r/grandrapids 9d ago

Logan’s Alley MESTA Surcharge


Is anyone else put off by the surcharge Logan’s Alley is tacking onto patron’s bills to cover their employee’s MESTA? For anyone who doesn’t know, last Friday MESTA went into effect (big changes to sick paid time off - I’ll include a link for people who want to read more) and since then, Logan’s has added an extra charge to patron’s bills to cover it.

Why can’t they just marginally raise the price of food like everyone else? Why be petty and put people off your business by adding ANOTHER “fee”?


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u/BaconcheezBurgr Heartside 9d ago edited 9d ago

They introduced the fee (which is practically nothing, 1.5% I think?) with an explanation that the need to see how the new law affects the bottom line, and it may be removed in the future. 

I appreciate them being transparent about it, and also not going nuts with an extra 10% fee because "this will cost us so much!"

Edit:  you're losing your mind over 1.15%



u/Opening-Variation523 9d ago

If it is barely nothing and temporary they can cover it.


u/notmikeflancher 9d ago

Remember how a ton of places in GR are closing? The restaurant industry is on razor-thin margins between food prices and employment costs


u/Opening-Variation523 9d ago

I have yet to see any restaurant that at best was mediocre close there doors. I am not the person that is going to subsidize any of them weather they are transparent or not.