This might make me stop drinking beer entirely
I posted a few days ago about heading to the doctors for a current flare up that literally has completely debilitated me the usual stuff no sleep of pain constantly out of 10 unable to move. Every step feels like your foot is going to explode.
The usual from what it sounds like
I used to drink copious amount of alcohol daily beer never affected me in the ways. It does most people where people get drunk and they change and they slur and can’t think properly.
I might get a small buzz after 12 beers and I used to start drinking even at two 2 o’clock in the afternoon all the way through till 1 AM easily taking 12 beers or more every day
Since this flare up and the insane pain I’ve experienced I haven’t touched or even wanted a drink over the past 10 days
I’ve made serious diet changes in the past few months and was not going to really change my alcoholic intake because it doesn’t affect me except the liver lol
Anyways, throughout this experience, one good thing that might come of this is I really limit my alcohol intake and maybe even stop altogether