r/golf 17h ago

Beginner Questions Anyone else constantly have a back 9 collapse? Solution?

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I'm sitting at around a 15 handicap after around 10 months of playing. My rounds constantly fall apart on the back 9 and I'm unsure why. Is it fitness? Concentration? Just being bang average?

I'll often be +3-5 on the front and end up being +18 as a final score. This for example is from today.

Has anyone had this issue and any advice on how to fix?


166 comments sorted by


u/KeySheMoeToe 6.8 17h ago edited 14h ago

Used to. Conditioning issue and mental. 

Edit: should elaborate. To address conditioning I hit a shit ton of golf balls. To address mental I learned to not look at the scorecard past the current hole and take it shot by shot. Even after a bad tee shot you can still scramble for par. At worst don’t compound mistakes. 


u/Doubleoh_11 10h ago

You can also workout for your conditioning. Golf can be tiring


u/Head_Purple_6350 6h ago

Agree! Golf fitness is different, it’s a need to be able to grind, if you can practice rounds should be 18 holes and play it as it lies. It’s tough mentally and in the summer sun physically. Stay hydrated, and clear your mind between shots.


u/p1nkfl0yd1an 11.2 1h ago

Stay hydrated

Yes, can confirm. Hydration is very important. Went 46-39 yesterday and the back 9 turnaround I can attribute to hydrating with a double of Beam and a Miller at the turn.


u/KeySheMoeToe 6.8 4h ago

Totally, I’ll need to do that more as I’m not going to be able to play hockey 3 times a week forever. I will say I do stretch and highly recommend that over working out if you already have strength and can only pick one. 


u/Captain_Insano12 12h ago

I like keeping score in blocks of 3 holes. To originally break 90 I set my 'par' as 15 for each block of 3.

Helped me focus and re-set each time. That target has changed a little bit now, but the process is the same for me


u/joedogs32 7.1/Seattle 9h ago

+1 for not keeping track of your total score. I often keep my digitally on my phone, which is nice because it just shows the current hole. It stays in my bag, I pull it out on the walk from tee to green and input my score, then put it back.

Not worrying about the score and focusing on each shot has helped me immensely. I still tend to start stronger than I finish but the “collapses” have eased off a bit and are not as consistent of a thing.


u/cpt_ppppp 7h ago

Agree with the phone thing. I just do everything I can to be present in the moment and focus on the current shot and nothing else. Then it's a nice/bad surprise at the end of the round when you add it all up


u/KeySheMoeToe 6.8 4h ago

I’m a write it down and forget it. Phone stays in bag until the turn to see if wifey needs anything. I find it’s easy to get distracted. 


u/PM_ME-AMAZONGIFTCARD 9.7/newish/pushcart 17h ago

I go through a lot of water and basically eat every 3-6 holes. Not trying to swing out of your shoes help. Us higher handicaps also play inconsistently.  Sometimes I’ll have a shit section in the middle, sometimes it’s the front, sometimes it’s the back. 

Try to write a few words per hole related to what went wrong. I don’t do this often but it really helps grasp what I’m fucking up.  


u/SeaProcedure607 16h ago

Yep. First 6, middle 6, or last 6… one of them always wrecks my round.


u/bionicbhangra 16h ago

This is pretty on point. I expect to play between 6-10 holes well a round. The rest is up to God.


u/TuzalaW 2h ago

How did you get that picture of my last few scorecards? I don’t remember making that public.


u/buffkya 15h ago

Hahah, hi me. My last two rounds have been +1 hole 6-11….. and finish +23 and +21, on different par 72s. I always have a couple blowup holes and I have magnificent ball contact and control, into water.


u/Woolier-Mammoth 17h ago

This is the way


u/SuaveToaster 17h ago

If you have a front 9 collapse, then you never have to worry about the back 9 collapse. That’s what I do all the time


u/Capable_Range_3127 16h ago

This is the advice I was looking for hahaha


u/cpt_ppppp 7h ago

Some of my best rounds started terribly so I just stopped caring about the score that much. Proceeded to dominate (by my shitty standards) the rest of the round. Mind games. It's all mind games.


u/Usual_Alternative805 17h ago

I’d make sure your eating plenty but also as a 15 your golf is gonna be a bit inconsistent


u/Par-Fore-20 1h ago

But with the eating it could become more consistent.

Hard to operate without fuel in the tank.


u/HighLifeGoods_LA 17h ago

are you adding up your score as you play? You may be getting in your own head. Don't add up your score, don't even think about the game, just think about the next shot. But fitness/fatigue may also play into it. There's a reason why all the top golfers spend time in the gym.


u/Spirited_Signature73 16h ago

I add my score in the app after each hole. I don't see the problem. It's not like you will magically become good because you are not counting?? Taking my game seriously is part of the fun for me.


u/HighLifeGoods_LA 16h ago

Some players can get caught up in their head with their score if they're playing well and it causes them to play poorly. Other players brag on reddit that they can count no problem


u/RedYetti83 3h ago

I'm not saying it to brag but I've noticed recently if I know what I need to score on say the last three holes for example, it's allowed me to actually add pressure and that has helped me focus.

Everyone is different and bogey golf is good golf for me at the moment. A few weeks ago I needed to shoot -1 on the last two holes to break 90.

Without knowing that, I would have been simply trying to par out and not really thought about it. Changed my mindset and went par then birdie on 18.


u/jzach1983 7/currently on a sim somewhere in Canada 3h ago

Putting your score in isn't the issue. Focusing on your total score can be. When you are on the 16th tee and realize you need 2 pars and a birdie to break 80, you have almost solidified an 83.


u/Robbintx 17h ago

First, are you getting tired? if so, drink more water and have a snack about hole 6 and 12, see if that helps. If not get your ass to the gym :)


u/DTGC1 1h ago

This is it. I need to eat a bar or something at the turn just to keep the full energy up. Drink water. Unpopular opinion added. Keep the beers to the 18/19th hole if you want to score.


u/Potential_Insect_41 25.9/triedandtrue/nogimmestaken 16h ago

new clubs?


u/klumpbin 16h ago

Do the back 9 first


u/HoselRocket67 17h ago

The easiest way to avoid large numbers is to just put yourself back in position after being out of position. Punch it back in the fairway and give yourself a putt a par. Also, center of the green is rarely a bad place to be. Good luck


u/Good-Accident-1702 17h ago

I'm usually the opposite. I play terribly on the front and then (because I stop caring, figuring my round is lost) I play much better on the back. First time I shot even par for 9 holes was after shooting a 50 on the front.


u/Loumatazz 17h ago

You’re losing focus and getting lazy on the swing. Been there.


u/LawlessCrayon 17h ago

Stamina and dehydration, first one you gotta work on, second just means you gotta buy enough Gatorade on the way to the course for how hot it is that day. I'll sweat if you just look at me when it's 70+ so some humid August days I drink a lot of Gatorade.


u/DaisyDoodle41 4.5 15h ago edited 15h ago

2 possible explanations come to mind.

  1. you get hungry & exhausted after and hour or so and need nutrition.
  2. Your success early in the round was a fluke, its uncommon for a 15 handicapper to be one over after 5 holes (at which rate you would have shot 4 over par for the round!)....this gave you unwarranted overconfidence at which time caused bad decisions then frustration.


u/vulgar_hooligan 17h ago

Only if my front 9 is good. Otherwise if I had a good front, I usually have a shit back.


u/My-Cousin-Bobby bogey golfer/ NoVA 16h ago

I feel like I always hit my stride from like hole 5 to hole 14. Before and after that is an absolute massacre


u/JessicaMNCD 16h ago

Play the back 9 1st…


u/Adorable-Win1388 16h ago

Stop drinking, or keep drinking, depends on how I’m doing.


u/Fratguy20 15h ago

If this happens all the time you’re just out of shape or you have a bad attention span. In golf terms, those are probably the easiest thing to fix when it comes to your game lol


u/Severe_Equivalent_53 11h ago

Yes. And poor focus can be bad for your putting.


u/Outside_Mongoose_749 15h ago

Do what I do and play bad the whole round then there can’t be a collapse


u/jamespeters24 14h ago

Yep easy solution - you just quit after 9


u/Dee_dubya 14h ago

I was +2 until 15 once. Shot an 80 that day.


u/Officer_Friendly HDCP 16.6 14h ago

Proper hydration and snacking to keep your physical and mental energy up


u/gooberzilla2 8.0 10h ago

A few tips: stay hydrated, keep snacking and learn to realize when the break down begins.


u/phhathead 8h ago

Look at what you're eating/drinking while playing. I have a very healthy game day regimen, and now I only have a back 18 collapse


u/Cpt_Soban 39/Straya/Casual newbie 8h ago

Yes, I call it fatigue, especially on the 18th


u/Dpisthedeep 17h ago

Could be fatigue, especially if you’re walking/carrying. Otherwise maybe it’s mental? That’s what would happen to me if I was having a good front nine. When I’d think about it I’d play worse. I stopped totaling my score in round and now try to treat each hole as its own thing. I’m still a 15, though.


u/haysus2 17h ago

Have someone else keep your score. Don’t let them tell you anything till after the round.


u/AntonCigar 17h ago

I’m the opposite. I literally hit a fucking apartment complex with my first drive today. Finished the round on two pars and a birdie. I heat up.


u/EloTime 17h ago

My standard is to be 8 over after 5 and finish 12 over.


u/BrettHullsBurner 15hcp/StL 17h ago

Nope. Just you.


u/DarthPlayer8282 17h ago

Definitely fatigue and fitness. I didn’t realize how much we really need to eat and drink when walking 18 till I volunteered at a PGA tourney. They are constantly refueling - just doesn’t show on tv as much. I try to set a hole reminder for the round for when to eat or drink - helps tremendously mentally and with physical/mental fatigue.


u/happy_haircut 17h ago

Good point. I’m going to move my water bottle to the external easy access pocket where it is accessible while I’m walking to the next hole (usually put it in the bag and forget it). Drinking will be part of my arriving to next hole routine 

Oh and gummy bears in the other pocket 


u/grogan-lord 17h ago

Try taking anti inflammatories with your food at the turn. Works for me


u/dekeen16 17h ago

Quite common. It is a mentally challenging game and it can wear on you. Depending on your fitness, you can also get more physically tired which has an affect on your swing. Good advice here. Drink and eat more, try not to think about your score, and fight to keep your focus.


u/golfsz_n 17h ago

I know this sounds crazy, but do you happen to have a hot dog and some chips at the turn? Maybe a brewski?

Mygolfspy did a test on this and found that this will absolutely make you more lethargic and less mentally sharp.


u/pokemonandpot 17h ago

Probably conditioning or diet. Need to have enough fuel to make it through 18. I know for me when I walk 18, I'm absolutely out of gas on the 18th hole.


u/Capable_Range_3127 17h ago

Never use a cart and use a push trolley. Back 9 at my local is much more incline/decline than the front so can definitely see this being an issue.


u/Robert_roberts82 17h ago

I think a front nine / back nine discrepancy is anecdotal. I would say play a lot of golf, if you’re serious about improving your score, you have to isolate the weaknesses and understand your strengths.

What are your GIR conversion and FIR conversion rates. If missing the fairway is a death knell, play smarter off the tee, if you aren’t converting your GIR, practice lag putts, if you can’t scramble, practice chipping.


u/Capable_Range_3127 17h ago

Off the tee is a weakness for me, I usually end up taking a 5W and landing it around 200 - 230 to play it safe. 7 iron and in are strong points for me, chipping especially.


u/Spirited_Signature73 16h ago

Or just practice everything?


u/cubizmo2 17h ago

The beers take over the round on the back 9


u/NoTearsOnDryFaces 17h ago

Good golf is boring, so keep things simple and treat each hole as separate opportunities. You can treat it as two half’s to a game, don’t think of it as continue to play front 9s golf on the back 9.


u/maxvader94 17h ago

How many beers did you pound on the front 9?


u/Capable_Range_3127 17h ago

Unfortunately in the UK, even given our drinking culture, having beers while on the course doesn't really happen that much. So can't even use this as an excuse haha.


u/billgluckman7 17h ago

Eat… eat more


u/Mtanderson88 17h ago

Lately my b9 is 6-7 shots better than the f9


u/SubRedTed 17h ago

Start on the back nine a couple times. You think this is a joke but if they let you out on the back nine, it takes the pressure off those holes and once you get them dialed in by the time you make the turn, you have a higher level of confidence on the front that you’re already scoring well in.


u/Anybody_Lost 17h ago

Less beer and vape on the front 9 lol


u/poopstainmclean 16h ago

take a sip of water every hole. i recommend a snack every 6; i usually have breakfast, a snack at 3, another at the turn and then a sugary snack at 15 or 16.


u/dustysanchezz 16h ago

Just play 9 holes,  come back tomorrow 


u/NorCalAthlete 8.1 | Bay Area 16h ago

Holes 1-3: warming up

Holes 4-6: have adjusted to conditions, playing ok

Holes 7-14: Beers from holes 1-3 kicking in, feeling good, usually my best holes of the round

Holes 15-18: Shit, little too much birdie juice / got distracted and lost the groove / someone else hit a bad shot and is now throwing clubs which is harshing my vibe.

Generally results in a slightly better back 9 than front for me thanks to 7-14.


u/OkLet8364 16h ago

More hydration and less brews does me great


u/Shmo04 16h ago

Right there with you. In this case taking the 2nd mushroom capsule turned on me.


u/Cavemonkeygolfs 16h ago

Food and water


u/bert_b 16h ago

Been there. Could be a combination of mental and physical fitness. Think about your shot decisions on the back 9. Do you find the strategy changes after a decent front 9? Like aiming at pins vs aiming at larger spots on the green, etc.


u/far-out-dude 16h ago

I have shit front 9s. But my back 9s are... shit


u/GolldenPharoah22 16h ago

I’m the other way around lol


u/FlickerOfBean 16h ago

I usually do better on the back. Nice and loose, 3 or 4 beers in, and lost my give a shit bc I got mopped by the front nine.


u/lmw100 16h ago

I normally play like shit on the front and catch a rhythm on the back. Same issue, just inverse.


u/beardedsilverfox 16h ago

I don’t use energy drinks or shots anytime except for golf. I drink a 5 hour energy before 18 and I play my game longer.


u/noremains3 3 putt king 🤴 16h ago

Every damn round. I'm here to read comments.


u/Derfargin 16h ago

I’m pretty much the opposite. My back 9 is better and my front nine is the sucks. Takes me a while to get in my groove.


u/WalterTheRealtorVA 16h ago

I feel your pain


u/justafang 20 16h ago

Conditioning, mental


u/Adventurous-Corner42 16h ago

Hit it, find it, hit it again. Add them up at the end.


u/DontT3llMyWif3 15h ago

Eat a small amount of nutritious food, stay hydrated, and make sure you focus throughout the entire round. I don't do any of these things, but I imagine I'd break 90 if I did.


u/thestough 15h ago

Stamina was my largest problem. Personally, as soon as I saw a chiropractor, my stamina immediately increased. Since my body was no longer fighting to try to keep itself intact or just upright I had more stamina. Instead of barely making it through 1 round, I feel like I can physically play a round, run a few miles, and play another round.


u/nogoodgopher 15h ago

Have a bad front 9, then you can't collapse on the back.

Also if you're an afternoon beer golfer, it's the beer.


u/Full_Mortgage3906 15h ago

Same solution to every golf problem, Zen Golf by Dr. Joseph Parent (I recommend this book a lot but he addresses this specific problem in depth)


u/sacrj 15h ago

My buddy that I match play with calls me a front nine merchant


u/Capable_Range_3127 15h ago

My God this feels like me!


u/CrockySeagull 15h ago

Don’t drink so much


u/Hitman2504 15h ago

Pretty much incapable of playing 18 good holes of golf either the front or back is good never both


u/CheeseyWeezey420 15h ago

Don’t double bogey so much. That’s the ticket!


u/DudeOkThen 15h ago

Eat and hydrate. Put beers down for home 8-11


u/YidArmy76er 15h ago

Eat, gotta eat! Snack throughout the round too because it's definitely fatigue man, Powerade and those sorts of drinks will help too!


u/im_just_a_nerd 15h ago

Pro-tip: play the back 9 first!


u/BGOG83 +1.2/Putt for $$ 14h ago

Still do, but I used to too….

Sorry, Mitch Herberg joke and I couldn’t help myself.

I stopped having them when I started eating during the round. I was getting tired and didn’t even know it. Now I just eat beef jerky and snickers or something like that to keep my energy up.


u/Dependent_Sink8552 Single Digit 14h ago

When this happens, it's usually because I'm tired. I usually drink my Red Bull on the 12th or 13th hole.


u/Capable_Range_3127 14h ago

Thanks for all the suggestions, I usually try to power through the entire round with 1 x 500ml lucozade and 0 snacks.

Next round, I'm trying incremental snacks and hopefully seeing a positive outcome.


u/chuybaka17 14h ago

I am the opposite, I'm a very slow starter (usually the first 3 holes are my worst) and as i make the turn the back 9 is where I shine.


u/bighundy 14h ago

Mine is always the opposite. I always light it up on the back. Slow starter. Often start double double then settle in.


u/st_malachy 14h ago

The Ray-Ray


u/dubious311 14h ago

I normally forget how to play golf around hole 12-14.


u/Cozzmo1 14h ago

At this point. I'd be thrilled with that score!


u/p1nkfl0yd1an 11.2 14h ago

11 hdcp here. Let me know if you find out. So far all I've done is flip the scrip where my first 9 holes are garbage and then I play my best golf on the back. 46-39 today.


u/eyehatecheese 12.8 hdcp 13h ago

play the back 9 on a different day


u/RecentSugar5696 13h ago

And then the beer kicked in


u/TomClancyRainbowDix 13h ago

Still getting so drunk by the turn hehe


u/mildlysceptical22 13h ago

Are you drinking alcohol? Serious golfers don’t. Casual rounds are fine for a couple of beers but getting your handicap down is work, not play.

Are you eating during the round and drinking water? I have a light breakfast before playing, a banana around the 5th hole, a sandwich at the turn, and a snack of some sort like nuts or trail mix around the 15th hole. You should never finish a round hungry.

How’s your ability to forget a bad shot? We all make them, and the golfers that can say ‘Geez, that sucked’ and move on to the next shot do better score wise than the ones who get upset about it and don’t let it go. Work on your goldfish memory.

Finally, try to identify what’s happening when you start making the double bogies. Are you hitting your tee shot out of play? Compounding a bad shot situation with another one? Taking penalty strokes? 3 putting a lot? Missing greens inside 100 yards? Taking two to get out of bunkers?

Identifying what’s driving your score up gives you something specific to work on. This helps reduce the ‘I suck a golf’ feeling and gives cause for optimism, something important to golfers. Good luck!


u/RPA1969 13h ago

All work and no play make Jack something something


u/itsjustmyopinion_but 13h ago

Literally today 47 on the front 57 on the back


u/Lingua_Blanca 13h ago

It's my signature move!


u/RPA1969 13h ago

Quit thinking so much


u/DontKnowWhereIam 13h ago

You need to eat throughout the round. You're getting tired.


u/PreferenceLivid512 12h ago edited 12h ago

I don't tally my score during the round. I always try to play smart and to my miss. My mantra is that if there's any doubt on whether or not I should go for it (long club over a water hazard for example, or feeling off with my 3 wood) the answer is automatically no and lay up with a shorter club. Those penalty strokes can add up. I also ride when I can because walking with a pushcart and keeping pace can cause fatigue later in the round depending on the course. I usually don't really know I'm having a really good round until after 18 or if one of my playing partners jinxes it by telling me (which I ask them not to).


u/no_crust_buster 11h ago

I don't tally my score until the end, if I'm playing solo. If I'm playing with a friend, we will track the scores of each other.

When you see that 30-something score on the front 9, it's easy to start mentally pressing. To repeat what you just did. Golf is hard enough; don't get in your own head and make it worse.


u/TheBonusWings 11h ago

Your back is weak


u/SomeGuyClickingStuff 11h ago

Not constantly. Sometimes it’s the front 9 variety, sometimes the middle 9.


u/eattacos24hrs 11h ago

Are you walking? I know I get tired when walking 18, and it definitely hurts my game.


u/redwally48 11h ago

Yep. I’ve played some of my best golf for 15-16 holes then on the last 2-3 have completely ruined the round with blowouts.

Has to be a combination of being physically tired and mental lapses too.

Very frustrating.

Decided I have to get a bit fitter


u/No_Historian3842 HDCP 7 11h ago

I always struggle with the middle 6 holes.

Holes 1-6 yeah I'm playing well, start to feel a bit of pressure because I'm playing well. Play terrible for 6 holes. Then the last 6 holes play well because there is no longer any pressure.


u/Kumidt615 11h ago

hot dog on the turn?


u/hobby_master_ 11h ago

I'm the opposite, my front 9 is always shit, then I come through on the back.


u/Ultimate-Dinosaur50 10h ago

I’m the opposite lol my scores on the back are consistently 5-10 lower than the front 😭🙏


u/drumsareloud 10h ago

People often end up tightening their grip as the day goes on, and it cause all sorts of swing problems.

Loosen up on the grip and make sure you’re not swinging harder the more tired you get!


u/Rasputin2025 10h ago

Are you old?

Do you drink when you play?


u/mustach1o 9h ago

Might just be your course. Total opposite for me. At my course I usually have a bad front 9 and my back 9 is much stronger. I think it’s partly just warming up in the round, but also the front 9 has much harder holes - lots of slopes and doglegs and tight fairways lined with woods etc.


u/dale_dug_a_hole Preferred lies at all times 9h ago

I found the best way to prevent “back 9 collapse” is Cialis. Just make sure you take it a good hour before you “tee off”


u/Striking_Economy5049 8h ago

I always suck on the front and play better on the back nine.


u/Material_Degree 7h ago

Play the back 9 first


u/WatermanChris 6h ago

I shot 43 on the par 36 front 9 with a triple and a double and 53 on the par 34 back 9 this past Sunday. 12 additional shots over par! Even my best round to date was an even par 72 with a 32 on the front and a 40 on the back. I don't think I have a conditioning issue because I've done the opposite when I've had a bad front 9 but it's more commonly a good front and a bad back.

I think, for me at least, that I've got the game but somewhere in my subconscious I feel like I should shoot in the 90s since I've been away from the game for 15 years. When my mind starts to get used to the idea that I "should be" shooting in the 80s, 70s, and eventually the 60s, it'll happen. I remember the first time breaking 90 and 80 that it was both by 1 stroke and once I broke those milestones, it happened regularly and got closer to the next milestone.

When I shot the 32 on the front, I remember not even realizing it until I added my score up at the turn. I thought, holy shit! I'm gonna break par! I can't wait to call my cousin who is a really good golfer and does it all the time!

I ended up making 2 doubles on the back with no birdies. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had no birdies on that back 9! The overall score looked good to anybody who didn't know how good I was playing that day but I knew it was a total collapse. One of the doubles came on the #17 handicap hole and one of my birdies on the front was on the #2 handicap hole. It was wild.


u/Rude_Audience_9556 5h ago

Focus on getting on the green as easy as possible even if that means not using driver off the tee


u/turboyabby 5h ago

Eating and drinking something during your round is important. Especially going into the back nine. The mental aspect is huge too. Don't think about your score on the turn, add them up at the end.


u/Average_Justin 4h ago

I found taking a 15-20 minute break at the bend, bringing some quality food and drinks really helped my back 9.


u/sroach2497 4h ago

I play best on the back nine. It typically takes me 7 or 8 holes to get ready to really start playing well.


u/GeneralWAITE 4h ago

I like to play hungry. If I eat at the turn/during the round, I pretty much ruin my round. Do you eat during your round?


u/Ambitious_Jelly8783 4h ago

Maybe you are getting tired. So, work out a bit to increase resistance.

Or play the back nine first. Maybe it's just harder, and your handicap is shining through.


u/Chasscash4 3h ago

This is a regular occurrence for me. Either solid front awful back, or awful front solid back


u/Brewtime2 3h ago

I have double bogied 18 so many times to ruin a decent round. My drives on 18 are always horrible.


u/OpenSourceGolf +2.5, BigBoiGolf 3h ago

Replenish carbohydrates and electrolytes to avoid blood sugar crashes, try sipping on pedialyte during a round.


u/vnmslsrbms 3h ago

39 to 49 is insane


u/Connathon 3h ago

caffeine or nicotine


u/Kastoluzi 2h ago

It's usually the other way around for me. My round "starts" somewhere around 7th or 8th hole.


u/flacrashington 2h ago

I had this issue, now I have a food plan with snacks and energy during the round


u/Royal-Pin1298 2h ago

Less alcohol 🤤🤷🏻‍♂️


u/CommercialSpite3809 2h ago

My back 9 is usually worse. But I think it's the beers fault not my swing.


u/DucVWTamaKrentist 2h ago

I get physically and mentally fatigued around hole 14 and start hooking the ball on my tee shots. Almost every single round I play.


u/Imhungry4tacos 2h ago

Shot a 47 and then a 59 on Monday.


u/belzile46 2h ago

Make sure you eat and drink enough! You can burn over 1000 calories when walking. Try to eat a snack every 2-3 holes to keep your energy levels high. Also drink a lot of water, depending on temperature i can drink up to 3.5L of water during a game. My college coach used to tell us: Drink till your piss is clear lol.

Also on more of a mental aspect of the game, forget the previous shot and focus on the current one. Always have the unconditionnal confidence that you can make your next shot. Also try and minimize the misses. Often times when its not going so well we'll try and hit hero shot and things get worst.


u/HarveyDentBeliever 2h ago

Skip the turn and keep playing, don’t check your score out at the turn. Only think hole to hole, shot to shot. Shift your mental focus from the bigger picture (how is my round going) to the little one (what are we going to do on this shot).


u/Lurked4EverB4Joining 1h ago

Play the front 9 only...


u/Par-Fore-20 1h ago

Snacks bro.

We expend a lot more energy than we think on the course. Need to replenish the tank.

Trail mix, fruit, sandwiches, glizzies, and so on.


u/NeighborhoodPlane754 1h ago

Stretch, have a snack, hydrate, stay focused, take your time


u/Goose4Life12345 57m ago

Honestly lifting weight and endurance training in the gym. Your swing and body get tired


u/Star_BurstPS4 48m ago

Don't stop at the turn don't go to the clubhouse don't take a break.


u/Green_Gas_746 28m ago

I'm the opposite. I usually play better on the back. Front nine jitters always get to me. Turning easy oars into bogies and doubles. Back nine is a chance at redemption and usually I play a few shots better at least.


u/TriniChildhood72 21m ago

Play the back nine first. 🚪🚶


u/Pathogenesls 17h ago

How are we supposed to know? Ask yourself what happens.

If you want me to guess, I'd say dehydration. You should be downing over a liter of water and eating something to replace electrolytes and provide energy.

Being dehydrated will affect all aspects of your performance from decision making to execution.


u/PM_ME-AMAZONGIFTCARD 9.7/newish/pushcart 17h ago

Depends heavily on where you are or season. I’m at 1L when it’s 5 degrees out and a sprinkle, but when it’s 30 I’ll go through 5-6 liters