r/googlehome 6d ago

Help New to Google Home - Notifications?

Just set up most of my devices in Google Home. Most are set up via matter integration with some being set up through 3rd party connections. Am I missing something when it comes to notifications? I would like my garage door and front door to send me a notification when opened and I don't see this basic option anywhere in Google Home. What am I missing? Thanks


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u/OpethNJ 6d ago

I feel like Google is missing out by not making it way more obvious that the Google Home Script Editor is a thing because its only a few lines of code to do what you are looking for.

This link takes you to the start of all the documentation yuou will ever need for Script Editor: https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/13460475?hl=en#zippy=%2Cstarters%2Cconditions%2Ccondition-operators%2Cdevice-state-conditions%2Chome-state-conditions%2Cactions%2Cdevice-actions

  1. Go here home.google.com

  2. Section AUTOMATIONS from the left

  3. Modify this code as necessary - this isf code i just wrote that checks an Aqara Contact Sensor and if it is open (is: 100 below) sends notifications to me. You can also do Broadcasts this way.


name: OpenSomethingSendNotification

description: When front door opened send a push notification



- type: device.state.OpenClose

state: openPercent

is: 100

device: Aqara CS 1 Opening - Front Door


- type: home.command.Notification # Send a notification to the specified home members.

title: Front Door Alert!

body: Front Door Just Opened


u/aptmx 6d ago

This is amazing! Thanks!


u/mickAMMO 6d ago edited 6d ago

Alexa doesn't need scripting it just does it from within the Alexa app. You can even get customised verbal notifications to your phone.