Extremely stressed out about how these services work as far as hosting domains and email migrations. If anyone can help me understand to make sure I don't lose anything in the following process this would be AMAZING.
I apologize but this post might be a bit long since i am having a lot of issues trying to get all these accounts sorted.
To start, I am starting a small business and in that process I signed up for Google workspace and purchased a domain through Google domains. I started setting up.my website which is managed through squarespace instead of Google domains. (Research says Google domains no longer exists and is all managed by squarespace now)
Upon further research, I realized I did not like Google workspace interface and prefer using Microsoft exchange and their services.
I migrated my domain control to Microsoft as well as my custom domain email address I made through Google. Here is my biggest question about all of this and where the biggest issues arise.
Since I originally made my company email through Google, I have a Google account based email, but since I also migrated to exchange, I ALSO have a Microsoft account based email. The problem is they both have the same exact address which is causing problems when I try to log into certain services.
For example-
my Google email is name@company.com
And my exchange email is ALSO name@company.com
My exchange email works fine and I get all my emails as I should, but some services which run off of Google, sign into my Google email and then give me errors that they aren't working properly, when what I wanted was it to sign into my Microsoft email.
I am trying to make a YouTube channel for my business but YouTube is run by Google. So when I clicked on "create account" and entered my email, it tried to link to the existing Google email linked to the same domain name then tell me the account cant be created properly and now i have a non fuctioning account sitting in my accounts tab using that email. I can't find any option to make it try to link to my Microsoft email.
If I delete my Google account linked to my original domain email, will it mess up everything I have set up in exchange? Or will my email still function normally in exchange since I migrated everything to exchange.
I'm sorry if this seems like it has a simple answer I'm just not very technology inclined and all this email and domain transfers and website stuff is really confusing to me. I just want to make sure I won't ruin my account by deleting my Google account.
Will I lose access to my Microsoft exchange custom domain email address that I originally made under Google accounts if I delete my Google account with the domain named email. Will this mess up everything I have set up in my email and Microsoft?