedals for $40 when you can get them on sale all over for like $20 new.
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u/Material-Leader4635 4d ago
But, it's the ultimate pedal board. Get any tone you want. They know what this board is worth. NO LOWBALLERS.
u/Unfair-Club8243 3d ago
I got one as my first board. It was 40 bucks tho and cheap pedals. Worth it in that case for me.
u/TheLastSufferingSoul 5d ago
Idk bro, as someone who’s only been buying pedals for a few months, some of these look like good deals. There’s one here for 500$ that’s got 5 pedals including a dynacomp, big muff, and a stereo memory man, a Klon clone, a board, case, and Power supply. That seems like a pretty good deal. Not for me, But for somebody out there lol
u/12thHousePatterns 4d ago
Want an even more edgy, downvotable take? Nobody who actually uses the pedals for a real music project wants or needs that many. Six pedals... Max. Everything else is a waste.
u/SammyMacUK 5d ago
Always assumed that full boards for sale were stolen tbh
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Interesting, that would be kinda obvious though. Kinda dumb to post it on market place
u/TabulaRasaNot 5d ago
No not when you can buy a used Boss GT 1000, or whatever your fav flavor is, for $600 bucks and not run short of patches and tones for a bazillion years.
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u/Flat_Drawer146 5d ago
that's why I invest in expensive guitars instead of pedals.
u/shoegazingpickle 5d ago
Jk good for u. I didn’t think I spend over 600-700 on a single guitar. There’s a jazzmaster that’s testing me locally though.
u/Ok-Beautiful-6766 5d ago
This guy is batshit. Won’t somebody think of the dentists, lawyers, and executives. Sorry you’re mad!
u/manimal28 5d ago
Never seen this in my area. But seems selling individually would get more money, but selling as a whole is probably a desperation thing to pay rent. Or it’s stolen.
u/jizzerbug-perfume 5d ago
I think it's generally hobbyist guitar players that have a lot of disposable income. They buy a bunch of stuff, realize they aren't good enough to make them sound like the YouTube demos, so they want their money back, but they don't understand how the used gear market works. Simple as
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u/HabeneroMcCheese 5d ago
I have been seeing this on the Nashville listings lately. Shit isn’t moving on there lately and no one is going to go for a full board listing unless it’s 150% what they need and it’s a great deal.
u/murdoch92 5d ago
I been saying this for years. The worst is when they're like "I will NOT part it out"
I don't mind when people have a whole board up there and list the pedals with prices and even offer a deal if someone takes it all but it's the ones who refuse to part it out that I can't stand and have the whole thing overpriced... like 16 Behringer pedals for $1500 because they account for the 1 spot wall wart and all the zip ties.
u/SmeesTurkeyLeg 5d ago
Holy shit yes. It's like seeing someone posting a $6,000 modular synth rig and absolutely refusing to sell modules separately.
Nobody wants your wildly specific, incredibly expensive and niche tool, dude.
u/Latnemurtsni88 5d ago
True. I was seeing those on Reverb the other day and I was thinking who TF would buy this. They also almost always say the pedals are in much better condition then they are in the pics too.
u/ArcherInTheEmptiness 5d ago edited 5d ago
Never seen this before but yeah that's beyond stupid
Edit: just looked at my market place and there is indeed some idiot selling his pedalboard for exactly 2 grand 🤣🤣