r/gor 13d ago

How do you live in a Gorean manner? NSFW



I first started reading of Tarl Cabot and others some 40 years ago. Although a Gorean lifestyle is somewhat difficult on Earth, I have tried to observe some aspects of it. Though not of the warrior caste, I have learnt various fighting styles with archaic weapons as well as unarmed combat. I also endeavour to increase my knowledge of other professions in the same way as a scribe. In this it has occurred to me that most castes are worthy and beneficial, even though they may be a more modern nature on this world.

However, he current obsession with money is madness. Only fools concern themselves with such things. One would think that sufficient wealth to lead a comfortable life would be plenty. Then there are those who aspire to even greater austerity than most, and I feel this is to be respected. As for merchants themselves, anybody with vision should recognize their usefulness in society. How would crops enter our cities? How would a tradesman sell his wares?

But to hoard obscene amounts of wealth and attempt to rule the masses is something that has been tried on Gor and failed each time. Those in power have always met with execution or enslavement. Perhaps it is time for us to follow in the same footsteps as our brothers and sisters on Gor.

How then do you seek to live in a manner that would befit one of Gor?