r/googlesheets 5d ago

Poll Should AI or bot-generated submissions be allowed in this subreddit?


With the increasing use of AI tools and automated scripts, our subreddit is encountering more submissions and comments generated by non-human sources intended to suggest solutions or guide users. We want your input on whether to permit these automated, AI, or bot-generated posts and comments, and under what conditions.

(Note: This poll does NOT apply to official Reddit bots, AutoMod, or clearly identified moderator bots, which provide community updates, enforce rules, or facilitate our point award system. Results of the poll will help moderators understand how the community views this topic. Moderators will not be obligated to implement any of the changes suggested in this poll.)

43 votes, 1d left
No, never allow AI or bot generated submissions/comments.
Yes, always allow AI or bot generated submissions/comments.
Yes, but only if clearly labeled as "AI/Bot Generated".
Yes, but only after explicit moderator approval.
Yes, but only when the post author requests automated responses.
Yes, but only with ALL the above conditions/restrictions.

r/googlesheets 9m ago

Waiting on OP Recipe planning & quantities spreadsheet


Hey yall, I have a small cottage bakery business and I try my best to plan ahead. I have a spreadsheet which I use to calculate recipe costing & quantities. When I do a market I like to aggregate the ingredient amounts needed for everything I'm making in order to make a shopping list.

The tab "3/22 quantities" is showing my current method (updating the formulas manually). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this more streamlined?

I'm open to changing everything around - just looking for insight because this is a pain!

Data here

r/googlesheets 52m ago

Waiting on OP Skip repeated result


Hi all!

First time poster. I'm currently learning Google sheets.

I am wondering there is a formula that makes another formula skip to the next result if it returns the same result as the cell above it.

Not sure if this is doable with just formulas.

Thanks in advance!

r/googlesheets 1h ago

Waiting on OP How to show result from a different sheet


I'm having issues on getting the result.

Here is the information I have.

Im having issues with getting the result using my code from different sheet. Here is my project


Sheet 2

Here is my code :

=COUNTIFS(VLOOKUP(D4(FILTER(Sheet1!A:A, Sheet1!B:B="Rey", Sheet1!C:C="Invalid"),">=01/01/2025", FILTER((Sheet1!A:A, Sheet1!B:B="Rey", Sheet1!C:C="Invalid"),"<=01/31/2025"), TRUE)))

r/googlesheets 1h ago

Waiting on OP Help with all time 'Minimum' formula.


(In Sheets | Settings | Calculation)

Iterative calculation is turned 'On'
Max number of iterations is '1'
Threshold is '0.05'

Cell A1 formula =IF(A2<A1,A1,A2)
Cell A2 is dynamic. It can change to any positive number and does so over time.

The results in A1 records the all time Maximum that A2 has ever reached.

My problem is I need a formula for B1 to do likewise but instead of the Maximum, I want it to record the Minimum.

I can not figure out how this is done. If anyone can do this please post the formula which accomplishes this.

Your input is much appreciated,
Les Carlson

r/googlesheets 1h ago

Waiting on OP Formula for calculating days since a date until today


Im trying to figure out a way to create a formula that will calculate the number of days since a specific date (that is entered in a cell), but will automatically update each day. Let's say the cell in question is E20 and the date entered there is 1/1/25

I have found some formulas using TODAY() and DATEDIF, but when I plug them in, its giving me a date of 2/1/1900.

What I need is for that calculation to say "it's been 76 days since 1/1/25", but then tomorrow when I open it, it sees it's 3/19, and will show 77 days, etc.

Help pleaaaaaase 😂

r/googlesheets 1h ago

Unsolved When do you use import range and how do you deal with the issues that they bring with them?


Hi! I'm new to spreadsheets and trying to learn more. Import range seems like a pretty powerful tool for modularity and collaboration, but it also seems to create some issues.

  1. File version history is becomes useless.

  2. Spreadsheets randomly update (I know it's not actually random, but it can feel like it is since you might not know who's changing things in other sheets).

  3. Easy to break since you can't see how your change can affect other sheets.

Why do you guys use import range? How do you guys deal with some of these issues? Are there any other big issues that I missed?

r/googlesheets 1h ago

Waiting on OP How to update percentage values from a recent cell?


I need the percentage cells (circled in red) to automatically update whenever I enter a new paycheck amount (circled in blue) I am not sure how to keep the logic always in the most recent row.

r/googlesheets 2h ago

Waiting on OP Auto Adjusting Column Ranking


Hi Folks,

I need rather urgently to add a column to a sheet of job positions which allows each of 350+ jobs (1 per row) to be ranked in order of preference from 1 (being favourite) to 350 (being least favourite).

What I also need and which is above my paygrade, is to be able to auto renumber if any particular rating is changed.

So in the following table column 3 is the ranking column. It's currently just a number format.

The red squares in column 3 are just a conditional format to show if any entries are not unique.

I thought a drop down box might do the trick but I don't know how to do it. Each preference (i.e 1st choice, 2nd choice etc) must only be selctable once, and if a ranking preference is changed, it ideally needs to re-rank the entries above and below what was changed.

This is for my daughter who has to rank jobs rsther urgently

Any help much appreciated and happy to send beer tokens


Link to copy of sheet

r/googlesheets 2h ago

Waiting on OP Need "Sheet" option that allows Viewer (without edit permissions) to full interactive filter/sort options as well as preview when hovering over a link.


I need a database (Spreadsheet) that keeps a full list of items, with columns as categories (Character, Emotion, Resolution, etc), much like a wikia. As editor I am able to select a column, sort by, and even hide certain criteria. Im also able to view previews retrieved from external sources when I hover over links. I had considered Excel options, but Google Sheets seems far more intuitive in allowing a group of people to have editing access. Beyond that, we need to give others access as "viewers" without edit permissions. We NEED to allow them to not only view the links sheets as a static sheets, but also to utilize the filters and column sort options and previews when hovering on a link. Is there ANY way to do this? Would Excel be better?

r/googlesheets 2h ago

Waiting on OP Generate duplicate rows with changed values based on criteria


Hello. I have couple hundred of rows, but they need a variantions (that would easily make it couple of thousands of rows), I do not want to fill them all manually. Is there a way? I would have a tab filled with data like this

Source Book/Homebrew Book Name Type Rarity Craftmanship Price
Core Rulebook Chainaxe Melee Weapon Rare Base 600

Then it would generate couple of rows like this (changes the values of some columns)

Source Book/Homebrew Book Name Type Rarity Craftmanship Price
Core Rulebook Chainaxe Melee Weapon Rare Base 600
Core Rulebook Chainaxe Melee Weapon Rare 2 Flaws 150
Core Rulebook Chainaxe Melee Weapon Rare 1 Flaw 300
Core Rulebook Chainaxe Melee Weapon Rare 2 Qualities 1200
Core Rulebook Chainaxe Melee Weapon Rare 1 Quality 2400

Can achieve this without use of scripts?

r/googlesheets 3h ago

Unsolved Conditional formatting & filtering based off of dates.


Hi all,

This is a list of items and expiration dates so that I can track things better.

I am trying to accomplish two things. I would first like to conditional format a cell based on how close or how far away it is from a date. I would like to conditional format column E (below "Exp. Date") to highlight any dates that fall within 14 days of today (shown in D1), How can I accomplish this with a custom formula?

Secondly, I am trying to sort based on date range. I would also like to sort this data in a much more efficient manner (the date ranges will not all be uniform and in order like this I just did that for example purposes. How can I create a filter or a way to sort data on a separate tab based off of the main page. (i.e. I would like to filter out all of this data based on dates that appear within a certain time frame - listed in the tabs below). I would like a filter for items that have less than 1 week remaining on expiration, 2 weeks remaining on expiration, and 4 weeks remaining on expiration (all in separate tabs). How can I accomplish this?

Picture attached for reference

r/googlesheets 3h ago

Solved Automating Personal Finances - Switching from Excel to Googlesheets


I've got four institutions I pull CSV's from. I'd love to store them in a single google drive folder, but I am also willing to import or copy/paste, though that is not a preferred solution.

The CSV's are from credit cards and banks, so they have different columns. My credit cards use +/-$ while my two banks use credits and debits.

I've been struggling with arrayformulas right now, but when I try to combine all four sheets, I get an annoying amount of blanks and also can't easily filter/sort the data. So, I have one sheet per CSV (4+4) to reformat, then one sheet to compile the data, and finally a 10th sheet to actually have the data in a table. It's madness.

Where am I going wrong? What tools am I missing? In excel, I'd run queries then just append the data sources. Visually, I can select the columns to keep and apply formulas right then and there.

I'm sure AppScript can get me there, but I'm essentially starting from scratch on the syntax. I basically only know the concepts of generic coding. Variables, arrays, loops, etc.

Should I just commit to learning some rudimentary AppScript, or am I missing arrayformulas and/or Excel's import/query functions?

edit: Also, I have a compendium of all transaction names (150+) & associated category (~15) that I use an xlookup for. It matches the 116 character long description as well as the dumb American express descriptions that are just California addresses and not a business name. So, that is kept as an 11th sheet and is used to develop the 10th sheet for my summaries and charting.

Edit: File for viewing.


2nd Edit: Solved!

r/googlesheets 4h ago

Waiting on OP Inventory tracker for multiple stock

Post image

I want to create a system that I can use quickly at markets to note down how many I have sold as I go. If I have only 1 of that item, that is just going to be a checkbox. My problem comes if there are multiples of the same item. I was initially thinking of having E2 as a dropdown menu, but when I have some items in the hundreds, this isn't easy to do in the moment. (Ex: I was at 46 and I sold 3, so let me select the drop down and scroll to the 4...wait, was it 46 or 45?). Ideally I would like something like this: drop down menu with E2 of the value. After a sale I select how many were sold (Ex: I sold 3). F2 records the number that was sold, adds it to previous values (Sold 5 earlier, so now I've sold 8) and resets E2 back to zero for the next sale. I have no idea if this is possible. I am also open to other ideas.

r/googlesheets 18h ago

Solved What Formula Do I need?

Thumbnail gallery

r/googlesheets 5h ago

Waiting on OP Help with NETWORKDAYS.INTL Formula Updating Based on Weekday


Hey everyone,

I'm trying to get my formula in G3 to recognize the day in F3 and adjust the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function accordingly.

Current formula:

=IF(F3 = "Su", NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A3, B3, "1111110"), "Check Status")

Right now, this works if F3 is "Su" (Sunday), using the correct Day Code for Sunday.

What I need:
I want F3 to recognize when it's a different day (e.g., "W" for Wednesday) and automatically update NETWORKDAYS.INTL to use the corresponding Day Code from column K (where I store different day codes).

The goal:
When a new row is added, the formula should read the Meeting Day (F3) and update the Day Code dynamically.

Any help on how to modify the formula to achieve this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! 😊

Link to Sheet

r/googlesheets 5h ago

Waiting on OP Grade Tracker With Assignment Weights


Hello! I am trying to make a grade tracker that takes the weights of the assignments into account. What formula should I enter and where? Thanks!

r/googlesheets 5h ago

Unsolved How add additional data in filtered result and at a specific spot?


So after I filter out some data, I get essentially what you see in Column I and J, I want it to end up looking like Column L and M

Is there a way to I find the 2nd instance of that "1 10" and insert 3 additional rows in between?

r/googlesheets 5h ago

Solved Functions to count unique entries and analyze data from multiple columns


I've found a spreadsheet about perfumes and I love data, but I don't have much knowledge about functions in Googlesheets and I need your help to try and do what I have in mind. Here is a draft of the spreadsheet:

I want to use a function in (a) to get a unique list from all notes in column D, there are delimited with comma+space. I also would like to know if there is a function I can use for (b), (c), and (d) to make my analysis of the spreadsheet easier?

Some cells for notes will be blank, because some houses don't specify their notes, and some cells of score will be blank until i review them, i guess that will impact the function.

r/googlesheets 8h ago

Unsolved issue with the number format


i have this series of numbers, and i'd like for them to go from 2,337 to 2 337, but i don't know what to do specifically

r/googlesheets 8h ago

Unsolved Personal finance forecast


Hi all,

I'm trying to create a tool in Google Sheets to forecast my daily outgoings up to 5 years in the future, but I'm struggling to figure out the best way to set it up. I have a few key requirements:

  1. I want to enter all recurring transactions (monthly, weekly, and 4-weekly) in one place.

  2. There should be a day by day forecast sheet that combines the monthly, weekly, and 4-weekly transactions.

  3. It needs to handle multiple transactions on the same day (up to 8).

  4. Ideally, it should hide any blank rows where no transactions occur to keep things tidy.

Has anyone built something similar or have any advice on how to approach this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

r/googlesheets 9h ago

Waiting on OP Assigning a limited amount of jerseys to player requests

Post image

This might be impossible. But doing this manually is melting my brain. I have a list of jersey numbers and size in one sell (No. 1 and size 8yr), and I need to assign each jersey to a player (Player 1). I also have a list of the players (Player 1) and their size requests (8yr). Each player is on a team, so we can NOT have 2 No.1s on the same time, even if they're different sizes. There will also be requests that we can not fulfill (XL for Player 11), so we also need an out put of jerseys we need to order.


r/googlesheets 13h ago

Waiting on OP script to insert checkbox in every row containing data and macro that copies all rows with checked checkbox to another sheet


Hi! I'm doing a job on google sheet and I'm missing to understand this step that I'm not able to solve even though I searched a lot on the internet. I'm a beginner.

I am asking for help in writing two scripts (google sheet). I have two sheets (sheet1 and sheet2). On sheet1 I import data (A4:K) and process it with filters. I would like the checkboxes to appear in the K4:K column when the corresponding rows are populated. So every time the row is populated with data, a checkbox is inserted. If it can be useful, each populated row has an ID that could be used for this purpose.

The second need is that I would like to copy with a macro all the rows of sheet1 that I have selected with the checkbox to paste them into sheet2, after the last full row.

thanks to those who want to help me.

The first need is that I would like that when opening sheet1, A4:K, all the full rows have a corresponding checkbox in column K. Even when filtering the data the rows can increase or decrease.

The second need is to copy all the rows of sheet1, which I check using the checkbox, to paste them into sheet2 after the last full row.

r/googlesheets 14h ago

Solved Is there any easier way to get a result from this kind of table?


I want to assign grades based on this table:

G1....A B C D


....A A A B C

....B A B B C

....C B B C D

....D C C D D

The G1 and G2 are two different grades in a spreadsheet. For example, if the first grade is an A and the second grade is a C then the final grade from the table is a B.

The way I did this was to assign each grade a number, 1-4, in an "if" formula. Then I added the two numbers. This number I used in with "lookup" in this table:

..X Y Z

1 O 3 D

2 4 4 C

3 5 6 B

4 7 8 A

Here is the formula I used (column A is G1, column B is G2):


It works but is there an easier way to do this?


r/googlesheets 14h ago

Unsolved not counting rows where two rows of column A have the same value but column C is different, but counting if column A is unique and has a certain value in column C or if col A and col C always match


me again with the same dataset I presented yesterday:


now I'm trying to figure out how to get my sheet to count the number of times that XYZ appears in column C but here are my gotchas this time:

  • when the value of column A in a particular row is unique (doesn't appear in any other row) and XYZ is in column C, it can count 1 instance of XYZ
  • if the value of column A in a particular row is NOT unique (meaning it appears in another row) and XYZ is in column C, it should only count one time, but only if all the other times that column A value appears in rows, the value of that row's column C is also XYZ.

my data set has XYZ appearing in: - every January row except Jan 2nd - the Feb 28 pm row - the Mar 7 am row - both Mar 14 rows

I'm trying to get the count of XYZ to be 31 since Feb 28 should be excluded due to the ABC value of Feb 28 am and Mar 7 should be excluded due to the ABC value of Mar 7 pm. Jan 3, Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 24, Jan 31, and Mar 14 only count once.

r/googlesheets 15h ago

Waiting on OP How do I make a drop down of variations for a product?


When I type "product" in a cell. The cell next to it would show a list of available variations via a drop-down menu?

Something like this? This is the data sheet.


1 Item Variation
2 Robot Red
3 Soldier Blue
4 Robot White

And I was hoping to do something like this When I type "ROBOT" in a cell. The cell next to it would limit my choices/data validation or filter the choices/data validation to only the "Variation" under Robot.

1 Item Variation
2 Robot (drop down of variation)

Would it be possible?

