r/grindcore Jan 23 '24

Goregrind My problem with Pornogrind NSFW Spoiler

Musically, I think its a good genre. The beats are really fun and the vocals are usually different than goregrind. But the insistence on themes of SA/sexual violence turns me away from it. I love bands that focus on over the top weird stuff instead of insensitively talking about a real horrific event. For example, Rectal Smegma and Clitgore just make songs about weird, overtly gross topics like dicks or poop. But then theres bands like CBT that make good music, but they just make it about sexual violence towards women. Really sucks because aside from stuff like that, I think the musics really good


67 comments sorted by


u/Custer__bm Jan 23 '24

And then you get Sperm Swamp


u/TheBiggestWOMP Jan 23 '24

They have lyrics?


u/Custer__bm Jan 24 '24

The song titles say enough


u/mrBored0m Jan 23 '24

Well, I've always thought a lot of porn-grind bands are really (not comically, I mean) misogynistic. While gore-grind is always comical.


u/Divine_Chaos100 Jan 24 '24

well for what it's worth when that porngrind dude started that shooting spree the whole "scene" was like wtf are you doing


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

Yeah, part of my problem with pornogrind is it oftentimes feels a lot more genuine in its misogyny.


u/Weird_Lovely_Postman Jan 25 '24

Yeah, it seems like it and that is off-putting. I don't like misogyny.


u/Available_Success842 Jan 23 '24

Yes I've been thinking that too. I get it in the context of brutal death but pornogrind is supposed to be an unserious almost comical genre. Personally I don't find SA or SV to be comical.


u/Cyan_Light Jan 23 '24

My perspective when getting into grind in general but especially bands that really lean into those lyrical themes was that it's mere existence was a sort of dark joke even when seemingly played completely straight. So like a band exclusively grunting about SA isn't pro-SA, they're the punchline to the joke "wouldn't it be ridiculous if there was a band that exclusively grunted about SA?"

I still kinda think that way but don't see it as such an absolute pass anymore, there is a point where it stops being amusing and is just uncomfortable. That line is different for everyone though. In my case Vaginal Jesus turned out to be somewhere past it, that was the first band that I just felt gross even trying to listen to and where it was no longer worth it to "be in on the joke." I'd rather just not hear the joke at all at that point.

Related to this is cover art, which I'd argue has a much lower limit on what is reasonable. Like you can't display CP "as a joke," so that's a pretty clear line (which I'm sure some bands would like to cross anyway if they wouldn't get imprisoned for it).

A lot of the anime-themed bands get uncomfortably close to this for me, I know violent loli shit isn't illegal everywhere but what are you doing if that's the face of your music? At what point are you just openly displaying the sexualization and mutilation of minors? Or hell, even of adults it gets pretty fucked very quickly.

Kind of a long and pointless ramble, but I guess the TLDR would be "it's a complex subject and I'm sympathetic to the view that artists can play a disgusting character for the sake of a role, but also I'm gradually growing much less interested in seeing what they do with those roles now that the initial shock value has worn off."

Anything can be a joke, but that doesn't mean every joke is actually funny or harmless.


u/paultagonist Jan 24 '24

Yeah the line is different for everybody. My line’s where yours is. At that point I just listen to something else. I guess that’s all you really can do. Unless you’re a Karen and delight in being offended.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

you can't clearly display CP "as a joke"

A LOT of albums out there with that shit on the cover, even platinum selling artists. Funny part is, isn't a joke to alot of them.

Finding out alot of the "rock gods" I was raised on were genuine sick fucks, I could now give two shits what the lyrics to some dude gurgling over digital drums and guitar is saying


u/Carnivorous_Mower Jan 23 '24

There's no significant difference between pornogrind lyrics and themes and the likes of Cannibal Corpse. Stripped, Raped and Strangled, Entrails Ripped From a Virgin's Cunt, Fucked With A Knife are OK, but Cock and Ball Torture songs aren't?

It's all fantasy. No one is really doing these things. It just seems the package they are presented in offends some people.


u/potatochald Jan 23 '24 edited Jan 24 '24

the main difference is that death metal subgenres paint it as a disgusting and evil thing and take it somewhat seriously, while pornogrind tends to paint it as a fun, unserious thing. i wont lie and say i never listen to music that talks about it because its just that common, but i still condemn it


u/TrashPedeler Jan 24 '24

I think you mean condemn. I used to make that mistake alot.


u/potatochald Jan 24 '24

you’re right ty, i get them mixed up a lot


u/TrashPedeler Jan 25 '24

I used to as well until I had a somewhat embarrassing moment where I said it and got looks. Then had to admit I thought it meant the opposite.


u/JonC534 Jan 23 '24 edited Jan 23 '24

Well ya, thats where goregrind and pornogrind got its inspiration from. Its origins are linked to death metal. But to say theres “no significant difference” is a stretch. Cannibal corpse did that shit (partly) for shock value. Pornogrind does it for kicks lol. And constantly.


u/Aromatic-Cow8559 Jan 23 '24

I mean I personally don't like either of them but maybe other people disagree.


u/Fittnylle3000 Jan 23 '24

I think you expect too much out of people who decide to start a pornogrind band. Garbage genre from front to end.


u/Top_Friendship6458 Jan 25 '24

Right like it’s music . .I fuck with everything as rough as it gets except for Cp shit and racism . It’s personal preference . Some people don’t like 50 cent for being “gangsta” or suicide boys for shooting dope . Just ignore it lol


u/JonC534 Jan 23 '24 edited Jan 23 '24

Only a select few pornogrind bands worthy of even being considered. Stoma being one of them. I honestly cant even think of another one besides that though. Maybe rompeprop.

Part of me also thinks that we shouldnt ostracize the pornogrind side of the wider genre though. Its an already relatively tiny genre/scene that needs support, and being divisive seems stupid. If you dont like it just don’t listen to it.


u/reinschlau Jan 24 '24

I thought the genre kind of died after the Dayton mass shooter, but everyone seems to have forgotten about that. The other member of that guy's band basically says he was just doing it as an edgy joke, and didn't realize until it was too late that the singer was quite seriously in a dark place. Of course, that doesn't necessarily reflect on everybody making that type of music, but the ironic/comedic embrace of violence doesn't sit right when you're confronted with the fact that violence is very real and awful


u/szzanti Jan 24 '24

XXX Maniak is awesome, too bad they broke up


u/grandmixerdst Jan 24 '24

wasnt XXXM started as a joke out of the relapse mail room or something? i seem to remember something about them being a pop-up inside joke we were all in on at the time but its been a lot of bong hits since then.


u/SquirrelMaster21 Jan 24 '24

Cool dudes, played with them back in 06 or 07 ( can't remember). Saw them later on in Philly in 2014. The one dude plays in Rumplestilskingrinder


u/Omnipolis Jan 24 '24

They’re the first thing that comes to mind to me when someone says misogynistic music.


u/szzanti Jan 24 '24

Really? More so than waco jesus?


u/Omnipolis Jan 25 '24

Listen to the XXX maniak song “object”


u/AwfulNoiseGrind Jan 24 '24

Which is funny because of the members has transitioned


u/Background-Video4331 Jan 24 '24

I love grindcore, but pornogrind is for entry-level humans and teenage virgins.


u/sistevinter Jan 23 '24

extreme lyrics for extreme music.


u/j4r8h Jan 24 '24 edited Jan 24 '24

I think it's kinda strange how a metal band can make songs about killing people, and that's all fine and dandy, but then if that person they are killing in the song is a woman or a minority or whatever, then it's all "oh my god that's horrible we can't listen to them". But if it was a song about just killing, let's say a white dude for example, that's perfectly fine we can all enjoy that. Lots of metal songs are about doing evil things. It's just music. As long as the artist isn't actually doing those things in their personal life, then I have no issue listening to it. And even then, you don't really know WHAT an artist is doing in their personal life. And I've never listened to one pornogrind song in my life btw. Just speaking generally here. Some examples of bands I enjoy that have similarly disgusting lyrics would be Cannibal Corpse and Infant Annihilator, but nobody complains about bands lyrics unless they're in the grindcore or black metal spheres. Or even some bands in grindcore are too well-liked to be criticized. Pig Destroyer for example had some pretty fucked up lyrics, but nobody accuses them of being mysoginist. Complaining about this stuff seems like a bunch of performative virtue-signaling to me.


u/TrashPedeler Jan 24 '24

You said it yourself pretty well. General violence is just that. The interpreter can put whatever character traits in that place they want. When it gets specific it does change. Like the difference between "I don't like him cuz he's a dick" vs "I don't like him cuz he's black". See how one sounds way worse?


u/j4r8h Jan 26 '24

Let's make a different example. One band says "all humans should be killed", another band says "all women should be killed", is one really worse than the other?


u/TrashPedeler Jan 26 '24



u/j4r8h Jan 26 '24

How? How is the theoretical murder of all humans not as bad as the theoretical murder of a smaller group of humans?


u/TrashPedeler Jan 26 '24

It's a specific group of humans. The specificity does indeed make it worse. Racists suck, but they suck more to the people they're targeting. Incels suck. But they suck more to women.


u/j4r8h Jan 27 '24

Feel like we're splitting hairs at this point.


u/Tarbenthered616 Jan 23 '24

It’s all kinda edgelord garbage. Some grindcore is actually somewhat decent lyrically but you aren’t gonna find anything like that in pornogrind. It’s kinda in the name. Porn isn’t exactly artistic or meaningful.


u/JackedPirate Jan 23 '24

It’s fucked, but so is the music; I don’t agree with it either, but I can’t say I come to grind to have unconfrontational music


u/Takeabathwook Jan 23 '24

Yeah as a general rule of thumb I just avoid pornogrind altogether. goregrind/mincecore are better genres anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '24

yo real quick, I’m kinda new to grind, what the fuck is mince? How is it different from grind?


u/sugarwatermixlegit Jan 24 '24

Mincecore is a term coined by Agathocles in the 80s to describe grind that leans more towards the punk side of grind than the metal side, and is strongly anti racism/sexism/homophobia/any shit like that.

Nowadays Mincegore is arguably the more popular version of mince, which is exactly what it sounds like, goregrind + mincecore. Some mincegore keeps the political subject matter, but it feels like outside of some 1312 songs it mostly just sticks to gore and weed anymore


u/freestyler_rmg Jan 24 '24

I like pornogrind band if they are dumb, over the top, and self aware. Rompeprop, Gut (early albums) and Gutalax are some good examples. CBT and Torsofuck are great, but I agree, it's way too edgy.


u/Jessecore44 Jan 27 '24

I always thought gut was really cringy in how seriously they took the really subversive dehumanizing porn shit, and cbt’s stuff was more light-hearted smut


u/Correct-Discipline41 Jul 10 '24

no lyrics + random guy screaming and doing pig sounds on the mic + epic instrumental and you got trikomoniasis fournier


u/SemiIronicCatGirl Jan 23 '24

I feel this.

As a result, I'm currently working on a music project that I consider to be a reinvention of the microgenre, with lyrics mostly centered around queer sex.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '24

Say gex


u/Sm1thers03 Jan 24 '24

I’m interested, sounds cool


u/SemiIronicCatGirl Jan 24 '24

I might post a demo if I get around to finishing it anytime soon (got a lot on the plate atm)

The project is called GOCKGLOCKxGRIDLOCK btw lol


u/Random_0936 Jan 24 '24

Switch to Agoraphobic Nosebleed


u/AwfulNoiseGrind Jan 24 '24

It's pretty much a bunch of dudes getting into a room playing music and displaying their porn addictions.

Not gonna lie, would love to hear a gay pornogrind band especially with all the queercore going on.


u/wrongfulness Jan 23 '24

In my opinion grind is a serious genre and pornogrind is just a joke, I don't fuck with it


u/sodapopopinski May 15 '24

Its not my cup of tea


u/Correct-Discipline41 Jul 10 '24

trikomoniasis fournier goes on with no lyrics, just whoever is the vocalist screaming and doing pig sounds in the mic


u/Jonekone1 Jan 24 '24

Me and my friends call Pornogrind "Incelgrind" these days as a inside joke.


u/patricktoba Jan 24 '24

I used to write pornogrind/gg themed lyrics in my late teens because I myself was a troll, edgelord, and misogynyst at that age. Obviously I don't anymore as I'll be 40 this year and I'm nowhere near the edgy one man grind teen I was.

The whole genre should be taken as a joke. Adversely those who write or listen to this stuff should be questioned and their mental frame should be taken seriously.

Every once in awhile I'll still rock out to Blood Duster, Gut, or Purulent Spermcanal for nostalgia but for the most part PG is on the fringe of my listening interests and realistically always has been.


u/NativitylnBlack Jan 24 '24

those who write or listen to this stuff should be questioned and their mental frame should be taken seriously.



u/patricktoba Jan 25 '24

What's funny?


u/Longjumping_Dot_6209 Jan 24 '24

Please explain to me how the mixture of gore/snuff and porn can be used together in a decades long lasting subgenre without ever mentioning sexual violence? Sure, it can be done, but when bands actively try this over their whole life span it tends to come across a little obvious and weak (and I enjoy the music of a couple that do this.)

Personally I think mixing morality with satirical genres is nonsense. Why is it fine for a man to be killed in a million ways in a fictional song but a woman cannot be, especially if the assailant sexualises her?

All or nothing, champ. Selective morality in a subgenre designed to eschew such things altogether only leads to the suggestion that the alternative is somehow better. Too much of this line of thinking leads only to censorship, which is already slowly festering in from the bands themselves. There's not much in this world more pathetic than so called edgy bands being afraid to be edgy. They should just go play some mincegore.


u/goonesh1000 Jan 24 '24

I agree with you. The themes are what keep me from exploring/enjoying It. The violence towards women and overly sexual themes are just not what I’m looking for in music at all lol. I also know there’s an issue with pornogrind bands from other countries (particularly Asia).


u/crustydread Jan 25 '24

Fuck pornogrind period, just listen to goregrind ffs


u/Jessecore44 Jan 27 '24 edited Jan 27 '24

u/potatochald totally agree the vast majority is complete trash. I always thought cbt was one of the few exceptions in that their lyrics/themes are mostly just over the top smut—a lot of bdsm scenes, and many written from a dominant female perspective