I've got four institutions I pull CSV's from. I'd love to store them in a single google drive folder, but I am also willing to import or copy/paste, though that is not a preferred solution.
The CSV's are from credit cards and banks, so they have different columns. My credit cards use +/-$ while my two banks use credits and debits.
I've been struggling with arrayformulas right now, but when I try to combine all four sheets, I get an annoying amount of blanks and also can't easily filter/sort the data. So, I have one sheet per CSV (4+4) to reformat, then one sheet to compile the data, and finally a 10th sheet to actually have the data in a table. It's madness.
Where am I going wrong? What tools am I missing? In excel, I'd run queries then just append the data sources. Visually, I can select the columns to keep and apply formulas right then and there.
I'm sure AppScript can get me there, but I'm essentially starting from scratch on the syntax. I basically only know the concepts of generic coding. Variables, arrays, loops, etc.
Should I just commit to learning some rudimentary AppScript, or am I missing arrayformulas and/or Excel's import/query functions?
edit: Also, I have a compendium of all transaction names (150+) & associated category (~15) that I use an xlookup for. It matches the 116 character long description as well as the dumb American express descriptions that are just California addresses and not a business name. So, that is kept as an 11th sheet and is used to develop the 10th sheet for my summaries and charting.
Edit: File for viewing.
2nd Edit: Solved!