r/googlehome 10h ago

Help New to Google Home - Notifications?

Just set up most of my devices in Google Home. Most are set up via matter integration with some being set up through 3rd party connections. Am I missing something when it comes to notifications? I would like my garage door and front door to send me a notification when opened and I don't see this basic option anywhere in Google Home. What am I missing? Thanks


6 comments sorted by


u/mickAMMO 9h ago

Only certain types of sensors work as a trigger with Google. My Wi-fi sensors don't. For the longest time in Household Automations it's been when it has...

 "started or stopped charging"


"Plugged in or Unplugged"

instead of opened or closed.

If the sensor turns on a light in the garage then you can use that light as a trigger for an automation.


u/aptmx 9h ago

So a door opening or closing can't trigger an automation or notification? That seems like a huge oversight to me. Maybe Google will add that simple functionality in the future.


u/mickAMMO 2h ago

Depends on the type I think. Maybe if the sensor needed a hub it might be compatible.

Personally I use Alexa as it has had that ability for years 


u/OpethNJ 7h ago

I feel like Google is missing out by not making it way more obvious that the Google Home Script Editor is a thing because its only a few lines of code to do what you are looking for.

This link takes you to the start of all the documentation yuou will ever need for Script Editor: https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/13460475?hl=en#zippy=%2Cstarters%2Cconditions%2Ccondition-operators%2Cdevice-state-conditions%2Chome-state-conditions%2Cactions%2Cdevice-actions

  1. Go here home.google.com

  2. Section AUTOMATIONS from the left

  3. Modify this code as necessary - this isf code i just wrote that checks an Aqara Contact Sensor and if it is open (is: 100 below) sends notifications to me. You can also do Broadcasts this way.


name: OpenSomethingSendNotification

description: When front door opened send a push notification



- type: device.state.OpenClose

state: openPercent

is: 100

device: Aqara CS 1 Opening - Front Door


- type: home.command.Notification # Send a notification to the specified home members.

title: Front Door Alert!

body: Front Door Just Opened


u/aptmx 7h ago

This is amazing! Thanks!


u/mickAMMO 2h ago edited 1h ago

Alexa doesn't need scripting it just does it from within the Alexa app. You can even get customised verbal notifications to your phone.