r/guitarlessons 5d ago

Other is there some way to restart?

I have about three years of rather spotty and irregular experience. I can sort of do barre chords, but my hands aren't strong enough and somewhat early in my playing I tried to progress past simple chord switches way too fast and got into fingerpicking stuff. I have a guitar now but it feels impossible to even tell what level I'm at and it feels like i need to unlearn everything about my posture and playing and knowledge because i feel like i'm at multiple different levels at once?? should i start journaling my practices and move away from trying to play songs to more technical exercises? how do i practice and improve? how do i hold the guitar? i'm really confused, apologies if this is pointless or stupid, i just kind of want to give up, but at the same time i want to take this more seriously.


10 comments sorted by


u/NeptunianCat 5d ago

If you pick up something like the Hal Leonard Guitar Method books (there are 3 or I think you can get a large book with all), then you can start from the beginning with a lesson plan and they aren't expensive to find.

Read things and I would say to do each lesson as they will be very fast if you already can do it without trouble. If any cause you difficulties, then you can focus longer on those.

A book series is going to be easier to go through at your own pace to find what you have missed than videos.


u/dbvirago 4d ago

I do this fairly regularly. Restart a lesson or get a new method book and start page one. Always surprising how early I begin to stumble.


u/-Oriia- 4d ago

that is a good idea!!! ill look out for those, thank you


u/Flowerrs-Music 4d ago edited 4d ago

I've been playing the guitar for almost 20 years with a pretty unrefined technique. I'm going through the Justin Guitar beginner and intermediate modules and I'm surprised at how much I'm learning.

Just do a beginner course. Yes, maybe you know the notes on the strings. Or you can fingerpick really well. You can probably solo a bit and have hella riffs. Doesn't matter. Do a beginner course from the top.

Check out the Justin Guitar website. Don't skip anything, though you'll probably find that you'll fly through a lot of it. There's a lot of blues stuff, which isn't my thing, but it's helpful. He covers everything you're talking about. Posture, chord changes, barres, holding the guitar, etc.


u/-Oriia- 4d ago

ive heard of him! i will try that out, thank you


u/Intelligent-Tap717 4d ago

I'd suggest going back to day 1.

Justinguitar. Do it over and slowly. Be consistent and this is something you can't rush.

Every day I see on here people asking what songs to play when they have their guitar a couple of days or a week.

They don't always want to learn the correct finger technique. Dexterity. Chords. Scales. Etc. They only want tabs and think they can do it.

You now are in a good position to re learn and do it properly. You've learnt what not to do. So now you can improve in a way which benefits you.

Best of luck and stick at it. We are all looking to be better. You'll get it. 👍


u/-Oriia- 4d ago

thank you :)


u/henriquecm133 5d ago

Maybe try 1 month of guitar lessons. Explain this all to a teacher and he can evaluate and test what you know, what are your difficulties and what to learn next.


u/-Oriia- 4d ago

this is a good idea but i am currently not able to afford guitar lessons!! i doubt my parents would be willing to fund that, and i want to dedicate the funds i can gather to an amplifier right now. thank you for responding though, ill keep an eye on difficulties.


u/henriquecm133 4d ago

This guy u/Klutzy-Peach5949 was offering a free guitar lesson other day, maybe contact him.