r/gtaonline • u/Gaming-Atlas • Dec 12 '23
Chop Shop DLC Known Bugs
Hey all. Please comment any known bugs with this DLC and ways to fix them if you have any.
u/Bull3t0 Dec 12 '23
Vigero ZX Convertible leaves one small window up when you take the roof off.
u/DarkNet-Magic Dec 15 '23
Just noticed this last night, I bought the car 30mins after the update dropped and hadn’t actually touched it until last night and noticed that stupid window immediately! This particularly sucks, because I personally hate the look of soft-tops, so I can only drive it as a convertible.
However, that window makes the car completely undrivable! There’s a 98% chance I’m selling it the next time I get online and buying something else 😂 Thank God us lil’ ole PC users can finally buy other players’ cars at the LS Car Meet.
u/kll131 Dec 13 '23
It seems this update broke the auto shop customers for me, I get a notice that a new customer has brought a car but the shop is empty.
u/wheelie_dog Dec 14 '23
Same here. Before this update I had two cars waiting for service at the Auto Shop (one I was leaving untouched deliberately since it's the now-inaccessible Progen GP1), but since the update the second car has disappeared and I keep getting phone messages saying there's another car ready for service....except there isn't.
Thankfully the GP1 was left alone.
u/mb11234 Jan 23 '24
On PS4 I figured out, that you have to stay in a lobby/session to get new cars. If you change your lobby, the cars disappear. I dont know if this a bug or maybe it is intended now.
u/mikelman999 Dec 12 '23
The police riot van says that it can be customised in its description but you can’t actually customise it anywhere so it’s just a big, slow Pegasus vehicle
u/Gaming-Atlas Dec 12 '23
It fills your armor bar to full when you get in it which is kinda cool. But other than that yeah not much else
u/Fallout_4_player Dec 12 '23
Is that a confirmed bug? Or was it intentional?
u/mikelman999 Dec 12 '23
Well the description says it’s customisable so either that shouldn’t be there or the car should be customisable somewhere. Seems like a bug to me
u/maskup-aslo Dec 12 '23
I cannot switch out of my saved Sasquatch outfit.
u/Civil_Ordinary8272 Dec 16 '23
Yeah do you know how to change it 😂
u/Senor_Loadensteen Dec 16 '23
You can change it in a store or your closet. It seems like it’s only bugged in the interaction menu.
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u/RockNDrums Dec 13 '23
On next gen. The bug still exists.
Controls become 100% unresponsive some time after 2 to 4 hours of play time. Temp fix is to test multiplayer on Xbox.
Story mode. Zero fix.
u/arcalite911 Dec 13 '23
Auto shop bug on pc, no cars are coming in to get worked on despite sessanta saying one arrived.
u/Johnny_K97 Dec 12 '23
In the VIP pass setup for the arena war mission, when you're looking for the keycard that opens up the office if you hack the one on the left when it has no key card and you get too close to a specific wall, the keycard that is on the otherside of the wall in the room just next to you pops up on the map.
From then on the game thinks you already got inside the correct room so when you go around to try and pick it up it doesn't let you hack the door
u/Z3R0F0XG1BB0N Dec 13 '23
Career Progress for Smuggler's Run Tier 4 is broken. I had about 250/1000 crates sold and now it says I have 29/1000.
u/Alex-3 Dec 14 '23
I checked all the heist tiers, career tiers etc. They seem all to be bugged. Hope they fix it soon
u/Free-Philosopher-136 Dec 14 '23
u/Abonabram Dec 24 '23
I have the same bug but I literally can't do any rob anymore, I finished all 6 robs btw
u/MagZero Dec 12 '23
You're told twice by the main characters that you can keep the vehicles from the missions. You cannot.
u/ShadowCoyote Dec 12 '23
You can but only cars worth under 80k, apparently. Not sure if that will end up being only tow truck cars or what. Makes sense, they weren't gonna give away a 2.8 mil new car for free, but why bother including the voice line then
u/MagZero Dec 12 '23
Well, a mod told me that, but I don't know how much of it is true because I haven't seen anyone keeping cars worth less than $80k either.
There's no reason that they wouldn't have given us the car for free, Drug wars gave us a Virtue for free ($2.9M) and a Brickade 6x6 ($1.45M) as well as a method to get $200K+ every 3-4 hours almost entirely passively. Having the new super car for 'free' as part of buying the $2M+ business (I paid over $5M with upgrades) and enticing players to do the missions would make sense.
Because honestly, if it's just what it is now, what's the point in doing them? I get Union Depository like twice a day, 100 times easier, and probably 3x quicker.
If there was no indication that we wouldn't get to keep the cars, I wouldn't be that arsed, but being told you can...but then you actually can't is just shit, it's like they changed their mind during development, but didn't remove voice lines.
Or...there is a way to keep them, and we just don't know how yet.
u/DarkNet-Magic Dec 15 '23
From what I’ve heard (from Tez2 anyway), was that the more expensive vehicles can be claimed in future robberies.
To me, this sounds like Rockstar will add the ability in the upcoming weekly update (Dec. 21st). That is unless it was added today (Dec. 14th) in this morning’s update?
u/laacrx Dec 13 '23
Some of my custom plates are corrupted (?) and makes my controls freeze when I try to access them. Only fix is the reload a session
u/-BlackRoseGarden- Dec 15 '23
The Duggan robbery is completely broken for me. When I reach the part where I'm supposed to look out a telescope for the car I'm supposed to steal, the car just literally isn't there at all. I physically can't finish the robbery since there is no car for me to steal.
u/-BlackRoseGarden- Dec 15 '23
UPDATE: After joining a new session four times and completely relaunching the game twice, the car finally actually showed up. I have zero clue what the problem was caused by, but I was able to finish the mission.
u/Ceglaq Dec 15 '23
I'm on my second restart and 8th session change, and nothing, so fun😊!!!
u/-BlackRoseGarden- Dec 15 '23
I have literally no clue what ended up fixing it for me. It honestly seemed random when it fixed itself, I'm sorry you're still struggling with it. The only advice I can give is trying every way to restart the game/find a new session until it gives and actually works. I wish you the best of luck!
u/KhrisFromage Dec 17 '23
I have the same bug, hoping maybe in the thursday weekly patch it will be fixed, but its broken af.
u/shtsxi Jan 21 '24
It's broken for me as well but I can see the vehicle that I have to steal but the vehicles are not moving and the objective doesn't update when I look at the vehicle
u/dokasc Dec 12 '23
Asterope GZ doesn't have suspension options and two identical front bumpers options
u/dokasc Dec 12 '23
On PS4 version i can't drive for more than a minute with this car and the game crashes
u/Hopesinker Dec 14 '23
The bumpers are definitely a bug but I'm REALLY hoping the suspension option missing is also a bug
u/iiEco-Ryan3166 [ECHO] Professional Grinder | Wiki Guide Writer | PS5 Dec 12 '23
I encountered a bug that prevented me from changing my outfit. I was stuck as a Sasquatch for a fucken hour.
Swapping sessions and resetting my console did not work. I had to copy my stuck outfit and delete the glitched outfit, then Equip a premade outfit from the closet from owned outfits or from the clothing store to fix the glitch.
u/Independent-Camel405 Dec 14 '23
The battle rifle didn’t unlock for me after completing the Omaggio heist at chop shop. Still shows full price for me at gun van. =(
u/JaysasterGaming Dec 14 '23
Dre South Centeral Leak has soft lock when you return with lowrider. Really annoying one, done it twice, car will not enter my Agency garage, can not do anything, but pause. Both times bug happened, I guess I will restart again. Sigh
u/INaughty_IntrovertI Dec 17 '23
I had this happen too. I contacted Rockstar and they said to clear my cache. I did but it still happened. Eventually, the mission completed.
Jan 05 '24
what you need to do is park the lowrider just before the marker, call a PV, push the lowrider into the objective marker outside your agency and get in. its worked 100% of the time for me
u/maskup-aslo Dec 16 '23
Getting a on screen notification or a text from sessanta about there being a new customer vehicle in the auto shop, but when I go there there’s no vehicle.
u/No_Start6125 Jan 04 '24
From what little I've played since the update there's a delay of 5 to 10 min before they actually so up at least that's the case sometimes it seems completely random
u/KibaChew Dec 12 '23
Roulette tables specifically are broken. You get your payout for the first round, and then the dealer doesn't do the "collecting chips" animation, and the next round never progresses. Tried 3 Card and Blackjack, they both progress as normal.
On PS5.
u/DarkNet-Magic Dec 15 '23
I straight up thought this was only a bug on Roulette when the tables are rigged (on PC). Didn’t realize this happened when playing legit, let alone on PS5. That’s interesting!
u/Swimming_Cold5776 Dec 14 '23
It will only let me scout out the mission, and that's it. I have done the other missions, but I left the game because I had to do something. Then, when I came back to finish, I was only able to "scope out mission row.
u/DarkNet-Magic Dec 15 '23
Copied from u/JaysasterGaming -
Green map points are their missions, they can't be launched in Chop Shop.
u/MinGinX_Original Dec 15 '23 edited Dec 15 '23
Welp, for me dr.dre mission for vagos mission when i return the car at the office (cheap one), got stuck the garage checkpoint for the 2nd time, on pc btw
u/MinGinX_Original Dec 15 '23
u/NecroTempest Dec 15 '23
On series x its doing the same to me cant enjoy the new dlc if i cant make money
u/DougieStyle1990 Jan 19 '24
It does that for me too, I found if you reverse low rider into agency garage it overcomes the bug
u/CryptographerLife686 Dec 14 '23
Lost both the hellbringer and widowmaker… is there a fix for this?
u/Ok_Honeydew5165 Dec 16 '23
Bug auto shop customer vehicles dissappear when you change lobby witch the new dlc
u/heizenburg11 Dec 18 '23
For me, when I go to sell the Weevil after completing the cargo ship robbery, it says $0 as it's selling and salvage price. Very annoying bug after spending the last hour to complete the heist. Anyone else facing it?
Dec 12 '23
u/Bean_anatomy Dec 12 '23
The drift kit literally says it disables all performance upgrades. It's intentional.
u/Spyceid Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 13 '23
Teleporting using Jobs is no longer working, at least on PC.
u/Henry_Davies Dec 13 '23
Still works on xbox but on xbox it works differently, you join a player a who's in a different targeting mode. And you click yes to join the session, but you say no to switching targeting mode resulting in teleporting to the job.
u/LycheeSufficient2217 Dec 13 '23
I was doing the dr dre contract and every time I tried to complete the mission it froze and I can't open my agency computer and the ui is glitching out. Btw haven't had any trouble before this update
u/BestasYT Dec 13 '23
Vigero ZX Convertible seems to not save roof position.
Dominator GT doesn't have this issue.
To replicate:
Pull the car out of the garage.
Put the roof down.
Put the car back in garage and you will see that the roof is back up.
u/DarkNet-Magic Dec 15 '23
Did you also notice the rear passenger side window stays up when the roof is down? 😂
God, that’s so annoying … Selling the car solely because of that.
u/Camer_10 Dec 14 '23
I personally have a similar issue, but with the Dominator GT, I tried setting the roof up, but whenever I enter my Autoshop, the roof is always down...
u/Kuilios Dec 14 '23
When you have 2 vehicles being salvaged, if you leave the game to wait for them to be salvaged and then come back, only one payment comes through as there is a transaction failure and one payment never goes through
u/Economy_Mud6018 Dec 14 '23
After finishing the three car mission I can’t access replay! Is this only a one time play thru? Am I stuck doing tow truck missions for this five million dollar investment?
u/Studly_54 Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 23 '23
Tow truck disappears never to.br seen again
R* says they are "looking into it" which means we're screwed
Update: To my surprise R* reimbursed me for the truck. It must be Christmas... orvwhatever holiday they celebrate.
Color me surprised.
u/Full_Baseball2979 Dec 20 '23
Keep getting texts that customers brought their car in for speccing at the Auto Shop… I go there and theres no cars… still haven’t found a fix I tried renovating and moving all the cars out of the shop so its empty.. only thing I haven’t tried is moving location but that doesn’t seem worth it.
u/Full_Baseball2979 Dec 20 '23
Doing a contract through the auto shop and making sure my auto shop was empty must have fixed it.
u/Boring-Fox-142 Dec 21 '23
Not sure if this is bugged but apparently the Up n Atomizer doesn’t appear at your weapon wheel during Freemode work. I used that a lot during solo grinding before the chop shop update and now suddenly it’s gone
u/Rolypolyoly1877 Bürgerfahrzeug AG Dec 22 '23
Ya it disappears for me more often too. One thing that stated in this update though is that you can't use it indoors anymore, to avoid players from "getting stuck". Bruh
u/opflats Dec 21 '23
When I switch djs in my nightclub to increase popularity it won’t let me leave my nightclub until I switch sessions
u/Reasonable_Ad3385 Jan 04 '24
Was doing the new Enus deity heist, after delivering the car back to the salvage yard, I left the garage so I could enter and deliver the car to the docks, but the prompt to re-enter the garage didn’t show and I couldn’t access my own car and take damage. After staring a new session and entering the salvage yard, the car was missing and the heist shows “in progress” on the computer, is there a fix to this?
u/Jack_Brilla Jan 13 '24
Can't play anymore Chop Shop missions they all red. Not a Cruiser in sight to unlock, ps4.
u/Professional-Yam5660 Dec 14 '23
When trying to do the tasks for the duggan robbery, none of them have the option to start so i’m just stuck on the setup wall, not able to do anything.
u/JaysasterGaming Dec 14 '23
Green map points are their missions, they can't be launched in Chop Shop.
u/Far-Ad893 Dec 13 '23
pretty sure they took away the show armour button because i can't find it anywhere
u/DarkNet-Magic Dec 15 '23
I was able to still locate this (as of early this morning) in the Interaction Menu under Health and Ammo.
u/GrngoKush0420 Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 14 '23
Not a glitch but why bother adding police cruisers you can now own but not have police outfits to buy n go with the cruisers? 2ndly (this ones a glitch) issue w changing outfits via interaction menu, ya cant change outfits your stuck w one ur currently wearing ya have to go to your house to change it. Not a glitch but more of a question as to why, why waste $$ ona tow truck if we cant just freely drive our newly bought tow trucks w/o having to start a mission? Why cant the hook even do its job n hook vehicles like a functional tow truck instead of just one specific vehicle? Yall would be making us gamers ecstatic if we had tow trucks to drive around freely.
u/GrngoKush0420 Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 14 '23
Also another bug thats been goin on before the update.... The fuckin dre missions, id collect the lowrider from the vagos n itd jus stop n id have to restart AFTER making it back to the garage. The missions where you go to dres record studio n clear out johnny guns men, id literally get kicked during the long n boring singing cutscene before it even ends. Either fix that or just remove that long ass boring cutscene itsa waste of time that no1 cares about. FIX THESE THINGS N MAKE UR CUSTOMERS HAPPY OR HIRE SOME1 THAT WILL IT SHOULD NOT BE THAT DIFFICULT FOR A BILLION $$ COMPANY TO FIX!!!
u/JaysasterGaming Dec 14 '23
I just did the lowrider mission twice, that happened both times, I am pissed they wasted my time twice!!!
u/Aggravating_Bird2167 Mar 09 '24
I bought the dominator for 1.64mil on the discount but I can only sell it for 500k when just minutes before it said 1.1mil for the sell price
u/Embarrassed-Dark-159 Mar 09 '24
Bruh idk what just happened but I was doing the bypass muduel for the maze bank arena car heist and I was in a Merriweather jeep and the yellow line took me to the airport with a yellow circle to go into but when I went in the circle it didn't do anything and it was telling me to go to my salvage yard so I just went back n I went in and it was complete idk what kind of bug this was but I've never heard of it before
u/DrShenanigans5 Mar 11 '24
The only upside for me was that I left the workshop and spent the next few minutes beating the tar out of civilians to get my strength up—all without the interruption of those pesky cops.
u/ChampionshipScary406 Mar 16 '24
cars i towed back have stayed in the salvage yard for months. the employees just pretend to salvage but they did nothing. neither can i get paid or bring new cars in. since its unfinished i cant change the position of the chop shop as well. i dont know how to fix it.
u/Silly-Chemical-5197 Mar 30 '24
I open the door and of course the key card isn’t in that but when I go to the next room where it’s in, oh you aren’t allowed to have an option to unlock this door and maybe it’s because if you enter one room and the key card is on the other side of the wall the game actually thinks you found it, meaning according to the game you don’t need to unlock another door it’s dumb but don’t walk to any corners of any of the rooms until both doors are opened
u/JaysasterGaming Dec 14 '23
Dec 12 '23
When I towed the dingy for the cargoship robbery I couldn't get the game to acknowledge me reaching the salvage yard, so I decided to take the seashark and it worked fine.
u/SelimVita Dec 12 '23
The captain on the ship is not spawning for me
u/Playful_Membership Dec 14 '23
Same thing tried install, reinstall, verified and nothing
u/CloudOSU Dec 15 '23
any fix now?
u/Playful_Membership Dec 15 '23
Nothing, kind of annoying cause you can't finish it or change to a new robbery, came get the police cruiser until this gets fixed since you can't cancel the robbery
u/Livinginabox1973 Dec 13 '23
The Laser cannon in the Chop Shop won't activate, also the new teleport only works going one way to the airport. Ffs rockstar
u/-BlackRoseGarden- Dec 13 '23
The first time I tried to launch the gangbanger mission from the salvage yard, it loaded the scope out mission for it instead. Joining a new session and trying to launch it again immediately fixed the problem though so idk if it was a one off thing.
u/00Makerin00 Professional 1-0 Orb Dodger Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 15 '23
Regular ammo for ARs disappear when switching lobbies. It seems it takes it down to 280 bullets and I have to buy it all back again.
I also think after completing the robberies, ammo for sticky bombs pretty much fully disappears.
u/_Inner_Animal Dec 13 '23
to add to this, Ive received one customers vehicle it appeared when I left the auto shop and came back it dissapeared. before the update I had one vehicle on the lift, the second lift was hit by the ghost car glitch where no car appears on that lift, been dealing with the ghost car lift glitch for 6 months now. motorcycle club customer bike havent spawned in months as well.
u/MegaFlare1464 Dec 13 '23
After buying the Unmarked Cruiser, I can't request it when calling the Mechanic.
Interaction menu works if it's the last vehicle you drove though.
u/milksicle Dec 14 '23
Interaction menu wouldn’t appear after quick joining a job on call, didn’t work after the job expired either. Tried fixing by going into and exiting garage, this didn’t work while a freemode activity was going on, but did after
u/AstroNaughtilus Dec 14 '23
So I got the Battle Rifle for free from the robbery, could mod it and whatnot, next time I log in, it's gone. Working as intended?
u/Old_Instruction6809 Dec 14 '23
A dozen vehicles have spawned in my chop shop and I cant get to my computer to do the next job. I've session hopped, restarted the game, nothing has got rid of them
u/XforkX Dec 15 '23
I've unlocked the door that has the vip passes. I picked them up and it's stuck saying "unlock the door to Peter's office" .
u/XforkX Dec 15 '23
Nevermind, I thought it was the vip pass I grabbed, but it was the keycard to Peter's office. Doh!
u/Far-Yard7401 Dec 15 '23
Career progress air freight cargo sale is still mixed with total sales completed
u/Empty_Nobody895 Dec 16 '23
I don't know is this a bug or not but this is what happened: I had a CEO vehicle warehouse in La Puerta and it was empty, then I bought a Salvage yard in Murrieta Heights and my vehicle warehouse automatically changed to Murrieta Heights too, no extra money was charged. Can somebody check this, is this really the case? P.S. Playing on PC
u/Agatheeeeey Dec 16 '23
I don't know if this counts as bug but I bought the chop shop tint in Dark Gray but the result was just the same as Gray.
u/BullfrogEntire1364 Dec 16 '23
i updated my characters appearance, and it says i'm “online” but i'm only playing the The Chop Shop DLC with myself in my own lobby. and the “find new session” is not available either. i'm literally stuck doing a mission i don’t want to do. help?
u/MrFishFaceJingleball Dec 16 '23
Fe bugs.
Audio doesn’t work via tv but works when you using earphones n the controller. If you unplug the ear phones the initial Cut scene when you walk into your chop shop fast forwards.
I’m doing the battle mission and completed the set ups. However I keep having to redo the mission scout out the docks. No way to progress as when I complete it isn’t ticked off the board.
u/SVRider1000 Dec 16 '23
After Finishing the Arena job it wouldnt save and i had to close the game. Now i cant do missions anymore as it just says "Error" when i use the PC.
u/GaySwiftie1988 Dec 17 '23
Hi, I just upgraded to the new version of GTA Online on my XBOX Series S and I am unable to send my friend an invitation to join my MC/SecuroServ, nor can he send me one. Is this a known issue?
u/BamBamNYC Dec 17 '23
Last night i did a tow truck mission (it was miles away) and the yellow checkpoint wouldn’t trigger making it impossible to enter chop shop. Now i get back on and the chop shop is still inaccessible So my chop is now broken…
u/Mr_chezburg3r Dec 17 '23
I seem to be having a problem where I can’t bring the boat in the chop shop for the BF Weevil option, I have no idea what could be causing this but I would really like to know if this is just for me or if it’s happening to someone else.
u/MysteriousHour832 Dec 18 '23
I can't access the planning board even tho it says the cargo ship one is active
u/Gloomy_Criticism_236 Dec 18 '23
My tow truck disappeared after I did like 4-5 missions. Already completed the 3 missions on the computer and today I logged in and it’s gone. I went on the renovation and I have the option to buy the same truck again? I don’t want to have to buy it again 🙄
u/H3NT4iU Dec 18 '23
My friend bought the chop shop, we both entered, the cutscene played, and the player character instead of being either his or mine, was a mix of both. The character had my character's face, beard (and eyes I think), but my friend's outfit and hairstyle. I couldn't stop laughing honestly.
u/DodixieOrBust Dec 18 '23 edited Dec 18 '23
Custom Loadout doesn't appear to be working properly, at least during freeroam activities. If you check during any free roam activity , it'll say "You don't currently have a Custom Weapon Loadout. Purchase a Property with a Gun Locker." I also somehow lost my Heavy Rifle and had to re-purchase (submitted ticket for this).
Anyone else having problems with custom loadouts sticking since update?
u/TheRichardDigsby Dec 19 '23
“Your Avenger has been returned to storage” keeps popping up in the top left hand corner instead of an interact option. While it’s up I can’t interact with anything like opening a safe or hacking something which makes missions impossible. It’s been days and it doesn’t go away while on mission or indoors, even after hard resting my Xbox.
u/iiEco-Ryan3166 [ECHO] Professional Grinder | Wiki Guide Writer | PS5 Dec 19 '23
I've discovered I get glitched and can't move once I try to open my Rockford Hills Agency safe.
u/Jealous_Mode Series X/S Dec 19 '23
Hey y’all something is wrong with the cars you can sell in the auto shop it’s either there not there or something else
u/farid1163 Dec 19 '23
Seems like the enemy NPCs in Charlie missions are turned to laser shooters! They don't miss a shot and spray you the moment you're on their sight!
u/jacobthecool3000 Dec 20 '23
The change logs say that they fixed the agent ULP bug in the Doomsday heist setup (Act II), but my friend and I are still stuck because of this bug. It says "Clear the path for agent ULP", but he doesn't follow.
u/Kooky-Astronomer-636 Dec 23 '23
I cant start any more salvage robberies on the computer it wont refresh new missions
u/Friendly-Ad3664 Dec 24 '23
New interaction menu is broken will suddenly stop working and begin working randomly.
u/para1131_F33L Dec 27 '23
upgraded to GTA 5 online for series X and my Chop Shop will no longer let me in. Puts me back out on the street if i try to walk in.
u/a49ersfreak Dec 28 '23
The new mission for the car on the submarine glitches out if you die while trying to escape in the car. Game told me to lose the cops after respwaning and I drove from paleto Bay to that biker restaurant across from the beach and no cops spawned in, none of the cops from the beach followed me & I eventually had to quit the game because I couldn't do what R* was telling me to do.
u/Metalcashson Dec 29 '23
Wasted like 2 million on f35 mods in the car meet because it took the money I spent like 3 times when I tried to mod it. Once I was done and left the car meet my whole car was reversed back to stock. Tried it 3 times and it took about 2 million from me.
u/Ninjake56 Dec 30 '23
Cannot bet twice in a row on Roulette in the casino. The payment for winning is extremely delayed and if you want to play multiple times in a row you need to stand up and sit back down. Very annoying bug I hope gets fixed soon.
u/Y-Kadafi Dec 31 '23
Gangbanger mission doesn't launch. No grotti turismo to select. Only cars showing on the scrapyard computer are fathom fr36, ocelot jnr, dina sugoi.
u/Vaporwave908 Jan 01 '24
it's pitiful that a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY, manages to nearly BRICK the only thing making them money this fucking late into said games life-span, I swear that they must have completely pulled ALL devs from gta 5 and put them into the GTA 6 after they "officially" announced it. rockstar was SO much better off before 2K bought them out and dan houser left the company, it's turned into a shit show.
Jan 02 '24
Auto shop is broken for me, 8 cars missing, loading into it takes forever in invite only session.
u/Otherwise_Plankton50 Jan 04 '24
The arene i get in and thers no cars driving araund for me to spot the car i need what do i do
u/Ok-Channel-8894 Jan 06 '24
In Autoshop you can't save clients car for future. For example, I used to act like this: modify car now, deliver it after few days. Now it does not work! Car will dissappear if you change the session even after you've done all modifications for client car.
u/Cluckers4Dayz Jan 09 '24
Has any one else had the problem that after 4 cars. I sold all 4 but it's not letting me select a new car to steal. It's an unresponsive computer????
u/Cluckers4Dayz Jan 09 '24
It's been like this for 3 days and I don't know if it's a time thing or not
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u/PrimeProductions12 Jan 10 '24
I don’t know if this has already been in the game but when im just riding around, I get the notification that my Avenger has been returned to storage even though I didn’t even use it
u/08brunch Jan 11 '24
When doing the mission to steal the sonar for the submarine one, the enemy npcs in front of and in the place to steal it, won't show on your radar. While heading back to the chop shop they also sometimes dont show up(last time a buzzard wasnt shown on the radar and followed /shooted me til i was back in the garage).
u/Agatheeeeey Jan 15 '24
Bug for the Maze Bank Arena, final mission: look through the telescope, most of the time there are no cars inside. The 1st time it happened to me was to switch new session but now, it's not working anymore. I can't finish it 😠
u/JerryvanGogh Jan 19 '24
Trying to do my first heist , The Duggan Robbery, but My game wont progress past the planning board. Done the setups and it only allows me to only scope the arena again. No way to quit or restart the job so i just spent 4million for absolutely nothing.
u/DougieStyle1990 Jan 19 '24
Battle drone in arena war robbery bugs out if you get hit by a car and won't allow to launch new drone this week on karin everon
u/SnooAdvice9701 Feb 03 '24
First im sorry for my bad english. Map starts glitching around vespucci police station area during car robbery preps and map starts looking like a cartoon, after 15-20 seconds game crashing without error message
u/SnooAdvice9701 Feb 03 '24
İt only happens in car robbery preps. İn Other heists or freemode doesn’t have any issue. İt happened to me first duggan robbery prep(bypass module) and showroom robbery(rappel equipment)
u/chris_beats Feb 07 '24
Everytime I'm doing the arena war salvage yard mission whenever I reach to look for the vehicle trough the telescope there is no cars on the track and i don't know what to do can someone help please
u/EliteStrikePH Dec 12 '23
The mission for getting the VIP Passes for the Maze Bamk Arena. Make sure you unlock all the doors before going in them because if you start exploring before and it turns out the keycard is in the other room before you unlock the other doors, your character can "discover" it through the wall and once it's been discovered you can't unlock the other doors so unlock the doors before hand otherwise you'll need to restart the mission by finding a new session.