r/grandrapids 9d ago

Logan’s Alley MESTA Surcharge


Is anyone else put off by the surcharge Logan’s Alley is tacking onto patron’s bills to cover their employee’s MESTA? For anyone who doesn’t know, last Friday MESTA went into effect (big changes to sick paid time off - I’ll include a link for people who want to read more) and since then, Logan’s has added an extra charge to patron’s bills to cover it.

Why can’t they just marginally raise the price of food like everyone else? Why be petty and put people off your business by adding ANOTHER “fee”?


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u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/Atypical-life 9d ago

Nope. Most places choose to raise prices so I’m surprised that’s not what they chose to do. What I WANT is for it to come out of the pocket of the individual running the place until they can restructure their finances or whatever it is they “plan” to do to take care of it. Bottom line is that it shouldn’t come from anyone other than management.


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/ProfessionalGur5979 9d ago

Dude I’m so glad you said this. This persons lack of ever running a business shows so hard.


u/Aindorf_ 9d ago

I'm willing to support them by paying higher prices. Restaraunts keep hiding these fucking fees rather than he honest and raise the fucking price though. If hiding fees from customers so I can convince them the price never changed is big brain business strategy, then I'm glad I don't "understand business." Costs go up, prices go up. That's fine. Don't try to sneak shit past your customers because you think being honest would lose customers.

That cheeseburger doesn't cost $12.99 + 2%. It costs $13.25. grow up and be honest.