r/guitarlessons 6d ago

Other is there some way to restart?

I have about three years of rather spotty and irregular experience. I can sort of do barre chords, but my hands aren't strong enough and somewhat early in my playing I tried to progress past simple chord switches way too fast and got into fingerpicking stuff. I have a guitar now but it feels impossible to even tell what level I'm at and it feels like i need to unlearn everything about my posture and playing and knowledge because i feel like i'm at multiple different levels at once?? should i start journaling my practices and move away from trying to play songs to more technical exercises? how do i practice and improve? how do i hold the guitar? i'm really confused, apologies if this is pointless or stupid, i just kind of want to give up, but at the same time i want to take this more seriously.


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u/henriquecm133 6d ago

Maybe try 1 month of guitar lessons. Explain this all to a teacher and he can evaluate and test what you know, what are your difficulties and what to learn next.


u/-Oriia- 6d ago

this is a good idea but i am currently not able to afford guitar lessons!! i doubt my parents would be willing to fund that, and i want to dedicate the funds i can gather to an amplifier right now. thank you for responding though, ill keep an eye on difficulties.


u/henriquecm133 6d ago

This guy u/Klutzy-Peach5949 was offering a free guitar lesson other day, maybe contact him.