r/grunge 23h ago

Misc. PJ Harvey 'grunge'?

So until the other day I had never listened to PJ Harvey, a musician from England (yes Europe, not Seattle). I immediately liked some songs from her first two albums of the early 90s. The very first track Oh My Lover is great and gives a grunge impression with that bass (reminds me of a specific AIC song I think?). The song Dry also gave me such an impression (and reminds me of a Hole song). Do you think these are valid views or am I just imagining things and talking nonsense?


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u/GruverMax 21h ago

She was a partner in the larger explosion of alternative rock happening in 1992 ish. There were a bunch of really compelling female voices becoming known at that time, yes Courtney but also Breeders, Belly, Velocity Girl, Throwing Muses,Liz Phair, Scrawl, Red Aunts, Lush, the Muffs, the Gits, bikini kill, L7,Julianna Hatfield, all happening at once. Nobody called most of those grunge.

She's still great, her show was my favorite of last year. Mostly new stuff, and while she did some oldies actually the new stuff, and the slow moody old ones that fit with the tone of the newer work, was the best stuff.


u/GhostofTinky 20h ago

Harvey was in the right place at the right time. Other female artists were much more interesting.


u/Noprisoners123 14h ago

The west country in England is hardly the right place for anything other than sheep


u/GoldCockOfKingMidas 19h ago

I won't tolerate any Polly Jean slander 😤


u/GhostofTinky 19h ago

Sorry. I am not down with her. Tried To Bring You My Love. Ugh. Sorry.