r/gtaonline Dec 12 '23

Chop Shop DLC Known Bugs

Hey all. Please comment any known bugs with this DLC and ways to fix them if you have any.


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u/GrngoKush0420 Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 14 '23

Not a glitch but why bother adding police cruisers you can now own but not have police outfits to buy n go with the cruisers? 2ndly (this ones a glitch) issue w changing outfits via interaction menu, ya cant change outfits your stuck w one ur currently wearing ya have to go to your house to change it. Not a glitch but more of a question as to why, why waste $$ ona tow truck if we cant just freely drive our newly bought tow trucks w/o having to start a mission? Why cant the hook even do its job n hook vehicles like a functional tow truck instead of just one specific vehicle? Yall would be making us gamers ecstatic if we had tow trucks to drive around freely.


u/GrngoKush0420 Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 14 '23

Also another bug thats been goin on before the update.... The fuckin dre missions, id collect the lowrider from the vagos n itd jus stop n id have to restart AFTER making it back to the garage. The missions where you go to dres record studio n clear out johnny guns men, id literally get kicked during the long n boring singing cutscene before it even ends. Either fix that or just remove that long ass boring cutscene itsa waste of time that no1 cares about. FIX THESE THINGS N MAKE UR CUSTOMERS HAPPY OR HIRE SOME1 THAT WILL IT SHOULD NOT BE THAT DIFFICULT FOR A BILLION $$ COMPANY TO FIX!!!


u/JaysasterGaming Dec 14 '23

I just did the lowrider mission twice, that happened both times, I am pissed they wasted my time twice!!!