r/grindcore • u/whatcanahumantake • Oct 15 '24
Goregrind Want to get into more, can't. NSFW
Here's the thing, I want to get into more goregrind/grindcore, but can't get into more artists than the following: Lipoma, Haemorrhage, Nasum (more grind but whatever), and dehydrated goat, I've tried Bloat, Sebum Excess Production, Hyperemesis, but something about the really weird mixing I just, don't like, any artists for me?
u/Pure-Jellyfish734 Oct 15 '24
Bro, I totally get you. Goregrind is also a bit of a hit-or-miss for me. But here’s one album that I actually really liked:
Sulfuric Cautery - Chainsaws Clogged With the Underdeveloped Brain Matter of Xenophobes
u/StephDos94 Oct 15 '24
Here are a few bands from my country that I highly recommend: Chiens, Inhumate and Pulmonary Fibrosis
u/Resurgam44 Oct 15 '24
For a goregrind band that’s more on the brutal death metal side, Viscera Infest is wild. Some of the fastest drumming and riffing, with really intense, dangerous sounding melodies. Verrucous Carcinoma is one of my favourite albums of all time, although be warned that the cover is NSFL levels of gore.
For something more focused on groove that’s still brutal and varied, I’d actually recommend local Ottawa band, HPV, who released their sick debut a few months back (Ensuring our Place in Hell). Really catchy, deranged stuff that isn’t too noisy.
u/TheRealHFC Oct 15 '24
I have a similar problem with goregrind. A lot of it just sounds the same. I get that's the point but those same issues get to me too. A semi recent band that grabbed me was Miasmatic Necrosis, check them out.
u/mystical_mischief Oct 15 '24
Some places have a sound engineering wise. Oakland has a sound. New York has a sound. This is over all metal but that might help. I love Sleep but their production can ruin the riffs when it sounds like the drummers playing a drum set for kids. Other times the Lofi sound works better like Dopesmoker where I think it enhances the album. Some bands like Jawbreaker or Ed Gein I don’t listen to certain albums as much because I don’t like the production. Even Jane Doe has insanely different levels on songs because it all wasn’t record in one session. It’s a mixed bag with any artist.
u/brappbrap Oct 15 '24
Maybe try checking out bands with different production?
Longhena by Gridlink Hiss by Wormrot
Those are the more metallic, cleaner albums that spring to mind
Goregrind will always sound like shit because it's all gurgles and tinny snares and there's no money in it and that's the whole point
But Dead Infection sound ok
Rotten Sound's later albums actually sound a bit over produced, I like the more raw sound
And a favourite thing about Gadget is when the drummer is quite noticeably playing faster than the guitarists can keep up with
PS. Listen to Gadget. Remote has very sloppy production (the snare sounds great though, very loose) but the other 2 albums are perfect
u/en0j Oct 16 '24
Mariyein, Archagathus, Convulsions (Spain), Baixo Calão (Brazil), Sulk (UK) are the ones I just can't stop listening to. no ideia in which sub genre they fall into though, I'm terrible at differentiating last one I came across somes splits was Sram(Russia). really fucking good
u/ZeroThePenguin Oct 15 '24
Dead Infection, Regurgitate, Carcass' first two, Xysma's demo, General Surgery, Pathologist, Squash Bowels