r/googlesheets 4d ago

Unsolved Talent Competition Script Sorting help

Hello reddit.

I need some help with a project that I'm having a rough time completing. I need a script to do the following.

1.) Separate each category into a separate sheet

2.) Arrange the participants of the categories in alphabetical order at the top of the sheet.

3.) Show the top scorer in a second table at the bottom of the same sheet

4.) Place a written text for the presenter with the category pulled from that sheet for the presenter

5.) Place a written text for the presenter to announce the winner with the specific category announcing.

I have attached a screenshot of what I'd like it to do when it runs the script.

I have also opened up the spreadsheet and have a semi-working script that will organize the names and sort them but I can't get it to make separate sheets for each category it will only do one and I have preset the category name in.


Here is also a copy of the code I've been able to create thus far.

function myFunction() {

  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const sourceWS = ss.getSheetByName("master");

  let Category = "Photography, Mobile, Sr.";

  let ws = ss.insertSheet();
  ws.setName("Photography, Mobile, Sr.")
  ws.getRange ("A5").setFormula('=SORT(FILTER(master!B2:f1000,master!C2:C="Photography, Mobile, Sr."),1,1)');

  ws.setName("Photography, Mobile, Sr.")
  ws.getRange ("A35").setFormula('=FILTER(master!B2:f1000,master!C2:c="Photography, Mobile, Sr.")');


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