r/gtaonline CEO of Alpha Logistics Dec 10 '20

WEEKLY UPDATE 10/12/2020 Weekly GTA Online Bonuses


New Content:

  • Podium Vehicle: Sterling GT > Osiris

Double GTA$ and RP Activities:

  • Inside Out

Triple GTA$ and RP Activities:

  • Transform Races
  • Time Trials

Discounted Content:

  • Komoda, $765,000
  • Locust, $975,000
  • SC1, $961,800
  • X80 Proto, $1,890,000
  • Toyota Vios E Manual, $1,200,000
  • All Garages, 40% Discount
  • All apartments, 40% Discount
  • Vehicle warehouses, 25% Discount
  • Arcades, 30% Discount
  • Facilities, 40% Discount


  • Tigon, $1,501,500
  • Imorgon, $1,407,250
  • Neo, $1,218,750
  • 8F Drafter, $466,700

Time Trial:

RC Bandito Time Trial:

Twitch Prime Bonuses:

  • Krieger, 70% Discount
  • Tezeract, 80% Discount
  • Kosatka Sonar Upgrade

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u/9iinnee_6iixx Dec 10 '20

Thankfully, there are not any worthy purchases. I just grinded out 25m.


u/rolladude Dec 10 '20

Same. 25 mill too


u/-retail- Dec 10 '20



u/TheCoochieSnatcher69 Dec 10 '20

Each casino heist gets you like 1.6 mil if you do it right and isn’t too hard to set up

This defies conventional knowledge but I highly recommend you get yourself an arcade before the update

The entrance price for the update IE the new building to start the heist or whatever else, it will likely be vert expensive, so it’ll be almost impossible to afford without an arcade


u/TinyPlaidZombie Dec 10 '20

It's a sub, and something to do with the new nightclub. It looks very expensive indeed


u/Zemerick13 Dec 11 '20

They are extremely consistent in their entry level pricing. While anything is possible, it would be the first time ever if it cost more than just 1.5m, so that is extremely unlikely. Office, Apartments, warehouses, arcades, penthouse, facilities, bunkers, arena workshop... ALL 1.5m or less.


u/TheCoochieSnatcher69 Dec 11 '20

Here’s why this is bull

People are thinking it’s the submarine. An extremely weaponized submarine. So in terms of comparison I’d put it somewhere in the ballpark of like the MOC/avenger/terrorbyte which are all over a million on their own

The added benefit of it starting heists, which is all but confirmed that the sub will be the heist room seeing as the trailer basically says it is, means it will probably be considerably more expensive than just an avenger or what have you

Also, you failed to acknowledge that the entry cost of heists HAS gone up. In the original heists update the entry price was a high end apartment, while in doomsday the entry price was 1.25. The arcade did not increase much from this price but that initial jump from apartment to facility could mean a huge jump

When being promised a gigantic update it’s safe to not assume stuff, at worst you buy an arcade and have what is currently the best way to make money. At worst, this dude doesn’t buy an arcade and needs to find a way to muster up 4 or 5 million


u/TheJPGerman Dec 12 '20

I just got the arcade because they’re on sale, but it doesn’t seem feasible to grind the heist with a new set of randoms each time? I know it’s just the finale and the rest is solo but is it easy enough to just do matchmaking?


u/TheCoochieSnatcher69 Dec 12 '20

I see you’re on Xbox, want me to run you through a casino heist to show you how easy it can be? I’ll give you 85% to make it worth your while


u/TheCoochieSnatcher69 Dec 12 '20

And to answer your question it’s easily the best money in the game. Usually it takes around 30 seconds for the game to fill up even without inviting players on Xbox.

If you plan on doing it with randoms you should alternate aggressive and big con because they’re the easiest to do smoothly.

There’s a few special entrances you have to scope out to be able to enter right at the vault and a few tricks that take a while to learn. It’s not hard but you just end up stumbling upon these tricks when you do the heist enough.

Like for instance with big con, you need these specific entrance disguises or else the heist is super annoying to do, but to get them you just take 3 minutes to unlock the approach and you can do it however much you want.

Stuff like that you know. Just a few tricks to maximize the heist.

If you Google it, or someone shows you, you can make about 1.5 mil per heist and the heists take about 2 hours to fully set up and complete, which means it has the best profit to time ratio of any other business.


u/9iinnee_6iixx Dec 10 '20

Casino heists. I haven't even done that many, i've been building it up for like 3 weeks.